Beispiel #1
 public void onPickup()
     gameObject.SetActive(false); // “picking up” merely makes it invisible
     this.root   = gameObject;
     this.model  = gameObject.transform.Find("Model").gameObject;
     this.weapon = root.GetComponent <BulletWeapon>();
Beispiel #2
 private static void Prefix(BulletWeapon __instance)
     if (VRConfig.configUseControllers.Value)
         if (Controllers.IsFiringFromADS())
             __instance.FPItemHolder.ItemAimTrigger = true;
Beispiel #3
        static void Prefix(BulletWeapon __instance)
            if (PlayerVR.VRSetup)// && VRSettings.UseVRControllers)
                __instance.FPItemHolder.ItemAimTrigger = true;

                // Toggle for hipfire-like spread when not using double handed aiming, some people might prefer playing it single handed though so I'm leaving this disabled

                 * VRWeaponData data = WeaponArchetypeVRData.GetVRWeaponData(__instance.ArchetypeName);
                 * if(!data.allowsDoubleHanded || (data.allowsDoubleHanded && Controllers.aimingTwoHanded)) {
                 *  __instance.FPItemHolder.ItemAimTrigger = true;
                 * }
Beispiel #4
    public override GameObject create()
        GameObject       gameObject       = Instantiate(weaponPrefab);
        WeaponController weaponController = gameObject.GetComponent <WeaponController> ();
        BulletWeapon     bulletWeapon     = gameObject.GetComponent <BulletWeapon> ();

        bulletWeapon.attacksNumber  = attacksNumber;
        bulletWeapon.attackCost     = attackCost;
        bulletWeapon.attackDistance = attackDistance;
        bulletWeapon.incentive      = incentive;

        weaponController.BulletSpeed = bulletSpeed;
        weaponController.Damage      = attackDemage;
        weaponController.FireDelay   = attackDelay;

Beispiel #5
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        BulletWeapon script  = (BulletWeapon)target;
        GUIContent   tooltip = new GUIContent("", "");

        /* GENERAL SETTINGS */
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("General:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        tooltip           = new GUIContent("Origin:", "Transform at the end of the muzzle where projectiles originate from");
        script.shotOrigin = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(tooltip, script.shotOrigin, typeof(Transform), true);
        tooltip           = new GUIContent("Audio Source:", "An audio source to handle gun sounds");
        script.audioSrc   = (AudioSource)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(tooltip, script.audioSrc, typeof(AudioSource), true);

        /* VISUAL SETTINGS */
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Visual:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        tooltip             = new GUIContent("Hit Effect:", "Prefab Particle System to be played where the bullet hits");
        script.hitEffect    = (ParticleSystem)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(tooltip, script.hitEffect, typeof(ParticleSystem), true);
        tooltip             = new GUIContent("Hit Emission:", "Number of hit particles emitted when the bullet collides");
        script.hitParticles = (uint)EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.hitParticles, 0, 100);
        tooltip             = new GUIContent("On Fire", "List of scripts to execute when the gun fires");
        showFireList        = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showFireList, tooltip);
        if (showFireList)
            for (int i = 0; i < script.onFire.Count; i++)

                if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(23)))
                    script.onFire[i] = (MBAction)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", script.onFire[i], typeof(MBAction), true);

            if (script.onFire.Count > 0)
            if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(23)))

        /* AUDIO SETTINGS */
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Audio:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        tooltip       = new GUIContent("Fire sounds", "A list of sounds that can be played when the gun is fired. One will be picked at random");
        showSoundList = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showSoundList, tooltip);
        if (showSoundList)
            for (int i = 0; i < script.shotSound.Count; i++)

                if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(23)))
                    script.shotSound[i] = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", script.shotSound[i], typeof(AudioClip), false);

            if (script.shotSound.Count > 0)
            if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(23)))
                script.shotSound.Add(new AudioClip());

        /* GUN SETTINGS */
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Standard Properties:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        tooltip = new GUIContent("Fire Mode:", "Semi-Auto guns will fire once per mouse-click. Auto guns will fire continuously while the fire button is held down");
        script.fMode = (FIRE_MODE)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(script.fMode);
        tooltip = new GUIContent("Bottomless Clip:", "Toggle: Will the currently loaded clip ever run out of ammo or fire forever?");
        script.bottomlessClip = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.bottomlessClip);
        // Clip size and maximum ammo variables only show if the weapon is not bottomless clip
        if (!script.bottomlessClip)
            tooltip              = new GUIContent("   Clip Size:", "Size of a single clip");
            script.clipSize      = (uint)EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.clipSize, 1, 300);
            tooltip              = new GUIContent("   Unlimited Ammo:", "Toggle: Will a new clip be used when the gun is reloaded?");
            script.unlimitedAmmo = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.unlimitedAmmo);

