Beispiel #1
        private static Vector3 ChangePathRotation(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, double angle)
            Vector3 newNode =;

            if (path.m_nodes != null && path.m_nodes.Length > 0)
                for (var nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < path.m_nodes.Count(); nodeIndex++)
                    var oldNode = path.m_nodes[nodeIndex];
                    newNode = new Vector3
                        x = (float)((oldNode.x * Math.Cos(angle)) - (oldNode.z * Math.Sin(angle))),
                        y = oldNode.y,
                        z = (float)((oldNode.x * Math.Sin(angle)) + (oldNode.z * Math.Cos(angle)))
                    path.m_nodes[nodeIndex] = newNode;
            if (path.m_curveTargets != null && path.m_curveTargets.Length > 0)
                for (var curveIndex = 0; curveIndex < path.m_curveTargets.Count(); curveIndex++)
                    var oldCurve = path.m_curveTargets[curveIndex];
                    var newCurve = new Vector3
                        x = (float)((oldCurve.x * Math.Cos(angle)) - (oldCurve.z * Math.Sin(angle))),
                        y = oldCurve.y,
                        z = (float)((oldCurve.x * Math.Sin(angle)) + (oldCurve.z * Math.Cos(angle))),
                    path.m_curveTargets[curveIndex] = newCurve;
Beispiel #2
 private static void PrepareBuilding(ref BuildingInfo info)
     if (m_NeedsConvert)
         m_CpmNetDict = null;
         RemoveCreatePassMileStone(ref info);
     for (int j = 0; j < info.m_paths.Count(); j++)
         BuildingInfo.PathInfo path = info.m_paths[j];
         NetInfo nInfo = path.m_netInfo;
         if ( == "Metro Station Track" || nInfo.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack())
             if (nInfo.m_netAI == null)
                 var ai = nInfo.gameObject.AddComponent <MetroTrackAI>();
                 ai.m_info     = nInfo;
                 nInfo.m_netAI = ai;
             if (m_NeedsConvert)
                 if (OptionsWrapper <Options> .Options.ghostMode)
                     info.m_paths[j].AssignNetInfo("Metro Station Track");
                     info.m_paths[j].AssignNetInfo("Metro Station Track Tunnel");
        public static void SetMetroStyle(this BuildingInfo.PathInfo info, TrackStyle style)
            if (info.m_finalNetInfo.IsAbovegroundMetroStationTrack())
                var trackName =;
                if (style == TrackStyle.Modern)
                    if (trackName.ToLower().StartsWith("steel"))
                        trackName = trackName.Substring(6);

                    info.AssignNetInfo(trackName, false);
                else if (style == TrackStyle.Classic)
                    if (trackName.ToLower().StartsWith("steel") == false)
                        trackName = "Steel " + trackName;

                    info.AssignNetInfo(trackName, false);
Beispiel #4
 public static void AssignNetInfo(this BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, NetInfo netInfo, bool includeNetInfo = true)
     if (includeNetInfo)
         path.m_netInfo = netInfo;
     path.m_finalNetInfo = netInfo;
Beispiel #5
 public static void HandleSubBuildings()
     Debug.Log("Investigating " +;
     if (m_Info?.m_subBuildings != null && m_Info.m_subBuildings.Count() > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < m_Info.m_subBuildings.Count(); i++)
             var subBuilding = m_Info.m_subBuildings[i];
             if (subBuilding?.m_buildingInfo?.m_paths != null && subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.HasUndergroundMetroStationTracks())
                 var theAngle = m_Angle;
                 if ( == "Large Airport")
                     if ( == "Integrated Metro Station")
                         theAngle           += 45;
                         subBuilding.m_angle = 0;
                         var offset = new Vector3(14, 0, 20);
                         subBuilding.m_position = offset;
                         var sbInsidePath         = subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths.FirstOrDefault(p => p.m_nodes.Any(n => n == new Vector3(0, -4, 6)));
                         var airportEntranceLeft  = new Vector3(-40, 0, -27);
                         var airportEntranceRight = new Vector3(10, 0, 40);
                         var midpoint             = Vector3.Lerp(airportEntranceLeft, airportEntranceRight, 0.5f);
                         midpoint = new Vector3(midpoint.x, -4, midpoint.z);
                         var keyNodeIndex = 0;
                         var superKeyNode = AdjForOffset(sbInsidePath.m_nodes[keyNodeIndex], offset);
                         var adjOtherNode = AdjForOffset(Vector3.Lerp(superKeyNode, midpoint, 0.5f), offset, false);
                         var pathList     = new List <BuildingInfo.PathInfo>();
                         BuildingInfo.PathInfo thePath = null;
                         for (int j = 0; j < subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths.Count(); j++)
                             var path = subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths[j];
                             if (path.m_nodes.Contains(new Vector3(0, -4, 6)))
                                 var nodeList = new List <Vector3>()
                                     new Vector3(0, -4, 6), adjOtherNode
                                 path.m_nodes = nodeList.ToArray();
                                 thePath      = path;
                         var airportEntranceLeftToSub  = AdjForOffset(airportEntranceLeft, offset, false);
                         var airportEntranceRightToSub = AdjForOffset(airportEntranceRight, offset, false);
                         var pathBranchLeft            = ChainPath(thePath, airportEntranceLeftToSub, 1);
                         var pathBranchRight           = ChainPath(thePath, airportEntranceRightToSub, 1);
                         subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths = pathList.ToArray();
                 ModifyStation(subBuilding.m_buildingInfo, m_TargetDepth, m_TargetStationTrackLength, theAngle, m_BendStrength);
Beispiel #6
        private static void BendStationTrack(BuildingInfo.PathInfo stationPath, float aBendStrength)
            var middle   = GetMiddle(stationPath);
            var newX     = (stationPath.m_nodes.First().z - stationPath.m_nodes.Last().z) / 2;
            var newY     = (stationPath.m_nodes.First().y + stationPath.m_nodes.Last().y) / 2;
            var newZ     = -(stationPath.m_nodes.First().x - stationPath.m_nodes.Last().x) / 2;
            var newCurve = middle + (aBendStrength * new Vector3(newX, newY, newZ));

            stationPath.m_curveTargets[0] = newCurve;
Beispiel #7
 private static void ShiftPath(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, Vector3 offset)
     for (var i = 0; i < path.m_nodes.Length; i++)
         path.m_nodes[i] = path.m_nodes[i] + offset;
     for (var i = 0; i < path.m_curveTargets.Length; i++)
         path.m_curveTargets[i] = path.m_curveTargets[i] + offset;
Beispiel #8
        public static void AssignNetInfo(this BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, string netInfoName, bool includeNetInfo = true)
            NetInfo netInfo = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(netInfoName);

