Beispiel #1
        public void ChangeStatus(int tripId, Status status)
            using (var context = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                Trip trip = context.Trips.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == tripId);

                Status oldStatus = trip.Status;

                trip.Status = status;

                int ticketCount = 0;

                ticketCount = context.Tickets.Where(t => t.TripId == tripId).Count();

                if (status == Status.arrived)
                    ArrivedTrip arTrip = new ArrivedTrip
                        ActualArrivalTime  = DateTime.Now,
                        OriginStation      = trip.OriginStation,
                        DestinationStation = trip.DestinationStation,
                        PassengerCount     = ticketCount



                Console.WriteLine($"Trip from {trip.OriginStation.Town.Name} to {trip.DestinationStation.Town.Name} on {trip.DepartureTime}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Status changed from {oldStatus} to {trip.Status}");
Beispiel #2
        public void Buy(int customerId, int tripId, decimal price, string seatNumber)
            using (var context = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                Customer customer = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == customerId);

                Trip trip = context.Trips.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == tripId);

                Ticket ticket = new Ticket
                    Customer = customer,
                    Trip     = trip,
                    Price    = price,
                    Seat     = seatNumber

                customer.BankAccount.Balance -= price;



                Console.WriteLine($"Customer {customer.Fullname} bought a ticket for trip {tripId} for {price:F2} on seat {seatNumber}");
Beispiel #3
        public void PublishReview(Customer customer, float grade, BusCompany busCompany, string content)
            var review = new Review {
                Customer = customer, BusCompany = busCompany, ReviewContent = content, Grade = grade

Beispiel #4
        public string Execute(string[] data)
            if (data.Length != 4)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid parameters!");

            int     customerId = int.Parse(data[0]);
            int     tripId     = int.Parse(data[1]);
            decimal price      = decimal.Parse(data[2]);
            string  seat       = data[3];

            string result = string.Empty;

            using (var db = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                var customer = db.Customers.Where(c => c.Id == customerId).Include(c => c.BankAccount).SingleOrDefault();

                if (customer == null || !db.Trips.Any(t => t.Id == tripId))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no such customer or trip!");

                if (db.Tickets.Any(t => t.CustomerId == customerId && t.TripId == tripId))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"You have already bought ticket for  trip {tripId}");

                if (price <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid price!");

                if (customer.BankAccount.Balance - price < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Insufficient funds!");

                customer.BankAccount.Balance -= price;

                var ticket = new Ticket()
                    CustomerId = customerId,
                    Price      = price,
                    Seat       = seat,
                    TripId     = tripId


                result = $"Customer {customer.FirstName} {customer.LastName} bought ticket for trip {tripId} for ${price} on seat {seat}";

Beispiel #5
        public Ticket BuyTicket(Customer customer, Trip trip, decimal price, string seat)
            Ticket ticket = new Ticket {
                Customer = customer, Trip = trip, Price = price, Seat = seat

        public string Execute(string[] data)
            if (data.Length < 4)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid parameters!");

            int    customerId = int.Parse(data[0]);
            double grade      = double.Parse(data[1]);
            string busCompany = data[2];
            string content    = string.Join(" ", data.Skip(3).ToArray());

            string result = string.Empty;

            using (var db = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                if (!db.Customers.Any(c => c.Id == customerId) || !db.BusCompanies.Any(b => b.Name == busCompany))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Custumer or Bus Company!");

                if (grade < 1 || grade > 10)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Grade can be between 1 and 10");

                var review = new Review()
                    BusCompanyId = db.BusCompanies.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == busCompany).Id,
                    Content      = content,
                    CustomerId   = customerId,
                    Grade        = grade


                string customerFullName = db.Customers.Find(customerId).FirstName + " " +

                result = $"{customerFullName} review was succesfully published";

Beispiel #7
        public void Publish(int customerId, double grade, string busCompanyName, string content)
            using (BusTicketSystemContext context = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                Customer   customer   = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == customerId);
                BusCompany busCompany = context.BusCompanies.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == busCompanyName);

                Review review = new Review
                    BusCompany  = busCompany,
                    Customer    = customer,
                    Grade       = grade,
                    Content     = content,
                    PublishDate = DateTime.Now



