public static UIImage BufferToImage (Color[] buffer, int width, int height)
			byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Length * 4];
			int j = 0;
			for (int i=0; i<buffer.Length; i++, j+= 4) {
				bytes[j+0] = buffer[i].R;
				bytes[j+1] = buffer[i].G;
				bytes[j+2] = buffer[i].B;
				bytes[j+3] = 255;
			CGDataProvider dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
			CGImage image = new CGImage(
				4 * width, 
				CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrderDefault | CGBitmapFlags.Last, 
			return new UIImage(image);
        /// <summary>
        /// バイト配列からWriteableBitmapを生成する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">幅</param>
        /// <param name="height">高さ</param>
        /// <param name="array">ピクセルデータ</param>
        /// <returns>WriteableBitmapオブジェクト</returns>
        public static UIImage FromArray(this UIImage bmp, byte[] array)
            var cgImage = bmp.CGImage;

	        int width = cgImage.Width;
	        int height = cgImage.Height;
	        int bitsPerComponent = cgImage.BitsPerComponent;
	        int bitsPerPixel = cgImage.BitsPerPixel;
	        int bytesPerRow = cgImage.BytesPerRow;
	        var colorSpace = cgImage.ColorSpace;
	        var bitmapInfo = cgImage.BitmapInfo;
	        var shouldInterpolate = cgImage.ShouldInterpolate;
	        var intent = cgImage.RenderingIntent; 

            // 画像処理後のbyte配列を元にデータプロバイダーを作成する
            CGImage effectedCgImage;

            using (var effectedDataProvider = new CGDataProvider(array, 0, array.Length))
                // データプロバイダーからCGImageを作成し、CGImageからUIImageを作成する
                effectedCgImage = new CGImage(
                    width, height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
                    colorSpace, bitmapInfo, effectedDataProvider,
                    null, shouldInterpolate, intent);
            return new UIImage(effectedCgImage);
		public System.IO.Stream RenderToStream (byte[] documentData, int pageIndex)
			using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (documentData))
				// open document
				using (Document doc = new Document (ms)) 
					// prepare for rendering
					int width = (int)doc.Pages [pageIndex].Width;
					int height = (int)doc.Pages [pageIndex].Height;
					// render the page to a raw bitmap data represented by byte array
					byte[] imageData = ConvertBGRAtoRGBA(doc.Pages [pageIndex].RenderAsBytes (width,height, new RenderingSettings (), null));

					// create CGDataProvider which will serve CGImage creation
					CGDataProvider dataProvider = new CGDataProvider (imageData, 0, imageData.Length);

					// create core graphics image using data provider created above, note that
					// we use CGImageAlphaInfo.Last(ARGB) pixel format
					CGImage cgImage = new CGImage(width,height,8,32,width*4,CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB(),CGImageAlphaInfo.Last,dataProvider,null,false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

					// create UIImage and save it to gallery
					UIImage finalImage = new UIImage (cgImage);
					return finalImage.AsPNG ().AsStream();
Beispiel #4
        public void LoadImageSource(string sImg)
            CGDataProvider dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(sImg);
            var            rbitmap      = CGImage.FromPNG(dataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            if (rbitmap != null)
                iOSbitmap = UIImage.FromImage(rbitmap);
        private static CGFont _CreateLatinMathCg()
            var manifestProvider = IosResourceProviders.Manifest();

            byte[] buffer = manifestProvider.ManifestContents(LatinMathFontName + ".otf");
            using (CGDataProvider fontDataProvider = new CGDataProvider(buffer))
                var r = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontDataProvider);
Beispiel #6
        static CGImage DeserializeToCGImage(byte[] ser)
            CGDataProvider dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(ser, 0, ser.Length);
            CGImage        img          = CGImage.FromPNG(dataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            if (img == null)
                throw new FormatException();
 static AppleMathFont()
     using var fontDataProvider = new CGDataProvider(
                   new Resources.ManifestResourceProvider(
                       ).ManifestStream(LatinMathFontName + ".otf")
     LatinMathCG = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontDataProvider);
Beispiel #8
		public void FromPNG ()
			string file = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "basn3p08.png");
			using (var dp = new CGDataProvider (file))
			using (var img = CGImage.FromPNG (dp, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default))
			using (var ui = new UIImage (img, 1.0f, UIImageOrientation.Up)) {
				Assert.IsNotNull (ui.CGImage, "CGImage");

				if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (7, 0))
					Assert.That (img.UTType.ToString (), Is.EqualTo ("public.png"), "UTType");
		public IImage LoadImage (Stream stream)
			var mem = new MemoryStream ((int)stream.Length);
			stream.CopyTo (mem);
			unsafe {
				fixed (byte *x = mem.GetBuffer ()) {
					var provider = new CGDataProvider (new IntPtr (x), (int)mem.Length, false);
					var image = CGImage.FromPNG (provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
					return new CGImageImage (image, 1);
Beispiel #10
        partial void ScreenButton_down(UIButton sender)
            if (!isScreen)
                ScreenshotView.Hidden = false;
                ScreenBtn.SetTitle("Hide screen", UIControlState.Normal);
                isScreen = true;

                int    val = 1920 * 1080 * 4 + 8;              //ARGB 1920x1080 + 8(iosspecific)
                IntPtr b   = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(val);

                int val1 = -1;                 //return realsize after getvideoshot
                int val2 = -1;                 //return realsize after getvideoshot
                int val3 = 0;                  //return realsize after getvideoshot

                int rc = _mediaPlayer.GetVideoShot(b, ref val, ref val1, ref val2, ref val3);
                if (rc == -2)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("<binary> rc: {0} , not enough space allocated", rc));
                else if (rc == -1)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("<binary> rc: {0} , error", rc));

