protected override TournamentDescriptor ParseTournament(string[] handLines) { var line = handLines[3]; var regex = new Regex(@"Tournament #(?<tournament_id>[^\s]+) (?<buyin>[^-]+) - Table #(?<tablenum>\d+) (?<tabletype>[^\(]+) \((?<money>[^\)]+)\)"); var match = regex.Match(line); if (!match.Success) { return(null); } var buyinText = match.Groups["buyin"].Value; var splittedBuyin = buyinText.Split('+'); decimal prizePool = 0; ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(splittedBuyin[0], out prizePool); var rake = splittedBuyin.Length > 1 ? ParserUtils.ParseMoney(splittedBuyin[1]) : 0m; var currency = match.Groups["money"].Value.Contains("Real Money") ? Currency.USD : Currency.PlayMoney; var tournamentDescriptor = new TournamentDescriptor { TournamentId = match.Groups["tournament_id"].Value, BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePool, rake, currency), Speed = TournamentSpeed.Regular, TournamentName = string.Format("Tournament #{0}", match.Groups["tournament_id"].Value) }; return(tournamentDescriptor); }
private void ProcessSTT(TournamentDescriptor tournament, string roomName, RoomData roomData) { tournament.TournamentsTags = TournamentsTags.STT; tournament.TournamentId = roomName.Substring(roomName.IndexOf('#') + 1); tournament.TournamentName = roomName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomData.BuyinFees)) { return; } var buyinFeeStrings = roomData.BuyinFees.Split('#'); if (!int.TryParse(buyinFeeStrings[0], out int prizePool)) { LogProvider.Log.Warn(this, $"Failed to parse prize pool of buyinFee {roomData.BuyinFees} of STT {roomName}. [{loggerName}]"); } var fee = 0; if (buyinFeeStrings.Length > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(buyinFeeStrings[1]) && !int.TryParse(buyinFeeStrings[1], out fee)) { LogProvider.Log.Warn(this, $"Failed to parse fee of buyinFee {roomData.BuyinFees} of STT {roomName}. [{loggerName}]"); } tournament.BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePool, fee, currency); }
private void setupTournamentHands(TreeNode parentNode, PokerFormat format) { DatabaseHandler databaseHandler = DatabaseHandler.getInstance(); IAggregateFluent <TournamentSummary> tournaments = databaseHandler.GetAllTournaments() .Aggregate().Match(Builders <TournamentSummary> .Filter.Where(h => h.SitAndGo == (format == PokerFormat.SitAndGo))); IAggregateFluent <HandHistory> allHands = databaseHandler.GetAllHands().Aggregate() .Match(Builders <HandHistory> .Filter.Where(h => h.GameDescription.PokerFormat == format)); IEnumerable <AggregateResult <Buyin> > allBuyins = tournaments.Group(h => h.Buyin, h => new AggregateResult <Buyin> { result = h.Key }) .Sort(Builders <AggregateResult <Buyin> > .Sort.Ascending(b => b.result)) .ToEnumerable(); decimal lastBuyin = -0.01m; foreach (dynamic buyinObj in allBuyins) { Buyin buyin = buyinObj.result; if (buyin.Total == lastBuyin) { continue; } lastBuyin = buyin.Total; IAggregateFluent <HandHistory> hands = allHands.Match(Builders <HandHistory> .Filter.Where(h => h.GameDescription.TournamentSummary.Buyin.Total == buyin.Total)); GroupHandTreeNode buyinNode = new GroupHandTreeNode(string.Format("{0}{1} {2}", buyin.GetCurrencySymbol(), buyin.Total, HandCount(hands)), hands); dynamic allIds = hands.Group(h => h.GameDescription.TournamentId, h => new { name = h.Key }).ToEnumerable(); foreach (dynamic idObj in allIds) { string id =; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { IEnumerable <TournamentSummary> summaries = tournaments.Match(t => t.Id == id).ToEnumerable(); if (summaries.Count() > 0) { TournamentSummary summary = summaries.First(); IAggregateFluent <HandHistory> tournyHands = allHands.Match(Builders <HandHistory> .Filter.Where(h => h.GameDescription.TournamentId == summary.Id)); buyinNode.Nodes.Add(new HandsTreeNode(summary.ToString(), tournyHands)); } } } if (buyinNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { parentNode.Nodes.Add(buyinNode); } } }
private void ProcessMTT(TournamentDescriptor tournament, string roomName) { tournament.TournamentsTags = TournamentsTags.MTT; var tournamentData = mttData.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MTTTables != null && x.MTTTables.MTTTableInfo != null && x.MTTTables.MTTTableInfo.MTTTables != null && x.MTTTables.MTTTableInfo.MTTTables.Any(m => m.TableName.Equals(roomName))); if (tournamentData == null) { tournament.TournamentId = roomName; LogProvider.Log.Warn(this, $"Failed to find MTT info for {roomName}. [{loggerName}]"); } else { tournament.TournamentId = tournamentData.MTTTables.RoomName.Substring(tournamentData.MTTTables.RoomName.IndexOf('#') + 1); tournament.TournamentName = tournamentData.MTTPrizes?.MTTPrizeInfo?.GameDetail; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(tournamentData.MTTInfo?.MTTDetailedInfo?.StartDateText, "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime startDate)) { var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time"); tournament.StartDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(startDate, timeZoneInfo); } else { tournament.StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } var entryChips = tournamentData.MTTInfo?.MTTDetailedInfo?.EntryChipInfo?.EntryChips?