            // Starting ammo variable is only shown if the weapon does not have unlimited ammo
            if (!script.unlimitedAmmo)
                tooltip             = new GUIContent("      Starting Ammo:", "The amount of ammo the gun will start with. This includes currently loaded ammo");
                script.startingAmmo = (uint)EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.startingAmmo, 1, 500);
        tooltip         = new GUIContent("Damage:", "The amount of damage a single bullet will inflict on collision");
        script.damage   = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.damage, 0.1f, 300.0f);
        tooltip         = new GUIContent("Damage Tags", "A list of tags which will either be ignored or exclusively damaged");
        showDmgTagsList = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showDmgTagsList, tooltip);
        if (showDmgTagsList)
            tooltip            = new GUIContent("Mode", "IgnoreSelected: Any objects with these tags will not be damaged.\nHitSelected: Any objects with these tags will be damaged. All others will be ignored");
            script.dmgTagsMode = (COLLISION_MODE)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(tooltip, script.dmgTagsMode);

            for (int i = 0; i < script.dmgTags.Count; i++)

                if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(23)))
                    script.dmgTags[i] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(script.dmgTags[i]);

            if (script.dmgTags.Count > 0)
            if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(23)))

        tooltip         = new GUIContent("Shot Speed (rpm)", "Speed or the gun in Rounds Per Minute");
        script.speedRPM = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.speedRPM, 20.0f, 1500.0f);
        script.speed    = script.speedRPM / 60;
        tooltip         = new GUIContent("Spread:", "Accuracy of shots, where 0 = completely accurate");
        script.spread   = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.spread, 0.0f, 10.0f);

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Bullet Weapon Specifics:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        tooltip        = new GUIContent("Use Hitscan:", "Toggle: Will the gun use the hitscan method (using instant raycasting), or fire physical bullet projectiles?");
        script.hitscan = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.hitscan);
        if (!script.hitscan)
            // Show physical bullet options
            tooltip = new GUIContent("Projectile:", "Prefab GameObject to be fired out of the gun");
            GameObject proj = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(tooltip, script.bulletProjectile, typeof(Object), false);
            // Do not allow a prefab without a rigidbody
            if (proj)
                Rigidbody rb = proj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (!rb)
                    proj = null;
                    Debug.LogError("Error: You tried to add a bullet Projectile without a rigidbody component! Please ensure the prefab has a rigidbody attached.");
                    script.bulletProjectile = proj;
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Muzzle Velocity:", "Initial velocity of the projectile when being fired");
            script.bulletForce  = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(tooltip, script.bulletForce, 20, 150);
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Despawn Time:", "Time in seconds the projectile will stay alive for before despawning");
            script.despawnAfter = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.despawnAfter, 1.0f, 10.0f);
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Hitscan Range:", "The maximum range of a bullet when using hitscan firing method");
            script.hitscanRange = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.hitscanRange, 5.0f, 200.0f);
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Muzzle Velocity:", "While Hitscan method is in use, muzzle velocity affects the amount of force the projectile will exert on any rigidbody components collided with");
            script.bulletForce  = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(tooltip, script.bulletForce, 20, 150);

        /* HEAT MECHANICS */
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Heat Mechanics:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        tooltip = new GUIContent("Use Heat:", "Toggle the use of heat mechanics for this weapon");
        script.useHeatMechanics = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.useHeatMechanics);
        if (script.useHeatMechanics)
            // Show all heat mechanics settings here
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Heat/Time:", "If true, 'heatRise' heat will be applied over one second while firing. \nElse 'heatRise' heat will be applied with each shot.");
            script.heatOverTime = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.heatOverTime);
            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Heat Rise:", "Amount heat will rise while firing");
            script.heatRise     = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.heatRise, 0, 100);

            tooltip = new GUIContent("Instant Reset:", "If true, heat will instantly reset to 0 once cooldown begins. Else 'heatFall' heat will be subtracted over each second");
            script.instantHeatReset = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(tooltip, script.instantHeatReset);
            if (!script.instantHeatReset)
                tooltip         = new GUIContent("   Heat Fall:", "Amount heat will fall while not firing");
                script.heatFall = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.heatFall, 0, 100);

            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Cooldown Delay:", "Delay in seconds before the gun will begin to cool down");
            script.heatFallWait = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.heatFallWait, 0, 10);

            tooltip             = new GUIContent("Cool Enable:", "Firing will be re-enabled once the gun cools to this value");
            script.heatReEnable = EditorGUILayout.Slider(tooltip, script.heatReEnable, 0, 100);

Beispiel #6
 private static void Postfix(BulletWeapon __instance)
     __instance.Owner.FPSCamera.Position = cachedPosition;
Beispiel #7
 private static void Prefix(BulletWeapon __instance)
     cachedPosition = __instance.Owner.FPSCamera.Position;
     __instance.Owner.FPSCamera.Position = __instance.MuzzleAlign.position;