/** Callback for the change value. */

        public void ValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var pControl = (CCControlStepper)sender;

            // Change value of label.
            DisplayValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}", pControl.Value);
        public void ValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var pControl = (CCControlPotentiometer)sender;

            // Change value of label.
            _displayValueLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", pControl.Value);
        public void onAnimationsTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
            // Load node graph (TestAnimations is a sub class of CCLayer) and retrieve the ccb action manager
            CCBAnimationManager actionManager = null;

            /* Create an autorelease CCNodeLoaderLibrary. */
            CCNodeLoaderLibrary ccNodeLoaderLibrary = CCNodeLoaderLibrary.NewDefaultCCNodeLoaderLibrary();

            ccNodeLoaderLibrary.RegisterCCNodeLoader("TestHeaderLayer", new Loader<TestHeaderLayer>());
            ccNodeLoaderLibrary.RegisterCCNodeLoader("TestAnimationsLayer", new Loader<AnimationsTestLayer>());

            /* Create an autorelease CCBReader. */
            var ccbReader = new CCBReader(ccNodeLoaderLibrary);

            /* Read a ccbi file. */
            // Load the scene from the ccbi-file, setting this class as
            // the owner will cause lblTestTitle to be set by the CCBReader.
            // lblTestTitle is in the TestHeader.ccbi, which is referenced
            // from each of the test scenes.
            CCNode animationsTest = ccbReader.ReadNodeGraphFromFile("ccb/ccb/TestAnimations.ccbi", this, ref actionManager);
            ((AnimationsTestLayer) animationsTest).setAnimationManager(actionManager);

            mTestTitleLabelTTF.Label = ("TestAnimations.ccbi");

            CCScene scene = new CCScene();

            /* Push the new scene with a fancy transition. */
            CCColor3B transitionColor;
            transitionColor.R = 0;
            transitionColor.G = 0;
            transitionColor.B = 0;

            CCDirector.SharedDirector.PushScene(new CCTransitionFade(0.5f, scene, transitionColor));
 public void valueChanged(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     var pSlider = (CCControlSlider) sender;
     // Change value of label.
     if (pSlider.Tag == 1)
         m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = (String.Format("Upper slider value = {0:0.00}", pSlider.Value));
     if (pSlider.Tag == 2)
         m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = (String.Format("Lower slider value = {0:0.00}", pSlider.Value));
Beispiel #5
         * Returns an CCInvocation object able to construct messages using a given
         * target-action pair. (The invocation may optionnaly include the sender and
         * the event as parameters, in that order)
         * @param target The target object.
         * @param action A selector identifying an action message.
         * @param controlEvent A control events for which the action message is sent.
         * See "CCControlEvent" for constants.
         * @return an CCInvocation object able to construct messages using a given
         * target-action pair.
        //protected CCInvocation invocationWithTargetAndActionForControlEvent(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)

         * Returns the CCInvocation list for the given control event. If the list does
         * not exist, it'll create an empty array before returning it.
         * @param controlEvent A control events for which the action message is sent.
         * See "CCControlEvent" for constants.
         * @return the CCInvocation list for the given control event.
        protected RawList <CCInvocation> DispatchListforControlEvent(CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            RawList <CCInvocation> invocationList;

            if (!m_pDispatchTable.TryGetValue(controlEvent, out invocationList))
                invocationList = new RawList <CCInvocation>(1);

                m_pDispatchTable.Add(controlEvent, invocationList);
 /* Callback for the change value. */
 public void valueChanged(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     var pSwitch = (CCControlSwitch) sender;
     if (pSwitch.IsOn())
         m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = ("On");
         m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = ("Off");
        public void HueSliderValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            Hsv.H = ((CCControlHuePicker)sender).Hue;

            RGBA rgb = CCControlUtils.RGBfromHSV(Hsv);

            // XXX fixed me if not correct
            base.Color = new CCColor3B((byte)(rgb.R * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.G * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.B * 255.0f));