                CGDataProvider provider         = new CGDataProvider(b, val);
                int            bitsPerComponent = 8;
                int            bitsPerPixel     = 32;
                int            bytesPerRow      = val3;

                CGColorSpace           colorspaceref = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
                CGBitmapFlags          bitmapinfo    = CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Little | CGBitmapFlags.NoneSkipFirst;
                CGColorRenderingIntent renderintent  = CGColorRenderingIntent.Default;
                CGImage imageref = new CGImage(val1, val2, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, val3, colorspaceref, bitmapinfo, provider, null, true, renderintent);

                UIImage img = new UIImage(imageref);
                ScrenShotImageView.Image = img;
                ScreenBtn.SetTitle("Screen", UIControlState.Normal);
                ScreenshotView.Hidden = true;
                isScreen = false;
Beispiel #11
        public static NSImage ToNSImage(this Image img)
            MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream();

            img.Save(s, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            byte[]         b  = s.ToArray();
            CGDataProvider dp = new CGDataProvider(b, 0, (int)s.Length);

            CGImage img2 =
                CGImage.FromPNG(dp, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            return(new NSImage(img2, new SizeF(img2.Width, img2.Height)));
Beispiel #12
 public UIImage ToImage()
     using (var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(pixelData, 0, pixelData.Length)) {
         using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB()) {
             using (var cgImage = new CGImage(width, height, bitsPerComponent,
                                              bitsPerComponent * bytesPerPixel, bytesPerPixel * width, colorSpace,
                                              CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrderDefault, dataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)) {
                 image     = null;
                 pixelData = null;
                 return(UIImage.FromImage(cgImage, 0, orientation));
Beispiel #13
        public static void LoadFont(string name, string format)
            var bundle  = NSBundle.FromClass(new Class(typeof(NBMaterialCircularActivityIndicator)));
            var fontURL = bundle.GetUrlForResource(name, format);
            var data    = NSData.FromUrl(fontURL);

            var provider = new CGDataProvider(data);
            var font     = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider);

            NSError error;

            if (!CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(font, out error))
                throw new NSErrorException(error);
Beispiel #14
        public CGImage CreateImageWithAutoReleasePool(int c = 1)
            using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                var colorSpace      = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
                var width           = 1000;
                var height          = 1000;
                var bitsPerSample   = 8;
                var components      = 3;//RGB
                var bitsPerPixel    = bitsPerSample * components;
                var bytesPerRow     = bitsPerPixel / 8 * width;
                var bufferToDisplay = new byte[width * height * components];
                var bufferDontUse   = new byte[width * height * components * 2];

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"   Allocated buffer size {bufferToDisplay.Length} + {bufferDontUse.Length}");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"  before local GC {GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - baseMemory}");
                bufferDontUse = null;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"  after local GC {GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - baseMemory}");

                int a = 0;
                for (int cnt = 0; cnt < width * height; cnt++)
                    bufferToDisplay[a++] = c % 3 == 0 ? (byte)0xFF : (byte)0x00;
                    bufferToDisplay[a++] = c % 3 == 1 ? (byte)0xFF : (byte)0x00;
                    bufferToDisplay[a++] = c % 3 == 2 ? (byte)0xFF : (byte)0x00;

                using (var data = new CGDataProvider(bufferToDisplay))
                    var cgImage = new CGImage(
                        decode: null,
                        shouldInterpolate: false,
                        intent: CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
                    bufferToDisplay = null;
Beispiel #15
		public void Pasteboard_ImagesTest ()
			string file = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "basn3p08.png");
			using (var dp = new CGDataProvider (file)) {
				using (var cgimg = CGImage.FromPNG (dp, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)) {
					using (var img = new UIImage (cgimg)) {
						UIPasteboard.General.Images = new UIImage[] { img };
						Assert.AreEqual (1, UIPasteboard.General.Images.Length, "a - length");

						UIPasteboard.General.Images = new UIImage[] { img, img };
						Assert.AreEqual (2, UIPasteboard.General.Images.Length, "b - length");
						Assert.IsNotNull (UIPasteboard.General.Images [0], "b - nonnull[0]");
						Assert.IsNotNull (UIPasteboard.General.Images [1], "b - nonnull[0]");
        public void CreateWithUnownedMemory()
            const string canary = "canary";
            var          source = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(canary);
            IntPtr       memory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(20);

            Marshal.Copy(source, 0, memory, source.Length);
            using (var provider = new CGDataProvider(memory, 20, false)) {
                // `memory` is copied, but not freed (but the copy is freed)
                Assert.That(provider.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo(IntPtr.Zero), "Handle");
            // so `memory` still accessible afterward and must be freed
            // using `canary.Length` since the allocated memory might not be zero'ed
            // so reading back the string would not hit a null after what we copied
            Assert.That(Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(memory, canary.Length), Is.EqualTo(canary), "canary check");
Beispiel #17
        public NativeBitmap(int width, int height, int bitCount)
            int bytesInPixel = bitCount / 8;

            colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
            int bitsLength = bytesInPixel * width * height;

            //bits = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (bitsLength);
            bits = new byte[bitsLength];
            Console.WriteLine($"allocating {bits.Length / 1024} KB");

