Beispiel #1
        public void DeleteAll(bool clear = false, bool cascade = false)
            foreach (var i in this)
                CEF.DeleteObject(i, cascade ? DeleteCascadeAction.Cascade : DeleteCascadeAction.SetNull);

            if (clear)
Beispiel #2
        protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
            var i = this[index];

            RemoveTracking(new DynamicBindable[] { this[index] });

            using (CEF.UseServiceScope(OwningScope))
                var uw = i.Wrapped;

                if (uw != null)

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Once client-side changes have been made to portable serialization text, the typical process should be on submission to a) re-retrieve the original entity set from the database, b) apply changes to the set using this method, c) save changes to the database.
        /// When the method is finished, you should have entity data in a state that reflects what happened on the client: insertions, updates and deletions depending on the incoming JSON.
        /// This process is only "relatively stateless": our database is really our persistent state - things like additional caching are possible but the responsibility of framework users, not the framework itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json"></param>
        /// <returns>A shallow copy of the set being acted upon, where deleted rows are *not* present. (They remain in the acted on set, to support "saving by set".)</returns>
        public EntitySet <T> ApplyChangesFromPortableText(string json)
            EntitySet <T> retVal = new EntitySet <T>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json) || json.Length > 100000000)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incoming data is too short or too long.");

            var kdef = KeyService.ResolveKeyDefinitionForType(typeof(T));

            if ((kdef?.Count).GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot apply changes without a primary key defined for type.");

            using (var jr = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader(new StringReader(json)))
                var jq = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(jr);

                var sourceCols  = new List <string>();
                var sourceTypes = new List <string>();
                var keyIndexes  = new List <int>();
                var idx         = 0;

                foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject scol in jq.Value <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray>("schema"))
                    var cn = scol.Property("cn").Value.ToString();
                    var dt = scol.Property("dt").Value.ToString();

                    if (kdef.Contains(cn))


                // An indexed view in this case can be a dictionary for fast lookup
                var         index        = ToDictionary(kdef);
                HashSet <T> sourceVisits = new HashSet <T>();

                foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray row in jq.Value <Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray>("rows"))
                    var keyval = new StringBuilder(128);

                    foreach (var c in kdef)
                        if (keyval.Length > 0)

                        var kloc = sourceCols.IndexOf(c);

                    bool isnew = false;

                    if (!index.TryGetValue(keyval.ToString(), out T target))
                        target = new T();
                        isnew = true;

                    var tiw       = target.AsInfraWrapped();
                    var prefTypes = tiw.GetAllPreferredTypes();

                    for (int i = 0; i < sourceCols.Count; ++i)
                        if (!keyIndexes.Contains(i) || isnew)
                            var v = row[i].ToString();

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                                var scn    = sourceCols[i];
                                var oldval = tiw.GetValue(scn)?.ToString();

                                if (string.Compare(sourceTypes[i], "datetime") == 0)
                                    if (long.TryParse(v, out long ld))
                                        v = (new DateTime((ld * 10000L) + 621355968000000000L, DateTimeKind.Utc)).ToString("O");

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldval))
                                        oldval = Convert.ToDateTime(oldval).ToString("O");

                                if (string.Compare(oldval, v, false) != 0)
                                    if (prefTypes.TryGetValue(scn, out Type pt))
                                        tiw.SetValue(scn, v.CoerceType(pt));
                                        tiw.SetValue(scn, v);

                foreach (T i in index.Values)
                    if (!sourceVisits.Contains(i))

Beispiel #4
        public static void Benchmark1(int total_parents, List <long> testTimes, List <long> testTimes2, ref int rowcount, ref int rowcount2)
            var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            using (CEF.NewServiceScope())
                var people = new EntitySet <PersonWrapped>();

                for (int parentcnt = 1; parentcnt <= total_parents; ++parentcnt)
                    var parent = new PersonWrapped()
                        Name = $"NP{parentcnt}", Age = (parentcnt % 60) + 20, Gender = (parentcnt % 2) == 0 ? "F" : "M"

                    parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                        Number = "888-7777", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                    parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                        Number = "777-6666", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Work

                    if ((parentcnt % 12) == 0)
                        CEF.NewObject(new Phone()
                            Number = "666-5555", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home
                        parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                            Number = "777-6666", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home

                    rowcount += 4;

                    for (int childcnt = 1; childcnt <= (parentcnt % 4); ++childcnt)
                        var child = CEF.NewObject(new PersonWrapped()
                            Name   = $"NC{parentcnt}{childcnt}",
                            Age    = parent.Age - 20,
                            Gender = (parentcnt % 2) == 0 ? "F" : "M"
                            Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                       Number = "999-8888", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                                                   } }

