Beispiel #1
        static void Main()
            _structureMapContainer = new Container();
            _structureMapContainer.Configure(p => p.Scan(x => x.TheCallingAssembly()));

            var messageTopics = new Dictionary <Type, string>();

            messageTopics.Add(typeof(HelloMessage), "HelloMessage");

            var handlerChannels = new Dictionary <Type, string>();

            handlerChannels.Add(typeof(HelloMessageHandler), "LogProcessCrash-Channel");

            // start the bus
            BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                 new StructureMapObjectBuilder(_structureMapContainer),      // dependency injection container
                                 new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConvert).Assembly), // message serializer
                                 new MessageAuditor(),                                       // receives received, started, and failed notifications
                                 new MessageTypeToTopicProvider(                             // mapping between .NET message types and topics
                                 new HandlerTypeToChannelProvider( // mapping between IHandleMessages<T> implementations and channels
                                 busStateChangedHandler: new BusStateChangedHandler(),       // bus starting/started/stopping/stopped
                                 preCreateTopicsAndChannels: true,                           // pre-create topics so we dont have to wait for an nsqlookupd cycle
                                 defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" }, // nsqlookupd address
                                 defaultThreadsPerHandler: 1,                                // threads per handler. tweak based on use case, see handlers in this project.
                                 logOnProcessCrash: true
Beispiel #2
        public void BusService_ConstructorEmpty_OK()
            BusService bus = new BusService();

Beispiel #3
        public static void Start(
            IHandlerTypeToChannelProvider channelProvider,
            IBusStateChangedHandler busStateChangedHandler = null,
            IMessageTypeToTopicProvider topicProvider      = null
            if (channelProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("channelProvider");

            var config = new BusConfiguration(
                new StructureMapObjectBuilder(ObjectFactory.Container),
                new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConvert).Assembly),
                new MessageAuditor(),
                topicProvider ?? new TopicProvider(),
                defaultThreadsPerHandler: 8,
                defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                busStateChangedHandler: busStateChangedHandler,
                preCreateTopicsAndChannels: true,
                new NsqSharp.Config
                BackoffStrategy = new FullJitterStrategy(),
                //MaxRequeueDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),
                //MaxBackoffDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2)

 public ActionResult AddBusService(BusService busService, HttpPostedFileBase UpdateImage, HttpPostedFileBase Image)
     if (busService.Id > 0)
         if (UpdateImage != null)
             string filename = UpdateImage.FileName;
             busService.Image = filename;
             string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Images"), filename);
         _context.Entry(busService).State = EntityState.Modified;
         string filename = Image.FileName;
         busService.Image = filename;
         string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Images"), filename);
Beispiel #5
        public void BusService_ConstructorFilled_OK()
            BusService bus = new BusService("hostname", "key");

Beispiel #6
        static void Main()
            var container = SetupDependencyInjectionContainer();

            // start the bus
            BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                 new ObjectBuilder(container),                               // dependency injection container
                                 new MessageSerializer(),                                    // message serializer
                                 new MessageAuditor(),                                       // receives received, started, and failed notifications
                                 new MessageTypeToTopicProvider(),                           // mapping between .NET message types and topics
                                 new HandlerTypeToChannelProvider(),                         // mapping between IHandleMessages<T> implementations and channels
                                 busStateChangedHandler: new BusStateChangedHandler(),       // bus starting/started/stopping/stopped
                                 defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" }, // nsqlookupd address
                                 defaultThreadsPerHandler: 1,                                // threads per handler. tweak based on use case, see handlers in this project.
                                 nsqConfig: new Config
                // optional override of default config values
                MaxRequeueDelay    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
                MaxBackoffDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                MaxAttempts        = 2
                                 nsqLogger: new TraceLogger(),    // logger for NSQ events (see also ConsoleLogger, or implement your own)
                                 preCreateTopicsAndChannels: true // pre-create topics so we dont have to wait for an nsqlookupd cycle

            // BusService.Start blocks until Ctrl+C pressed when in Console mode

            var counter = container.GetInstance <ICounter>();

            Console.WriteLine("{0:#,0} msgs/sec", counter.Current / counter.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
Beispiel #7
        static void Main()
            // new dependency injection container
            var container = new Container();

