Beispiel #1
        public void BizFlowAddActivitiesFromSharedRepoSaveLoad()
            int    ActivitiesToCreate = 5;
            string FileName           = TestResources.GetTempFile("BFSaveLoad.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow()
                Name = "Biz flow 1", Description = "Desc 1"

            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity()
                    ActivityName = "Activity " + i, Description = "desc" + i, Status = eRunStatus.Passed

                //for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                //    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                //    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                //    t.LocateBy = Act.eLocatorType.ByID;
                //    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
                //    a.Acts.Add(t);

                //    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                //    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                //    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
                //    a.Acts.Add(g);
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";

            //ValidationDB vdb = new ValidationDB() { Description ="DBV1", Expected ="exp1" };

            BF.RepositorySerializer.SaveToFile(BF, FileName);

            // Assert
            NewRepositorySerializer newRepositorySerializer = new NewRepositorySerializer();
            BusinessFlow            BF2 = (BusinessFlow)newRepositorySerializer.DeserializeFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), FileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Activities.Count(), ActivitiesToCreate);
            //Assert.AreEqual(BF2. Activities[0].Asserts.Count(), 1);
            //BF2.Description = "aaa";
Beispiel #2
        public void BizFlowSaveLoad()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 5;


            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";
            string FileName = TestResources.GetTempFile("bf1.xml");


            // Assert
            BusinessFlow BF2 = (BusinessFlow)RepositoryItem.LoadFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), FileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Name, BF.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Description, BF.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Activities.Count, ActivitiesToCreate);
            Assert.AreEqual(BF2.Variables.Count, 1);

Beispiel #3
        public void RunsetConfigBFVariablesTest()
            ObservableList <BusinessFlow> bfList = SR.GetAllRepositoryItems <BusinessFlow>();
            BusinessFlow BF1 = bfList[0];

            ObservableList <Activity> activityList = BF1.Activities;

            Activity activity = activityList[0];

            ActDummy act1 = new ActDummy()
                Value = "", Active = true


            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "aaa"


            BF1.Active = true;


            //Adding Same Business Flow Again to GingerRunner
            BusinessFlow bfToAdd = (BusinessFlow)BF1.CreateCopy(false);

            bfToAdd.ContainingFolder = BF1.ContainingFolder;
            bfToAdd.Active           = true;
            bfToAdd.InstanceGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

            WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository = SR;

            //Changing initial value of 2nd BF from BusinessFlow Config
            mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].Value = "bbb";
            mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].DiffrentFromOrigin = true;


            Assert.AreEqual(BF1.RunStatus, eRunStatus.Passed);
            Assert.AreEqual(activity.Status, eRunStatus.Passed);

            Assert.AreEqual(bfToAdd.RunStatus, eRunStatus.Passed);

            Assert.AreEqual(mGR.BusinessFlows[1].Variables[0].Value, "aaa");
            Assert.AreEqual(mGR.BusinessFlows[2].Variables[0].Value, "bbb");
Beispiel #4
        public void BizFlowCheckIsDirtyTrue()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 2;

            string TempFilepath = TestResources.GetTempFile("bfIsDirtyTrue.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";

            BF.RepositorySerializer.SaveToFile(BF, TempFilepath);

            // Assert
            NewRepositorySerializer newRepositorySerializer = new NewRepositorySerializer();
            BusinessFlow            BF2 = (BusinessFlow)newRepositorySerializer.DeserializeFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), TempFilepath);

            BF2.Description = "aaa";
            Assert.IsTrue(BF2.DirtyStatus == Amdocs.Ginger.Common.Enums.eDirtyStatus.Modified);
Beispiel #5
        public void BizFlowCheckIsDirtyTrue()
            int ActivitiesToCreate = 2;

            string TempFilepath = TestResources.GetTempFile("bfIsDirtyTrue.xml");

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow();

            BF.Name        = "Biz flow 1";
            BF.Description = "Desc 1";
            //BF.Status = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Active; //TODOL do NOT write to XML if null or empty
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity();
                a.ActivityName = "Activity number " + i;
                a.Description  = "Desc - " + i;
                a.Status = eRunStatus.Passed;
                for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    ActTextBox t = new ActTextBox();
                    t.Description = "Set text box " + j;
                    t.LocateBy    = eLocateBy.ByID;
                    t.LocateValue = "ID" + j;

