Beispiel #1
        // Receives the image path and returns the businesscard
        public override async Task <Businesscard> getCard(string imagePath)
                using (var image = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                    Businesscard card = MakeEmptyCard();
                    Debug.WriteLine("AZUREVISION - Received image");
                    var textHeaders = await cv.ReadInStreamAsync(image);

                    string operationLocation = textHeaders.OperationLocation;
                    string operationId       = operationLocation.Substring(operationLocation.Length - 36);
                    // Extract the text
                    ReadOperationResult results = null;
                    Debug.WriteLine("AZUREVISION - sending image to Azure Service");
                        results = await cv.GetReadResultAsync(Guid.Parse(operationId));
                    }while ((results.Status == OperationStatusCodes.Running ||
                             results.Status == OperationStatusCodes.NotStarted));

                    Debug.WriteLine("AZUREVISION - received information from Azure Service");
                    card = await analyzeText(formatResults(results));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BadRequestException(ex.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        // Sends the card to the endpoint and returns a boolean indicating if this was succesfull or not
        public async Task SendCardsAsync(Businesscard card)
                // Serializing the businesscard object into a json string
                string              json     = JsonSerializer.Serialize <Businesscard>(card, serializerOptions);
                StringContent       content  = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                HttpResponseMessage response = null;
                // Send the card asynchronously to the url and wait for the response
                // Constants.RestUrl references a constants class
                response = await client.PostAsync(Constants.RestUrl, content);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // If the response was succesful (200 statuscode) then the card was sent succesfully
                    Debug.WriteLine("RestService: card was sent succesfully");
                    // If not then something went wrong, let the calling part of the application know with an exception
                    Debug.WriteLine("RestService: card could not be sent to the endpoint!");
                    throw new RestException("RestService: card wasn't sent succesfully");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new RestException("RestService: Card wasn't sent succesfully - Probably due to lack of internet connection");
Beispiel #3
        private Businesscard makeCard()
            Businesscard card = new Businesscard();

            card.Company  = getHighest(companyDic, true);
            card.Name     = getHighest(nameDic, true);
            card.Jobtitle = getHighest(jobTitleDic, true);
            card.Phone    = getHighest(phoneDic, false);
            card.Mobile   = getHighest(mobileDic, false);
            card.Email    = getHighest(emailDic, false);
            card.Fax      = getHighest(faxDic, false);
            string[] address = getHighest(addressDic, true).Split(',');
            if (address?.Length > 0)
                card.Street = address[0].Trim();
            if (address?.Length > 1)
                string city = "";

                for (int i = 1; i < address.Length; i++)
                    city += " " + address[i];
                card.City = city.Trim();
            card.Nature = getHighest(natureDic, true);
            card.Extra  = extraField;

Beispiel #4
 public Task <int> SaveBusinesscardAsync(Businesscard card)
     if (card.Id != 0)
         // Update an existing businesscard.
         // Save a new businesscard.
Beispiel #5
        // Initialize page and set binding context to BusinesscardsEntryViewModel using an existing businesscard
        public BusinesscardEntryPage(Businesscard card)
            BindingContext = new BusinesscardEntryViewModel(Navigation, card);

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <BusinesscardEntryViewModel>(this, "endpoint", (sender) =>
                save.IsEnabled   = false;
                delete.IsEnabled = false;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <BusinesscardEntryViewModel>(this, "endpoint_done", (sender) =>
                save.IsEnabled   = true;
                delete.IsEnabled = true;
        // Easy function used to print the card
        public void PrintCard(Businesscard card)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("Company: " + card.Company);
            sb.AppendLine("Name: " + card.Name);
            sb.AppendLine("Nature: " + card.Nature);
            sb.AppendLine("JobTitle: " + card.Jobtitle);
            sb.AppendLine("Phone: " + card.Phone);
            sb.AppendLine("Mobile: " + card.Mobile);
            sb.AppendLine("Email:" + card.Email);
            sb.AppendLine("Fax: " + card.Fax);
            sb.AppendLine("Street: " + card.Street);
            sb.AppendLine("City: " + card.City);
            sb.AppendLine("Date: " + card.Date);
            sb.AppendLine("Origin: " + card.Origin);
            sb.AppendLine("Extra: " + card.Extra);
Beispiel #7
        // Make an empty card
        public Businesscard MakeEmptyCard()
            Businesscard card = new Businesscard();

            card.Company  = "";
            card.Name     = "";
            card.Nature   = "";
            card.Jobtitle = "";
            card.Phone    = "";
            card.Mobile   = "";
            card.Email    = "";
            card.Fax      = "";
            card.Street   = "";
            card.City     = "";
            card.Date     = new DateTime();
            card.Origin   = "";
            card.Extra    = "";
        // Function to store the image locally as an unscanned card for later use
        private async Task StoreLocally()
            // Create a new card and fill in the information
            Businesscard card     = new Businesscard();
            string       filename = CameraService.PhotoPath.ToString();

            card.Base64  = imageService.ConvertImageToBase64(filename);
            card.Date    = DateTime.Now;
            card.Company = "Tap here to scan the card";
            card.Name    = "Unscanned card";
            card.Extra   = "UNSCANNEDCARD"; // Note: this value is very important since it is used to identify which card is unscanned and which is not (DO NOT CHANGE)

            // save the card locally
            await App.Database.SaveBusinesscardAsync(card);

            // refresh the page to show it on the mainpage
            Debug.WriteLine("Stored the card locally because the OCR Service isn't available");
            DependencyService.Get <IToast>().LongAlert("Stored the card.\nTry to rescan when connected to the internet.");
        // Initialize ViewModel, navigation and commands
        public BusinesscardEntryViewModel(INavigation navigation)
            Navigation   = navigation;
            restService  = new RestService();
            imageService = new ImageTransformationService();
            mailService  = new MailService();

            _company = new ValidatableObject <string>();
            _name    = new ValidatableObject <string>();
            _email   = new ValidatableObject <string>();
            _phone   = new ValidatableObject <string>();
            _mobile  = new ValidatableObject <string>();
            _fax     = new ValidatableObject <string>();

            Card = new Businesscard();

            SaveBusinessCard   = new Command(async() => await OnSave());
            DeleteBusinessCard = new Command(async() => await OnDelete());

Beispiel #10
 public Task <int> DeleteBusinesscardAsync(Businesscard card)
     // Delete a businesscard.