            if (netInfo == null)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Cannot find NetInfo " + netInfoName);
                path.AssignNetInfo(netInfo, includeNetInfo);
Beispiel #9
        private static Vector3 GetMiddle(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, bool useBendStrength = false)
            var aBendStrength = useBendStrength ? m_BendStrength : 0;
            var midPoint      = (path.m_nodes.First() + path.m_nodes.Last()) / 2;
            var distance      = Vector3.Distance(midPoint, path.m_nodes.First());
            var xCoeff        = -(path.m_nodes.First().x - path.m_nodes.Last().x) / Vector3.Distance(path.m_nodes.First(), path.m_nodes.Last());
            var zCoeff        = (path.m_nodes.First().z - path.m_nodes.Last().z) / Vector3.Distance(path.m_nodes.First(), path.m_nodes.Last());
            var bendCoeff     = aBendStrength * (Math.Sqrt(2) - 1);
            var adjMidPoint   = new Vector3()
                x = midPoint.x + (float)(-zCoeff * distance * bendCoeff),
                y = midPoint.y,
                z = midPoint.z + (float)(xCoeff * distance * bendCoeff)

 private static bool RequireFixedHeight(BuildingInfo buildingInfo, NetInfo info2, Vector3 pos)
     if (info2.m_useFixedHeight)
     ItemClass.Service    service     = info2.m_class.m_service;
     ItemClass.SubService subService  = info2.m_class.m_subService;
     ItemClass.Layer      layer       = info2.m_class.m_layer;
     ItemClass.Service    service2    = ItemClass.Service.None;
     ItemClass.SubService subService2 = ItemClass.SubService.None;
     ItemClass.Layer      layer2      = ItemClass.Layer.Default;
     if (info2.m_intersectClass != null)
         service2    = info2.m_intersectClass.m_service;
         subService2 = info2.m_intersectClass.m_subService;
         layer2      = info2.m_intersectClass.m_layer;
     if (info2.m_netAI.SupportUnderground() || info2.m_netAI.IsUnderground())
         layer  |= (ItemClass.Layer.Default | ItemClass.Layer.MetroTunnels);
         layer2 |= (ItemClass.Layer.Default | ItemClass.Layer.MetroTunnels);
     for (int i = 0; i < buildingInfo.m_paths.Length; i++)
         BuildingInfo.PathInfo pathInfo = buildingInfo.m_paths[i];
         if (pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo != null && pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight && pathInfo.m_nodes != null && pathInfo.m_nodes.Length != 0)
             for (int j = 0; j < pathInfo.m_nodes.Length; j++)
                 if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(pos - pathInfo.m_nodes[j]) < 0.001f)
                     NetInfo   finalNetInfo    = pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo;
                     ItemClass connectionClass = finalNetInfo.GetConnectionClass();
                     if (((service == ItemClass.Service.None || connectionClass.m_service == service) && (subService == ItemClass.SubService.None || connectionClass.m_subService == subService) && (layer == ItemClass.Layer.None || (connectionClass.m_layer & layer) != ItemClass.Layer.None)) || (finalNetInfo.m_intersectClass != null && (service == ItemClass.Service.None || finalNetInfo.m_intersectClass.m_service == service) && (subService == ItemClass.SubService.None || finalNetInfo.m_intersectClass.m_subService == subService) && (layer == ItemClass.Layer.None || (finalNetInfo.m_intersectClass.m_layer & layer) != ItemClass.Layer.None)) || (finalNetInfo.m_netAI.CanIntersect(info2) && connectionClass.m_service == service2 && (subService2 == ItemClass.SubService.None || connectionClass.m_subService == subService2) && (layer2 == ItemClass.Layer.None || (connectionClass.m_layer & layer2) != ItemClass.Layer.None)))
Beispiel #11
        private static void SetCurveTargets(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
            if (path.m_nodes.Length < 2)
            var newCurveTargets = new List <Vector3>();

            if (path.m_curveTargets != null && path.m_curveTargets.Length > 0)
                newCurveTargets.Add(new Vector3());
            newCurveTargets[0]  = GetMiddle(path);
            path.m_curveTargets = newCurveTargets.ToArray();
Beispiel #12
        private static double CalculateAngleDelta()
            var stationTracks = m_Info.m_paths.Where(p => p.m_netInfo != null && p.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack() && p.m_nodes.Count() > 1).ToList();

            BuildingInfo.PathInfo mainTrack = null;
            if (m_PremierPath > -1 && stationTracks.Count > m_PremierPath)
                mainTrack = stationTracks[m_PremierPath];
                mainTrack     = stationTracks.OrderBy(s => Vector3.Magnitude(GetMiddle(s))).ThenBy(s2 => GetMiddle(s2).y).FirstOrDefault();
                m_PremierPath = stationTracks.IndexOf(mainTrack);
            float delta = m_Angle - m_PrevAngle;

            m_PrevAngle = m_Angle;
            delta      *= (float)(Math.PI / 180);
Beispiel #13
        private static BuildingInfo.PathInfo ChainPath(BuildingInfo.PathInfo startPath, Vector3 endNode, int startNodeIndex = -1, NetInfo info = null)
            var newNodes = new List <Vector3>();
            var newPath  = startPath.ShallowClone();

            if (startNodeIndex == -1 || startNodeIndex >= startPath.m_nodes.Count())
                startNodeIndex = startPath.m_nodes.Count() - 1;
            if (info != null)
            var startNode = startPath.m_nodes[startNodeIndex];


            newPath.m_nodes = newNodes.ToArray();
Beispiel #14
        private static BuildingInfo.PathInfo AddStub(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
            var pathLastIndex = path?.m_nodes?.Count() - 1 ?? 0;

            if (pathLastIndex < 1 || path.m_nodes.Any(n => n.y >= 0))
            var newPath      = path.ShallowClone();
            var newPathNodes = new List <Vector3>();
            var pathNodeDiff = path.m_nodes.Last() - path.m_nodes.First();

            //var pathLengthCoeff = Vector3.Distance(path.m_nodes.First(), path.m_nodes.Last()) / 3;
            newPathNodes.Add(new Vector3()
                x = path.m_nodes.First().x - pathNodeDiff.x, y = 0, z = path.m_nodes.First().z - pathNodeDiff.z
            newPath.m_nodes = newPathNodes.ToArray();
 public static void AssignNetInfo(this BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, NetInfo netInfo)
     path.m_netInfo      = netInfo;
     path.m_finalNetInfo = netInfo;
Beispiel #16
        /* STOCK CODE START */

        /* Called when building (intersection) loads its segments. Detoured method. Added code is marked 'ns'
         * We obrain a list with all the segments and pass them to the ProcessNewPaths method. We create our own list for that purpose instead of
         * using instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer because it almost seems that the game can create multiple segments per one saved path in the file which
         * makes absolutely no sense at all but would lead to our list being shifted compared to the (third) one in which we had saved the ids of the
         * old segments. Whatever, you don't really have to understand this, I studied it a lot when creating my previous mods and it's the part I
         * understand the most compared to the rest */
        public static void LoadPaths(BuildingInfo info, ushort buildingID, ref Building data, float elevation)
            Debug.Log("LoadPaths TMPE detour");

