public static async Task <bool> RestoreAsync(
            DependencyGraphSpec dependencyGraphSpec,
            bool interactive,
            bool recursive,
            bool noCache,
            bool ignoreFailedSources,
            bool disableParallel,
            bool force,
            bool forceEvaluate,
            bool hideWarningsAndErrors,
            bool restorePC,
            bool cleanupAssetsForUnsupportedProjects,
            Common.ILogger log,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (dependencyGraphSpec == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dependencyGraphSpec));

            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(log));

                DefaultCredentialServiceUtility.SetupDefaultCredentialService(log, !interactive);

                // Set connection limit

                // Set user agent string used for network calls
                UserAgent.SetUserAgentString(new UserAgentStringBuilder("NuGet .NET Core MSBuild Task")
                // OS description is set by default on Desktop
                UserAgent.SetUserAgentString(new UserAgentStringBuilder("NuGet Desktop MSBuild Task"));


                var restoreSummaries = new List <RestoreSummary>();
                var providerCache    = new RestoreCommandProvidersCache();

                if (restorePC && dependencyGraphSpec.Projects.Any(i => i.RestoreMetadata.ProjectStyle == ProjectStyle.PackagesConfig))
                    var v2RestoreResult = await PerformNuGetV2RestoreAsync(log, dependencyGraphSpec, noCache, disableParallel, interactive);


                    if (restoreSummaries.Count < 1)
                        var message = string.Format(


                    if (!v2RestoreResult.Success)
                        .Where(l => l.Level == LogLevel.Warning)
                        .ForEach(message =>

                using (var cacheContext = new SourceCacheContext())
                    cacheContext.NoCache             = noCache;
                    cacheContext.IgnoreFailedSources = ignoreFailedSources;

                    // Pre-loaded request provider containing the graph file
                    var providers = new List <IPreLoadedRestoreRequestProvider>();

                    if (dependencyGraphSpec.Restore.Count > 0)
                        // Add all child projects
                        if (recursive)

                        providers.Add(new DependencyGraphSpecRequestProvider(providerCache, dependencyGraphSpec));

                        var restoreContext = new RestoreArgs()
                            CacheContext    = cacheContext,
                            LockFileVersion = LockFileFormat.Version,
                            // 'dotnet restore' fails on slow machines (
                            // The workaround is to pass the '--disable-parallel' option.
                            // We apply the workaround by default when the system has 1 cpu.
                            // This will fix restore failures on VMs with 1 CPU and containers with less or equal to 1 CPU assigned.
                            DisableParallel           = Environment.ProcessorCount == 1 ? true : disableParallel,
                            Log                       = log,
                            MachineWideSettings       = new XPlatMachineWideSetting(),
                            PreLoadedRequestProviders = providers,
                            AllowNoOp                 = !force,
                            HideWarningsAndErrors     = hideWarningsAndErrors,
                            RestoreForceEvaluate      = forceEvaluate

                        if (restoreContext.DisableParallel)
                            HttpSourceResourceProvider.Throttle = SemaphoreSlimThrottle.CreateBinarySemaphore();


                        restoreSummaries.AddRange(await RestoreRunner.RunAsync(restoreContext, cancellationToken));

                    if (cleanupAssetsForUnsupportedProjects)
                        // Restore assets are normally left on disk between restores for all projects.  This can cause a condition where a project that supports PackageReference was restored
                        // but then a user changes a branch or some other condition and now the project does not use PackageReference. Since the restore assets are left on disk, the build
                        // consumes them which can cause build errors. The code below cleans up all of the files that we write so that they are not used during build
                        Parallel.ForEach(dependencyGraphSpec.Projects.Where(i => !DoesProjectSupportRestore(i)), project =>
                            if (project.RestoreMetadata == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.RestoreMetadata.OutputPath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(project.RestoreMetadata.ProjectPath))

                            // project.assets.json
                            FileUtility.Delete(Path.Combine(project.RestoreMetadata.OutputPath, LockFileFormat.AssetsFileName));

                            // project.csproj.nuget.cache

                            // project.csproj.nuget.g.props
                            FileUtility.Delete(BuildAssetsUtils.GetMSBuildFilePathForPackageReferenceStyleProject(project, BuildAssetsUtils.PropsExtension));

                            // project..csproj.nuget.g.targets
                            FileUtility.Delete(BuildAssetsUtils.GetMSBuildFilePathForPackageReferenceStyleProject(project, BuildAssetsUtils.TargetsExtension));

                            // project.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json
                            FileUtility.Delete(Path.Combine(project.RestoreMetadata.OutputPath, DependencyGraphSpec.GetDGSpecFileName(Path.GetFileName(project.RestoreMetadata.ProjectPath))));

                if (restoreSummaries.Count < 1)
                    RestoreSummary.Log(log, restoreSummaries);
                return(restoreSummaries.All(x => x.Success));
                // The CredentialService lifetime is for the duration of the process. We should not leave a potentially unavailable logger.
                // We need to update the delegating logger with a null instance
                // because the tear downs of the plugins and similar rely on idleness and process exit.