                        rowcount += 2;




            // For purposes of benchmarking, treat this as a completely separate operation
            using (var ss = CEF.NewServiceScope())
                // For everyone who's a parent of at least 30 yo, if at least 2 children of same sex, remove work phone, increment age
                var people = new EntitySet <Person>().DBRetrieveSummaryForParents(30);

                Parallel.ForEach((from a in people let d = a.AsDynamic() where d.MaleChildren > 1 || d.FemaleChildren > 1 select a).ToList(), (p) =>
                    using (CEF.UseServiceScope(ss))
                        p.Age += 1;

                        var phones = new EntitySet <Phone>().DBRetrieveByOwner(p.PersonID, PhoneType.Work);

                        if (phones.Any())

                rowcount2 += CEF.DBSave().Count();

Beispiel #5
        public static void Benchmark3SavePer(int total_parents, List <long> testTimes, List <long> testTimes2, ref int rowcount, ref int rowcount2)
            var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            long cnt1 = 0;

            var people = new EntitySet <PersonWrapped>();

            Parallel.For(1, total_parents + 1, (parentcnt) =>
                using (CEF.NewServiceScope())
                    var parent = CEF.NewObject(new PersonWrapped()
                        Name = $"NP{parentcnt}", Age = (parentcnt % 60) + 20, Gender = (parentcnt % 2) == 0 ? "F" : "M"

                    parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                        Number = "888-7777", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                    parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                        Number = "777-6666", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Work

                    if ((parentcnt % 12) == 0)
                        CEF.NewObject(new Phone()
                            Number = "666-5555", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home
                        parent.Phones.Add(new Phone()
                            Number = "777-6666", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home

                    Interlocked.Add(ref cnt1, 4);

                    for (int childcnt = 1; childcnt <= (parentcnt % 4); ++childcnt)
                        var child = CEF.NewObject(new PersonWrapped()
                            Name   = $"NC{parentcnt}{childcnt}",
                            Age    = parent.Age - 20,
                            Gender = (parentcnt % 2) == 0 ? "F" : "M"
                            Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                       Number = "999-8888", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                                                   } }

                        Interlocked.Add(ref cnt1, 2);


            rowcount += (int)cnt1;
            long cnt2 = 0;

            // For purposes of benchmarking, treat this as a completely separate operation
            // For everyone who's a parent of at least 30 yo, if at least 2 children of same sex, remove work phone, increment age

            int?id = null;

            using (var ss = CEF.NewServiceScope())
                var people2 = new EntitySet <Person>().DBRetrieveSummaryForParents(30);

                Parallel.ForEach((from a in people2 let d = a.AsDynamic() where d.MaleChildren > 1 || d.FemaleChildren > 1 select a).ToList(), (p) =>
                    using (CEF.UseServiceScope(ss))
                        if (!id.HasValue)
                            id = p.PersonID;

                        p.AsInfraWrapped().SetValue(nameof(Person.Age), p.Age + 1);

                        var ph2 = new EntitySet <Phone>().DBRetrieveByOwner(p.PersonID, PhoneType.Work).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (ph2 != null)

                        Interlocked.Add(ref cnt2, 2);

                // Simulate "later heavy read access"...
                for (int c = 0; c < 50000; ++c)
                    var work = new EntitySet <Phone>().DBRetrieveByOwner(c + id.GetValueOrDefault(), PhoneType.Work).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (work != null && work.Number == "123")
                        MessageBox.Show("Found (should never!)");

            rowcount2 += (int)cnt2 + 50000;

        private void StartTests_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                StartTests.IsEnabled   = false;
                RunBenchmark.IsEnabled = false;