            // ns
            Dictionary <string, TmpeAssetData> dict = AssetDataManager.Instance.AssetsWithData;
            bool          isAssetWithTmpeSettings   = dict.ContainsKey(IdentificationTool.GetNameWithoutPrefix(;
            List <ushort> CreatedSegments           = null;
            if (isAssetWithTmpeSettings)
                CreatedSegments = new List <ushort>();
            // ns end

            if (info.m_paths != null)
                NetManager instance = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;
                for (int i = 0; i < info.m_paths.Length; i++)
                    // ns
                    if (isAssetWithTmpeSettings)
                    // ns end

                    BuildingInfo.PathInfo pathInfo = info.m_paths[i];
                    if (pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo != null && pathInfo.m_nodes != null && pathInfo.m_nodes.Length != 0)
                        Vector3 vector = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_nodes[0]);
                        bool    flag   = /*BuildingDecoration.*/ RequireFixedHeight(info, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, pathInfo.m_nodes[0]);
                        if (!flag)
                            vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y + elevation);
                        Ray ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                        NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint;
                        if (!/*BuildingDecoration.*/ FindConnectNode(instance.m_tempNodeBuffer, vector, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, out controlPoint))
                            if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y + elevation - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out controlPoint))
                                Vector3 vector2 = controlPoint.m_position - vector;
                                if (!flag)
                                    vector2.y = 0f;
                                float sqrMagnitude = vector2.sqrMagnitude;
                                if (sqrMagnitude > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                                    controlPoint.m_position  = vector;
                                    controlPoint.m_elevation = 0f;
                                    controlPoint.m_node      = 0;
                                    controlPoint.m_segment   = 0;
                                    controlPoint.m_position.y = vector.y;
                                controlPoint.m_position = vector;
                        ushort num;
                        ushort num2;
                        int    num3;
                        int    num4;
                        if (controlPoint.m_node != 0)
                        else if (NetTool.CreateNode(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, controlPoint, controlPoint, controlPoint, NetTool.m_nodePositionsSimulation, 0, false, false, false, false, pathInfo.m_invertSegments, false, 0, out num, out num2, out num3, out num4) == ToolBase.ToolErrors.None)
                            controlPoint.m_node = num;
                            if (pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection != null && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection.Length > 0 && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection[0])
                                NetNode[] buffer = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                ushort    num5   = num;
                                buffer[(int)num5].m_flags = (buffer[(int)num5].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.ForbidLaneConnection);
                            if (pathInfo.m_trafficLights != null && pathInfo.m_trafficLights.Length > 0)
                                TrafficLightsToFlags(pathInfo.m_trafficLights[0], ref instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num].m_flags);
                        for (int j = 1; j < pathInfo.m_nodes.Length; j++)
                            vector = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_nodes[j]);
                            bool flag2 = /*BuildingDecoration.*/ RequireFixedHeight(info, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, pathInfo.m_nodes[j]);
                            if (!flag2)
                                vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y + elevation);
                            ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                            NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint2;
                            if (!/*BuildingDecoration.*/ FindConnectNode(instance.m_tempNodeBuffer, vector, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, out controlPoint2))
                                if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y + elevation - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out controlPoint2))
                                    Vector3 vector3 = controlPoint2.m_position - vector;
                                    if (!flag2)
                                        vector3.y = 0f;
                                    float sqrMagnitude2 = vector3.sqrMagnitude;
                                    if (sqrMagnitude2 > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                                        controlPoint2.m_position  = vector;
                                        controlPoint2.m_elevation = 0f;
                                        controlPoint2.m_node      = 0;
                                        controlPoint2.m_segment   = 0;
                                        controlPoint2.m_position.y = vector.y;
                                    controlPoint2.m_position = vector;
                            NetTool.ControlPoint middlePoint = controlPoint2;
                            if (pathInfo.m_curveTargets != null && pathInfo.m_curveTargets.Length >= j)
                                middlePoint.m_position = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1]);
                                if (!flag || !flag2)
                                    middlePoint.m_position.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, middlePoint.m_position, false, pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1].y + elevation);
                                middlePoint.m_position = (controlPoint.m_position + controlPoint2.m_position) * 0.5f;
                            middlePoint.m_direction   = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(middlePoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position);
                            controlPoint2.m_direction = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(controlPoint2.m_position - middlePoint.m_position);
                            ushort num6;
                            ushort num7;
                            ushort num8;
                            int    num9;
                            int    num10;
                            if (NetTool.CreateNode(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, controlPoint, middlePoint, controlPoint2, NetTool.m_nodePositionsSimulation, 1, false, false, false, false, false, pathInfo.m_invertSegments, false, 0, out num6, out num7, out num8, out num9, out num10) == ToolBase.ToolErrors.None)

                                // ns
                                if (isAssetWithTmpeSettings)
                                    CreatedSegments[CreatedSegments.Count - 1] = num8;
                                // ns end

                                controlPoint2.m_node = num7;
                                if (pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection != null && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection.Length > j && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection[j])
                                    NetNode[] buffer2 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                    ushort    num11   = num7;
                                    buffer2[(int)num11].m_flags = (buffer2[(int)num11].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.ForbidLaneConnection);
                                if (pathInfo.m_trafficLights != null && pathInfo.m_trafficLights.Length > j)
                                    TrafficLightsToFlags(pathInfo.m_trafficLights[j], ref instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num7].m_flags);
                                if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns != null && pathInfo.m_yieldSigns.Length >= j * 2)
                                    if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns[j * 2 - 2])
                                        NetSegment[] buffer3 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                        ushort       num12   = num8;
                                        buffer3[(int)num12].m_flags = (buffer3[(int)num12].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.YieldStart);
                                    if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns[j * 2 - 1])
                                        NetSegment[] buffer4 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                        ushort       num13   = num8;
                                        buffer4[(int)num13].m_flags = (buffer4[(int)num13].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.YieldEnd);
                            controlPoint = controlPoint2;
                            flag         = flag2;
                for (int k = 0; k < instance.m_tempNodeBuffer.m_size; k++)
                    ushort num14 = instance.m_tempNodeBuffer.m_buffer[k];
                    if ((instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].m_flags & NetNode.Flags.Untouchable) == NetNode.Flags.None)
                        if (buildingID != 0)
                            if ((data.m_flags & Building.Flags.Active) == Building.Flags.None && instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].Info.m_canDisable)
                                NetNode[] buffer5 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                ushort    num15   = num14;
                                buffer5[(int)num15].m_flags = (buffer5[(int)num15].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.Disabled);
                            NetNode[] buffer6 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                            ushort    num16   = num14;
                            buffer6[(int)num16].m_flags = (buffer6[(int)num16].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.Untouchable);
                            instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].m_nextBuildingNode = data.m_netNode;
                            data.m_netNode = num14;
                for (int l = 0; l < instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer.m_size; l++)
                    ushort num17 = instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer.m_buffer[l];
                    if ((instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)num17].m_flags & NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable) == NetSegment.Flags.None)
                        if (buildingID != 0)
                            NetSegment[] buffer7 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                            ushort       num18   = num17;
                            buffer7[(int)num18].m_flags = (buffer7[(int)num18].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable);
                            if ((Singleton <ToolManager> .instance.m_properties.m_mode & ItemClass.Availability.AssetEditor) != ItemClass.Availability.None)
                                NetInfo info2 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)num17].Info;
                                if ((info2.m_availableIn & ItemClass.Availability.AssetEditor) == ItemClass.Availability.None)
                                    NetSegment[] buffer8 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                    ushort       num19   = num17;
                                    buffer8[(int)num19].m_flags = (buffer8[(int)num19].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable);