            // start the bus
            BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                 new StructureMapObjectBuilder(container),                     // dependency injection container
                                 new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly), // message serializer
                                 new ConsoleMessageAuditor(),                                  // receives received, started, and failed notifications
                                 new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(                             // mapping between .NET message types and topics
                                     new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(EchoMessage), "echo-topic" },
                { typeof(ReverseEchoMessage), "reverse-echo-topic" }
                                 new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary( // mapping between IHandleMessages<T> implementations and channels
                                     new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(EchoMessageHandler), "echo-channel" },
                { typeof(ReverseEchoMessageHandler), "reverse-echo-channel" }
                                 busStateChangedHandler: new BusStateChangedHandler(),
                                 defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                 nsqLogger: new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Info), // default = TraceLogger
                                 defaultThreadsPerHandler: 1,                 // threads per handler. tweak based on use case.
                                 preCreateTopicsAndChannels: true             // pre-create topics so we dont have to wait for an nsqlookupd cycle
 public QrCodeController(QrCodeService qrCodeservice, BusService busService, UserService userService, RidesService ridesService)
     this.qrCodeService = qrCodeservice;
     this.busService    = busService;
     this.userService   = userService;
     this.ridesService  = ridesService;
        public void Post([FromBody] FridgeClass value)
            string     json    = JsonSerializer.Serialize(value);
            BusService service = new BusService(_connectionString);

Beispiel #10
        public void Given_A_Handler_Implementing_Multiple_IHandleMessages_When_Bus_Starts_Then_An_Exception_Should_Be_Thrown()
            string       highPriorityTopicName = string.Format("test_high_priority_{0}", DateTime.Now.UnixNano());
            string       lowPriorityTopicName  = string.Format("test_low_priority_{0}", DateTime.Now.UnixNano());
            const string channelName           = "test_channel";

            var container = new Container();

            // UpdateHandler implements IHandleMessages multiple times

            Assert.Throws <HandlerConfigurationException>(() => BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                                                                     new StructureMapObjectBuilder(container),
                                                                                     new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly),
                                                                                     new MessageAuditorStub(),
                                                                                     new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(HighPriority <UpdateMessage>), highPriorityTopicName },
                { typeof(LowPriority <UpdateMessage>), lowPriorityTopicName }
                                                                                     new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(UpdateHandler), channelName },
                                                                                     defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                                                                     defaultThreadsPerHandler: 4,
                                                                                     nsqConfig: new Config
                LookupdPollJitter   = 0,
                LookupdPollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),

            // the safe way (explicit channel names for each IHandleMessages<>)

            container.Configure(x =>
                x.For <IHandleMessages <HighPriority <UpdateMessage> > >().Use <UpdateHandler>();
                x.For <IHandleMessages <LowPriority <UpdateMessage> > >().Use <UpdateHandler>();

            BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                 new StructureMapObjectBuilder(container),
                                 new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly),
                                 new MessageAuditorStub(),
                                 new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(HighPriority <UpdateMessage>), highPriorityTopicName },
                { typeof(LowPriority <UpdateMessage>), lowPriorityTopicName }
                                 new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(IHandleMessages <HighPriority <UpdateMessage> >), channelName },
                { typeof(IHandleMessages <LowPriority <UpdateMessage> >), channelName }
                                 defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                 defaultThreadsPerHandler: 4,
                                 nsqConfig: new Config
                LookupdPollJitter   = 0,
                LookupdPollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
        public static IServiceCollection AddRabbitMQServices(this IServiceCollection services, QueueConfigModel queueConfigModel)
            services.AddMassTransit(cfg =>
                cfg.AddBus(provider => BusService.ConfigureBusService(provider, queueConfigModel));

 public MainForm()
     _busService = new BusService();
     edit_button.Enabled   = false;
     delete_button.Enabled = false;
     _deletedBuses         = new List <Bus>();
Beispiel #13
    protected void btnGetAccounts_DirectClick(object sender, Ext.Net.DirectEventArgs e)
        Bus        bus     = new Bus();
        BusService service = new BusService();
        Store      str     = grdBus.GetStore();

        str.DataSource = Database.Session.QueryOver <Bus>().Where(x => x.state == true).List();
Beispiel #14
        public DeleteBusActor(BusService busService)
            _busService = busService;