            // Send Control callback
        public void ColourSliderValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            Hsv.S = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker)sender).Saturation;
            Hsv.V = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker)sender).Brightness;

            RGBA rgb = CCControlUtils.RGBfromHSV(Hsv);

            // XXX fixed me if not correct
            base.Color = new CCColor3B((byte)(rgb.R * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.G * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.B * 255.0f));

            // Send Control callback
        /* Callback for the change value. */

        public void valueChanged(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var pSwitch = (CCControlSwitch)sender;

            if (pSwitch.On)
                m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("On");
                m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Off");
Beispiel #10
        public void valueChanged(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var pSlider = (CCControlSlider)sender;

            // Change value of label.
            if (pSlider.Tag == 1)
                m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = (String.Format("Upper slider value = {0:2}", pSlider.Value));
            if (pSlider.Tag == 2)
                m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = (String.Format("Lower slider value = {0:2}", pSlider.Value));
        public void ColourSliderValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            _hsv.s = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker)sender).Saturation;
            _hsv.v = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker)sender).Brightness;

            // Update the value
            RGBA rgb = CCControlUtils.RGBfromHSV(_hsv);

            // XXX fixed me if not correct
            base.Color = new CCColor3B((byte)(rgb.r * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.g * 255.0f), (byte)(rgb.b * 255.0f));

            // Send Control callback
Beispiel #12
        public void onCCControlButtonClicked(object obj, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
            switch (pCCControlEvent)
            case CCControlEvent.TouchDown:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Down.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchDragInside:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Inside.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchDragOutside:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Outside.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchDragEnter:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Enter.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchDragExit:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Exit.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchUpInside:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Inside.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchUpOutside:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Outside.");

            case CCControlEvent.TouchCancel:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Cancel.");

            case CCControlEvent.ValueChanged:
                mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Value Changed.");

Beispiel #13
         * Sends action messages for the given control events.
         * @param controlEvents A bitmask whose set flags specify the control events for
         * which action messages are sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.

        public virtual void SendActionsForControlEvents(CCControlEvent controlEvents)
            // For each control events
            for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
                // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
                if ((controlEvents & (CCControlEvent)(1 << i)) != 0)
                    // Call invocations
                    // <CCInvocation*>

                    RawList <CCInvocation> invocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent((CCControlEvent)(1 << i));
                    foreach (CCInvocation invocation in invocationList)
Beispiel #14
        public void onAnimationsTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
            // Load node graph (TestAnimations is a sub class of CCLayer) and retrieve the ccb action manager
            CCBAnimationManager actionManager = null;

            /* Create an autorelease CCNodeLoaderLibrary. */
            CCNodeLoaderLibrary ccNodeLoaderLibrary = new CCNodeLoaderLibrary();

            ccNodeLoaderLibrary.RegisterCCNodeLoader("TestHeaderLayer", new Loader <TestHeaderLayer>());
            ccNodeLoaderLibrary.RegisterCCNodeLoader("TestAnimationsLayer", new Loader <AnimationsTestLayer>());

            /* Create an autorelease CCBReader. */
            var ccbReader = new CCBReader(ccNodeLoaderLibrary);

            /* Read a ccbi file. */
            // Load the scene from the ccbi-file, setting this class as
            // the owner will cause lblTestTitle to be set by the CCBReader.
            // lblTestTitle is in the TestHeader.ccbi, which is referenced
            // from each of the test scenes.
            CCNode animationsTest = ccbReader.ReadNodeGraphFromFile("ccb/ccb/TestAnimations.ccbi", this);


            mTestTitleLabelTTF.Text = ("TestAnimations.ccbi");

            CCScene scene = new CCScene(Scene);


            /* Push the new scene with a fancy transition. */
            CCColor3B transitionColor = new CCColor3B();

            transitionColor.R = 0;
            transitionColor.G = 0;
            transitionColor.B = 0;

