Beispiel #1
    public static void RemoveButtonDelegate(string inputName, float axisAsButtonThreshold, ButtonDelegate buttonDelegate)
        if (isApplicationQuitting || (instance == null))

        ButtonDelegateKey key = new ButtonDelegateKey(inputName, axisAsButtonThreshold);

        if (dictButtonDelegates.ContainsKey(key))
            ButtonDelegateEntry dictEntry = dictButtonDelegates[key];
            dictEntry.buttonDelegate -= buttonDelegate;

            if (dictEntry.buttonDelegate == null)
Beispiel #2
    public static void AddButtonDelegate(string inputName, float axisAsButtonThreshold, ButtonDelegate buttonDelegate)
        if (isApplicationQuitting)

        if (instance == null)

        ButtonDelegateKey key = new ButtonDelegateKey(inputName, axisAsButtonThreshold);

        if (!dictButtonDelegates.ContainsKey(key))
            ButtonDelegateEntry entry = new ButtonDelegateEntry(buttonDelegate);
            dictButtonDelegates.Add(key, entry);
            dictButtonDelegates[key].buttonDelegate += buttonDelegate;
Beispiel #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!isApplicationQuitting && this.isInstance)
            //Iterate through the dictionaries and only check the inputs that have delegates assigned to them.

            Dictionary <string, AxisDelegate> .KeyCollection axisKeys = dictAxisDelegates.Keys;
            if (axisKeys.Count > 0)
                foreach (string key in axisKeys)

            Dictionary <Axis2DDelegateKey, Axis2DDelegate> .KeyCollection axis2DKeys = dictAxis2DDelegates.Keys;
            if (axis2DKeys.Count > 0)
                foreach (Axis2DDelegateKey key in axis2DKeys)
                    dictAxis2DDelegates[key](Input.GetAxis(key.inputHorizontal), Input.GetAxis(key.inputVertical));

            Dictionary <ButtonDelegateKey, ButtonDelegateEntry> .KeyCollection buttonKeys = dictButtonDelegates.Keys;
            if (buttonKeys.Count > 0)
                foreach (ButtonDelegateKey key in buttonKeys)
                    ButtonDelegateEntry entry = dictButtonDelegates[key];

                    float value = Input.GetAxis(key.inputName);
                    bool  state = false;

                    //If we have a negative threshold for a button, then we want to measure the axis going in the other direction.
                    if (key.axisAsButtonThreshold >= 0)
                        state = value >= key.axisAsButtonThreshold;
                        state = value <= key.axisAsButtonThreshold;

                    //Track the Pressed/Released states ourselves since we're detecting axis thresholds.
                    // Not sure if I should be sending Held and NotHeld events at the same time as I send the Pressed and Released
                    // events (respectively), but it's easier for people to use that way.
                    bool pressed = false, held = false, released = false, notHeld = false;
                    if (state && !entry.lastState)
                        pressed = held = true;
                    else if (state && entry.lastState)
                        held = true;
                    else if (!state && entry.lastState)
                        released = notHeld = true;
                    else if (!state && !entry.lastState)
                        notHeld = true;

                    entry.buttonDelegate(new ButtonState(pressed, held, released, notHeld));

                    entry.lastState = state;
        // End Update