                    ActGotoURL g = new ActGotoURL();
                    g.Description = "goto URL " + j;
                    g.LocateValue = "ID" + j;
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";


            // Assert
            BusinessFlow BF2 = (BusinessFlow)RepositoryItem.LoadFromFile(typeof(BusinessFlow), TempFilepath);

            BF2.SaveBackup();//dirty now just indicate if backup exist
            BF2.Description = "aaa";

Beispiel #6
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Fire Fox";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            //a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumFireFox;//have known firefox issues with selenium 3
            a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;

            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();
            // p2.Agent = a;

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a
            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"

            string path = Path.Combine(TestResources.GetTestResourcesFolder(@"Solutions" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "BasicSimple"));

            SR = GingerSolutionRepository.CreateGingerSolutionRepository();
Beispiel #7
        public void TestBusinessFlowVariableSyncWithRepo()
            string variableName = "BFV1";
            string initialValue = "123";
            string updatedValue = "abc123";

            mBF = new BusinessFlow()
                Name = "TestBFVarSync", Active = true

            VariableString V1 = new VariableString()
                Name = variableName, InitialStringValue = initialValue


            // add business flow to the solution repository

            // prepare to add the variable to the shared repository
            UploadItemSelection uploadItemSelection = new UploadItemSelection()
                UsageItem = V1, ItemUploadType = UploadItemSelection.eItemUploadType.New

            (new SharedRepositoryOperations()).UploadItemToRepository(new Context()
                BusinessFlow = mBF
            }, uploadItemSelection);

            // find the newly added variable from the shared repo
            VariableBase   sharedVariableBase = (from x in mSolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <VariableBase>() where x.Name == variableName select x).SingleOrDefault();
            VariableString sharedV1           = (VariableString)sharedVariableBase;

            //update the new value in the shared repo variable
            sharedV1.InitialStringValue = updatedValue;

            //sync the updated instance with the business flow instance
            sharedV1.UpdateInstance(V1, "All", mBF);

            // get the updated value from the business flow
            VariableString V2 = (VariableString)mBF.Variables[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, mBF.Variables.Count);
            Assert.AreNotSame(V1, V2);
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedValue, V2.InitialStringValue);
        public void VBS_CalcWithVars()
            //mBF.Variables.Add(new VariableString() { Name= "Param1", Value="5"});
            //mBF.Variables.Add(new VariableString() { Name = "Param2", Value = "3" });
            mBF.AddVariable(new VariableString()
                Name = "Param1", Value = "5"
            mBF.AddVariable(new VariableString()
                Name = "Param2", Value = "3"

            ValueExpression VE = new ValueExpression(mEnv, mBF);

            VE.Value = "{VBS Eval={Var Name=Param1} + {Var Name=Param2}}";

            string v = VE.ValueCalculated;

            Assert.AreEqual(v, "8");
Beispiel #9
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            AutoLogProxy.Init("Unit Tests");
            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Fire Fox";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.Platforms  = new ObservableList <Platform>();
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.Environments.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            //a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumFireFox;//have knowen firefox issues with selenium 3
            a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;

            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();
            // p2.Agent = a;

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a
            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"
Beispiel #10
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            string solutionfolder = TestResources.GetTempFolder("GingerVariableTests");


            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Fire Fox";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString busFlowV1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "BFV1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            a.AgentType = Agent.eAgentType.Service; // Simple agent which anyhow we don't need to start for this test and will work on Linux

            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a
            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"
Beispiel #11
        public void TestInitialize()
            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Status Result Test";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.Platforms  = new ObservableList <Platform>();
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.CurrentSolution  = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();
            mGR.GiveUserFeedback = true;

            Agent a = new Agent();

            a.DriverType       = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;
            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();

            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web
            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a

Beispiel #12
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            AutoLogProxy.Init("Unit Tests");
            RepositoryItemHelper.RepositoryItemFactory = new RepositoryItemFactory();

            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Chrome";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "WebApp"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;

            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "WebApp", Agent = a
            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "WebApp", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            TargetFrameworkHelper.Helper = new DotNetFrameworkHelper();

            mBF            = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            mBF.Name       = "BF Test Chrome";
            mBF.Active     = true;
            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "WebApp"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.Executor.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            Agent a = new Agent();

            a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;