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsReal); if (entryChips != null) { tournament.StartingStack = entryChips.InitialStakes; var comissionRate = tournamentData.MTTInfo.MTTDetailedInfo.ComissionRate; var fee = Math.Round(entryChips.Amount * comissionRate / 100, 0); // it isn't correct to include bounty in prize, but currently DH doesn't show bounty as standalone field var prizePool = entryChips.Amount - fee + tournamentData.MTTInfo.MTTDetailedInfo.BountyAmount; tournament.BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePool, fee, currency); } else { entryChips = tournamentData.MTTInfo?.MTTDetailedInfo?.EntryChipInfo?.EntryChips?.FirstOrDefault(); tournament.StartingStack = entryChips != null ? entryChips.InitialStakes : DefaultStartingStack; tournament.BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(0, 0, currency); LogProvider.Log.Warn(this, $"Failed to find buyin info for {tournamentData.MTTTables.RoomName}. [{loggerName}]"); } } }
protected override Buyin ParseBuyin(string[] handLines) { string line = handLines[1]; int buyinStartIndex = line.IndexOf('$'); int buyinEndIndex = line.IndexOf(' ', buyinStartIndex); string buyin = line.Substring(buyinStartIndex, buyinEndIndex - buyinStartIndex); return(Buyin.FromBuyinRake(buyin.ParseAmount(), 0, Currency.USD)); }
protected override Buyin ParseBuyin(string[] handLines) { //Expected format: //***** History for hand T5-556424428-1 (TOURNAMENT: "€214 ChampionChip Turbo Qualifier Rebuy", R-10093-864, buy-in: €5) ***** string line = handLines[0]; int startIndex = line.IndexOf("buy-in: ") + 8; int endIndex = line.IndexOf(")", startIndex); string buyinStr = line.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); return(Buyin.FromBuyinRake(buyinStr.ParseAmount(), 0, Currency.USD)); }
private TournamentDescriptor ParseTournamentDescriptor(GameRoomInfo gameRoomInfo) { if (!gameRoomInfo.IsTournament) { return(null); } var tournamentDescriptor = new TournamentDescriptor { BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(PMImporterHelper.ConvertSNGTypeToBuyIn(gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.SNGRoomtype), 0, Currency.YUAN), Speed = gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.SNGRoomtype == SNGRoomType.QUICK_SNG ? TournamentSpeed.Turbo : TournamentSpeed.Regular, StartDate = DateTimeHelper.UnixTimeToDateTime(gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.StartTime / 1000), TournamentName = gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.RoomName, TournamentId = gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.GameRoomId.ToString(), TotalPlayers = (short)gameRoomInfo.SNGGameRoomBaseInfo.GameRoomUserMaxNums }; return(tournamentDescriptor); }
/// <summary> /// Parses tournament description from the specified HH lines /// </summary> /// <param name="handLines">Lines to parse</param> /// <returns>Description of tournament</returns> protected override TournamentDescriptor ParseTournament(string[] handLines) { Buyin buyIn; if (handLines[0].Contains("Freeroll")) { buyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(0, 0, DefaultCurrency); } else { var prizePoolText = handLines[0].TakeBetween("buyIn: ", " +"); var entryFeeText = handLines[0].TakeBetween(" + ", " "); if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(prizePoolText, out decimal prizePoolValue)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse buyin."); } if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(entryFeeText, out decimal entryFee)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse entry fee."); } buyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePoolValue, entryFee, DefaultCurrency); } var tableInfoLine = GetTableInfoLine(handLines); var tournamentName = handLines[0].TakeBetween("Tournament \"", "\""); var tournamentId = tableInfoLine.TakeBetween("(", ")"); var tournamentDescriptor = new TournamentDescriptor { TournamentId = tournamentId, TournamentName = tournamentName, BuyIn = buyIn }; return(tournamentDescriptor); }