            //cgdata = new CGDataProvider (bits, bitsLength);
            cgdata = new CGDataProvider(bits, 0, bitsLength);

            cgimage = new CGImage(width, height, 8, bitCount, bytesInPixel * width, colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.None | (CGImageAlphaInfo)CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Big, cgdata, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
            image   = UIImage.FromImage(cgimage);
        public void Save(string path)
            var    extension = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLowerInvariant();
            string uttype;

            switch (extension)
            case ".png": uttype = "public.png"; break;

            case ".jpg":
            case ".jpeg": uttype = "public.jpeg"; break;

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
                                                    "FramePixelData.Save cannot save images of type: {0}", extension));

            //var documentsDir = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

            var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_data, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            try {
                var sizeOfColor = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Color));
                using (var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(
                           handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), _data.Length * sizeOfColor, false))
                    using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB())
                        using (var image = new CGImage(
                                   Width, Height, 8, 32, Width * sizeOfColor, colorSpace,
                                   CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Little | CGBitmapFlags.First,
                                   dataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)) {
                            //var fullPath = Path.Combine (documentsDir, path);

                            var url         = NSUrl.FromFilename(Path.GetFullPath(path));
                            var destination = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, uttype, 1);
                            destination.AddImage(image, null);
                            if (!destination.Close())
                                throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                                        "Failed to write the image to '{0}'", path));
            } finally {
Beispiel #19
        public SKSurface CreateSurface(CGRect contentsBounds, nfloat scale, out SKImageInfo info)
            // apply a scale
            contentsBounds.Width  *= scale;
            contentsBounds.Height *= scale;

            // get context details
            Info = info = CreateInfo((int)contentsBounds.Width, (int)contentsBounds.Height);

            // if there are no pixels, clean up and return
            if (info.Width == 0 || info.Height == 0)

            // if the memory size has changed, then reset the underlying memory
            if (bitmapData?.Length != (nuint)info.BytesSize)

            // allocate a memory block for the drawing process
            if (bitmapData == null)
                bitmapData = NSMutableData.FromLength(info.BytesSize);

                // in case allocation has failed
                if (bitmapData == null)
                    info = Info;

                dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(bitmapData.MutableBytes, info.BytesSize, Dummy);

                void Dummy(IntPtr data)
                    // do nothing as we manage the memory separately

            return(SKSurface.Create(info, bitmapData.MutableBytes, info.RowBytes));
Beispiel #20
 public bool ReadFile(String fileName, Mat mat, CvEnum.ImreadModes loadType)
         using (CGDataProvider provider = new CGDataProvider(fileName))
             using (CGImage tmp = CGImage.FromPNG(provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default))
                 CGImageExtension.ConvertCGImageToArray(tmp, mat, loadType);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #21
        internal static CGImage GetImage(this CGBitmapContext bitmapContext)
            var provider = new CGDataProvider(bitmapContext.Data, bitmapContext.BytesPerRow * bitmapContext.Height, true);

            var NativeCGImage = new CGImage(bitmapContext.Width,

Beispiel #22
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			var w = 100;
			var h = 100;
			var componentNum = 4; // RGBA
			var bytesPerRow = w * componentNum;
			var bitsPerComponent = 8;
			var data = new byte [bytesPerRow * h];
			for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
				for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++) {
					data [y * bytesPerRow + componentNum * x + 3] = 255;
			var provider = new CGDataProvider (data);
			var img = new CGImage (w, h, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerComponent * componentNum, bytesPerRow, CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB (), CGBitmapFlags.Last, provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
			MyImage.Image = new NSImage (img, new CGSize (w, h));
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the specified color data as an image using the specified encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">An array containing the image's color data.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The width of the image in pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height of the image in pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to which to save the image data.</param>
 /// <param name="encoder">A function which produces an encoded data stream for the image.</param>
 private unsafe void Save(Color[] data, Int32 width, Int32 height, Stream stream, Func<UIImage, NSData> encoder)
     fixed (Color* pdata = data)
         using (var cgColorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB())
         using (var cgDataProvider = new CGDataProvider((IntPtr)pdata, sizeof(Color) * width * height, false))
         using (var cgImage = new CGImage(width, height, 8, 32, width * 4, cgColorSpace, CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast, cgDataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default))
             using (var img = UIImage.FromImage(cgImage))
                 using (var imgData = encoder(img))
                 using (var imgStream = imgData.AsStream())
Beispiel #24
		public void Save (string path)
			var extension = Path.GetExtension (path).ToLowerInvariant ();
			string uttype;
			switch (extension) {
			case ".png": uttype = "public.png"; break;
			case ".jpg":
			case ".jpeg": uttype = "public.jpeg"; break;
				throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
					"FramePixelData.Save cannot save images of type: {0}", extension));

			//var documentsDir = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

			var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
			try {
				var sizeOfColor = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Color));
				using (var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(
					handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), _data.Length * sizeOfColor, false))
				using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB())
				using (var image = new CGImage(
					Width, Height, 8, 32, Width * sizeOfColor, colorSpace,
					CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Little | CGBitmapFlags.First,
					dataProvider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)) {