            ((GingerExecutionEngine)mGR.Executor).SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "WebApp", Agent = a
            mGR.Executor.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.Executor.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "WebApp", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"
Beispiel #14
        public void BackUpRestore()
            int    ActivitiesToCreate = 5;
            string BizFlowName        = "Biz flow Back/Rest";
            string BizFlowDescription = "Desc Back/Rest tester";

            BusinessFlow BF = new BusinessFlow()
                Name = BizFlowName

            BF.Status     = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Development;
            BF.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
            ObservableList <Activity> OriginalActivitiesObj = BF.Activities;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ActivitiesToCreate; i++)
                Activity a = new Activity()
                    ActivityName = "Activity " + i, Description = "desc" + i, Status = eRunStatus.Passed

            // Create Activity to check ref
            Activity a6 = new Activity()
                ActivityName = "a6"


            // Add one action to make sure backup drill down, and restore the ref item not a copy
            ActGotoURL act1 = new ActGotoURL();

            act1.Description = "Goto URL 1";

            //add action with input/output vals
            act1.InputValues = new ObservableList <ActInputValue>();
            string        firstInputValName = "Param1";
            ActInputValue firstInputVal     = new ActInputValue()
                Param = firstInputValName

            act1.InputValues.Add(new ActInputValue()
                Param = "Param2"

            //add flow control
            act1.FlowControls = new ObservableList <FlowControl>();
            act1.FlowControls.Add(new GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl()
                Condition = "A=B", FlowControlAction = eFlowControlAction.GoToActivity
            eFlowControlAction secondFlowControlAction = eFlowControlAction.RerunAction;

            GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl secondFlowControl = new GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl()
                Condition = "C>123", FlowControlAction = secondFlowControlAction
            act1.FlowControls.Add(new GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl()
                Condition = "D=111", FlowControlAction = eFlowControlAction.StopRun

            //BF Variables
            VariableString v = new VariableString();

            v.Name        = "Var1";
            v.Description = "VDesc 1";
            VariableSelectionList sl = new VariableSelectionList();

            sl.Name = "Var 2";
            sl.OptionalValuesList = new ObservableList <OptionalValue>();
            sl.OptionalValuesList.Add(new OptionalValue("11"));
            sl.OptionalValuesList.Add(new OptionalValue("22"));
            sl.OptionalValuesList.Add(new OptionalValue("33"));

            // BF.SaveBackup();


            //Erase/Modify some stuff
            BF.Name        = "zzzz";
            BF.Description = BizFlowDescription;
            BF.Status      = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Retired;
            BF.Activities[1].Description = "AAAA";
            act1.Description = "ZZZZZ";

            act1.InputValues[0].Param = "qqq";

            act1.FlowControls[1].FlowControlAction = eFlowControlAction.MessageBox;
            act1.FlowControls.Add(new GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl()
                Condition = "Val=123"
            act1.FlowControls.Add(new GingerCore.FlowControlLib.FlowControl()
                Condition = "Val=555"

            sl.OptionalValuesList[0].Value = "aaaa";
            sl.OptionalValuesList.Add(new OptionalValue("44"));
            sl.OptionalValuesList.Add(new OptionalValue("55"));

            // BF.RestoreFromBackup();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Name, BizFlowName, "BF.Name");
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Description, null, "BF.Description");

            // check enum restore
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Status, BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Development, "BF.Status");
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Activities.Count(), ActivitiesToCreate + 1, "BF.Activities.Count()");

            //check original list ref obj
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Activities, OriginalActivitiesObj, "BF.Activities REF");
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Activities[0].Description, "desc1", "BF.Activities[0].Description");
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Activities[5].ActivityName, "a6", "BF.Activities[5].ActivityName");

            // Check original action ref is back
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Activities[5], a6, "BF.Activities[5] REF");
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.Description, "Goto URL 1", "act1.Description");
            Assert.AreEqual(a6.Acts[0], act1, "a6.Acts[0]");

            //check Action input values
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.InputValues.Count, 2, "act1.InputValues.Count");
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.InputValues[0], firstInputVal, "act1.InputValues[0] REF");
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.InputValues[0].Param, firstInputValName, "act1.InputValues[0].Param");