/// <summary> /// Parses tournament description from the specified HH lines /// </summary> /// <param name="handLines">Lines to parse</param> /// <returns>Description of tournament</returns> protected override TournamentDescriptor ParseTournament(string[] handLines) { var header = ParseHeader(handLines); var tournamentHeader = header[0].Replace("Table", string.Empty) .Replace("Turbo", string.Empty); var tournamentId = tournamentHeader.Substring(tournamentHeader.IndexOf(" T") + 2).Trim(); var buyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(0, 0, DefaultCurrency); if (header.Length == 7 && header[2].Contains("+")) { var buyInHeaders = header[2].Split('+'); if (buyInHeaders.Length == 2) { if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(buyInHeaders[0].Trim(), out decimal prizePoolValue)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse buyin."); } if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(buyInHeaders[1].Trim(), out decimal entryFee)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse entry fee."); } buyIn.PrizePoolValue = prizePoolValue; buyIn.Rake = entryFee; } } var tournamentName = header[0].Replace($" T{tournamentId}", string.Empty).Trim(); if (tournamentName.StartsWith("- ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { tournamentName = tournamentName.Substring(2); } var tournamentDescriptor = new TournamentDescriptor { TournamentId = tournamentId, Speed = ParserUtils.ParseTournamentSpeed(header[0]), TournamentName = tournamentName, BuyIn = buyIn }; for (var i = handLines.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (handLines[i].Contains(" finished ")) { var totalPlayersText = handLines[i].TakeBetween(" out of ", " players"); if (int.TryParse(totalPlayersText, out int totalPlayers)) { tournamentDescriptor.TotalPlayers = totalPlayers; if (totalPlayers > 1) { var placeText = handLines[i].TakeBetween(" finished ", " out of "); if (int.TryParse(placeText, out int place)) { tournamentDescriptor.FinishPosition = place; } } } } else if (handLines[i].StartsWith("***SHOW", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } } return(tournamentDescriptor); }
/// <summary> /// Parses summary hand /// </summary> /// <param name="handLines">Lines to parse</param> /// <param name="handHistory">Handhistory to update</param> /// <returns>Handhistory with summary data</returns> protected override HandHistory ParseSummaryHand(string[] handLines, HandHistory handHistory) { var tournament = new TournamentDescriptor { Summary = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, handLines) }; var gameType = GameType.Unknown; foreach (var handLine in handLines) { if (handLine.ContainsIgnoreCase("Tournament summary")) { var tournamentName = handLine.TakeBetween(" : ", "("); var tournamentId = handLine.TakeBetween("(", ")", true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tournamentId)) { throw new TournamentIdException(handLine, "Couldn't parse tournament id"); } tournament.TournamentId = tournamentId; tournament.TournamentName = tournamentName; } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Player :", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var playerName = handLine.TakeBetween(" : ", string.Empty); handHistory.Hero = new Player(playerName, 0, 0); } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Buy-In :", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var prizePoolText = handLine.TakeBetween(": ", " +"); var entryFeeText = handLine.TakeBetween(" + ", string.Empty); if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(prizePoolText, out decimal prizePoolValue)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse buyin."); } if (!ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(entryFeeText, out decimal entryFee)) { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Could not parse entry fee."); } tournament.BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePoolValue, entryFee, DefaultCurrency); } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Registered players :", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var totalPlayersText = handLine.TakeBetween(" : ", string.Empty); if (int.TryParse(totalPlayersText, out int totalPlayers)) { tournament.TotalPlayers = totalPlayers; } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Speed : ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var speedText = handLine.TakeBetween(": ", string.Empty); tournament.Speed = speedText.Equals("turbo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? TournamentSpeed.Turbo : TournamentSpeed.Regular; } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Levels :", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var levelLine = handLine.Replace('-', ' '); try { gameType = ParseGameType(new[] { levelLine }); } catch { // do nothing, type