                // If did a prior run, clear out ambient scope which is bound to the UI thread

                // Execute tear-down/set-up of test SQL objects from script
                CEF.CurrentDBService().ExecuteRaw("DELETE CEFTest.Phone; UPDATE CEFTest.Person SET IsDeleted=1, LastUpdatedDate=GETUTCDATE(), LastUpdatedBy='Test';");

                var random = new Random();
                var watch  = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                // Creates and saves a person in 2 lines of code!
                // Of note: no need for a context, we're using the implicit one created in TLS (great for a simple console app, recommended is to use explicit scopes)
                var tristan = CEF.NewObject(new Person()
                    Name = "Tristan", Age = 4, Gender = "M"
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Rows saved: {CEF.DBSave().Count()}");
                ConsoleWriteLine($"A PersonID key as assigned by the database has been round-tripped back to us: {tristan.PersonID}");
                ConsoleWriteLine($"And LastUpdatedDate as assigned by the database too, despite not being in our base POCO: {((PersonWrapped)tristan).LastUpdatedDate}");

                // Creates and saves a person similar to above, but using wrapper object directly is fine too - and we've got an extension method that lets us save in 1 line of code!
                var zella = CEF.NewObject(new PersonWrapped()
                    Name = "Zella", Age = 7, Gender = "F"
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Similar to above, but already working with genned wrapper so no need to cast it: {zella.LastUpdatedDate}");

                // We have the option to indicate whether the object should be considered new or not with respect to db, when adding to scope (CreateObject on the other hand is always "new") - in reality we could have used NewObject here too
                var sally = new Person()
                    Name = "Sally", Age = 34, Gender = "F"
                sally = CEF.IncludeObject(sally, ObjectState.Added);
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Should be 1: {CEF.DBSave().Count()}");

                // Now make a change: we're changing the source model in a simple way - associating already saved kids to a person - should turn into 3 updates and 2 inserts (we can't stop people from adding non-wrapped items, so we watch for this and Billy gets replaced by a PersonWrapped on addition here, plus his phone gets accounted for as well)
                // Also of note, sally.Kids was previously null, and still is, so we initialize it with a trackable list (EntitySet is prefect) - Global.ReplaceNullCollections could have been set to true to do this automatically for us at the expense of performance
                sally.Kids = CEF.CreateList <Person>(sally, nameof(Person.Kids));

                var billy = new Person()
                    Name   = "Billy",
                    Age    = 1,
                    Gender = "M"

                ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Tristan: {tristan.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");
                billy.Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                 Number = "707-555-1236", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile, Owner = billy
                                             } };
                sally.Kids.Add(CEF.IncludeObject(billy, ObjectState.Added));
                sally.Age += 1;
                billy.Age += 1;

                // On saving here, of note we're inserting a new person, getting their id back, carrying this down to the child (phone as the owner), saving the child - all this despite the Phone class not even *having* a PersonID on it (it's just the Owner property which assumes this relationship exists, and we established that in the setup)
                dynamic billyPhone = billy.Phones.First().AsDynamic();
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Billy's phone: {billyPhone.GetRowState()}");
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Billy's phone has a PhoneID tracked despite the POCO object model not containing this field: {billyPhone.PhoneID}");

                // Remove Zella from Sally's kids - should just nullify the ParentPersonID

                // Put it back now

                // Swap ownership of Billy's phone to Zella - saving should reflect Zella's new ownership (and Billy's non-ownership)
                // Note: our POCO here does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged, so this change in row state is not reflected until we do something meaningful (e.g. save)
                var phone = billy.Phones.First();
                phone.Owner = zella;
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for phone in question (unchanged): {phone.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");

                // Ok, we're done..? If not, the local scope will be rebuilt next time it's used. In this case, all our prior work is wiped out, we're "starting fresh"