            Scene.Director.PushScene(new CCTransitionFade(0.5f, scene, transitionColor));
Beispiel #15
 public void onCCControlButtonClicked(object obj, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     switch (pCCControlEvent)
         case CCControlEvent.TouchDown:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Down.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchDragInside:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Inside.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchDragOutside:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Outside.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchDragEnter:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Enter.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchDragExit:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Drag Exit.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchUpInside:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Inside.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchUpOutside:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Outside.");
         case CCControlEvent.TouchCancel:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Touch Cancel.");
         case CCControlEvent.ValueChanged:
             mCCControlEventLabel.Text = ("Value Changed.");
Beispiel #16
 public void onParticleSystemTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestParticleSystems.ccbi", "TestParticleSystemsLayer", new Loader <ParticleSystemTestLayer>());
        public void ColourSliderValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            _hsv.s = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker) sender).Saturation;
            _hsv.v = ((CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker) sender).Brightness;

            // Update the value
            RGBA rgb = CCControlUtils.RGBfromHSV(_hsv);
            // XXX fixed me if not correct
            base.Color = new CCColor3B((byte) (rgb.r * 255.0f), (byte) (rgb.g * 255.0f), (byte) (rgb.b * 255.0f));

            // Send Control callback
Beispiel #18
 public void onTimelineCallbackSoundClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestTimelineCallback.ccbi", "TimelineCallbackTestLayer", new Loader <TimelineCallbackTestLayer>());
        * Returns the CCInvocation list for the given control event. If the list does
        * not exist, it'll create an empty array before returning it.
        * @param controlEvent A control events for which the action message is sent.
        * See "CCControlEvent" for constants.
        * @return the CCInvocation list for the given control event.
        protected CCRawList<CCInvocation> DispatchListforControlEvent(CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            CCRawList<CCInvocation> invocationList;
            if (!dispatchTable.TryGetValue(controlEvent, out invocationList))
                invocationList = new CCRawList<CCInvocation>(1);

                dispatchTable.Add(controlEvent, invocationList);
            return invocationList;
		public void RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvent(object target, Action<object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            // Retrieve all invocations for the given control event
            CCRawList<CCInvocation> eventInvocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent);

            //remove all invocations if the target and action are null
            if (target == null && action == null)
                //remove objects
                //normally we would use a predicate, but this won't work here. Have to do it manually
                foreach (CCInvocation invocation in eventInvocationList)
                    bool shouldBeRemoved = true;
                    if (target != null)
                        shouldBeRemoved = (target == invocation.Target);
                    if (action != null)
                        shouldBeRemoved = (shouldBeRemoved && (action == invocation.Action));
                    // Remove the corresponding invocation object
                    if (shouldBeRemoved)
Beispiel #21
 public void onTimelineCallbackSoundClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestTimelineCallback.ccbi", "TimelineCallbackTestLayer", new Loader<TimelineCallbackTestLayer>());
        /** Callback for the change value. */

        public void ValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var pControl = (CCControlStepper) sender;
            // Change value of label.
            _displayValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}", pControl.Value);
 public void onButtonTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestButtons.ccbi", "TestButtonsLayer", new Loader<ButtonTestLayer>());
 public void onMenuTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestMenus.ccbi", "TestMenusLayer", new Loader<MenuTestLayer>());
 public void onCCControlButtonFunkyClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     mAnimationManager.RunAnimationsForSequenceNamedTweenDuration("Funky", 0.3f);
 public void touchDragOutsideAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = ("Drag Outside");
Beispiel #27
 public void touchCancelAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Touch Cancel");
Beispiel #28
 public void touchUpOutsideAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Outside.");
Beispiel #29
 public void touchDragExitAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Drag Exit");
Beispiel #30
 public void onCCControlButtonWaveClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     mAnimationManager.RunAnimations("Wave", 0.3f);
 public void onParticleSystemTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestParticleSystems.ccbi", "TestParticleSystemsLayer", new Loader<ParticleSystemTestLayer>());
Beispiel #32
        public void RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvent(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            // Retrieve all invocations for the given control event
            RawList <CCInvocation> eventInvocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent);