will be set in importer } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Tournament started", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var dateText = handLine.TakeBetween("started ", string.Empty); try { tournament.StartDate = ParseDateFromText(dateText); } catch { // do nothing, date will be set in importer } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("You finished in", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var finishedPositionText = handLine .TakeBetween("finished in ", " place") .Replace("th", string.Empty) .Replace("st", string.Empty) .Replace("nd", string.Empty) .Replace("rd", string.Empty); if (int.TryParse(finishedPositionText, out int finishPosition)) { tournament.FinishPosition = finishPosition; } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("You won", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var wonText = handLine.TakeBetween("You won ", string.Empty); if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(wonText, out decimal won)) { tournament.Winning = won; } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Your rebuys", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var rebuysText = handLine.TakeBetween(":", string.Empty); if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(rebuysText, out decimal rebuy)) { tournament.Rebuy = rebuy; } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Your addons", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var addonsText = handLine.TakeBetween(":", string.Empty); if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(addonsText, out decimal addon)) { tournament.Addon = addon; } } } handHistory.GameDescription = new GameDescriptor(SiteName, gameType, null, TableType.FromTableTypeDescriptions(), SeatType.AllSeatType(), tournament); return(handHistory); }
private void ProcessDealerInfoRSP(DealerInfoRSP message, ClientRecord record, HandHistory history) { if (!TryParseHandID(message.GameID, out long handId)) { //throw new DHInternalException(new NonLocalizableString($"Failed to parse hand id from '{noticeResetGame.GameId}'.")); throw new Exception($"Failed to parse hand id from '{message.GameID}'."); } LogProvider.Log.Info($"Parsed GameID = {message.GameID} into HandID = {handId}"); history.HandId = handId; TournamentDescriptor tournament = null; if (record.IsTournament) { const int RakeProportion = 10; long rake = record.TournamentHasFixedRewards ? 0 : record.TournamentBuyIn / RakeProportion; long prizePoolValue = record.TournamentBuyIn - rake - record.TournamentBounty; tournament = new TournamentDescriptor { TournamentId = record.TournamentID, TournamentName = record.TournamentName, StartDate = record.TournamentStartDate, BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePoolValue, rake, Currency.All, record.TournamentBounty > 0, record.TournamentBounty), Rebuy = record.TournamentReBuy, Addon = record.TournamentAddOn, Speed = TournamentSpeed.Regular, // I didn't discover any reliable way to determine tournament speed from protocol messages }; } history.GameDescription = new GameDescriptor( EnumPokerSites.PPPoker, record.IsOmaha ? GameType.PotLimitOmaha : GameType.NoLimitHoldem, Limit.FromSmallBlindBigBlind(record.SmallBlind, record.BigBlind, Currency.All, record.Ante > 0, record.Ante), TableType.FromTableTypeDescriptions(record.Ante > 0 ? TableTypeDescription.Ante : TableTypeDescription.Regular), SeatType.FromMaxPlayers(record.MaxPlayers), tournament ); history.GameDescription.Identifier = record.RoomID; history.TableName = $"{record.RoomName}-{record.TableID}"; foreach (var stackInfo in message.Stacks) { if (!record.Players.ContainsKey(stackInfo.SeatID)) { throw new Exception($"Can't find a player sitting on seat #{stackInfo.SeatID} for hand {handId}. Total known players: {record.Players.Count}. Total participating players: {message.Stacks.Length}."); } var roomPlayer = record.Players[stackInfo.SeatID]; var player = new Player { PlayerName = roomPlayer.ID.ToString(), PlayerNick = roomPlayer.Name, StartingStack = stackInfo.Chips, SeatNumber = stackInfo.SeatID + 1, IsSittingOut = false }; history.Players.Add(player); } history.DealerButtonPosition = message.Dealer + 1; }
protected override Buyin ParseBuyin(string[] handLines) { return(Buyin.FromBuyinRake(0, 0, Currency.CHIPS)); }
