Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and save a Build Report. This is meant to be used for users who have a
        /// custom build script, or is automating a project build command from the command line.
        /// The Editor log needs to have build data for this to work,
        /// so only call this after <see cref="UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If your custom build scripts override the project's build settings,
        /// this overload allows you to explicitly specify the list of scenes, the build
        /// location, and the build target yourself.</para>
        /// <para>But if your build scripts didn't override the project's build settings,
        /// you can instead use <see cref="CreateReport(string)"/>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="scenes">Which scenes were included in the build. Can be set to null
        /// so that BuildReportTool will just use UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes instead.
        /// If you specified your own list of scenes to build, you should pass them here.</param>
        /// <param name="buildLocation">Where the build is saved to. Can be set to null so that
        /// BuildReportTool will just use UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation()
        /// instead. If you specified your own build location, you should pass it here.</param>
        /// <param name="buildTarget">Type of build platform being made. You can just pass
        /// UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget if you didn't explicitly
        /// set this. If you specified your own build target, you should pass it here.</param>
        /// <param name="customEditorLogPath">If your Unity Editor log file is not in the
        /// default path, specify it here. Otherwise, leave this null so that BuildReportTool
        /// will just use the default location of the Editor.log file.</param>
        /// <returns>The full path and filename of the created Build Report XML file,
        /// or null if no Build Report was created.</returns>
        public static string CreateReport(string[] scenes, string buildLocation, BuildTarget buildTarget,
                                          string customEditorLogPath = null)
            BuildReportTool.Util.BuildTargetOfLastBuild = buildTarget;

            var editorLogPathToUse = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customEditorLogPath)
                                ? customEditorLogPath
                                : BuildReportTool.Util.UsedEditorLogPath;

            if (!DoesEditorLogHaveBuildInfo(editorLogPathToUse))
                if (BuildReportTool.Util.IsDefaultEditorLogPathOverridden)
                    Debug.LogWarning(string.Format(NO_BUILD_INFO_OVERRIDDEN_LOG_WARNING, editorLogPathToUse,
                else if (CheckIfUnityHasNoLogArgument())


            var timeGot = System.DateTime.Now;

            _timeReportGenerationStarted = new System.TimeSpan(timeGot.Ticks);

            _lastPathToBuiltProject = buildLocation;

            Init(ref _lastKnownBuildInfo, scenes, timeGot);

            if (BuildReportTool.Options.CalculateAssetDependencies)
                if (_lastKnownAssetDependencies == null)
                    _lastKnownAssetDependencies = new BuildReportTool.AssetDependencies();

                _lastKnownAssetDependencies.TimeGot = timeGot;

            _lastEditorLogPath = editorLogPathToUse;

            if (BuildReportTool.Options.IncludeUnusedPrefabsInReportCreation)



            var savedFilePath = OnFinishedGetValues(_lastKnownBuildInfo, _lastKnownAssetDependencies);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and save a Build Report. This is meant to be used for users who have a
        /// custom build script, or is automating a project build command from the command line.
        /// The Editor log needs to have build data for this to work,
        /// so only call this after <see cref="UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If your custom build scripts override the project's build settings,
        /// this overload allows you to explicitly specify the list of scenes, the build
        /// location, and the build target yourself.</para>
        /// <para>But if your build scripts didn't override the project's build settings,
        /// you can instead use <see cref="CreateReport(string)"/>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="scenes">Which scenes were included in the build. Can be set to null
        /// so that BuildReportTool will just use UnityEditor.EditorBuildSettings.scenes instead.
        /// If you specified your own list of scenes when building, you should pass them here.</param>
        /// <param name="buildLocation">Absolute path where the build was saved to. Can be set to null so that
        /// BuildReportTool will just use Unity's <see cref="UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation"/>
        /// instead. If you specified your own build location, you should set it here.
        /// You can specify only the path to the build folder, but if there are multiple builds
        /// in that folder, it is best to specify the path to the build file itself
        /// (e.g. exe file for Windows Standalone, apk file for Android, etc.).</param>
        /// <param name="buildTarget">Type of build platform being made. You can just pass
        /// UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget if you didn't explicitly
        /// set this. If you specified your own build target, you should pass it here.</param>
        /// <param name="customEditorLogPath">If your Unity Editor log file is not in the
        /// default path, specify it here. Otherwise, leave this null so that BuildReportTool
        /// will just use the default location of the Editor.log file.</param>
        /// <returns>The full path and filename of the created Build Report XML file,
        /// or null if no Build Report was created.</returns>
        public static string CreateReport(string[] scenes, string buildLocation, BuildTarget buildTarget,
                                          string customEditorLogPath = null)
            BuildReportTool.Util.BuildTargetOfLastBuild = buildTarget;

            var editorLogPathToUse = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customEditorLogPath)
                                                         ? customEditorLogPath
                                                         : BuildReportTool.Util.UsedEditorLogPath;

            if (!DoesEditorLogHaveBuildInfo(editorLogPathToUse))
                if (BuildReportTool.Util.IsDefaultEditorLogPathOverridden)
                    Debug.LogWarning(string.Format(NO_BUILD_INFO_OVERRIDDEN_LOG_WARNING, editorLogPathToUse,
                else if (CheckIfUnityHasNoLogArgument())


            var timeNow = System.DateTime.Now;

            _lastPathToBuiltProject = buildLocation;

            Init(true, ref _lastKnownBuildInfo, scenes);
            _lastKnownBuildInfo.TimeGot         = timeNow;
            _lastKnownBuildInfo.TimeGotReadable = timeNow.ToString(TIME_OF_BUILD_FORMAT);

            System.DateTime timeBuildStarted;
            if (BuildReportTool.Util.HasBuildTime())
                timeBuildStarted = BuildReportTool.Util.LoadBuildTime();
                timeBuildStarted = timeNow;

            if (BuildReportTool.Options.CalculateAssetDependencies)
                if (_lastKnownAssetDependencies == null)
                    _lastKnownAssetDependencies = new BuildReportTool.AssetDependencies();

                _lastKnownAssetDependencies.TimeGot = timeBuildStarted;

            if (BuildReportTool.Options.CollectTextureImportSettings)
                if (_lastKnownTextureData == null)
                    _lastKnownTextureData = new BuildReportTool.TextureData();

                _lastKnownTextureData.TimeGot = timeBuildStarted;

            _lastEditorLogPath = editorLogPathToUse;

            if (BuildReportTool.Options.IncludeUnusedPrefabsInReportCreation)



            var savedFilePath = OnFinishedGetValues(_lastKnownBuildInfo, _lastKnownAssetDependencies, _lastKnownTextureData);
