Beispiel #1
        public void bindtoken1(string service, string centercode)
            BusinessLayer.Display.tokendisplay bt = new BusinessLayer.Display.tokendisplay();
                DataTable dt   = new DataTable(); //use for LL
                DataTable dtd  = new DataTable(); //use for DL
                string    STR  = "";
                string    STR1 = "";
                string    STR2 = "";
                string    STR3 = "";

                //string service = "NEW LL";
                //string centercode = "BLS06";

                //string datenow = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                dt = bt.GetDisplayTokenBLL(service, centercode);

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    int num = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString());

                    if (num % 2 == 0)
                        STR += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dt.Rows[0]["CounterName_VCR"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">" + service + "</strong><br/> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                        token.Visible  = true;
                        token2.Visible = false;
                        token.Text     = STR;
                        STR2 += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dt.Rows[0]["CounterName_VCR"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">" + service + "</strong><br/> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                        token2.Visible = true;
                        token.Visible  = false;
                        token2.Text    = STR2;
                    //token.Text = "NA";
                    //token2.Text = "NA";

                //for LL..............................................

                //dt = dl.getdataTable("select TOP 1  e.Token,t.CounterNumber from tbl_entrance e inner join tbl_token t on (e.Applicationno=t.Application_Number) where'" + datenow + "' and e.Status='out' and e.Service='LL' order by t.Token_Id desc");

                //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    int num = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString());

                //    if (num % 2 == 0)
                //    {
                //        STR += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dt.Rows[0]["CounterNumber"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">Learners License(LL)</strong><br/> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dt.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                //        token.Visible = true;
                //        token2.Visible = false;
                //        token.Text = STR;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        STR2 += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dt.Rows[0]["CounterNumber"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">Learners License(LL)</strong><br/> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dt.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                //        token2.Visible = true;
                //        token.Visible = false;
                //        token2.Text = STR2;
                //    }
                //    //token.Text = "NA";
                //    //token2.Text = "NA";

                ////for DL....................................................................

                //dtd = dl.getdataTable("select TOP 1  e.Token,t.CounterNumber from tbl_entrance e inner join tbl_token t on (e.Applicationno=t.Application_Number) where'" + datenow + "' and e.Status='out' and e.Service='DL' order by t.Token_Id desc");

                //if (dtd.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    int num1 = Convert.ToInt32(dtd.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString());

                //    if (num1 % 2 == 0)
                //    {
                //        STR1 += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dtd.Rows[0]["CounterNumber"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">Driving License(DL)</strong><br /> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dtd.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                //        token1.Visible = true;
                //        token3.Visible = false;
                //        token1.Text = STR1;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        STR3 += "<div class=\"tile-header dvd dvd-btm\"><div class=\"text-center\"><h1 class=\"custom-font\"><strong class=\"st-class\">" + dtd.Rows[0]["CounterNumber"].ToString() + "</strong></h1></div></div> <div class=\"tile-body h\"><div class=\"text-center\"><strong class=\"st-class1\">Driving License(DL)</strong><br /> <strong class=\"st-class1\">Token Number</strong><br /><strong class=\"st-class12\">" + dtd.Rows[0]["Token"].ToString() + "</strong></div></div>";

                //        token3.Visible = true;
                //        token1.Visible = false;
                //        token3.Text = STR3;
                //    }
                //    //token1.Text = "NA";
                //    //token3.Text = "NA";
            catch { }
Beispiel #2
        public void bindtoken(string service, string centercode)
            BusinessLayer.Display.tokendisplay bt = new BusinessLayer.Display.tokendisplay();
                int       actualcount = 0;
                string    str         = "";
                int       j           = 0;
                string    chk1stul    = "";
                string    chk2stul    = "";
                string    next        = "";
                string    current     = "";
                string    Upcoming    = "";
                DataTable dt          = new DataTable();
                //string service = "NEW LL";
                //string centercode = "BBS02";
                int tokencount = 0;

                dt = bt.SGetDisplayTokenBLL(service, centercode);

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    tokencount = dt.Rows.Count;
                    if (tokencount == 1)
                        current  = dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                        next     = "NA";
                        Upcoming = "NA";
                    else if (tokencount == 2)
                        current  = dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                        next     = dt.Rows[1]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                        Upcoming = "NA";

                    else if (tokencount == 3)
                        current  = dt.Rows[0]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                        next     = dt.Rows[1]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                        Upcoming = dt.Rows[2]["TokenNo_INT"].ToString();
                    str += "<ul class=\"token-cont-row\">";
                    str += "<li class=\"flex-item\">" +
                           "<div class=\"card\"><div class=\"body\"><div class=\"tok-box\"><div class=\"tok-head\">" +
                           "<div class=\"tok-info\"><div class=\"tl2\"><h3>" + service + "</h3></div><div class=\"tl1\"><span> 1 </span>COUNTER</div>" +
                           "</div></div><div class=\"tok-body\"><div class=\"tok-row\"><div class=\"all_div text-center\"><div class=\"cur_div\"><label>CURRENT</label>" +
                           "<p>" + current + "</p></div><div class=\"nxt_div\"><label>NEXT</label><p>" + next + "</p></div><div class=\"nxt_div\"><label>UPCOMING</label><p>" + Upcoming + "</p>" +

                    token.Text = str;
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                if (actualcount != 3 && actualcount != 6 && actualcount != 9)
                    if (actualcount == 1 || actualcount == 4 || actualcount == 7)
                        sb.Append("".PadRight(64, ' ').Replace(" ", "&nbsp;"));
                        str += "<ul class=\"token-cont-row\">" +
                               "<li class=\"flex-item\">" +
                               sb.ToString() +
                               "</li>" +
                        token.Text = str + sb.ToString();
                        sb.Append("".PadRight(71, ' ').Replace(" ", "&nbsp;"));
                        str += "<ul class=\"token-cont-row\">" +
                               "<li class=\"flex-item\">" +
                               sb.ToString() +
                               "</li>" +
                        token.Text = str + sb.ToString();