            //remove all invocations if the target and action are null
            if (target == null && action == null)
                //remove objects
                //normally we would use a predicate, but this won't work here. Have to do it manually
                foreach (CCInvocation invocation in eventInvocationList)
                    bool shouldBeRemoved = true;
                    if (target != null)
                        shouldBeRemoved = (target == invocation.Target);
                    if (action != null)
                        shouldBeRemoved = (shouldBeRemoved && (action == invocation.Action));
                    // Remove the corresponding invocation object
                    if (shouldBeRemoved)
 public void onScrollViewTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestScrollViews.ccbi", "TestScrollViewsLayer", new Loader<ScrollViewTestLayer>());
Beispiel #34
 public CCInvocation(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_target        = target;
     m_pAction       = action;
     m_pControlEvent = controlEvent;
 public void onSpriteTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestSprites.ccbi", "TestSpritesLayer", new Loader<SpriteTestLayer>());
Beispiel #36
 public void touchDownAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     DisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Touch Down");
		public CCInvocation(object target, Action<object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
			Target = target;
			Action = action;
			ControlEvent = controlEvent;
		public void AddTargetWithActionForControlEvent(object target, Action<object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            // Create the invocation object
            var invocation = new CCInvocation(target, action, controlEvent);

            // Add the invocation into the dispatch list for the given control event
            CCRawList<CCInvocation> eventInvocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent);
Beispiel #39
 public void onButtonTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestButtons.ccbi", "TestButtonsLayer", new Loader <ButtonTestLayer>());
        //virtual ~ControlColourPicker();
        public void HueSliderValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            _hsv.h = ((CCControlHuePicker) sender).Hue;

            // Update the value
            RGBA rgb = CCControlUtils.RGBfromHSV(_hsv);
            // XXX fixed me if not correct
            base.Color = new CCColor3B((byte) (rgb.r * 255.0f), (byte) (rgb.g * 255.0f), (byte) (rgb.b * 255.0f));

            // Send Control callback
Beispiel #41
 public void onSpriteTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestSprites.ccbi", "TestSpritesLayer", new Loader <SpriteTestLayer>());
Beispiel #42
 public CCInvocation(object target, Action <object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     _target       = target;
     _action       = action;
     _controlEvent = controlEvent;
		public void touchDragExitAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
			m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Drag Exit");
Beispiel #44
 public void onScrollViewTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestScrollViews.ccbi", "TestScrollViewsLayer", new Loader <ScrollViewTestLayer>());
		public void touchUpOutsideAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
			m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Touch Up Outside.");
Beispiel #46
         * Removes a target and action for a particular event (or events) from an
         * internal dispatch table.
         * @param target The target object�that is, the object to which the action
         * message is sent. Pass nil to remove all targets paired with action and the
         * specified control events.
         * @param action A selector identifying an action message. Pass NULL to remove
         * all action messages paired with target.
         * @param controlEvents A bitmask specifying the control events associated with
         * target and action. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.

        public virtual void RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvents(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
            // For each control events
            for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
                // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
                if ((controlEvents & (CCControlEvent)(1 << i)) != 0)
                    RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, (CCControlEvent)(1 << i));
		public void touchCancelAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
			m_pDisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Touch Cancel");
Beispiel #48
        public void AddTargetWithActionForControlEvent(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            // Create the invocation object
            var invocation = new CCInvocation(target, action, controlEvent);

            // Add the invocation into the dispatch list for the given control event
            RawList <CCInvocation> eventInvocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent(controlEvent);