					//var fullPath = Path.Combine (documentsDir, path);

					var url = NSUrl.FromFilename (Path.GetFullPath(path));
					var destination = CGImageDestination.FromUrl(url, uttype, 1);
					destination.AddImage(image, null);
					if (!destination.Close())
						throw new Exception (string.Format (
							"Failed to write the image to '{0}'", path));
			} finally {
				handle.Free ();
Beispiel #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Init this instance to 
		/// </summary>
		public static void Init()
			NControl.Controls.FontLoader.LoadFonts (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(), (fontName, s) => {

				var data = new byte[s.Length];
				s.Read (data, 0, data.Length);

				var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider (data, 0, data.Length);
				var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider (dataProvider);
				NSError error;

				var registered = CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out error);
				if (!registered)
					// If the error code is 105 then the font we are trying to register is already registered
					// We will not report this as an error.
					if (error.Code != 105)
						throw new ArgumentException("Error registering: " + fontName + 
							" (" + error.LocalizedDescription + ")");
Beispiel #26
        public byte[] ToPng(CImageByte img)
            var provider = new CGDataProvider(img.Bytes, 0, (int)img.Length);
            int bitsPerComponent = 8;
            int components = (int)img.Channel;
            int bitsPerPixel = components * bitsPerComponent;
            int bytesPerRow = (int)img.Stride;

            // Tip:  When you create a bitmap graphics context, 
            // you’ll get the best performance if you make sure the data and bytesPerRow are 16-byte aligned.

            bool shouldInterpolate = false;
            var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
            var cgImage = new CGImage(
                (int)img.Width, (int)img.Height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
                 colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast, provider,
                 null, shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            var uimg = UIImage.FromImage(cgImage);

            Console.WriteLine("topng info: " + uimg.Size.ToString());

            return uimg.AsPNG().ToArray();
Beispiel #27
        public Bitmap(int width, int height, PixelFormat format)
            int bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow;
            CGColorSpace colorSpace;
            CGBitmapFlags bitmapInfo;
            bool premultiplied = false;
            int bitsPerPixel = 0;

            switch (format){
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb:
                premultiplied = true;
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb:
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb:
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.None;
                throw new Exception ("Format not supported: " + format);
            bytesPerRow = width * bitsPerPixel/bitsPerComponent;
            int size = bytesPerRow * height;
            bitmapBlock = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size);

            var provider = new CGDataProvider (bitmapBlock, size, true);
            NativeCGImage = new CGImage (width, height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapInfo, provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
        protected INativeObject GetINativeInstance(Type t)
            var ctor = t.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);
            if ((ctor != null) && !ctor.IsAbstract)
                return ctor.Invoke (null) as INativeObject;

