Beispiel #1
        public bool ExtractTo(CBackupReader BackupFile, string TargetPath)
            // Ensure that the target path has a trailing '\'
            if (TargetPath[TargetPath.Length - 1] != '\\')
                TargetPath += '\\';

            if ((mType == ENodeType.Root) || (mType == ENodeType.Set))
                throw new System.Exception("Tape and set nodes can not be extracted. Only volume, folder or file nodes can be extracted.");
            else if (mType == ENodeType.Volume)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirinfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(TargetPath);
                foreach (CCatalogNode node in mNodes)
                    node.ExtractTo(BackupFile, TargetPath);
            else if (mType == ENodeType.Folder)
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirinfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(TargetPath + mName);
                foreach (CCatalogNode node in mNodes)
                    node.ExtractTo(BackupFile, dirinfo.FullName);
            else if (mType == ENodeType.File)
                // Create the target directory if it does not exist
                BackupFile.Stream.BaseStream.Seek(mOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream(TargetPath + mName, System.IO.FileMode.Create);
                CFileDescriptorBlock fil  = (CFileDescriptorBlock)BackupFile.Stream.ReadDBLK();
                foreach (CDataStream data in fil.Streams)
                    if (data.Header.StreamID == "STAN")
                        file.Write(data.Data, 0, data.Data.Length);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the entire backup file and returns a root catalog node.
        /// The root node contains backup sets/volumes/directories/files
        /// as child nodes.
        /// </summary>
        public CCatalogNode ReadCatalog()
            // Set to true to cancel reading
            mCancel = false;

            // Read the media header
            CTapeHeaderDescriptorBlock tape = (CTapeHeaderDescriptorBlock)mStream.ReadDBLK();
            // Read soft file mark
            CSoftFilemarkDescriptorBlock file = (CSoftFilemarkDescriptorBlock)mStream.ReadDBLK();

            // Create the root catalog node
            CCatalogNode node        = new CCatalogNode(tape.MediaName, ENodeType.Root, 0);
            CCatalogNode nLastSet    = null;
            CCatalogNode nLastVolume = null;
            CCatalogNode nLastDir    = null;

            // Get next block type
            EBlockType bt = mStream.PeekNextBlockType();

            while ((bt != EBlockType.MTF_EOTM) && (bt != 0) && (mCancel == false))
                // Read next block
                CDescriptorBlock block = mStream.ReadDBLK();

                // Add to catalog
                if (bt == EBlockType.MTF_SSET)
                    CStartOfDataSetDescriptorBlock sset = (CStartOfDataSetDescriptorBlock)block;
                    CCatalogNode cnode = node.AddSet("Set: " + sset.DataSetNumber + " - " + sset.DataSetName, block.StartPosition);
                    nLastSet = cnode;
                else if (bt == EBlockType.MTF_VOLB)
                    CVolumeDescriptorBlock vol   = (CVolumeDescriptorBlock)block;
                    CCatalogNode           cnode = nLastSet.AddVolume(vol.DeviceName, block.StartPosition);
                    nLastVolume = cnode;
                else if (bt == EBlockType.MTF_DIRB)
                    CDirectoryDescriptorBlock dir = (CDirectoryDescriptorBlock)block;
                    // Check if the directory name is contained in a data stream
                    CCatalogNode cnode = null;
                    if ((dir.DIRBAttributes & EDIRBAttributes.DIRB_PATH_IN_STREAM_BIT) != 0)
                        foreach (CDataStream data in dir.Streams)
                            if (data.Header.StreamID == "PNAM")
                                if (dir.StringType == EStringType.ANSI)
                                    System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                                    string str = encoding.GetString(data.Data);
                                    str   = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                                    cnode = nLastVolume.AddFolder(str, block.StartPosition);
                                else if (dir.StringType == EStringType.Unicode)
                                    System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoding = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();
                                    string str = encoding.GetString(data.Data);
                                    str   = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                                    cnode = nLastVolume.AddFolder(str, block.StartPosition);
                        cnode = nLastVolume.AddFolder(dir.DirectoryName.Substring(0, dir.DirectoryName.Length - 1), block.StartPosition);

                    if (cnode != null)
                        nLastDir = cnode;
                else if (bt == EBlockType.MTF_FILE)
                    CFileDescriptorBlock fil = (CFileDescriptorBlock)block;
                    // Check if the file name is contained in a data stream
                    CCatalogNode cnode = null;
                    if ((fil.FileAttributes & EFileAttributes.FILE_NAME_IN_STREAM_BIT) != 0)
                        foreach (CDataStream data in fil.Streams)
                            if (data.Header.StreamID == "FNAM")
                                if (fil.StringType == EStringType.ANSI)
                                    System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                                    string str = encoding.GetString(data.Data);
                                    cnode = nLastDir.AddFile(str, block.StartPosition);
                                else if (fil.StringType == EStringType.Unicode)
                                    System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoding = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();
                                    string str = encoding.GetString(data.Data);
                                    cnode = nLastDir.AddFile(str, block.StartPosition);
                        cnode = nLastDir.AddFile(fil.FileName, block.StartPosition);

                // Get next block type
                bt = mStream.PeekNextBlockType();

                // Check progress
                if (mStream.BaseStream.Position > mLastPos + mIncrement)
                    mLastPos = mStream.BaseStream.Position;
                    OnProgressChange((int)((float)mLastPos / (float)mStream.BaseStream.Length * 100.0f));