            Receive <string>(busId =>
 public AddBusForm(MainForm mainForm)
     _busService = new BusService();
     _mainForm   = mainForm;
     departing_dateTimePicker.Format       = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
     departing_dateTimePicker.CustomFormat = @"dd.MM.yyy HH:mm";
     arrival_dateTimePicker.Format         = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
     arrival_dateTimePicker.CustomFormat   = @"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm";
        private void BuildResponseActions()
            connection.On <HamBusError>(SignalRCommands.ErrorReport, (errorReport) => HBErrors__ !.OnNext(errorReport));
            connection.On <UiInfoPacketModel>(SignalRCommands.InfoPacket, (info) =>
                Log.Verbose("In on infoPacket");

                Log.Debug("{@info} of log of info", info);
                InfoPacket__ !.OnNext(info);
 public ActionResult BusService(BusService busService, HttpPostedFileBase Image)
     if (Session["Id"] != null)
Beispiel #18
        public UpdateBusActor(string busId, BusService busService)
            _busId      = busId;
            _busService = busService;

            Receive <Bus>(bus =>
                _busService.Update(_busId, bus);
Beispiel #19
        private static async Task <BusService> GetServiceFromKml(string filePath)
            using (var reader = File.OpenText(filePath))
                var kml      = KmlFile.Load(reader);
                var nodes    = kml.Root.Flatten();
                var document = nodes.OfType <Document>().Single();

                var routes    = new List <Route>();
                var landmarks = new List <PlaceDetail>();

                var placemarks = nodes.OfType <Placemark>();
                foreach (var placemark in placemarks)
                    var geometries = placemark.Geometry.Flatten().ToLookup(geometry => geometry.GetType());

                    foreach (LineString line in geometries[typeof(LineString)])
                        var coordinates = line.Coordinates.Select(pair => new Coordinate(pair.Latitude, pair.Longitude));
                        var snapped     = await GMapsClient.SnapToRoadsAsync(coordinates);

                        var placeIds = snapped.Select(snappedPlace => snappedPlace.PlaceId).Distinct();

                        var places = await Task.WhenAll(
                            placeIds.Select(id => GMapsClient.GetPlaceDetailAsync(id))

                        var route = new Route
                            Name   = placemark.Name,
                            Places = places,


                    foreach (Point point in geometries[typeof(Point)])
                        // TODO get place id from coordinate?
                        // Could just use embedded info.

                var service = new BusService
                    Name      = document.Name,
                    Routes    = routes,
                    Landmarks = landmarks,

 public EditBusForm(MainForm mainForm, Bus bus)
     _busService = new BusService();
     _mainForm   = mainForm;
     _bus        = bus;
     departing_dateTimePicker.Format       = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
     departing_dateTimePicker.CustomFormat = @"dd.MM.yyy HH:mm";
     arrival_dateTimePicker.Format         = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
     arrival_dateTimePicker.CustomFormat   = @"dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm";
Beispiel #21
    protected void btnKaydet_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
        if (txtPlate.Text == "")
            X.Msg.Alert("UYARI", "Boş Alan Bırakmayınız.").Show();

        if (txtModel.Text == "")
            X.Msg.Alert("UYARI", "Boş Alan Bırakmayınız.").Show();

        if (Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxPassenger.Value) <= 0)
            X.Msg.Alert("UYARI", "Boş Alan Bırakmayınız.").Show();

        BusService service = new BusService();

        if (TextbusId.Text == "")
            Bus bus = new Bus()
                plate           = txtPlate.Text,
                busModel        = txtModel.Text,
                maxBusPessenger = Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxPassenger.Value)

            Bus bus = new Bus()
                busId           = Convert.ToInt32(TextbusId.Text),
                plate           = txtPlate.Text,
                busModel        = txtModel.Text,
                maxBusPessenger = Convert.ToInt32(txtMaxPassenger.Value)