            if (!NativeObjectInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom (t))
                throw new ArgumentException ("t");
            switch (t.Name) {
            case "CFAllocator":
                return CFAllocator.SystemDefault;
            case "CFBundle":
                var bundles = CFBundle.GetAll ();
                if (bundles.Length > 0)
                    return bundles [0];
                    throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name));
            case "CFNotificationCenter":
                return CFNotificationCenter.Darwin;
            case "CFReadStream":
            case "CFStream":
                CFReadStream readStream;
                CFWriteStream writeStream;
                CFStream.CreatePairWithSocketToHost ("", 80, out readStream, out writeStream);
                return readStream;
            case "CFWriteStream":
                CFStream.CreatePairWithSocketToHost ("", 80, out readStream, out writeStream);
                return writeStream;
            case "CFUrl":
                return CFUrl.FromFile ("/etc");
            case "AudioFile":
                var path = Path.GetFullPath ("1.caf");
                var af = AudioFile.Open (CFUrl.FromFile (path), AudioFilePermission.Read, AudioFileType.CAF);
                return af;
            case "CFHTTPMessage":
                return CFHTTPMessage.CreateEmpty (false);
            case "CGBitmapContext":
                byte[] data = new byte [400];
                using (CGColorSpace space = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ()) {
                    return new CGBitmapContext (data, 10, 10, 8, 40, space, CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast);
            case "CGContextPDF":
                var filename = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonDocuments) + "/t.pdf";
                using (var url = new NSUrl (filename))
                    return new CGContextPDF (url);
            case "CGColorConverter":
                var cvt = new CGColorConverterTriple () {
                    Space = CGColorSpace.CreateGenericRgb (),
                    Intent = CGColorRenderingIntent.Default,
                    Transform = CGColorConverterTransformType.ApplySpace
                return new CGColorConverter (null, cvt, cvt, cvt);
            case "CGDataConsumer":
                using (NSMutableData destData = new NSMutableData ()) {
                    return new CGDataConsumer (destData);
            case "CGDataProvider":
                filename = "xamarin1.png";
                return new CGDataProvider (filename);
            case "CGFont":
                return CGFont.CreateWithFontName ("Courier New");
            case "CGPattern":
                return new CGPattern (
                    new RectangleF (0, 0, 16, 16),
                    CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity (),
                    16, 16,
                    (cgc) => {});
            case "CMBufferQueue":
                return CMBufferQueue.CreateUnsorted (2);
            case "CTFont":
                CTFontDescriptorAttributes fda = new CTFontDescriptorAttributes () {
                    FamilyName = "Courier",
                    StyleName = "Bold",
                    Size = 16.0f
                using (var fd = new CTFontDescriptor (fda))
                    return new CTFont (fd, 10, CTFontOptions.Default);
            case "CTFontCollection":
                return new CTFontCollection (new CTFontCollectionOptions ());
            case "CTFontDescriptor":
                fda = new CTFontDescriptorAttributes ();
                return new CTFontDescriptor (fda);
            case "CTTextTab":
                return new CTTextTab (CTTextAlignment.Left, 2);
            case "CTTypesetter":
                return new CTTypesetter (new NSAttributedString ("Hello, world",
                    new CTStringAttributes () {
                        ForegroundColorFromContext =  true,
                        Font = new CTFont ("Arial", 24)
            case "CTFrame":
                var framesetter = new CTFramesetter (new NSAttributedString ("Hello, world",
                    new CTStringAttributes () {
                        ForegroundColorFromContext =  true,
                        Font = new CTFont ("Arial", 24)
                var bPath = UIBezierPath.FromRect (new RectangleF (0, 0, 3, 3));
                return framesetter.GetFrame (new NSRange (0, 0), bPath.CGPath, null);
            case "CTFramesetter":
                return new CTFramesetter (new NSAttributedString ("Hello, world",
                    new CTStringAttributes () {
                        ForegroundColorFromContext =  true,
                        Font = new CTFont ("Arial", 24)
            case "CTGlyphInfo":
                return new CTGlyphInfo ("Zapfino", new CTFont ("Arial", 24), "Foo");
            case "CTLine":
                return new CTLine (new NSAttributedString ("Hello, world",
                    new CTStringAttributes () {
                        ForegroundColorFromContext =  true,
                        Font = new CTFont ("Arial", 24)
            case "CGImageDestination":
                var storage = new NSMutableData ();
                return CGImageDestination.Create (new CGDataConsumer (storage), "public.png", 1);
            case "CGImageMetadataTag":
                using (NSString name = new NSString ("tagName"))
                using (var value = new NSString ("value"))
                    return new CGImageMetadataTag (CGImageMetadataTagNamespaces.Exif, CGImageMetadataTagPrefixes.Exif, name, CGImageMetadataType.Default, value);
            case "CGImageSource":
                filename = "xamarin1.png";
                return CGImageSource.FromUrl (NSUrl.FromFilename (filename));
            case "SecPolicy":
                return SecPolicy.CreateSslPolicy (false, null);
            case "SecIdentity":
                using (var options = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey (new NSString ("farscape"), SecImportExport.Passphrase)) {
                    NSDictionary[] array;
                    var result = SecImportExport.ImportPkcs12 (farscape_pfx, options, out array);
                    if (result != SecStatusCode.Success)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Could not create the new instance for type {0} due to {1}.", t.Name, result));
                    return new SecIdentity (array [0].LowlevelObjectForKey (SecImportExport.Identity.Handle));
            case "SecTrust":
                X509Certificate x = new X509Certificate (mail_google_com);
                using (var policy = SecPolicy.CreateSslPolicy (true, ""))
                    return new SecTrust (x, policy);
            case "SslContext":
                return new SslContext (SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Stream);
            case "UIFontFeature":
                return new UIFontFeature (CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers);
            case "NetworkReachability":
                return new NetworkReachability (IPAddress.Loopback, null);
            #if !__TVOS__
            case "VTCompressionSession":
            case "VTSession":
                return VTCompressionSession.Create (1024, 768, CMVideoCodecType.H264, (sourceFrame, status, flags, buffer) => { }, null, (CVPixelBufferAttributes) null);
            case "VTFrameSilo":
                return VTFrameSilo.Create ();
            case "VTMultiPassStorage":
                return VTMultiPassStorage.Create ();
            case "CFString":
                return new CFString ("test");
            case "DispatchQueue":
                return new DispatchQueue ("com.example.subsystem.taskXYZ");
            case "DispatchGroup":
                return DispatchGroup.Create ();
            case "CGColorSpace":
                return CGColorSpace.CreateAcesCGLinear ();
            case "CGGradient":
                CGColor[] cArray = { UIColor.Black.CGColor, UIColor.Clear.CGColor, UIColor.Blue.CGColor };
                return new CGGradient (null, cArray);
            case "CGImage":
                filename = "xamarin1.png";
                using (var dp = new CGDataProvider (filename))
                    return CGImage.FromPNG (dp, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
            case "CGColor":
                return UIColor.Black.CGColor;
            case "CMClock":
                CMClockError ce;
                CMClock clock = CMClock.CreateAudioClock (out ce);
                if (ce == CMClockError.None)
                    return clock;
                throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name));
            case "CMTimebase":
                clock = CMClock.CreateAudioClock (out ce);
                if (ce == CMClockError.None) {
                    return new CMTimebase (clock);
                throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name));
            case "CVPixelBufferPool":
                return new CVPixelBufferPool (
                    new CVPixelBufferPoolSettings (),
                    new CVPixelBufferAttributes (CVPixelFormatType.CV24RGB, 100, 50)
            case "SecCertificate":
                using (var cdata = NSData.FromArray (mail_google_com))
                    return new SecCertificate (cdata);
            case "SecKey":
                SecKey private_key;
                SecKey public_key;
                using (var record = new SecRecord (SecKind.Key)) {
                    record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA;
                    record.KeySizeInBits = 512; // it's not a performance test :)
                    SecKey.GenerateKeyPair (record.ToDictionary (), out public_key, out private_key);
                    return private_key;
            case "SecAccessControl":
                return new SecAccessControl (SecAccessible.WhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly);
                throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name));
Beispiel #29
        private void InitWithCGImage(CGImage image)
            int	width, height;
            CGBitmapContext bitmap = null;
            bool hasAlpha;
            CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo;
            CGColorSpace colorSpace;
            int bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow;
            CGBitmapFlags bitmapInfo;
            bool premultiplied = false;
            int bitsPerPixel = 0;

            if (image == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException (" image is invalid! " );

            alphaInfo = image.AlphaInfo;
            hasAlpha = ((alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast) || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst) || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.Last) || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.First) ? true : false);

            imageSize.Width = (int)image.Width;
            imageSize.Height = (int)image.Height;

            width = (int)image.Width;
            height = (int)image.Height;