                // ns
                if (isAssetWithTmpeSettings && CreatedSegments.Count > 0)
                    if (CreatedSegments.Last() == 0)
                        CreatedSegments.RemoveAt(CreatedSegments.Count - 1);

                    ProcessNewPaths(CreatedSegments, info);
                // ns end

Beispiel #17
 private static bool IsPedestrianPath(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
Beispiel #18
 private static bool IsPathGenerated(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
     return(Math.Abs(path.m_maxSnapDistance - GENERATED_PATH_MARKER) < TOLERANCE);
        public static void ModifyStation(BuildingInfo info, float targetDepth, float targetStationTrackLength, float angle, float bendStrength, bool inRecurse = false)
            m_Info        = info;
            m_TargetDepth = targetDepth;
            m_TargetStationTrackLength = targetStationTrackLength;
            m_Angle        = angle;
            m_BendStrength = bendStrength;

            if (m_TargetDepth <= 0 || targetStationTrackLength <= 0 || (!info.HasUndergroundMetroStationTracks() && (info?.m_subBuildings == null || info?.m_subBuildings.Count() == 0)))
            if (!inRecurse)

            if (info?.m_subBuildings != null && info.m_subBuildings.Count() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < info.m_subBuildings.Count(); i++)
                    var subBuilding = info.m_subBuildings[i];
                    if (subBuilding?.m_buildingInfo?.m_paths != null && subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.HasUndergroundMetroStationTracks())
                        if ( == "Large Airport")
                            if ( == "Integrated Metro Station")
                                m_Angle            += 45;
                                subBuilding.m_angle = 0;
                                var offset = new Vector3(14, 0, 20);
                                subBuilding.m_position = offset;
                                var sbInsidePath         = subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths.FirstOrDefault(p => p.m_nodes.Any(n => n == new Vector3(0, -4, 6)));
                                var airportEntranceLeft  = new Vector3(-40, 0, -27);
                                var airportEntranceRight = new Vector3(10, 0, 40);
                                var midpoint             = Vector3.Lerp(airportEntranceLeft, airportEntranceRight, 0.5f);
                                midpoint = new Vector3(midpoint.x, -4, midpoint.z);
                                var keyNodeIndex = 0;
                                var superKeyNode = AdjForOffset(sbInsidePath.m_nodes[keyNodeIndex], offset);
                                var adjOtherNode = AdjForOffset(Vector3.Lerp(superKeyNode, midpoint, 0.5f), offset, false);
                                var pathList     = new List <BuildingInfo.PathInfo>();
                                BuildingInfo.PathInfo thePath = null;
                                for (int j = 0; j < subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths.Count(); j++)
                                    var path = subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths[j];
                                    if (path.m_nodes.Contains(new Vector3(0, -4, 6)))
                                        var nodeList = new List <Vector3>()
                                            new Vector3(0, -4, 6), adjOtherNode
                                        path.m_nodes = nodeList.ToArray();
                                        thePath      = path;
                                var airportEntranceLeftToSub  = AdjForOffset(airportEntranceLeft, offset, false);
                                var airportEntranceRightToSub = AdjForOffset(airportEntranceRight, offset, false);
                                var pathBranchLeft            = ChainPath(thePath, airportEntranceLeftToSub, 1);
                                var pathBranchRight           = ChainPath(thePath, airportEntranceRightToSub, 1);
                                subBuilding.m_buildingInfo.m_paths = pathList.ToArray();

                        ModifyStation(subBuilding.m_buildingInfo, m_TargetDepth, m_TargetStationTrackLength, m_Angle, m_BendStrength, true);


Beispiel #20
 private static void MarkPathGenerated(BuildingInfo.PathInfo newPath)
     newPath.m_maxSnapDistance = GENERATED_PATH_MARKER;
        public static bool LoadPaths(BuildingInfo info, ushort buildingID, ref Building data, float elevation)
            if (info.m_paths != null)
                // ns start
                HashSet <ConnectionPoint> borderNodes = null;
                if (info.m_paths.Length > 0)
                    //Debug.Log("LoadPaths detour");
                    borderNodes = ReleaseCollidingSegments();
                // ns end

                NetManager instance = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;
                for (int i = 0; i < info.m_paths.Length; i++)
                    BuildingInfo.PathInfo pathInfo = info.m_paths[i];
                    if (pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo != null && pathInfo.m_nodes != null && pathInfo.m_nodes.Length != 0)
                        Vector3 vector = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_nodes[0]);
                        bool    flag   = /*BuildingDecoration.*/ RequireFixedHeight(info, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, pathInfo.m_nodes[0]);
                        if (!flag)
                            vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y + elevation);
                        Ray ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                        NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint;
                        if (!FindConnectNode(instance.m_tempNodeBuffer, vector, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, out controlPoint))
                            if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y + elevation - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out controlPoint))
                                Vector3 vector2 = controlPoint.m_position - vector;
                                if (!flag)
                                    vector2.y = 0f;
                                float sqrMagnitude = vector2.sqrMagnitude;
                                if (sqrMagnitude > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                                    controlPoint.m_position  = vector;
                                    controlPoint.m_elevation = 0f;
                                    controlPoint.m_node      = 0;
                                    controlPoint.m_segment   = 0;
                                    controlPoint.m_position.y = vector.y;
                                controlPoint.m_position = vector;

                        // ns start

                        /*if (!instance.m_tempNodeBuffer.Contains(controlPoint.m_node))
                         * {
                         *  controlPoint.m_position = vector;
                         *  controlPoint.m_elevation = 0f;
                         *  controlPoint.m_node = 0;
                         *  controlPoint.m_segment = 0;
                         * }*/
                        // ns end