            //check Action flow control
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.FlowControls.Count, 3, "act1.FlowControls.Count");
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.FlowControls[1], secondFlowControl, "act1.FlowControls[1] REF");
            Assert.AreEqual(act1.FlowControls[1].FlowControlAction, secondFlowControlAction, "act1.FlowControls[1].FlowControlAction");

            //BF variables
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Variables.Count, 2, "BF.Variables.Count");
            Assert.AreEqual(BF.Variables[1], sl, "BF.Variables[0] REF");
            Assert.AreEqual(((VariableSelectionList)BF.Variables[1]).OptionalValuesList[0].Value, "11", "BF.Variables[0].Value");
Beispiel #15
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            mBF        = new BusinessFlow();
            mBF.Name   = "BF Test Fire Fox";
            mBF.Active = true;

            Activity activity = new Activity();


            ActDummy action1 = new ActDummy();
            ActDummy action2 = new ActDummy();


            Platform p = new Platform();

            p.PlatformType = ePlatformType.Web;
            mBF.TargetApplications.Add(new TargetApplication()
                AppName = "SCM"

            VariableString v1 = new VariableString()
                Name = "v1", InitialStringValue = "1"


            mGR                 = new GingerRunner();
            mGR.Name            = "Test Runner";
            mGR.CurrentSolution = new Ginger.SolutionGeneral.Solution();

            mGR.CurrentBusinessFlow = mBF;
            mGR.CurrentBusinessFlow.CurrentActivity = mBF.Activities[0];

            environment         = new ProjEnvironment();
            environment.Name    = "Default";
            mBF.Environment     = environment.Name;
            mGR.ProjEnvironment = environment;

            Agent a = new Agent();

            //a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumFireFox;//have known firefox issues with selenium 3
            a.DriverType = Agent.eDriverType.SeleniumChrome;

            mGR.SolutionAgents = new ObservableList <Agent>();
            // p2.Agent = a;

            mGR.ApplicationAgents.Add(new ApplicationAgent()
                AppName = "SCM", Agent = a
            mGR.SolutionApplications = new ObservableList <ApplicationPlatform>();
            mGR.SolutionApplications.Add(new ApplicationPlatform()
                AppName = "SCM", Platform = ePlatformType.Web, Description = "New application"
            mGR.SpecificEnvironmentName = environment.Name;
            mGR.UseSpecificEnvironment  = false;

            string path         = Path.Combine(TestResources.GetTestResourcesFolder(@"Solutions" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "BasicSimple"));
            string solutionFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, @"Ginger.Solution.xml");

            solution = Solution.LoadSolution(solutionFile);
            SR       = GingerSolutionRepository.CreateGingerSolutionRepository();
            WorkSpace.Instance.Solution = solution;
            WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.LoggerConfigurations.CalculatedLoggerFolder = WorkSpace.Instance.Solution.LoggerConfigurations.ExecutionLoggerConfigurationExecResultsFolder;
Beispiel #16
        public BusinessFlow ConvertQCTestSetToBF(QC.ALMTestSet testSet)
            GingerActivitiesGroupsRepo = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <ActivitiesGroup>();
            GingerActivitiesRepo       = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository.GetAllRepositoryItems <Activity>();
                if (testSet == null)

                //Create Business Flow
                BusinessFlow busFlow = new BusinessFlow();
                busFlow.Name       = testSet.TestSetName;
                busFlow.ExternalID = testSet.TestSetID;
                busFlow.Status     = BusinessFlow.eBusinessFlowStatus.Development;
                busFlow.Activities = new ObservableList <Activity>();
                busFlow.Variables  = new ObservableList <VariableBase>();
                Dictionary <string, string> busVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>();//will store linked variables

                //Create Activities Group + Activities for each TC
                foreach (QC.ALMTSTest tc in testSet.Tests)
                    //check if the TC is already exist in repository
                    ActivitiesGroup tcActivsGroup;
                    ActivitiesGroup repoActivsGroup = null;
                    if (repoActivsGroup == null)
                        repoActivsGroup = GingerActivitiesGroupsRepo.Where(x => x.ExternalID == tc.TestID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (repoActivsGroup != null)
                        List <Activity> repoNotExistsStepActivity = GingerActivitiesRepo.Where(z => repoActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Select(y => y.ActivityExternalID).ToList().Contains(z.ExternalID))
                                                                    .Where(x => !tc.Steps.Select(y => y.StepID).ToList().Contains(x.ExternalID)).ToList();

