public string[] GetStudentListTC(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string SQLQuery; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SQLQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT Replace((SIM.FirstName+' '+SIM.MiddleName+' '+SIM.LastName),' ',' ')+'#'+CAST(SYD.AdmissionNo AS VARCHAR),SIM.ParentID FROM SIStudentTCDetails TC " + " INNER JOIN SIStudentYearWiseDetails SYD ON SYD.StudentID=TC.StudentID AND TC.AcaStart=SYD.AcaStart INNER JOIN SIStudentMaster SIM ON SIM.StudentID=SYD.StudentID " + " WHERE SYD.StudentStatus='T' AND SYD.SchoolID=" + intvalue[0] + " AND SYD.AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND SIM.FirstName LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' "; SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetModeOfFollowUp(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT ModeofFollowup,ModeofFollowup AS ModeofFollowup1 FROM SRStudEnquiryFollowups " + " WHERE AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND SchoolId=" + intvalue[0] + " AND ModeofFollowup " + " LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' GROUP BY ModeofFollowup ORDER BY ModeofFollowup "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetFCityList(string prefixText, int count) { //Manju CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT CityName1,CityID FROM MTCityMaster WHERE CityName1 LIKE '" + prefixText + "%'"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetUserParent(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT UserID FROM MTUserMaster WHERE UserStatus = 'Y' AND UserID Like '" + prefixText + "%' ORDER BY UserID "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetPDName(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT FirstName+' '+MiddleName+' '+LastName+' # '+" + " ISNULL(AdmissionNo,0)AS StudentName,SM.StudentID FROM SIStudentMaster SM " + " INNER JOIN SIStudentYearWiseDetails SYD ON SM.StudentID=SYD.StudentID " + " WHERE FirstName+' '+MiddleName+' '+LastName+' # '+ ISNULL(AdmissionNo,0) " + " LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' AND " + " SM.StudentID IN (SELECT StudentID FROM SIStudentYearWIseDetails WHERE AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND SchoolID=" + intvalue[0] + " AND StudentID NOT " + " IN (SELECT StudentID FROM SIStudentYearWiseDetails WHERE AcaStart IN " + " (SELECT AcaStart FROM MTAcademicSessionMaster WHERE AcaStart> " + " (SELECT AcaStart FROM MTAcademicSessionMaster WHERE AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + ")))) GROUP BY SM.StudentID,SM.FirstName,SM.MiddleName,SM.LastName,SYD.AdmissionNo ORDER BY FirstName+' '+MiddleName+' '+LastName+' '+ ISNULL(AdmissionNo,0) "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetUserName(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT REPLACE(UserID,' ','')+' # '+ CAST(UID as VARCHAR) AS UserID FROM MTUserMaster WHERE UID IN(SELECT DISTINCT UID FROM MTUserLimitMaster WHERE ModuleID IN(18,19)) " + " AND UserStatus='Y' AND UserTypeID IN (0,1) AND UserID LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' ORDER BY UserID "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetEmployeeHealthList(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT (PEM.FirstName+' '+PEM.MiddleName+' '+PEM.LastName) +' # '+PEM.EmployeeCode FROM PRLEmployeeMaster PEM " + " WHERE EmployeeStatus='N' AND PEM.SchoolID= " + intvalue[0] + " AND (PEM.FirstName+' '+PEM.MiddleName+' '+PEM.LastName) like '" + prefixText + "%' Order By PEM.FirstName+' '+PEM.MiddleName+' '+PEM.LastName"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetFSubLedger(string prefixText, int count) { //Atul CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT SubLedgerName,FASLCode from FASubLedgerMaster WHERE SubLedgerName LIKE '" + prefixText + "%'"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetMqualfication(string prefixText, int count) { //Archana CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT PQualificationName1,PQualificationID FROM MTPqualificationmaster WHERE PQualificationName1 LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' ORDER BY PQualificationName1"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetParentList(string prefixText, int count) { //Archana CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT DISTINCT FatherName+'#'+MotherName+'#'+CASt(SM.ParentID AS VARCHAR),SM.ParentID FROM SIStudentMaster SM INNER JOIN SISTudentYearWIseDetails YD ON SM.StudentID=YD.StudentID INNER JOIN SIStudentFatherDetails SFD ON YD.StudentID=SFD.StudentID INNER JOIN SIStudentMotherDetails SMD ON YD.StudentID=SMD.StudentID WHERE SM.SchoolId=" + intvalue[0] + " AND YD.AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND FatherName LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetEmployeeDetails(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("Select (PRL.FirstName+' '+PRL.MiddleName+' '+PRL.LastName)+' # '+PRL.EmployeeCode From PRLEmployeeMaster PRL" + " Where SchoolID=" + intvalue[0] + " AND PRL.EmployeeStatus='N' AND (PRL.FirstName+' '+PRL.MiddleName+' '+PRL.LastName) like '" + prefixText + "%' "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetStream(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT STCD.Stream,0 FROM SIStudentTCDetails STCD " + " INNER JOIN SIStudentYearWiseDetails SYWD ON SYWD.StudentID=STCD.StudentID AND SYWD.AcaStart=STCD.AcaStart " + " WHERE SYWD.SchoolID=" + count + " AND STCD.Stream like '" + prefixText + "%'" + " GROUP BY STCD.Stream ORDER BY STCD.Stream "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText, int count) { //Senthil CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT (SM.FirstName+' '+SM.MiddleName+' '+SM.LastName) +' # '+SYD.AdmissionNo +' # '+ClassName1+'-'+SectionName1 from SIStudentMaster SM " + " INNER JOIN SIStudentYearWiseDetails SYD ON SM.StudentID=SYD.StudentID INNER JOIN mtClassMaster MCM ON MCM.ClassID=SYD.ClassID INNER JOIN mtSectionMaster MSM ON MSM.SectionID=SYD.SectionID" + " WHERE SYD.AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND SYD.SchoolID=" + intvalue[0] + " AND (SM.FirstName+' '+SM.MiddleName+' '+SM.LastName) like '" + prefixText + "%'"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetRegistrationStudent(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT ISNULL(FirstName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(MiddleName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(LastName,'') +' # '+ ISNULL(CAST(ReferenceNo AS NVARCHAR),'') AS StudentName,SM.ARStudentID FROM SRStudentMaster SM " + " WHERE SM.SchoolId=" + intvalue[0] + " AND SM.AcaStart=" + intvalue[1] + " " + " AND ISNULL(FirstName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(MiddleName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(LastName,'') +' # '+ ISNULL(CAST(ReferenceNo AS NVARCHAR),'') Like '" + prefixText + "%' ORDER BY FirstName"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetdAffNo(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT Affiliation FROM MTClientCompany WHERE Affiliation LIKE '" + prefixText + "%' AND Affiliation<>'' "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetInformMediaList(string prefixText, int count) { //Archana CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("select distinct informmedia from HLNursingDetails where informmedia like '" + prefixText + "%'"); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } //return items.ToArray(); intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public string[] GetEnquiryStudent(string prefixText, int count) { CCWeb ObjCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int intCheckCount = 1; string strvalue = count.ToString().Replace("000", "~"); string[] intvalue = strvalue.Trim().Split('~'); List <string> items = new List <string>(count); SqlDataReader rdrValue = ObjCCWeb.BindReader("SELECT ISNULL(FirstName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(MidName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(LastName,'') +' # '+ ISNULL(CAST(ApplicationNO As Varchar),'') AS StudentName,ApplicationNO " + " FROM srstudentenquiry WHERE SchoolID=" + intvalue[0] + " AND Acastart=" + intvalue[1] + " AND ISNULL(FirstName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(MidName,'') +' '+ ISNULL(LastName,'') +' # '+ ISNULL(CAST(ApplicationNO As Varchar),'') " + " Like '" + prefixText + "%' ORDER BY FirstName "); while (rdrValue.Read()) { if (intCheckCount <= 20) { items.Add(Convert.ToString(rdrValue.GetValue(0))); } else { break; } intCheckCount++; } rdrValue.Close(); return(items.ToArray()); }
public DataTable GetEmailData(dalCommon objCommon, string iMailType) { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = objCCWeb.BindDataTable(" Exec SpMessageBind " + objCommon.UID + ",'" + iMailType + "'"); return(dt); } catch (SqlException ex) { throw ex; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
public SqlDataReader GetFeeDetails(dalCommon objCommonPara) { SqlDataReader sqlDR; string SQLQuery = "EXEC [SpFeeSummary] " + objCommonPara.SchoolId + "," + objCommonPara.AcaStart + "," + objCommonPara.StudEmp + ",4,0"; try { sqlDR = objCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); return(sqlDR); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