                        //CheckSplitSegmentAngle(ref controlPoint, instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer, borderNodes); // ns

                        ushort node;
                        ushort num2;
                        int    num3;
                        int    num4;
                        if (controlPoint.m_node != 0)
                        else if (NetTool.CreateNode(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, controlPoint, controlPoint, controlPoint, NetTool.m_nodePositionsSimulation, 0, false, false, false, false, pathInfo.m_invertSegments, false, 0, out node, out num2, out num3, out num4) == ToolBase.ToolErrors.None)
                            controlPoint.m_node = node;
                            if (pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection != null && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection.Length > 0 && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection[0])
                                NetNode[] buffer = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                ushort    num5   = node;
                                buffer[(int)num5].m_flags = (buffer[(int)num5].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.ForbidLaneConnection);
                            if (pathInfo.m_trafficLights != null && pathInfo.m_trafficLights.Length > 0)
                                TrafficLightsToFlags(pathInfo.m_trafficLights[0], ref instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)node].m_flags);
                        for (int j = 1; j < pathInfo.m_nodes.Length; j++)
                            vector = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_nodes[j]);
                            bool flag2 = /*BuildingDecoration.*/ RequireFixedHeight(info, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, pathInfo.m_nodes[j]);
                            if (!flag2)
                                vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y + elevation);
                            ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                            NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint2;
                            if (!/*BuildingDecoration.*/ FindConnectNode(instance.m_tempNodeBuffer, vector, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, out controlPoint2))
                                if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y + elevation - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out controlPoint2))
                                    Vector3 vector3 = controlPoint2.m_position - vector;
                                    if (!flag2)
                                        vector3.y = 0f;
                                    float sqrMagnitude2 = vector3.sqrMagnitude;
                                    if (sqrMagnitude2 > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                                        controlPoint2.m_position  = vector;
                                        controlPoint2.m_elevation = 0f;
                                        controlPoint2.m_node      = 0;
                                        controlPoint2.m_segment   = 0;
                                        controlPoint2.m_position.y = vector.y;
                                    controlPoint2.m_position = vector;
                            NetTool.ControlPoint middlePoint = controlPoint2;
                            if (pathInfo.m_curveTargets != null && pathInfo.m_curveTargets.Length >= j)
                                middlePoint.m_position = data.CalculatePosition(pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1]);
                                if (!flag || !flag2)
                                    middlePoint.m_position.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, middlePoint.m_position, false, pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1].y + elevation);
                                middlePoint.m_position = (controlPoint.m_position + controlPoint2.m_position) * 0.5f;
                            middlePoint.m_direction   = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(middlePoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position);
                            controlPoint2.m_direction = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(controlPoint2.m_position - middlePoint.m_position);
                            ushort num6;
                            ushort num7;
                            ushort num8;
                            int    num9;
                            int    num10;
                            if (NetTool.CreateNode(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, controlPoint, middlePoint, controlPoint2, NetTool.m_nodePositionsSimulation, 1, false, false, false, false, false, pathInfo.m_invertSegments, false, 0, out num6, out num7, out num8, out num9, out num10) == ToolBase.ToolErrors.None)
                                controlPoint2.m_node = num7;
                                if (pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection != null && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection.Length > j && pathInfo.m_forbidLaneConnection[j])
                                    NetNode[] buffer2 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                    ushort    num11   = num7;
                                    buffer2[(int)num11].m_flags = (buffer2[(int)num11].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.ForbidLaneConnection);
                                if (pathInfo.m_trafficLights != null && pathInfo.m_trafficLights.Length > j)
                                    TrafficLightsToFlags(pathInfo.m_trafficLights[j], ref instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num7].m_flags);
                                if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns != null && pathInfo.m_yieldSigns.Length >= j * 2)
                                    if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns[j * 2 - 2])
                                        NetSegment[] buffer3 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                        ushort       num12   = num8;
                                        buffer3[(int)num12].m_flags = (buffer3[(int)num12].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.YieldStart);
                                    if (pathInfo.m_yieldSigns[j * 2 - 1])
                                        NetSegment[] buffer4 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                        ushort       num13   = num8;
                                        buffer4[(int)num13].m_flags = (buffer4[(int)num13].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.YieldEnd);
                            controlPoint = controlPoint2;
                            flag         = flag2;
                for (int k = 0; k < instance.m_tempNodeBuffer.m_size; k++)
                    ushort num14 = instance.m_tempNodeBuffer.m_buffer[k];
                    if ((instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].m_flags & NetNode.Flags.Untouchable) == NetNode.Flags.None)
                        if (buildingID != 0)
                            if ((data.m_flags & Building.Flags.Active) == Building.Flags.None && instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].Info.m_canDisable)
                                NetNode[] buffer5 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                                ushort    num15   = num14;
                                buffer5[(int)num15].m_flags = (buffer5[(int)num15].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.Disabled);
                            NetNode[] buffer6 = instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
                            ushort    num16   = num14;
                            buffer6[(int)num16].m_flags = (buffer6[(int)num16].m_flags | NetNode.Flags.Untouchable);
                            instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)num14].m_nextBuildingNode = data.m_netNode;
                            data.m_netNode = num14;
                for (int l = 0; l < instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer.m_size; l++)
                    ushort num17 = instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer.m_buffer[l];
                    if ((instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)num17].m_flags & NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable) == NetSegment.Flags.None)
                        if (buildingID != 0)
                            NetSegment[] buffer7 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                            ushort       num18   = num17;
                            buffer7[(int)num18].m_flags = (buffer7[(int)num18].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable);
                            if ((Singleton <ToolManager> .instance.m_properties.m_mode & ItemClass.Availability.AssetEditor) != ItemClass.Availability.None)
                                NetInfo info2 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer[(int)num17].Info;
                                if ((info2.m_availableIn & ItemClass.Availability.AssetEditor) == ItemClass.Availability.None)
                                    NetSegment[] buffer8 = instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
                                    ushort       num19   = num17;
                                    buffer8[(int)num19].m_flags = (buffer8[(int)num19].m_flags | NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable);
                // ns start
                if (info.m_paths.Length > 0)
                    ReleaseQuestionableSegments(instance.m_tempNodeBuffer, instance.m_tempSegmentBuffer);
                    new MakeConnections(borderNodes, instance.m_tempNodeBuffer);
                // ns end

            return(false); // ns
        public static void AssignNetInfo(this BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, string netInfoName)
            NetInfo netInfo = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(netInfoName);

Beispiel #23
        private static void ReconfigureStationAccess()
            var pathList      = new List <BuildingInfo.PathInfo>();
            var connectList   = new List <Vector3[]>();
            var singleGap     = 16;
            var directionList = new List <string>();