                // One way to repopulate our service scope is to load people with 2 retrievals: start with the parent (by key), then a second call (by parent id) for children - merge into the same set (extension method names help make that clearer)
                // The "by parent" retrieval is done as an extension method that we propose can and should be code generated based on the db object - forms a stronger contract with the db so if say a parameter changes, we could get a compile-time error to track down and fix
                // (We could also have created a procedure to "load family" in one call - a union for parent and children. In many cases, reducing DB round-trips helps performance at cost of a slightly more complex data layer.)
                // Next, delete parent (with cascade option), save (notice it properly deletes children first, then parent)
                // Framework has automtically wired up the relationships between parent and child such that marking the parent for deletion has automatically marked children for deletion as well
                // Note that removal from collection is not considered deletion - there could be other reasons you're removing from a collection, but might offer a way to interpret this as deletion on a one-off basis in future
                // Also note that we use Tristan's PersonID not "tristan" itself - scope was disposed above, no longer has wrappers, etc.
                // And what about Billy's phone? If it had audit history, we'd prefer to have the framework manage/delete it too (versus say leaving it to cascaded deletes in the database) - and we do achieve that because of an extra call to load Phones for a parent and all their kids
                // Important question: does a phone *require* an owner? This will be left to key service in vnext as it has an important implication on deletion here: cascade deletes or set to null where able to (for this example, cascades the deletion to the Phone)

                var sallysFamily       = new EntitySet <Person>().DBRetrieveByKey(sally.PersonID).DBAppendByParentID(sally.PersonID);
                var sallysFamilyPhones = new EntitySet <Phone>().DBRetrieveAllForFamily(sally.PersonID);
                var newSally           = (from a in sallysFamily where a.Kids != null && a.Kids.Any() select a).First();
                var newTristan         = (from a in sallysFamily where a.PersonID == tristan.PersonID select a).First();
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Tristan (unchanged): {newTristan.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Tristan (deleted): {newTristan.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");
                ConsoleWriteLine($"Saved rows: {CEF.DBSave().Count()}");

                ConsoleWriteLine("Please wait, starting background process.");
                Exception toReport = null;

                var backgroundTask = new Task(() =>
                        using (CEF.NewServiceScope(new ServiceScopeSettings()
                            InitializeNullCollections = true
                            // Create an entire object graph using POCO's
                            // Note that our arrays will end up getting coverted to EntitySet's automatically when we add the root (greatgrandpa) to the scope later
                            // We can also intermix POCO and wrapper types at will
                            var greatgrandpa = new Person()
                                Name = "Zeke", Age = 92, Gender = "M"
                            var grandpa = new Person()
                                Name = "Zeke Jr.", Age = 70, Gender = "M"
                            var mom = new PersonWrapped()
                                Name = "Wilma", Age = 48, Gender = "F"
                            var me = new Person()
                                Name = "Joe", Age = 29, Gender = "M"

                            // Notice, using linkages here that could/should be recognized either way as related data - this is testing the relationship existing *both* ways, should not fail
                            var myphone = new Phone()
                                Owner = me, Number = "707-555-1919", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home
                            me.Phones = new Phone[] { myphone };

                            var auntie = new Person()
                                Name = "Betty", Age = 50, Gender = "F", Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                                                                   Number = "707-555-1240", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home
                                                                                               } }
                            var cuz1 = new Person {
                                Name = "Knarf", Age = 40, Gender = "M", Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                                                                   Number = "510-555-5555", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                                                                                               } }
                            var cuz2 = new Person {
                                Name = "Hazel", Age = 40, Gender = "F", Phones = new Phone[] { new Phone()
                                                                                                   Number = "510-555-8888", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile
                                                                                               } }
                            greatgrandpa.Kids = new Person[] { grandpa };
                            grandpa.Kids      = new Person[] { auntie, mom };
                            auntie.Kids       = new Person[] { cuz1, cuz2 };
                            CEF.IncludeObject(greatgrandpa, ObjectState.Added);
                            myphone.PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile;

                            // But wait, we didn't initialize mom.Kids with a collection instance! - some of the details of the current scope can be adjusted, such as above where we use InitializeNullCollections=true
                            mom.Phones.Add(CEF.NewObject(new Phone()
                                Number = "510-555-2222", PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Work

