Beispiel #1
        public double ReadDigitalPulseWidth(string counter, CIPulseWidthStartingEdge StartingEdge, double minPW_InSeconds, double maxPW_InSeconds)
            // This example uses the default source (or gate) terminal for
            // the counter of your device.  To determine what the default
            // counter pins for your device are or to set a different source
            // (or gate) pin, refer to the Connecting Counter Signals topic
            // in the NI-DAQmx Help (search for "Connecting Counter Signals").
            // Uses default PFI 9/P2.1 as the pulse input.
            // Returns PW in seconds.

            double pulseWidth = 0;
            Task   myTask     = null;

            NationalInstruments.DAQmx.CounterReader myCounterReader;

                myTask = new Task();
                                                          "Meas Pulse Width", minPW_InSeconds,
                                                          maxPW_InSeconds, StartingEdge,
                //RLC Wait up to 5 sec default was 10 sec
                myTask.Stream.Timeout = 5000;
                myCounterReader       = new CounterReader(myTask.Stream);

                // For .NET Framework 2.0 or later, use SynchronizeCallbacks to specify that the object
                // marshals callbacks across threads appropriately.
                myCounterReader.SynchronizeCallbacks = true;
                // For .NET Framework 1.1, set SynchronizingObject to the Windows Form to specify
                // that the object marshals callbacks across threads appropriately.
                //myCounterReader.SynchronizingObject = this;

                //rlc AsyncCallback myCallback = new AsyncCallback(MeasurementCallback);
                //myCounterReader.BeginReadSingleSampleDouble(myCallback, null);
                IAsyncResult ar = null;
                ar = myCounterReader.BeginReadSingleSampleDouble(null, null);

                pulseWidth = myCounterReader.EndReadSingleSampleDouble(ar);
            catch (Exception exception)
                mstr_Error = exception.Message;
                pulseWidth = -1;
                if (myTask != null)

Beispiel #2
        //Measures the PW on PFI 9/P2_1
        public double ReadPulseWidth(string lines, CIPulseWidthStartingEdge StartingEdge)
            double PW = 0;
            double minPW_InSeconds = 0.000000100;
            double maxPW_InSeconds = 0.830000000;

            PW = ReadDigitalPulseWidth(lines, StartingEdge, minPW_InSeconds, maxPW_InSeconds);