        X.Msg.Alert("UYARI", "Bilgiler kayıt edilmiştir.").Show();
        btnGetAccounts_DirectClick(new object(), new DirectEventArgs(null));
Beispiel #22
    protected void btnDeleteConfirmSave_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
        Store      str        = grdBus.GetStore();
        Bus        bus        = new Bus();
        BusService busService = new BusService();

        bus.plate = hdnBusDelete.Value.ToString();
        bus       = busService.delete(bus);
        btnGetAccounts_DirectClick(new object(), new DirectEventArgs(null));
Beispiel #23
        static void Main()
            // Run nsqd using TLS:
            // nsqd -tls-cert="cert.pem" -tls-key="privatekey.pem" -tls-required=1 -https-address= -lookupd-tcp-address=
            // See for more info
            // Self-signed test keys are in the ./test-keys folder in this project.
            // In order to use self-signed keys TlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify must be set to true.

            // new dependency injection container
            var container = new ContainerBuilder().Build();

            var nsqConfig = new Config
                TlsConfig = new TlsConfig
                    MinVersion         = SslProtocols.Tls12,
                    InsecureSkipVerify = true                             // NOTE: For testing only
                LookupdPollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                DialTimeout         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)

            // start the bus
            BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                 new AutofacObjectBuilder(container),                          // dependency injection container
                                 new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly), // message serializer
                                 new ConsoleMessageAuditor(),                                  // receives received, started, and failed notifications
                                 new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(                             // mapping between .NET message types and topics
                                     new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(EchoMessage), "echo-topic-tls" },
                { typeof(ReverseEchoMessage), "reverse-echo-topic-tls" }
                                 new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary( // mapping between IHandleMessages<T> implementations and channels
                                     new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                { typeof(EchoMessageHandler), "echo-channel-tls" },
                { typeof(ReverseEchoMessageHandler), "reverse-echo-channel-tls" }
                                 busStateChangedHandler: new BusStateChangedHandler(),
                                 defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                 nsqLogger: new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Info), // default = TraceLogger
                                 defaultThreadsPerHandler: 1,                 // threads per handler. tweak based on use case.
                                 nsqConfig: nsqConfig
Beispiel #24
 public EditRouteDialog(int routeId, BusService busService, ObservableCollection <BusStation> busStations, List <RouteStationViewModel> routeDetailsForRoute, int routeVariant)
     _routeId      = routeId;
     _routeVariant = routeVariant;
     BusService  = busService;
     BusStations = busStations;
     StationsList.ItemsSource = BusStations;
     Route = new ObservableCollection <RouteStationViewModel>();
     foreach (var rd in routeDetailsForRoute)
     DataContext = this;
Beispiel #25
        public GetBusActor(BusService busService)
            _busService = busService;

            Receive <string>(message =>
                if (string.Equals(message, findAllCommand, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        public static IServiceCollection AddRabbitMQConsumerServices <T>(this IServiceCollection services, QueueConfigModel queueConfigModel) where T : class, IConsumer
            services.AddMassTransit(cfg =>
                cfg.AddConsumer <T>();
                cfg.AddBus(provider => BusService.ConfigureBusService(provider, queueConfigModel, (cfg, host) =>
                    cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(queueConfigModel.QueueName, ep =>
                        ep.ConfigureConsumer <T>(provider);

Beispiel #27
        public CreateBusActor(BusService busService)
            _busService = busService;

            Receive <Bus>(bus =>
                _originalSender = Sender;
                _bus            = bus;
                if (_bus.BusLineId == null)
                    Props AssignLineActorProps = Props.Create(() => new AssignLineActor());
                    var assignLineActor        = Context.ActorOf(AssignLineActorProps);

                    Bus createdBus = _busService.Create(_bus);

            Receive <string>(message =>
                Bus createdBus;

                /* create the bus with no line assigned if no line could be retrieved
                 * could then update it later or add logging around this without
                 * stopping a bus from being created in the system

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    createdBus = _busService.Create(_bus);
                    _bus.BusLineId = message;
                    createdBus     = _busService.Create(_bus);
        public void Given_A_Thread_Not_Handling_A_Message_When_GetCurrentMessageInformation_Called_The_Result_Should_Be_Null()
            string       topicName   = string.Format("test_getcurrentmessageinformation_{0}", DateTime.Now.UnixNano());
            const string channelName = "test_getcurrentmessageinformation";

            var container = new Container();


                BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                     new StructureMapObjectBuilder(container),
                                     new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly),
                                     new MessageAuditorStub(),
                                     new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                    { typeof(TestMessage), topicName }
                                     new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                    { typeof(TestMessageHandler), channelName }
                                     defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                     defaultThreadsPerHandler: 1,
                                     nsqConfig: new Config
                    LookupdPollJitter   = 0,
                    LookupdPollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

                var bus = container.GetInstance <IBus>();

                Assert.IsNull(bus.GetCurrentThreadMessageInformation(), "bus.GetCurrentThreadMessageInformation()");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

            DataTable dtcallback = new DataTable();
            DataSet DsSub = new DataSet();
            DataSet dsrefcalback = new DataSet();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtds = new DataTable();
            DsSub.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XMLfiles/" + "Callback.xml"));
            dsrefcalback.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XMLfiles/" + "RefCallback.xml"));

            IEnumerable<DataRow> SubData = from i in DsSub.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
                                           where i.Field<string>("status") == Convert.ToString(0) && i.Field<string>("readMode") == Convert.ToString(0)
                                           select i;

            if (SubData.Count() > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in SubData)
                    string resrId = Convert.ToString(dr["sync_reservation_ids"]);
                    if (reservation_Id.ToString() == "")
                        reservation_Id = resrId;
                        reservation_Id = reservation_Id + "," + resrId;
                //var lengthCount = reservation_Id.Distinct().ToList();
                string[] str = reservation_Id.Split(',');
                string[] res_id = str.Distinct().ToArray();
                // var splitted = reservation_Id.AsEnumerable().SelectMany(item => item.ToString()).Distinct();

                //foreach (DataRow dr in SubData)

                if (res_id.Count() > 0)
                    BusService bus = new BusService();
                    DateTime strdt = System.DateTime.Now;
                    string us = strdt.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
                    string[] date = us.Split(' ');
                    //string resrId = Convert.ToString(dr["sync_reservation_ids"]);

                    //if (resrId.Contains(','))
                    //    IDS = resrId.Split(',');

                    //    IDS = resrId.Split(' ');

                    foreach (var id in res_id)
                        DataSet ds1 = bus.getServiceDetails(Convert.ToString(id), date[0]);
                        //to find in which date file we need to update
                        IEnumerable<DataRow> SubDataDate = from j in dsrefcalback.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
                                                           where j.Field<string>("reservation_id") == Convert.ToString(id)
                                                           select j;
                        foreach (DataRow datenew in SubDataDate)
                            if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\Routes\\" + datenew["Date"] + ".xml")))
                                ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("~/Routes/" + datenew["Date"] + ".xml"));
                                ViewState["Date"] = datenew["Date"];
                                ds = null;
                        if (ds1 != null)

                            foreach (DataRow dtrow in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                                if (ds != null)
                                    IEnumerable<DataRow> SubData1 = from j in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
                                                                    where j.Field<string>("reservation_id") == Convert.ToString(id)
                                                                    select j;
                                    foreach (DataRow dr1 in SubData1)

                                        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(Server.MapPath("~/Routes/" + Convert.ToString(ViewState["Date"]) + ".xml"));
                                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                                        XmlNode oldCd;
                                        XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
                                        oldCd = root.SelectSingleNode("/routes/route[reservation_id='" + id + "']");
                                        foreach(XmlNode node in oldCd)
                                            if (node.Name == "id")
                                                strid = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "number")
                                                number = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "name")
                                                name = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "operator_service_name")
                                                operator_service_name = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "origin")
                                                origin = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "destination")
                                                destination = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "origin_id")
                                                origin_id = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "destination_id")
                                                destination_id = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "reservation_id")
                                                reservation_id = node.InnerXml;
                                            if (node.Name == "operator_route_id")
                                                operator_route_id = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "travel_id")
                                                travel_id = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "travels")
                                                travels = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "bus_type")
                                                bus_type = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "bus_type_id")
                                                bus_type_id = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "dep_time")
                                                dep_time = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "arr_time")
                                                arr_time = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "duration")
                                                duration = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "available_seats")
                                                available_seats = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "total_seats")
                                                total_seats = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "seat_type_detail")
                                                seat_type_detail = node.InnerXml;