public SqlDataReader LogoutSessionStore(dalCommon objCommonPara) { CCWeb objCCWeb = new CCWeb(); SqlDataReader sqlDR; string SQLQuery = "UPDATE MDUserLoginDetails SET LoggedOutTime=GETDATE() WHERE LoggedOutTime IS NULL AND SessionDetails='" + objCommonPara.Userlogin.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'"; try { sqlDR = objCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); return(sqlDR); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
public SqlDataReader GetEventList(dalCommon objCommonPara) { SqlDataReader sqlDR; string SQLQuery = "SELECT EventSubject,ED.EventTime,EM.EventDate,Convert(varchar,EventDate,103) AS Date,substring(CAST(EventDate as varchar),1,3) as Month,Venue,Discription FROM EventMaster EM INNER JOIN EventDetail ED ON EM.EventID=ED.EventID WHERE EM.EventID IN(Select EventID from EventClassDetail ED INNER JOIN SIStudentYearWiseDetailS SYD ON SYD.ClassID=ED.ClassID AND SYD.SectionID=ED.SectionID Where StudentID=" + objCommonPara.StudEmp + ")" + "AND EventDate>=(select AcaStartDate from MTAcademicSessionMaster Where Acastart=" + objCommonPara.AcaStart + ")AND EventDate <=(select AcaEndDate from MTAcademicSessionMaster Where Acastart=" + objCommonPara.AcaStart + ") " + "AND (EventSubject<>'' OR Venue<> '' OR EventSubject<>'') ORDER BY EventDate DESC"; try { sqlDR = objCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); return(sqlDR); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
public int GetSectionID(dalCommon objCommonPara) { CCWeb objCCWeb = new CCWeb(); int SectionID = 0; string SQLQuery = "Select SectionID From SistudentyearwiseDetails where StudentID=" + objCommonPara.StudEmp + " and AcaStart=" + objCommonPara.AcaStart + ""; try { SectionID = objCCWeb.ReturnNumericValue(SQLQuery); return(SectionID); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CCWeb objCCWeb = new CCWeb(); if (Request.QueryString["StrQuery"] != null) { string strResult = ""; string strQuery = ""; if (Request.QueryString["StrQuery"] == "User") { //strQuery = "SELECT '' AS SNo,AM.LIBAuthorID,AuthorName" + Session["Type"].ToString() + " FROM LIBAuthorMaster AM INNER JOIN LIBCollectionAuthorDetails CD ON AM.LIBAUTHORID=CD.LIBAUTHORID WHERE LIBCollectionDetailID=" + Request.QueryString["Value"] + " and LIBLIBRARYID=" + Session["LibraryID"] + ""; strQuery = "EXEC spUserOnline " + Session["UID"] + ",'" + Session.SessionID.Replace("'", "''") + "',''"; } SqlDataReader sqlRdr = objCCWeb.BindReader(strQuery); while (sqlRdr.Read()) { for (int intForLoop = 0; intForLoop < sqlRdr.FieldCount; intForLoop++) { strResult = strResult + sqlRdr.GetValue(intForLoop).ToString() + "^"; } if (strResult != "") { strResult = strResult.Remove(strResult.Length - 1); } strResult = strResult + "~"; } if (strResult != "") { strResult = strResult.Remove(strResult.Length - 1); } sqlRdr.Close(); sqlRdr.Dispose(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Response.Write(strResult); Response.End(); } }
public DataSet GetTop5UnreadMail(dalCommon objCommonPara, string eMailType) { CCWeb ObjccWeb = new CCWeb(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string Query = " Exec SpMessageBind " + objCommonPara.UID + ",'UR'"; ds = ObjccWeb.BindDataSet(Query); return(ds); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { ds = null; objCommonPara = null; ObjccWeb = null; } }
public SqlDataReader GetNewsAndEventList(dalCommon objCommonPara) { SqlDataReader sqlDR; string SQLQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT MD.MessageID,ISNULL(MessageTitle,'') AS MessageTitle, Message AS Message,ISNULL(NewsFileName,'') as NewsFileName,MessageDate" + " from MTMessageMaster MM INNER JOIN MDMessageDetails MD ON MD.MessageID=MM.MessageID " + " WHERE (StudentID=" + objCommonPara.StudEmp + " AND UserType='S') OR UserType='A' AND MessageStatus='Y' AND '" + objCommonPara.strDate + "' between MessageDate And MessageTillDate AND SchoolID=" + objCommonPara.SchoolId + " ORDER BY MessageDate desc"; try { sqlDR = objCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); return(sqlDR); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }
public SqlDataReader GetStudentProfile(dalCommon objCommonPara) { SqlDataReader sqlDR; //string SQLQuery = "Select SIM.StudentID , FirstName+' '+MiddleName+' '+LastName As Name,COnvert(varchar,DateOfBirth,103) As DateOfBirth,ClassName1+' '+SectionNAme1 from SIStudentMaster SIM inner join " + // " SistudentYearwiseDetails SYD on SYD.StudentID=SIM.StudentID inner join MtClassMaster CM on SYD.ClassID=CM.ClassID inner join MTSectionMaster SM on SYD.SectionID=SM.SectionID " + // " Where SIM.StudentID=" + objCommonPara.StudEmp + " and SYD.AcaStart=" + objCommonPara.AcaStart + ""; string SQLQuery = "EXEC[spFILLStudentData] " + objCommonPara.StudEmp + "," + objCommonPara.AcaStart + ""; try { sqlDR = objCCWeb.BindReader(SQLQuery); return(sqlDR); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { objCCWeb = null; } }