        /** Callback for the change value. */

        public void ColourValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            CCControlColourPicker pPicker = (CCControlColourPicker)sender;
            _colorLabel.Text = string.Format("#{0:X00}{1:X00}{2:X00}", pPicker.Color.R, pPicker.Color.G, pPicker.Color.B);
Beispiel #50
 public CCInvocation(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_target = target;
     m_pAction = action;
     m_pControlEvent = controlEvent;
Beispiel #51
 public void onMenuTestClicked(object pSender, CCControlEvent pCCControlEvent)
     openTest("ccb/ccb/TestMenus.ccbi", "TestMenusLayer", new Loader <MenuTestLayer>());
Beispiel #52
        /** Callback for the change value. */

        public void ColourValueChanged(Object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            CCControlColourPicker pPicker = (CCControlColourPicker)sender;

            _colorLabel.Text = string.Format("#{0:X00}{1:X00}{2:X00}", pPicker.Color.R, pPicker.Color.G, pPicker.Color.B);
         * Sends action messages for the given control events.
         * @param controlEvents A bitmask whose set flags specify the control events for
         * which action messages are sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.

        public virtual void SendActionsForControlEvents(CCControlEvent controlEvents)
            // For each control events
            for (int i = 0; i < ControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
                // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
                if ((controlEvents & (CCControlEvent) (1 << i)) != 0)
                    // Call invocations
                    // <CCInvocation*>

                    CCRawList<CCInvocation> invocationList = DispatchListforControlEvent((CCControlEvent) (1 << i));
                    foreach (CCInvocation invocation in invocationList)
Beispiel #54
 public CCControlEventArgs(CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     ControlEvent = controlEvent;
        * Removes a target and action for a particular event (or events) from an 
        * internal dispatch table.
        * @param target The target object�that is, the object to which the action 
        * message is sent. Pass nil to remove all targets paired with action and the
        * specified control events.
        * @param action A selector identifying an action message. Pass NULL to remove
        * all action messages paired with target.
        * @param controlEvents A bitmask specifying the control events associated with
        * target and action. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.

		public virtual void RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvents(object target, Action<object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
            // For each control events
            for (int i = 0; i < ControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
                // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
                if ((controlEvents & (CCControlEvent) (1 << i)) != 0)
                    RemoveTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, (CCControlEvent) (1 << i));
Beispiel #56
         * Adds a target and action for a particular event (or events) to an internal
         * dispatch table.
         * The action message may optionnaly include the sender and the event as
         * parameters, in that order.
         * When you call this method, target is not retained.
         * @param target The target object�that is, the object to which the action
         * message is sent. It cannot be nil. The target is not retained.
         * @param action A selector identifying an action message. It cannot be NULL.
         * @param controlEvents A bitmask specifying the control events for which the
         * action message is sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.

        public virtual void AddTargetWithActionForControlEvents(object target, Action <object, CCControlEvent> action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
            // For each control events
            for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
                // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
                if (((int)controlEvents & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    AddTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, (CCControlEvent)(1 << i));
 public void touchDownAction(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
     m_pDisplayValueLabel.Label = ("Touch Down");
Beispiel #58
 * Adds a target and action for a particular event (or events) to an internal
 * dispatch table.
 * The action message may optionnaly include the sender and the event as
 * parameters, in that order.
 * When you call this method, target is not retained.
 * @param target The target object�that is, the object to which the action
 * message is sent. It cannot be nil. The target is not retained.
 * @param action A selector identifying an action message. It cannot be NULL.
 * @param controlEvents A bitmask specifying the control events for which the
 * action message is sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants.
 public virtual void AddTargetWithActionForControlEvents(object target, SEL_CCControlHandler action, CCControlEvent controlEvents)
     // For each control events
     for (int i = 0; i < kControlEventTotalNumber; i++)
         // If the given controlEvents bitmask contains the curent event
         if (((int) controlEvents & (1 << i)) != 0)
             AddTargetWithActionForControlEvent(target, action, (CCControlEvent) (1 << i));
        /* Callback for the change value. */

        public void ValueChanged(object sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent)
            var controlSwitch = (CCControlSwitch) sender;
			if (controlSwitch.On)
                DisplayValueLabel.Text = ("On");
                DisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Off");