                                            if (node.Name == "fare_str")
                                                fare_str = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "is_cancellable")
                                                is_cancellable = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "commission")
                                                commission = node.InnerXml;

                                            if (node.Name == "status")
                                                status = node.InnerXml;


                                        XmlElement newCd = doc.CreateElement("route");
                                        newCd.InnerXml = "<id>" + strid + "</id>" +
                                            "<number>" + number + "</number>" +
                                            "<name>" + name + "</name>" +
                                            "<operator_service_name>" + operator_service_name + "</operator_service_name>" +
                                           "<origin>" + origin + "</origin>" +
                                           "<destination>" + destination + "</destination>" +
                                           "<origin_id>" + origin_id + "</origin_id>"
                                           + "<destination_id>" + destination_id + "</destination_id>" +
                                          "<reservation_id>" + reservation_id + "</reservation_id>"
                                          + "<operator_route_id>" + operator_route_id + "</operator_route_id>" +
                                         "<travel_id>" + travel_id + "</travel_id>" +
                                         "<travels>" + travels + "</travels>" +
                                        "<bus_type>" + bus_type + "</bus_type>" +
                                        "<bus_type_id>" + bus_type_id + "</bus_type_id>" +
                                        "<dep_time>" + ds1.Tables["boardingTimes"].Rows[0]["time"].ToString() + "</dep_time>" +
                                        "<arr_time>" + ds1.Tables["droppingTimes"].Rows[0]["time"].ToString() + "</arr_time>" +
                                        "<duration>" + duration+ "</duration>" +
                                       "<available_seats>" + Convert.ToString(dtrow["availableSeatsCount"]) + "</available_seats>" +
                                       "<total_seats>" + total_seats + "</total_seats>" +
                                      "<seat_type_detail>" + seat_type_detail + "</seat_type_detail>" +
                                      "<fare_str>" + fare_str + "</fare_str>" +
                                    "<is_cancellable>" + is_cancellable + "</is_cancellable>" +
                                    "<commission>" + commission + "</commission>" +
                                   "<status>" + status + "</status>";

                                        root.ReplaceChild(newCd, oldCd);
                                        doc.Save(Server.MapPath("~/Routes/" + Convert.ToString(ViewState["Date"]) + ".xml"));

                                        //if (Convert.ToString(dtrow["availableSeats"]) != "")
                                        //    dr1["available_seats"] = Convert.ToString(dtrow["availableSeats"]);
                                        //if (ds1.Tables["boardingTimes"].Columns.Contains("time"))
                                        //    dr1["dep_time"] = ds1.Tables["boardingTimes"].Rows[0]["time"].ToString();
                                        //if (Convert.ToString(dtrow["availableSeatsCount"]) != "")
                                        //    dr1["available_seats"] = Convert.ToString(dtrow["availableSeatsCount"]);
                                        //if (ds1.Tables["droppingTimes"].Columns.Contains("time"))
                                        //    dr1["arr_time"] = ds1.Tables["droppingTimes"].Rows[0]["time"].ToString();

                        //if (ds != null)
                        //    StreamWriter XmlData = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/Routes/" + Convert.ToString(ViewState["Date"]) + ".xml"), false);

                        //    ds.WriteXml(XmlData);
                        //    XmlData.Close();

                    //dr["status"] = "1";
                    //StreamWriter XmlDatacallback = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XMLfiles/" + "Callback.xml"), false);



Beispiel #30
 public GeoController(BusService busService)
     _busService = busService;
        public void Given_Two_Queues_In_One_Process_When_One_Queue_Is_Long_Then_It_Should_Not_Block_Other_Queues()
            string       highPriorityTopicName   = string.Format("test_high_priority_{0}", DateTime.Now.UnixNano());
            const string highPriorityChannelName = "test_high_priority";
            string       lowPriorityTopicName    = string.Format("test_low_priority_{0}", DateTime.Now.UnixNano());
            const string lowPriorityChannelName  = "test_low_priority";

            var container = new Container();

            container.Configure(x =>
                x.For <IHandleMessages <HighPriority <UpdateMessage> > >().Use <UpdateHandler>();
                x.For <IHandleMessages <LowPriority <UpdateMessage> > >().Use <UpdateHandler>();