                        tcActivsGroup = (ActivitiesGroup)repoActivsGroup.CreateInstance();

                        var ActivitySIdentifiersToRemove = tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Where(x => repoNotExistsStepActivity.Select(z => z.ExternalID).ToList().Contains(x.ActivityExternalID));
                        for (int indx = 0; indx < tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Count; indx++)
                            if ((indx < tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Count) && (ActivitySIdentifiersToRemove.Contains(tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers[indx])))

                        tcActivsGroup.ExternalID2 = tc.TestID;
                        busFlow.ImportActivitiesGroupActivitiesFromRepository(tcActivsGroup, GingerActivitiesRepo, ApplicationPlatforms, true);
                    else //TC not exist in Ginger repository so create new one
                        tcActivsGroup             = new ActivitiesGroup();
                        tcActivsGroup.Name        = tc.TestName;
                        tcActivsGroup.ExternalID  = tc.TestID;
                        tcActivsGroup.ExternalID2 = tc.LinkedTestID;
                        tcActivsGroup.Description = tc.Description;

                    //Add the TC steps as Activities if not already on the Activities group
                    foreach (QC.ALMTSTestStep step in tc.Steps)
                        Activity stepActivity;
                        bool     toAddStepActivity = false;

                        //check if mapped activity exist in repository
                        Activity repoStepActivity = (Activity)GingerActivitiesRepo.Where(x => x.ExternalID == step.StepID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (repoStepActivity != null)
                            //check if it is part of the Activities Group
                            ActivityIdentifiers groupStepActivityIdent = (ActivityIdentifiers)tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Where(x => x.ActivityExternalID == step.StepID).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (groupStepActivityIdent != null)
                                //already in Activities Group so get link to it
                                stepActivity = (Activity)busFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.Guid == groupStepActivityIdent.ActivityGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                                // in any case update description/expected/name - even if "step" was taken from repository
                                stepActivity.Description  = StripHTML(step.Description);
                                stepActivity.Expected     = StripHTML(step.Expected);
                                stepActivity.ActivityName = tc.TestName + ">" + step.StepName;
                            else//not in ActivitiesGroup so get instance from repo
                                stepActivity      = (Activity)repoStepActivity.CreateInstance();
                                toAddStepActivity = true;
                        else//Step not exist in Ginger repository so create new one
                            stepActivity = new Activity();
                            stepActivity.ActivityName = tc.TestName + ">" + step.StepName;
                            stepActivity.ExternalID   = step.StepID;
                            stepActivity.Description  = StripHTML(step.Description);

                            toAddStepActivity = true;

                        if (toAddStepActivity)
                            //not in group- need to add it
                            busFlow.AddActivity(stepActivity, tcActivsGroup);

                        //pull TC-Step parameters and add them to the Activity level
                        List <string> stepParamsList = new List <string>();
                        foreach (string param in stepParamsList)
                            //get the param value
                            string paramSelectedValue         = string.Empty;
                            bool?  isflowControlParam         = null;
                            QC.ALMTSTestParameter tcParameter = tc.Parameters.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == param.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();

                            //get the param value
                            if (tcParameter != null && tcParameter.Value != null && tcParameter.Value != string.Empty)
                                paramSelectedValue = tcParameter.Value;
                                isflowControlParam = null;//empty value
                                paramSelectedValue = "<Empty>";

                            //check if parameter is part of a link
                            string linkedVariable = null;
                            if (paramSelectedValue.StartsWith("#$#"))
                                string[] valueParts = paramSelectedValue.Split(new [] { "#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                if (valueParts.Count() == 3)
                                    linkedVariable     = valueParts[1];
                                    paramSelectedValue = "$$_" + valueParts[2];//so it still will be considered as non-flow control

                                    if (!busVariables.Keys.Contains(linkedVariable))
                                        busVariables.Add(linkedVariable, valueParts[2]);

