// Loads data from the database and binds the UI controls.
        private void BindGrid(int editIndex)
            MainSecurity objSercu = new MainSecurity();
            Role         objrole  = objSercu.GetRole(Page.User.Identity.Name);

            using (MainDB db = new MainDB()) {
                int    totalRows  = 0;
                int    startIndex = gridUser.CurrentPageIndex * gridUser.PageSize;
                string sort       = "";
                if (this.Sort.Length > 0)
                    sort = this.Sort + " " + this.SortDirection;
                string where = "";

                string strSearchName = txtSearch.Text.Trim().ToLower();

                if (ddlChannel.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    //lấy danh sách user của 1 channel
                    Channel_UserRow[] row    = db.Channel_UserCollection.GetByChannel_ID(Convert.ToInt32(ddlChannel.SelectedValue));
                    string            inuser = "";
                    if (row != null && row.Length > 0)
                        //duyệt qua danh sách user của 1 channel
                        foreach (Channel_UserRow userRow in row)
                            // Xu ly viec tim kiem theo UserName
                            // -- Neu Username nay trung voi keyword thi moi dc xu ly tiep
                            // -- Con ko co keyword thi hien thi all
                            if (strSearchName != "" && userRow.User_ID.ToLower().IndexOf(strSearchName) == -1)

                            // Neu la account Quan Tri kenh thi ko nhin thay account Channelvn va Admin
                            if (objrole.isQuanTriKenh && objrole.isAdministrator == false)
                                if (userRow.User_ID == "channelvn" || userRow.User_ID == "admin")

                            //lọc theo role
                            if (ddlRole.SelectedIndex > 0)
                                Channel_User_RoleRow[] curr = db.Channel_User_RoleCollection.GetByCU_ID(userRow.CU_ID);
                                if (curr != null && curr.Length > 0)
                                    //duyệt qua các role 1 user có
                                    foreach (Channel_User_RoleRow roleRow in curr)
                                        //nếu có role nào trùng với role cần lọc
                                        if (roleRow.Role_ID == Int32.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedValue))
                                            //đưa vào danh sách cần select
                                            inuser += "'" + userRow.User_ID + "',";
                                //đưa vào danh sách cần select
                                inuser += "'" + userRow.User_ID + "',";
                        inuser += "'" + Const.Global_Admin + "','" + Const.TONG_BIEN_TAP + "',";
                        Business.User User    = new Business.User();
                        string        inWhere = User.CheckDupplicate(inuser);
                        where = "User_ID in (" + inWhere.Remove(inWhere.Length - 1) + ")";
                        where = "User_ID in('" + Const.Global_Admin + "','" + Const.TONG_BIEN_TAP + "')";

                if (objrole.isQuanTriKenh && objrole.isAdministrator == false)
                    where += " AND User_ID NOT IN ('channelvn','admin') ";

                DataTable table = db.UserCollection.GetAsDataTable(where, sort, startIndex, gridUser.PageSize, ref totalRows);

                int viewStateFirst = gridUser.CurrentPageIndex * gridUser.PageSize;
                int viewStateLast;

                if (gridUser.AllowPaging)
                    viewStateLast = Math.Min(viewStateFirst + gridUser.PageSize, table.Rows.Count);
                    viewStateLast = table.Rows.Count;

                gridUser.VirtualItemCount = totalRows;
                gridUser.DataSource       = table;
                ViewState["dtuser"]       = table;
                gridUser.EditItemIndex    = editIndex;