                BusService.Start(new BusConfiguration(
                                     new StructureMapObjectBuilder(container),
                                     new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonConverter).Assembly),
                                     new MessageAuditorStub(),
                                     new MessageTypeToTopicDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                    { typeof(HighPriority <UpdateMessage>), highPriorityTopicName },
                    { typeof(LowPriority <UpdateMessage>), lowPriorityTopicName }
                                     new HandlerTypeToChannelDictionary(new Dictionary <Type, string> {
                    { typeof(IHandleMessages <HighPriority <UpdateMessage> >), highPriorityChannelName },
                    { typeof(IHandleMessages <LowPriority <UpdateMessage> >), lowPriorityChannelName }
                                     defaultNsqLookupdHttpEndpoints: new[] { "" },
                                     defaultThreadsPerHandler: 4,
                                     nsqConfig: new Config
                    LookupdPollJitter   = 0,
                    LookupdPollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),

                var bus = container.GetInstance <IBus>();

                var lowPriorityMessage  = UpdateMessage.LowPriority(p => p.Id = "low");
                var highPriorityMessage = UpdateMessage.HighPriority(p => p.Id = "high");



                // publishing registers this nsqd as a producer, causes consumer to connect via lookup service
                // TODO: this test would be faster if the cosumer connected to nsqd directly, but that's not the
                // TODO: pattern to encourage

                // send 1000 low priority message
                var lowPriorityMessages = new List <LowPriority <UpdateMessage> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

                // let some go through
                int lowCountAtSendHigh = UpdateHandler.GetCount();

                // send 1 high priority message

                // wait for nsqlookupd cycle / consumer + processing time
                var list      = UpdateHandler.GetList();
                int highIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    if (list[i].Id == "high")
                        highIndex = i;

                Console.WriteLine("lowCountAtSendHigh: {0}", lowCountAtSendHigh);
                Console.WriteLine("highIndex: {0}", highIndex);
                Console.WriteLine("total: {0}", list.Count);

                Assert.Less(lowCountAtSendHigh, 800, "lowCountAtSendHigh");
                Assert.Greater(lowCountAtSendHigh, 100, "lowCountAtSendHigh");
                Assert.Less(highIndex, lowCountAtSendHigh + 50, "highIndex");

                // checks stats from http server
                var stats = _nsqdHttpClient.GetStats();

                // assert high priority stats
                var highTopic   = stats.Topics.Single(p => p.TopicName == highPriorityTopicName);
                var highChannel = highTopic.Channels.Single(p => p.ChannelName == highPriorityChannelName);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, highTopic.MessageCount, "highTopic.MessageCount"); // kickoff + 1 message
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highTopic.Depth, "highTopic.Depth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highTopic.BackendDepth, "highTopic.BackendDepth");

                Assert.AreEqual(2, highChannel.MessageCount, "highChannel.MessageCount"); // kickoff + 1 message
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.DeferredCount, "highChannel.DeferredCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.Depth, "highChannel.Depth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.BackendDepth, "highChannel.BackendDepth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.InFlightCount, "highChannel.InFlightCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.TimeoutCount, "highChannel.TimeoutCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, highChannel.RequeueCount, "highChannel.RequeueCount");

                // assert low priority stats
                var lowTopic   = stats.Topics.Single(p => p.TopicName == lowPriorityTopicName);
                var lowChannel = lowTopic.Channels.Single(p => p.ChannelName == lowPriorityChannelName);

                Assert.AreEqual(1001, lowTopic.MessageCount, "lowTopic.MessageCount"); // kickoff + 1000 messages
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowTopic.Depth, "lowTopic.Depth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowTopic.BackendDepth, "lowTopic.BackendDepth");

                Assert.AreEqual(1001, lowChannel.MessageCount, "lowChannel.MessageCount"); // kickoff + 1000 messages
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.DeferredCount, "lowChannel.DeferredCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.Depth, "lowChannel.Depth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.BackendDepth, "lowChannel.BackendDepth");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.InFlightCount, "lowChannel.InFlightCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.TimeoutCount, "lowChannel.TimeoutCount");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, lowChannel.RequeueCount, "lowChannel.RequeueCount");