            //for (int i = 0; i < m_Info.m_paths.Length; i++)
            //    var thePath = m_Info.m_paths[i];
            //    if (thePath.m_netInfo == null || thePath.m_nodes == null || thePath.m_nodes.Count() < 2)
            //        continue;
            //    if (thePath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack())
            //    {
            //        var xDirection = (thePath.m_nodes.First().x - thePath.m_nodes.Last().x);
            //        var zDirection = (thePath.m_nodes.First().z - thePath.m_nodes.Last().z);
            //        var direction = $"{xDirection},{zDirection}";
            //        var antiDirection = $"{-xDirection},{-zDirection}";
            //        if (directionList.Contains(direction))
            //        {
            //            continue;
            //        }
            //        if (directionList.Contains(antiDirection))
            //        {
            //            thePath.m_nodes = thePath.m_nodes.Reverse().ToArray();
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            directionList.Add(direction);
            //        }
            //    }

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Info.m_paths.Length; i++)
                var thePath = m_Info.m_paths[i];
                if (thePath.m_netInfo == null || thePath.m_nodes == null || thePath.m_nodes.Count() < 2)
                if (thePath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundSmallStationTrack() && !IsPathGenerated(thePath))
                    var xCoeff = -(thePath.m_nodes.First().x - thePath.m_nodes.Last().x) / Vector3.Distance(thePath.m_nodes.First(), thePath.m_nodes.Last());
                    var zCoeff = (thePath.m_nodes.First().z - thePath.m_nodes.Last().z) / Vector3.Distance(thePath.m_nodes.First(), thePath.m_nodes.Last());

                    var multiplier       = 1;
                    var nearestTrackNode = m_Info.m_paths.Where(p => p.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack()).SelectMany(p => p.m_nodes).Where(n => n.y == thePath.m_nodes.First().y).OrderBy(n => Vector3.Distance(n, thePath.m_nodes.First())).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Vector3.Distance(nearestTrackNode, thePath.m_nodes.First()) <= 2 * singleGap)
                        multiplier = -1;
                    var aNewPath = thePath.ShallowClone();
                    var nodeList = new List <Vector3>();
                    nodeList.Add(new Vector3()
                        x = thePath.m_nodes.First().x + multiplier * zCoeff * singleGap,
                        y = thePath.m_nodes.First().y,
                        z = thePath.m_nodes.First().z + multiplier * xCoeff * singleGap
                    nodeList.Add(new Vector3()
                        x = thePath.m_nodes.Last().x + multiplier * zCoeff * singleGap,
                        y = thePath.m_nodes.Last().y,
                        z = thePath.m_nodes.Last().z + multiplier * xCoeff * singleGap
                    aNewPath.m_nodes = nodeList.ToArray();

            var aPath = pathList.FirstOrDefault(p => IsPedestrianPath(p));

            if (aPath == null)
                aPath = new BuildingInfo.PathInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i < pathList.Count; i++)
                if (pathList[i].m_netInfo != null && pathList[i].m_netInfo.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack())
                    TrackPath = pathList[i];
                    var middleBend = GetMiddle(TrackPath, true);
                    var middle     = GetMiddle(TrackPath, false);
                    BendVector = middleBend - middle;

                    //var trackNodes = new List<Vector3>();
                    //for (var j = 0; j < trackPath.m_nodes.Count(); j++)
                    //    trackNodes.Add(new Vector3()
                    //    {
                    //        x = trackPath.m_nodes[j].x - bendVector.x,
                    //        y = trackPath.m_nodes[j].y,
                    //        z = trackPath.m_nodes[j].z - bendVector.z
                    //    });
                    //trackPath.m_nodes = trackNodes.ToArray();
                    NewPath = aPath.ShallowClone();

                    xCoeff = -(TrackPath.m_nodes[0].x - TrackPath.m_nodes.Last().x) / Vector3.Distance(TrackPath.m_nodes[0], TrackPath.m_nodes.Last());
                    zCoeff = (TrackPath.m_nodes[0].z - TrackPath.m_nodes.Last().z) / Vector3.Distance(TrackPath.m_nodes[0], TrackPath.m_nodes.Last());
                    var stationLength = Vector3.Distance(TrackPath.m_nodes[0], TrackPath.m_nodes.Last());
                    StairsLengthX = (((0.12f * m_BendStrength) + 1) * (stationLength * StairCoeff)) * -xCoeff;
                    StairsLengthZ = (((0.12f * m_BendStrength) + 1) * (stationLength * StairCoeff)) * zCoeff;
                    var interpolant = 0.6f;
                    Crossing = Vector3.Lerp(TrackPath.m_nodes.First(), TrackPath.m_nodes.Last(), interpolant);
                    if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundIslandPlatformStationTrack())
                    //else if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundSideIslandPlatformMetroStationTrack())
                    //    pathList.AddRange(SetStationPaths(-14, 0, 14));
                    else if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundSmallStationTrack())
                    else if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundPlatformLargeMetroStationTrack())
                        pathList.AddRange(SetStationPaths(-11, 11));
                    else if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundDualIslandPlatformMetroStationTrack())
                        pathList.AddRange(SetStationPaths(-8.8f, -5.5f, 5.5f, 8.8f));
                    else if (TrackPath.m_netInfo.IsUndergroundSidePlatformMetroStationTrack())
                        pathList.AddRange(SetStationPaths(-7, 7));

                    if (!connectList.Contains(NewPath.m_nodes))
            if (/*m_SuperInfo == null &&*/ m_Info.m_paths.Count() >= 2)
            pathList = CleanPaths(pathList);
            var lowestHighPaths = m_Info.m_paths.Where(p => IsPedestrianPath(p) && p.m_nodes.Any(n => n.y > -4) && p.m_nodes.Any(nd => nd.y <= -4)).ToList();

            if (lowestHighPaths.Count == 0)
                lowestHighPaths.Add(m_Info.m_paths.Where(p => IsPedestrianPath(p))
                                    .OrderByDescending(p => p.m_nodes[0].y)
            var connectPoints = new List <Vector3>();

            if (lowestHighPaths != null && lowestHighPaths.Count > 0)
                foreach (BuildingInfo.PathInfo p in lowestHighPaths)
                    if (p != null && p.m_nodes != null && p.m_nodes.Count() > 0)
                        connectPoints.Add(p.m_nodes.OrderByDescending(n => n.y).ThenBy(n => n.z).LastOrDefault());
            var currentVector = connectPoints.FirstOrDefault();

            if (connectPoints != null && connectPoints.Count > 0)
                var pool      = new List <Vector3[]>();
                var pivotPath = pathList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.m_nodes.Any(n => n == connectPoints.FirstOrDefault()));

                for (var i = 0; i < connectList.Count; i++)
                    var closestVector = pool.SelectMany(n => n).OrderBy(n => (currentVector.x - n.x) + (100 * (connectPoints.FirstOrDefault().y - n.y)) + (currentVector.z - n.z)).LastOrDefault();