            // Not sure yet if we need to keep the original image information
            // before we change it internally.  TODO look at what windows does
            // and follow that.
            bitmapInfo = image.BitmapInfo;
            bitsPerComponent = (int)image.BitsPerComponent;
            bitsPerPixel = (int)image.BitsPerPixel;
            bytesPerRow = width * bitsPerPixel/bitsPerComponent;
            int size = bytesPerRow * height;

            colorSpace = image.ColorSpace;

            // Right now internally we represent the images all the same
            // I left the call here just in case we find that this is not
            // possible.  Read the comments for non alpha images.
            if(colorSpace != null) {
                if( hasAlpha ) {
                    premultiplied = true;
                    colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                    bitsPerComponent = 8;
                    bitsPerPixel = 32;
                    bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast;
                    // even for images without alpha we will internally
                    // represent them as RGB with alpha.  There were problems
                    // if we do not do it this way and creating a bitmap context.
                    // The images were not drawing correctly and tearing.  Also
                    // creating a Graphics to draw on was a nightmare.  This
                    // should probably be looked into or maybe it is ok and we
                    // can continue representing internally with this representation
                    premultiplied = true;
                    colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                    bitsPerComponent = 8;
                    bitsPerPixel = 32;
                    bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.NoneSkipLast;
            } else {
                premultiplied = true;
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.NoneSkipLast;

            bytesPerRow = width * bitsPerPixel/bitsPerComponent;
            size = bytesPerRow * height;

            bitmapBlock = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size);
            bitmap = new CGBitmapContext (bitmapBlock,
                                          width, height,

            bitmap.ClearRect (new CGRect (0,0,width,height));

            // We need to flip the Y axis to go from right handed to lefted handed coordinate system
            var transform = new CGAffineTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, image.Height);

            bitmap.DrawImage (new CGRect (0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), image);

            var provider = new CGDataProvider (bitmapBlock, size, true);
            NativeCGImage = new CGImage (width, height, bitsPerComponent,
                                         bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
                                         provider, null, true, image.RenderingIntent);

 static UIImage MakeUIImage(byte[] bytes, int width)
     var provider = new CGDataProvider(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
     int bitsPerComponent = 8;
     int components = 4;
     int height = bytes.Length / components / width;
     int bitsPerPixel = components * bitsPerComponent;
     int bytesPerRow = components * width;	// Tip:  When you create a bitmap graphics context, you’ll get the best performance if you make sure the data and bytesPerRow are 16-byte aligned.
     bool shouldInterpolate = false;
     var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
     var cgImage = new CGImage(width, height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
                               colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.Last, provider,
                               null, shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
     return UIImage.FromImage(cgImage);
Beispiel #31
		private static CGImage CGImageFromPNGFile (string filename)
			var provider = new CGDataProvider (filename);
			return CGImage.FromPNG (provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.AbsoluteColorimetric);
Beispiel #32
 public static bool IsAESCryptoDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProviderRef)
     return IsAESCryptoDataProvider_ (dataProviderRef.Handle);
 public static PSPDFDocument PDFDocumentWithDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider)
     return DocumentWithDataProvider_(dataProvider.Handle);
 public PSPDFDocumentProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider, PSPDFDocument document)
     : this(dataProvider.Handle, document)
Beispiel #35
        internal CGBitmapContext GetRenderableContext()
            if (cachedContext != null && cachedContext.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                return cachedContext;

            var format = GetBestSupportedFormat (pixelFormat);
            var bitmapContext = CreateCompatibleBitmapContext ((int)NativeCGImage.Width, (int)NativeCGImage.Height, format);

            bitmapContext.DrawImage (new CGRect (0, 0, NativeCGImage.Width, NativeCGImage.Height), NativeCGImage);

            int size = (int)(bitmapContext.BytesPerRow * bitmapContext.Height);
            var provider = new CGDataProvider (bitmapContext.Data, size, true);

            CGColorSpace colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
            NativeCGImage = new CGImage ((int)bitmapContext.Width, (int)bitmapContext.Height, (int)bitmapContext.BitsPerComponent,
                                         (int)bitmapContext.BitsPerPixel, (int)bitmapContext.BytesPerRow,
                                         provider, null, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
            colorSpace.Dispose ();
            cachedContext = bitmapContext;

            return cachedContext;
Beispiel #36
        public Bitmap(int width, int height, PixelFormat format)
            imageTransform = new CGAffineTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, height);

            int bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow;
            CGColorSpace colorSpace;
            CGBitmapFlags bitmapInfo;
            bool premultiplied = false;
            int bitsPerPixel = 0;

            pixelFormat = format;

            // Don't forget to set the Image width and height for size.
            imageSize.Width = width;
            imageSize.Height = height;

            switch (format){
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb:
            case PixelFormat.DontCare:
                premultiplied = true;
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb:
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst;
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb:
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.NoneSkipLast;
            case PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb:
                colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ();
                bitsPerComponent = 8;
                bitsPerPixel = 32;
                bitmapInfo = CGBitmapFlags.NoneSkipLast;
                throw new Exception ("Format not supported: " + format);
            bytesPerRow = width * bitsPerPixel/bitsPerComponent;
            int size = bytesPerRow * height;

            bitmapBlock = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (size);
            var bitmap = new CGBitmapContext (bitmapBlock,
                                          width, height,
            // This works for now but we need to look into initializing the memory area itself
            // TODO: Look at what we should do if the image does not have alpha channel
            bitmap.ClearRect (new CGRect (0,0,width,height));

            var provider = new CGDataProvider (bitmapBlock, size, true);
            NativeCGImage = new CGImage (width, height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapInfo, provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            dpiWidth = dpiHeight = ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI;
            physicalDimension.Width = width;
            physicalDimension.Height = height;