                Console.WriteLine($"Customer {customer.Fullname} published a review for company {busCompanyName}");
Beispiel #8
        public string Execute(string[] data)
            if (data.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid parameters!");

            int    tripId    = int.Parse(data[0]);
            string newStatus = data[1];
            var    result    = new StringBuilder();

            using (var db = new BusTicketSystemContext())
                var trip = db.Trips
                           .Include(t => t.OriginBusStation)
                           .ThenInclude(s => s.Town)
                           .Include(t => t.DestinationBusStation)
                           .ThenInclude(s => s.Town)
                           .Include(t => t.Tickets)
                           .SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == tripId);

                if (trip == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no such trip!");

                var statusNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Status)).ToList();

                if (!statusNames.Contains(newStatus))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid status name!");

                string oldStatus = trip.Status.ToString();

                trip.Status = (Status)statusNames.IndexOf(newStatus);

                string originTown      = trip.OriginBusStation.Town.Name;
                string destinationTown = trip.DestinationBusStation.Town.Name;

                result.AppendLine($"Trip from {originTown} to {destinationTown} on {trip.DepartureTime}");

                result.AppendLine($"Status changed from {oldStatus} to {newStatus}");

                if (newStatus == "Arrived")
                    int passengersCount = trip.Tickets.Count;

                    result.Append($"On {trip.ArrivalTime} - {passengersCount} passengers arrived at {destinationTown} from {originTown}");

                    var arrivedTrip = new ArrivedTrip()
                        ActualArrivedTime     = trip.ArrivalTime,
                        DestinationBusStation = destinationTown,
                        OriginBusStation      = originTown,
                        PassengersCount       = passengersCount



Beispiel #9
        private static void Seed(BusTicketSystemContext context)
            var towns = new[]
                new Town
                    Name    = "Sofia",
                    Country = "Bulgaria",
                new Town
                    Name    = "New York",
                    Country = "USA"


            var busCompanies = new[]
                new BusCompany
                    Name        = "Union Ivkoni",
                    Nationality = "BG",
                    Rating      = 7.6,
                new BusCompany
                    Name        = "American",
                    Nationality = "US",
                    Rating      = 9.0


            var busStations = new[]
                new BusStation
                    Name = "Union",
                    Town = towns[1]
                new BusStation
                    Name = "Centralna",
                    Town = towns[0]


            var bankAccounts = new[]
                new BankAccount
                    AccountNumber = "1231236",
                    Balance       = 2000,
                new BankAccount
                    AccountNumber = "5453789",
                    Balance       = 1000,


            var trips = new[]
                new Trip
                    BusCompany            = busCompanies[0],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[1],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[0],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Now,
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("12/01/2017"),
                    Status = Status.Departed

                new Trip
                    BusCompany            = busCompanies[1],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[0],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[1],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Now,
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("12/02/2017"),
                    Status = Status.Delayed


            var customers = new[]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Stiliyan",
                    LastName    = "Milanov",
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    HomeTown    = towns[0],
                    BankAccount = bankAccounts[0],
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Emma",
                    LastName    = "Stone",
                    Gender      = Gender.Female,
                    HomeTown    = towns[1],
                    BankAccount = bankAccounts[1],


            var tickets = new[]
                new Ticket
                    Price    = 50,
                    Seat     = 23,
                    Customer = customers[0],
                    Trip     = trips[0],
                new Ticket
                    Price    = 100,
                    Seat     = 33,
                    Customer = customers[1],
                    Trip     = trips[1],


            var reviews = new[]
                new Review
                    BusCompany = busCompanies[0],
                    BusStation = busStations[0],
                    Customer   = customers[0],
                    Content    = "Mnogo zle",
                    Grade      = 3.6,
                new Review
                    BusCompany = busCompanies[1],
                    BusStation = busStations[1],
                    Customer   = customers[1],
                    Content    = "Ekstra",
                    Grade      = 7.9,


Beispiel #10
        public static void Seed(BusTicketSystemContext context)
            var towns = new[]
                new Town {
                    Name = "Sofia", Country = "Bulgaria"
                new Town {
                    Name = "Berlin", Country = "Germany"
                new Town {
                    Name = "Paris", Country = "France"
                new Town {
                    Name = "Madrid", Country = "Spain"
                new Town {
                    Name = "Amsterdam", Country = "Holand"


            var busStations = new[]
                new Station {
                    Name = "Sofia Bus Station", Town = towns[0]
                new Station {
                    Name = "Berlin Bus Station", Town = towns[1]
                new Station {
                    Name = "Paris Bus Station", Town = towns[2]
                new Station {
                    Name = "Madrid Bus Station", Town = towns[3]
                new Station {
                    Name = "Amsterdam Bus Station", Town = towns[4]