                    var closestPath = pathList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.m_nodes.Any(n => n == closestVector));
                    BuildingInfo.PathInfo branch = null;
                    if (currentVector == connectPoints.FirstOrDefault())
                        branch = ChainPath(pivotPath, closestVector, Array.IndexOf(pivotPath.m_nodes, connectPoints.FirstOrDefault()));
                        branch = ChainPath(closestPath, currentVector, Array.IndexOf(closestPath.m_nodes, closestVector));
                    branch.m_forbidLaneConnection = new[] { true, true };
                    var nodeArrayToLose = pool.FirstOrDefault(na => na.Any(n => n == closestVector));
                    if (nodeArrayToLose != null)
                        currentVector = nodeArrayToLose.OrderBy(n => Vector3.Distance(closestVector, n)).LastOrDefault();

                if (connectPoints.Count > 1)
                    for (var i = 1; i < connectPoints.Count(); i++)
                        Vector3 node          = connectPoints[i];
                        Vector3 closestVector = connectList.SelectMany(n => n).OrderBy(n => (node.x - n.x) + (100 * (node.y - n.y)) + (node.z - n.z)).FirstOrDefault();
                        var     closestPath   = pathList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.m_nodes.Any(n => n == closestVector));
                        var     branch        = ChainPath(closestPath, node, Array.IndexOf(closestPath.m_nodes, closestVector));
                        branch.m_forbidLaneConnection = new[] { true, true };

            m_Info.m_paths = CleanPaths(pathList).ToArray();
Beispiel #24
 private static bool AllNodesUnderGround(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
     return(path.m_nodes.All(n => n.y <= -4));
        private static void GetMiddlePointsFor(BuildingInfo.PathInfo pathInfo, out Vector3 b, out Vector3 c)
            b =;
            c =;
            if (pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo != null && pathInfo.m_nodes != null && pathInfo.m_nodes.Length != 0)
                Vector3 vector = Building.CalculatePosition(new Vector3(), 0, pathInfo.m_nodes[0]);
                if (!pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight)
                    vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y);
                var ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[0].y - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint))
                    Vector3 vector2 = controlPoint.m_position - vector;
                    if (!pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight)
                        vector2.y = 0f;
                    float sqrMagnitude = vector2.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (sqrMagnitude > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                        controlPoint.m_position  = vector;
                        controlPoint.m_elevation = 0f;
                        controlPoint.m_node      = 0;
                        controlPoint.m_segment   = 0;
                        controlPoint.m_position.y = vector.y;
                    controlPoint.m_position = vector;
                int j = 1;

                vector = Building.CalculatePosition(, 0, pathInfo.m_nodes[j]);
                if (!pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight)
                    vector.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, vector, false, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y);
                ray = new Ray(vector + new Vector3(0f, 8f, 0f), Vector3.down);
                if (NetTool.MakeControlPoint(ray, 16f, pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, true, NetNode.Flags.Untouchable, NetSegment.Flags.Untouchable, Building.Flags.All, pathInfo.m_nodes[j].y - pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_buildHeight, true, out NetTool.ControlPoint controlPoint2))
                    Vector3 vector3 = controlPoint2.m_position - vector;
                    if (!pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight)
                        vector3.y = 0f;
                    float sqrMagnitude2 = vector3.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (sqrMagnitude2 > pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance * pathInfo.m_maxSnapDistance)
                        controlPoint2.m_position  = vector;
                        controlPoint2.m_elevation = 0f;
                        controlPoint2.m_node      = 0;
                        controlPoint2.m_segment   = 0;
                        controlPoint2.m_position.y = vector.y;
                    controlPoint2.m_position = vector;
                NetTool.ControlPoint middlePoint = controlPoint2;
                if (pathInfo.m_curveTargets != null && pathInfo.m_curveTargets.Length >= j)
                    middlePoint.m_position = Building.CalculatePosition(, 0, pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1]);
                    if (!pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo.m_useFixedHeight)
                        middlePoint.m_position.y = NetSegment.SampleTerrainHeight(pathInfo.m_finalNetInfo, middlePoint.m_position, false, pathInfo.m_curveTargets[j - 1].y);
                    middlePoint.m_position = (controlPoint.m_position + controlPoint2.m_position) * 0.5f;
                middlePoint.m_direction   = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(middlePoint.m_position - controlPoint.m_position);
                controlPoint2.m_direction = VectorUtils.NormalizeXZ(controlPoint2.m_position - middlePoint.m_position);
                NetSegment.CalculateMiddlePoints(controlPoint.m_position, middlePoint.m_direction, controlPoint2.m_position, -controlPoint2.m_direction, true, true, out b, out c);
                //controlPoint = controlPoint2;
 private static bool IsVehicleStop(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
Beispiel #27
 private static bool IsVehicleStop(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)
     return((path?.m_nodes?.Length ?? 0) > 1 && (path?.m_netInfo?.IsUndergroundMetroStationTrack() ?? false));
Beispiel #28
 private static void DipPath(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path, float depthOffsetDist)
     ShiftPath(path, new Vector3(0, -depthOffsetDist, 0));
        internal static object CustomDeserialize(Package p, Type t, PackageReader r)
            // Props and trees in buildings and parks.
            if (t == typeof(BuildingInfo.Prop))
                PropInfo pi = Get <PropInfo>(r.ReadString()); // old name format (without package name) is possible
                TreeInfo ti = Get <TreeInfo>(r.ReadString()); // old name format (without package name) is possible

                if ( && UsedAssets.instance.GotAnyContainer())
                    if (pi != null)
                        string n =;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n) && n.IndexOf('.') >= 0)

                    if (ti != null)
                        string n =;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n) && n.IndexOf('.') >= 0)

                return(new BuildingInfo.Prop
                    m_prop = pi,
                    m_tree = ti,
                    m_position = r.ReadVector3(),
                    m_angle = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_probability = r.ReadInt32(),
                    m_fixedHeight = r.ReadBoolean()

            // Paths (nets) in buildings.
            if (t == typeof(BuildingInfo.PathInfo))
                string  fullName           = r.ReadString();
                NetInfo ni                 = Get <NetInfo>(fullName);
                BuildingInfo.PathInfo path = new BuildingInfo.PathInfo();
                path.m_netInfo         = ni;
                path.m_nodes           = r.ReadVector3Array();
                path.m_curveTargets    = r.ReadVector3Array();
                path.m_invertSegments  = r.ReadBoolean();
                path.m_maxSnapDistance = r.ReadSingle();

                if (p.version >= 5)
                    path.m_forbidLaneConnection = r.ReadBooleanArray();
                    path.m_trafficLights        = (BuildingInfo.TrafficLights[])(object) r.ReadInt32Array();
                    path.m_yieldSigns           = r.ReadBooleanArray();


            if (t == typeof(Package.Asset))