            // The physical size may be off on certain implementations.  For instance the dpiWidth and dpiHeight
            // are read using integers in core graphics but in windows it is a float.
            // For example:
            // coregraphics dpiWidth = 24 as integer
            // windows dpiWidth = 24.999935 as float
            // this gives a few pixels difference when calculating the physical size.
            // 256 * 96 / 24 = 1024
            // 256 * 96 / 24.999935 = 983.04
            // PR:

            physicalSize = new SizeF (physicalDimension.Width, physicalDimension.Height);
            physicalSize.Width *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiWidth;
            physicalSize.Height *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiHeight;

            rawFormat = ImageFormat.MemoryBmp;
            pixelFormat = format;
Beispiel #37
        private void MakeSureWeHaveAnAlphaChannel()
            // Initialize our prmultiplied tables.
            if (!ConversionHelpers.sTablesInitialized)
                ConversionHelpers.CalculateTables ();

            var alphaInfo = NativeCGImage.AlphaInfo;
            var hasAlpha = ((alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast)
                            || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst)
                            || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.Last)
                            || (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.First) ? true : false);

            if (cachedContext != null && cachedContext.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)

            // set our pixel format
            pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
            // and mark the rawformat as from memory
            rawFormat = ImageFormat.MemoryBmp;

            //format = GetBestSupportedFormat (pixelFormat);
            cachedContext = CreateCompatibleBitmapContext ((int)NativeCGImage.Width, (int)NativeCGImage.Height, pixelFormat);

            // Fill our pixel data with the actual image information
            cachedContext.DrawImage (new CGRect (0, 0, (int)NativeCGImage.Width, (int)NativeCGImage.Height), NativeCGImage);

            // Dispose of the prevous image that is allocated.
            NativeCGImage.Dispose ();

            // Get a reference to the pixel data
            bitmapBlock = cachedContext.Data;
            int size = (int)(cachedContext.BytesPerRow * cachedContext.Height);
            var provider = new CGDataProvider (cachedContext.Data, size, true);

            // Get the image from the bitmap context.
            //NativeCGImage = bitmapContext.ToImage ();
            CGColorSpace colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
            NativeCGImage = new CGImage ((int)cachedContext.Width, (int)cachedContext.Height, (int)cachedContext.BitsPerComponent,
                                         (int)cachedContext.BitsPerPixel, (int)cachedContext.BytesPerRow,
                                         provider, null, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
            colorSpace.Dispose ();
Beispiel #38
 public IImage LoadImage(string path)
     var provider = new CGDataProvider (path);
     CGImage image;
     if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension (path).ToLowerInvariant () == ".png") {
         image = CGImage.FromPNG (provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
     } else {
         image = CGImage.FromJPEG (provider, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);
     return new CGImageImage (image, 1);
Beispiel #39
        public UIImage Capture()
            // This is from:

            int backingWidth, backingHeight;

            // Bind the color renderbuffer used to render the OpenGL ES view
            // If your application only creates a single color renderbuffer which is already bound at this point,
            // this call is redundant, but it is needed if you're dealing with multiple renderbuffers.
            // Note, replace "_colorRenderbuffer" with the actual name of the renderbuffer object defined in your class.
            gl.BindRenderbuffer (All.RenderbufferOes, Renderbuffer);

            // Get the size of the backing CAEAGLLayer
            gl.GetRenderbufferParameter (All.RenderbufferOes, All.RenderbufferWidthOes, out backingWidth);
            gl.GetRenderbufferParameter (All.RenderbufferOes, All.RenderbufferHeightOes, out backingHeight);

            int width = backingWidth, height = backingHeight;
            int dataLength = width * height * 4;
            byte[] data = new byte [dataLength];

            // Read pixel data from the framebuffer
            gl.PixelStore (All.PackAlignment, 4);
            gl.ReadPixels (0, 0, width, height, All.Rgba, All.UnsignedByte, data);

            // Create a CGImage with the pixel data
            // If your OpenGL ES content is opaque, use kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast to ignore the alpha channel
            // otherwise, use kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast
            using (var data_provider = new CGDataProvider (data, 0, data.Length)) {
                using (var colorspace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ()) {
                    using (var iref = new CGImage (width, height, 8, 32, width * 4, colorspace,
                                    (CGImageAlphaInfo) ((int) CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Big | (int) CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast),
                                    data_provider, null, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)) {

                        // OpenGL ES measures data in PIXELS
                        // Create a graphics context with the target size measured in POINTS
                        int widthInPoints, heightInPoints;
                        float scale = ContentScaleFactor;
                        widthInPoints = (int) (width / scale);
                        heightInPoints = (int) (height / scale);
                        UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions (new System.Drawing.SizeF (widthInPoints, heightInPoints), false, scale);

                        try {
                            var cgcontext = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ();

                            // UIKit coordinate system is upside down to GL/Quartz coordinate system
                            // Flip the CGImage by rendering it to the flipped bitmap context
                            // The size of the destination area is measured in POINTS
                            cgcontext.SetBlendMode (CGBlendMode.Copy);
                            cgcontext.DrawImage (new System.Drawing.RectangleF (0, 0, widthInPoints, heightInPoints), iref);

                            // Retrieve the UIImage from the current context
                            var image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext ();