            var busCompanies = new[]
                new Company {
                    Name = "EtapAdress", Nationality = "Bugarien", Raiting = 6.5f
                new Company {
                    Name = "Eurolines", Nationality = "French", Raiting = 7.5f
                new Company {
                    Name = "SchnellBus", Nationality = "German", Raiting = 9.5f
                new Company {
                    Name = "EspanaRapido", Nationality = "Spanish", Raiting = 6.5f
                new Company {
                    Name = "OnZeitBus", Nationality = "Dutch", Raiting = 8.5f


            var customers = new[]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Ivan",
                    LastName    = "Petrov",
                    DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("14-11-1992"),
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    HomeTown    = towns[0]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Gerald",
                    LastName    = "Hass",
                    DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("10-04-1987"),
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    HomeTown    = towns[1]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Jose",
                    LastName    = "Cortez",
                    DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("26-06-1978"),
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    HomeTown    = towns[2]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Eleonore",
                    LastName    = "Beavis",
                    DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("11-10-1987"),
                    Gender      = Gender.Female,
                    HomeTown    = towns[3]
                new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Erich",
                    LastName    = "Fulhert",
                    DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("06-02-1969"),
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    HomeTown    = towns[4]


            var bankAccounts = new[]
                new BankAccount {
                    AccountNumber = "8267GTZ928JO1", Balance = 1450.00m, Customer = customers[0]
                new BankAccount {
                    AccountNumber = "6272GT72519HPQZ", Balance = 500.00m, Customer = customers[1]
                new BankAccount {
                    AccountNumber = "GSJAGI173027JS60", Customer = customers[2]
                new BankAccount {
                    AccountNumber = "162066GAOZZJKA", Balance = 100.00m, Customer = customers[3]
                new BankAccount {
                    AccountNumber = "BSOWVSG172628J", Balance = 2050.00m, Customer = customers[4]


            var trips = new[]
                new Trip
                    Company               = busCompanies[0],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[3],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[4],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Parse("29-11-2017 6:30"),
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("30-11-2017 23:30"),
                    Status = Status.Departed
                new Trip
                    Company               = busCompanies[1],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[0],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[1],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Parse("30-11-2017 12:30"),
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("01-11-2017 22:00"),
                    Status = Status.Cancelled
                new Trip
                    Company               = busCompanies[2],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[2],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[3],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Parse("01-12-2017 17:30"),
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("03-12-2017 09:00"),
                    Status = Status.Delayed
                new Trip
                    Company               = busCompanies[2],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[2],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[0],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Parse("30-11-2017 13:30"),
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("01-12-2017 21:30"),
                    Status = Status.Arrived
                new Trip
                    Company               = busCompanies[4],
                    OriginBusStation      = busStations[0],
                    DestinationBusStation = busStations[4],
                    DepartureTime         = DateTime.Parse("04-12-2017 22:30"),
                    ArrivalTime           = DateTime.Parse("06-12-2017 14:00"),
                    Status = Status.Departed


            var tickets = new[]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[0], Price = 150.00m, Seat = "A4", Trip = trips[0]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[0], Price = 210.00m, Seat = "C2", Trip = trips[1]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[1], Price = 265.50m, Seat = "F2", Trip = trips[0]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[2], Price = 180.00m, Seat = "D5", Trip = trips[1]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[2], Price = 120.00m, Seat = "H3", Trip = trips[3]
                new Ticket {
                    Customer = customers[3], Price = 185.50m, Seat = "L2", Trip = trips[2]


            var reviews = new[]
                new Review
                    Content              = "Excellent trip! Look forward to travel again.",
                    Grade                = 8.5f,
                    Company              = busCompanies[0],
                    Customer             = customers[0],
                    DateTimeOfPublishing = DateTime.Now
                new Review
                    Content              = "Very polite staff.",
                    Grade                = 8.5f,
                    Company              = busCompanies[1],
                    Customer             = customers[0],
                    DateTimeOfPublishing = DateTime.Now
                new Review
                    Content              = "The driver was careful.",
                    Grade                = 8.0f,
                    Company              = busCompanies[1],
                    Customer             = customers[1],
                    DateTimeOfPublishing = DateTime.Now
                new Review
                    Content              = "Would recommend it but the driver needs to stop smoking while driving.",
                    Grade                = 4.0f,
                    Company              = busCompanies[2],
                    Customer             = customers[3],
                    DateTimeOfPublishing = DateTime.Now
                new Review
                    Content              = "It was a pleasant trip.",
                    Grade                = 8.5f,
                    Company              = busCompanies[3],
                    Customer             = customers[4],
                    DateTimeOfPublishing = DateTime.Now