            // It seems that trailers are listed in the save game so this is not necessary. Better to be safe however
            // because a missing trailer reference is fatal for the simulation thread.
            if (t == typeof(VehicleInfo.VehicleTrailer))
                string      name     = r.ReadString();
                string      fullName = p.packageName + "." + name;
                VehicleInfo vi       = Get <VehicleInfo>(p, fullName, name, false);

                VehicleInfo.VehicleTrailer trailer;
                trailer.m_info              = vi;
                trailer.m_probability       = r.ReadInt32();
                trailer.m_invertProbability = r.ReadInt32();

            if (t == typeof(NetInfo.Lane))
                return(new NetInfo.Lane
                    m_position = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_width = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_verticalOffset = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_stopOffset = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_speedLimit = r.ReadSingle(),
                    m_direction = (NetInfo.Direction)r.ReadInt32(),
                    m_laneType = (NetInfo.LaneType)r.ReadInt32(),
                    m_vehicleType = (VehicleInfo.VehicleType)r.ReadInt32(),
                    m_stopType = (VehicleInfo.VehicleType)r.ReadInt32(),
                    m_laneProps = GetNetLaneProps(p, r),
                    m_allowConnect = r.ReadBoolean(),
                    m_useTerrainHeight = r.ReadBoolean(),
                    m_centerPlatform = r.ReadBoolean(),
                    m_elevated = r.ReadBoolean()

            if (t == typeof(NetInfo.Segment))
                NetInfo.Segment segment  = new NetInfo.Segment();
                string          checksum = r.ReadString();
                segment.m_mesh              = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMesh(checksum, p, true);
                checksum                    = r.ReadString();
                segment.m_material          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMaterial(checksum, p, true);
                checksum                    = r.ReadString();
                segment.m_lodMesh           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMesh(checksum, p, false);
                checksum                    = r.ReadString();
                segment.m_lodMaterial       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMaterial(checksum, p, false);
                segment.m_forwardRequired   = (NetSegment.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                segment.m_forwardForbidden  = (NetSegment.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                segment.m_backwardRequired  = (NetSegment.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                segment.m_backwardForbidden = (NetSegment.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                segment.m_emptyTransparent  = r.ReadBoolean();
                segment.m_disableBendNodes  = r.ReadBoolean();

            if (t == typeof(NetInfo.Node))
                NetInfo.Node node     = new NetInfo.Node();
                string       checksum = r.ReadString();
                node.m_mesh             = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMesh(checksum, p, true);
                checksum                = r.ReadString();
                node.m_material         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMaterial(checksum, p, true);
                checksum                = r.ReadString();
                node.m_lodMesh          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMesh(checksum, p, false);
                checksum                = r.ReadString();
                node.m_lodMaterial      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum) ? null : Sharing.instance.GetMaterial(checksum, p, false);
                node.m_flagsRequired    = (NetNode.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                node.m_flagsForbidden   = (NetNode.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                node.m_connectGroup     = (NetInfo.ConnectGroup)r.ReadInt32();
                node.m_directConnect    = r.ReadBoolean();
                node.m_emptyTransparent = r.ReadBoolean();

            if (t == typeof(NetInfo))
                string name = r.ReadString();
                CustomAssetMetaData.Type type = AssetLoader.instance.GetMetaType(AssetLoader.instance.Current);

                if (type == CustomAssetMetaData.Type.Road || type == CustomAssetMetaData.Type.RoadElevation)
                    return(Get <NetInfo>(p, name));
                    return(Get <NetInfo>(name));

            if (t == typeof(BuildingInfo))
                string name = r.ReadString();
                CustomAssetMetaData.Type type = AssetLoader.instance.GetMetaType(AssetLoader.instance.Current);

                if (type == CustomAssetMetaData.Type.Road || type == CustomAssetMetaData.Type.RoadElevation)
                    return(Get <BuildingInfo>(p, name));
                    return(Get <BuildingInfo>(name));

            // Sub-buildings in buildings.
            if (t == typeof(BuildingInfo.SubInfo))
                string       name     = r.ReadString();
                string       fullName = p.packageName + "." + name;
                BuildingInfo bi       = null;

                if (fullName == AssetLoader.instance.Current.fullName || name == AssetLoader.instance.Current.fullName)
                    Util.DebugPrint("Warning:", fullName, "wants to be a sub-building for itself");
                    bi = Get <BuildingInfo>(p, fullName, name, true);

                BuildingInfo.SubInfo subInfo = new BuildingInfo.SubInfo();
                subInfo.m_buildingInfo = bi;
                subInfo.m_position     = r.ReadVector3();
                subInfo.m_angle        = r.ReadSingle();
                subInfo.m_fixedHeight  = r.ReadBoolean();

            // Prop variations in props.
            if (t == typeof(PropInfo.Variation))
                string   name     = r.ReadString();
                string   fullName = p.packageName + "." + name;
                PropInfo pi       = null;

                if (fullName == AssetLoader.instance.Current.fullName)
                    Util.DebugPrint("Warning:", fullName, "wants to be a prop variation for itself");
                    pi = Get <PropInfo>(p, fullName, name, false);

                return(new PropInfo.Variation
                    m_prop = pi,
                    m_probability = r.ReadInt32()

            // Tree variations in trees.
            if (t == typeof(TreeInfo.Variation))
                string   name     = r.ReadString();
                string   fullName = p.packageName + "." + name;
                TreeInfo ti       = null;

                if (fullName == AssetLoader.instance.Current.fullName)
                    Util.DebugPrint("Warning:", fullName, "wants to be a tree variation for itself");
                    ti = Get <TreeInfo>(p, fullName, name, false);

                return(new TreeInfo.Variation
                    m_tree = ti,
                    m_probability = r.ReadInt32()

            if (t == typeof(VehicleInfo.MeshInfo))
                VehicleInfo.MeshInfo meshinfo = new VehicleInfo.MeshInfo();
                string checksum = r.ReadString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checksum))
                    Package.Asset asset = p.FindByChecksum(checksum);
                    GameObject    go    = AssetDeserializer.Instantiate(asset) as GameObject;
                    meshinfo.m_subInfo = go.GetComponent <VehicleInfoBase>();

                    if (meshinfo.m_subInfo.m_lodObject != null)
                    meshinfo.m_subInfo = null;

                meshinfo.m_vehicleFlagsForbidden = (Vehicle.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                meshinfo.m_vehicleFlagsRequired  = (Vehicle.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                meshinfo.m_parkedFlagsForbidden  = (VehicleParked.Flags)r.ReadInt32();
                meshinfo.m_parkedFlagsRequired   = (VehicleParked.Flags)r.ReadInt32();

            return(PackageHelper.CustomDeserialize(p, t, r));
 private static Vector3 GetMiddle(BuildingInfo.PathInfo path)