protected override HandHistory ParseSummaryHand(string[] handLines, HandHistory handHistory) { var tournament = new TournamentDescriptor { Summary = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, handLines) }; foreach (var handLine in handLines) { // parse tournament id if (handLine.StartsWith("Tournament ID", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var indexOfColon = handLine.IndexOf(":"); tournament.TournamentId = handLine.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).Trim(); } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Buy-In", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var buyInText = ParseTournamentSummaryMoneyLine(handLine); var buyInSplit = buyInText.Split('+'); decimal buyIn = 0; decimal rake = 0; Currency currency = Currency.USD; if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(buyInSplit[0], out buyIn, out currency)) { if (buyInSplit.Length > 1) { ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(buyInSplit[1], out rake, out currency); } } tournament.BuyIn = Buyin.FromBuyinRake(buyIn, rake, currency); } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Rebuy", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var rebuyText = ParseTournamentSummaryMoneyLine(handLine); decimal rebuy = 0; Currency currency = Currency.USD; if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(rebuyText, out rebuy, out currency)) { tournament.Rebuy = rebuy; } } else if (handLine.StartsWith("Add-On", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var addonText = ParseTournamentSummaryMoneyLine(handLine); decimal addon = 0; Currency currency = Currency.USD; if (ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(addonText, out addon, out currency)) { tournament.Addon = addon; } } else if (handLine.Contains("finished")) { var match = SummaryFinishedRegex.Match(handLine); if (!match.Success) { LogProvider.Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' wasn't parsed", handLine)); continue; } var playerName = match.Groups["player"].Value; var positionText = match.Groups["position"].Value; var totalPlayersText = match.Groups["total"].Value; var wonText = match.Groups["won"] != null ? match.Groups["won"].Value.Replace(",", ".").Trim() : string.Empty; handHistory.Hero = new Player(playerName, 0, 0); short position = 0; short totalPlayers = 0; decimal won = 0; Currency wonCurrency = Currency.USD; if (!short.TryParse(positionText, out position)) { LogProvider.Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' position wasn't parsed", handLine)); continue; } if (!short.TryParse(totalPlayersText, out totalPlayers)) { LogProvider.Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' total players weren't parsed", handLine)); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wonText) && !ParserUtils.TryParseMoney(wonText, out won, out wonCurrency)) { LogProvider.Log.Error(string.Format("'{0}' won data wasn't parsed", handLine)); continue; } tournament.FinishPosition = position; tournament.TotalPlayers = totalPlayers; tournament.Winning = won; } } handHistory.GameDescription = new GameDescriptor(EnumPokerSites.Poker888, GameType.Unknown, null, TableType.FromTableTypeDescriptions(), SeatType.AllSeatType(), tournament); return(handHistory); }
protected override Buyin ParseBuyin(string[] handLines) { // Expect the first line to look like: // PokerStars Hand #121723607468: Tournament #973955807, $2.30+$2.30+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (600/1200) // PokerStars Hand #121732709812: Tournament #974092011, $55.56+$4.44 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2014/09/18 17:02:21 ET // this is obviously not needed for CashGame var TournamentIdStartindex = GetTournamentIdStartIndex(handLines[0]); int startIndex = handLines[0].IndexOf(',', TournamentIdStartindex) + 2; int endIndex = handLines[0].IndexOf(' ', startIndex); string buyinSubstring = handLines[0].Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); Currency currency; if (buyinSubstring.EndsWithFast("FPP")) { currency = Currency.RAKE_POINTS; } else if (buyinSubstring.Contains("Freeroll")) { currency = Currency.SATELLITE; } else { currency = ParseCurrency(handLines[0], buyinSubstring[0]); } decimal prizePoolValue; decimal rake; decimal knockoutValue = 0m; var buyinSplit = buyinSubstring.Split('+'); if (buyinSplit.Length == 3) { prizePoolValue = buyinSplit[0].ParseAmount(); knockoutValue = buyinSplit[1].ParseAmount(); rake = buyinSplit[2].ParseAmount(); } else if (buyinSplit.Length == 2) { prizePoolValue = buyinSplit[0].ParseAmount(); rake = buyinSplit[1].ParseAmount(); } else if (buyinSplit.Length == 1) { if (buyinSplit[0].EndsWithFast("FPP")) { prizePoolValue = 0; rake = 0; } else if (buyinSplit[0] == "Freeroll") { prizePoolValue = 0; rake = 0; } else { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Expected FPP/Freeroll Buyin Format"); } } else { throw new BuyinException(handLines[0], "Unrecognized Buyin Format"); } return(Buyin.FromBuyinRake(prizePoolValue, rake, currency, knockoutValue != 0m, knockoutValue)); }