                            return image;
                        } finally {
                            UIGraphics.EndImageContext ();
Beispiel #40
 public static PSPDFDocument FromDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider)
     return FromDataProvider_ (dataProvider.Handle);
 public static bool IsAesCryptoDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider)
     return IsAESCryptoDataProvider (dataProvider.Handle);
Beispiel #42
        internal void RotateFlip(RotateFlipType rotateFlipType)
            CGAffineTransform rotateFlip = CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity();

            int width, height;
            width = (int)NativeCGImage.Width;
            height = (int)NativeCGImage.Height;

            switch (rotateFlipType)
                //			case RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone:
                //			//case RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipXY:
                //				rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (b.Width, b.Height, 0, false, false);
                //				break;
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone:
                //case RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipXY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 90, false, false);
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone:
                //case RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipXY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 0, true, true);
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone:
                //case RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipXY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 270, false, false);
                case RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipX:
                //case RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 0, true, false);
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipX:
                //case RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 90, true, false);
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipX:
                //case RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 0, false, true);
                case RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipX:
                //case RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipY:
                rotateFlip = GeomUtilities.CreateRotateFlipTransform (ref width, ref height, 270, true, false);

            var format = GetBestSupportedFormat (pixelFormat);
            var bitmapContext = CreateCompatibleBitmapContext (width, height, format);

            bitmapContext.ConcatCTM (rotateFlip);

            bitmapContext.DrawImage (new CGRect (0, 0, NativeCGImage.Width, NativeCGImage.Height), NativeCGImage);

            int size = (int)(bitmapContext.BytesPerRow * bitmapContext.Height);
            var provider = new CGDataProvider (bitmapContext.Data, size, true);

            // If the width or height is not the seme we need to switch the dpiHeight and dpiWidth
            // We should be able to get around this with set resolution later.
            if (NativeCGImage.Width != width || NativeCGImage.Height != height)
                var temp = dpiWidth;
                dpiHeight = dpiWidth;
                dpiWidth = temp;

            NativeCGImage = new CGImage ((int)bitmapContext.Width, (int)bitmapContext.Height, (int)bitmapContext.BitsPerComponent,
                                         (int)bitmapContext.BitsPerPixel, (int)bitmapContext.BytesPerRow,
                                         provider, null, true, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default);

            physicalDimension.Width = (float)width;
            physicalDimension.Height = (float)height;

            physicalSize = new SizeF (physicalDimension.Width, physicalDimension.Height);
            physicalSize.Width *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiWidth;
            physicalSize.Height *= ConversionHelpers.MS_DPI / dpiHeight;

            // In windows the RawFormat is changed to MemoryBmp to show that the image has changed.
            rawFormat = ImageFormat.MemoryBmp;

            // Set our transform for this image for the new height
            imageTransform = new CGAffineTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, height);
Beispiel #43
        public Bitmap(Stream stream, bool useIcm)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("Value can not be null");

            // false: stream is owned by user code
            //nativeObject = InitFromStream (stream);
            // TODO
            // Use Image IO
            byte[] buffer;
            using(var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                buffer = memoryStream.ToArray();

            dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            InitializeImageFrame (0);
 public PSPDFDocument InitWithDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider)
     return InitWithDataProvider_(dataProvider.Handle);
Beispiel #45
        public Bitmap(string filename)
            if (filename == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("Value can not be null");

                // Use Image IO
                dataProvider = new CGDataProvider(filename);
                if (dataProvider == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException ("File {0} not found.", filename);

                InitializeImageFrame (0);
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new FileNotFoundException ("File {0} not found.", filename);
 public bool isAESCryptoDataProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider)
     return IsAESCryptoDataProvider_ (dataProvider.Handle);
        void LoadFontFile(string fileName)
            CTFont nativeFont;
            var dpiSize = 0;
            var ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ext))

                if (nativeFontDescriptors == null)
                    nativeFontDescriptors = new Dictionary<string, CTFontDescriptor> ();

                //Try loading from Bundle first
                var fontName = fileName.Substring (0, fileName.Length - ext.Length);
                var pathForResource = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource (fontName, ext.Substring(1));

                NSUrl url;

             				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathForResource))
                    url = NSUrl.FromFilename (pathForResource);
                    url = NSUrl.FromFilename (fileName);

                // We will not use CTFontManager.RegisterFontsForUrl (url, CTFontManagerScope.Process);
                // here.  The reason is that there is no way we can be sure that the font can be created to
                // to identify the family name afterwards.  So instead we will create a CGFont from a data provider.
                // create CTFont to obtain the CTFontDescriptor, store family name and font descriptor to be accessed
                // later.
                try {
                    var dataProvider = new CGDataProvider (url.Path);
                    var cgFont = CGFont.CreateFromProvider (dataProvider);

                    try {
                        nativeFont = new CTFont(cgFont, dpiSize, null);
                        if (!nativeFontDescriptors.ContainsKey(nativeFont.FamilyName))
                            nativeFontDescriptors.Add(nativeFont.FamilyName, nativeFont.GetFontDescriptor());
                            NSError error;
                            var registered = CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cgFont, out error);
                            if (!registered)
                                // If the error code is 105 then the font we are trying to register is already registered
                                // We will not report this as an error.
                                if (error.Code != 105)
                                    throw new ArgumentException("Error registering: " + Path.GetFileName(fileName));
                        // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file
                        throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException (fileName);
                catch (Exception)
                    // note: MS throw the same exception FileNotFoundException if the file exists but isn't a valid font file
                    throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException (fileName);