                            //determine if the param is Flow Control Param or not based on it value and agreed sign "$$_"
                            if (paramSelectedValue.StartsWith("$$_"))
                                isflowControlParam = false;
                                if (paramSelectedValue.StartsWith("$$_"))
                                    paramSelectedValue = paramSelectedValue.Substring(3);//get value without "$$_"
                            else if (paramSelectedValue != "<Empty>")
                                isflowControlParam = true;
                            //check if already exist param with that name
                            VariableBase stepActivityVar = stepActivity.Variables.Where(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == param.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (stepActivityVar == null)
                                //#Param not exist so add it
                                if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                    //add it as selection list param
                                    stepActivityVar      = new VariableSelectionList();
                                    stepActivityVar.Name = param;
                                    stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because new flow control param was added
                                    //add as String param
                                    stepActivityVar      = new VariableString();
                                    stepActivityVar.Name = param;
                                    ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = paramSelectedValue;
                                //#param exist
                                if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                    if (!(stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList))
                                        //flow control param must be Selection List so transform it
                                        stepActivityVar      = new VariableSelectionList();
                                        stepActivityVar.Name = param;
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because flow control param was added
                                else if (isflowControlParam == false)
                                    if (stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList)
                                        //change it to be string variable
                                        stepActivityVar      = new VariableString();
                                        stepActivityVar.Name = param;
                                        ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = paramSelectedValue;
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because flow control param was removed

                            //add the variable selected value
                            if (stepActivityVar is VariableSelectionList)
                                OptionalValue stepActivityVarOptionalVar = ((VariableSelectionList)stepActivityVar).OptionalValuesList.Where(x => x.Value == paramSelectedValue).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (stepActivityVarOptionalVar == null)
                                    //no such variable value option so add it
                                    stepActivityVarOptionalVar = new OptionalValue(paramSelectedValue);
                                    if (isflowControlParam == true)
                                        stepActivity.AutomationStatus = eActivityAutomationStatus.Development;//reset status because new param value was added
                                //set the selected value
                                ((VariableSelectionList)stepActivityVar).SelectedValue = stepActivityVarOptionalVar.Value;
                                //try just to set the value
                                    stepActivityVar.Value = paramSelectedValue;
                                    if (stepActivityVar is VariableString)
                                        ((VariableString)stepActivityVar).InitialStringValue = paramSelectedValue;
                                catch (Exception ex) { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, $"Method - {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}, Error - {ex.Message}", ex); }

                            //add linked variable if needed
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkedVariable))
                                stepActivityVar.LinkedVariableName = linkedVariable;
                                stepActivityVar.LinkedVariableName = string.Empty;//clear old links

                    //order the Activities Group activities according to the order of the matching steps in the TC
                        int startGroupActsIndxInBf = 0;
                        if (busFlow.Activities.Count > 0)
                            startGroupActsIndxInBf = busFlow.Activities.IndexOf(tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers[0].IdentifiedActivity);
                        foreach (QC.ALMTSTestStep step in tc.Steps)
                            int stepIndx = tc.Steps.IndexOf(step) + 1;
                            ActivityIdentifiers actIdent = (ActivityIdentifiers)tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Where(x => x.ActivityExternalID == step.StepID).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (actIdent == null || actIdent.IdentifiedActivity == null)
                                break;//something wrong- shouldn't be null
                            Activity act          = (Activity)actIdent.IdentifiedActivity;
                            int      groupActIndx = tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.IndexOf(actIdent);
                            int      bfActIndx    = busFlow.Activities.IndexOf(act);

                            //set it in the correct place in the group
                            int numOfSeenSteps = 0;
                            int groupIndx      = -1;
                            foreach (ActivityIdentifiers ident in tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ident.ActivityExternalID) ||
                                    tc.Steps.Where(x => x.StepID == ident.ActivityExternalID).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    continue;//activity which not originally came from the TC

                                if (numOfSeenSteps >= stepIndx)
                            ActivityIdentifiers identOnPlace = (ActivityIdentifiers)tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers[groupIndx];
                            if (identOnPlace.ActivityGuid != act.Guid)
                                //replace places in group
                                tcActivsGroup.ActivitiesIdentifiers.Move(groupActIndx, groupIndx);
                                //replace places in business flow
                                busFlow.Activities.Move(bfActIndx, startGroupActsIndxInBf + groupIndx);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, $"Method - {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}, Error - {ex.Message}", ex);
                        //failed to re order the activities to match the tc steps order, not worth breaking the import because of this

                //Add the BF variables (linked variables)
                if (busVariables.Keys.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> var in busVariables)
                        //add as String param
                        VariableString busVar = new VariableString();
                        busVar.Name = var.Key;
                        busVar.InitialStringValue = var.Value;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to import QC test set and convert it into " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow), ex);