                            // Creates 3 records in DB with parent-child relationship - we'll use an explict new scope (no visibility to any pending changes above)
                            // Also demonstrates using 2 different connection scopes - default is transactional = true which is why we call CanCommit a la System.Transactions
                            using (var ss = CEF.NewServiceScope())
                                var joel = CEF.NewObject(new Person()
                                    Name = "Joel", Age = 44, Gender = "M"
                                var cellnum = CEF.NewObject(new Phone()
                                    Owner = joel, PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile, Number = "707-555-1234"
                                var worknum = CEF.NewObject(new Phone()
                                    Owner = joel, PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Work, Number = "707-555-1235"

                                using (var cs = CEF.NewConnectionScope())
                                    // We could also use CEF.DBSave() since current scope will be "ss" now
                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Should be 3: {ss.DBSave().Count()}");

                                    // This should do nothing - nothing is actually dirty!
                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Should be 0: {CEF.DBSave().Count()}");

                                    // Updates 2 records (parent, child), delete other record, saves
                                    // Of note: Phone class is NOT wrapped by a code genned object - but it still gets saved properly (we miss out on notifications, etc. unless we explicitly ask for its infra wrapper which has these)
                                    // Also, we've updated the POCO for Joel - which has no notifications - this might be "lost" during save, but we do check for updates done in this manner and catch it
                                    joel.Age      += 1;
                                    cellnum.Number = "707-555-7777";

                                    // This *does* reflect a change in the row state prior to saving since the wrapper class implements INotifyPropertyChanged... HOWEVER, we are in a transaction, and the initial row state of "added" remains
                                    joel.AsDynamic().Age += 1;
                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Joel: {joel.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");

                                    // A catch handler not calling this allows the transaction to naturally roll back

                                using (var cs = CEF.NewConnectionScope())
                                    // Finally, we can use this as a dynamic object as well and expect the same results... notice here, using our INotifyPropertyChanged wrapper does automatically change the row state...
                                    ((PersonWrapped)joel).Age += 1;
                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Row state for Joel: {joel.AsInfraWrapped().GetRowState()}");

                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Initial saves, time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

                                    // This approach creates 10000 people with 2 phone numbers each. Saving is done using BULK INSERT, and is expectedly very fast. One constraint: we lose round-tripping of key assignment that was illustrated before.
                                    // Couple of options here, but in this case, I will save people, do a direct query to *just* retrieve people ID's (also illustrates partial loading), populate phone numbers based on that list and save again.
                                    EntitySet <Person> city = new EntitySet <Person>();

                                    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                                        city.Add(new Person()
                                            Name = $"N{i}", Age = random.Next(1, 90), Gender = random.Next(2) == 0 ? "F" : "M"

                                    // Default insert threshold to revert to BULK INSERT is 100,000 rows, so we use an explicit option to do this with 10,000
                                    CEF.DBSave(new DBSaveSettings()
                                        BulkInsertMinimumRows = 10000

                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Saved 10,000 new people, time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

                                    // Here's an example of using raw SQL: yes, we can do this even in the 0.2 release! Points to the fact we should expect more LINQ to SQL type of enhancements in the future
                                    // The fact we're loading a very lean Person entity set isn't a problem: we're not updating people here, we're just adding phones and it's nice to have people available to identify ownership (just assuming the ID's are sequential isn't a great idea, the database may have had other ideas!)
                                    using (CEF.NewServiceScope())
                                        EntitySet <Phone> phones = new EntitySet <Phone>();

                                        foreach (var p in new EntitySet <Person>().DBRetrieveByQuery(CommandType.Text, "SELECT PersonID FROM CEFTest.Person"))
                                            phones.Add(new Phone()
                                                Owner = p, PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Home, Number = $"{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}-{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}"
                                            phones.Add(new Phone()
                                                Owner = p, PhoneTypeID = PhoneType.Mobile, Number = $"{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}-{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}{random.Next(10)}"

                                        // This method of saving limits to this specific set
                                        phones.DBSave(new DBSaveSettings()
                                            BulkInsertMinimumRows = 10000, RowSavePreview = (row) => { return(true, ObjectState.Added); }

                                    ConsoleWriteLine($"Saved 20,000 new phones, time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
