//public IEnumerable<Assembly> AssemblyList { get; set; }
        public IActionResult OnGet(int?id)
            InventoryItemVM = new InventoryItemVM()
                PurchaseOrderInfo = _unitOfWork.PurchaseOrders.GetAll().ToList(),
                ItemList          = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetItemListForDropDown().OrderBy(i => i.Text),
                MeasureInfo       = _unitOfWork.Measures.GetMeasureListForDropDown(),
                BuildInfo         = new BuildAssembly(),
                AssemblyInfo      = new Assembly(),
                InventoryItemObj  = new InventoryItem()

            BuildAssemblyVM = new BuildAssemblyVM
                InventoryItems  = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetAll(i => i.IsActive == true),
                BuildAssemblies = _unitOfWork.BuildAssemblies.GetAll().Where(i => i.InventoryItemID == id),
                InventoryItem   = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetFirstOrDefault(i => i.InventoryItemID == id),
                Assemblies      = _unitOfWork.Assemblies.GetAll()


            if (id != null)
                InventoryItemVM.InventoryItemObj = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetFirstOrDefault(u => u.InventoryItemID == id);
                if (InventoryItemVM.InventoryItemObj == null)
                InventoryItemVM.InventoryItemObj.BuildAssemblyList = _unitOfWork.BuildAssemblies.GetAll().Where(b => b.InventoryItemID == id).ToList();
Beispiel #2
        public IActionResult Get()
            // used for general information without needing to query the DB again
            buildAssemblyVM = new BuildAssemblyVM()
                InventoryItems  = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetAll().Where(i => i.IsActive == true),
                BuildAssemblies = _unitOfWork.BuildAssemblies.GetAll(),
                Assemblies      = _unitOfWork.Assemblies.GetAll()

            // Initialize the drill's list of items and number required for the drill
            // start with items with 0 required
            List <InventoryItem> tempList = _unitOfWork.InventoryItems.GetAll().Where(i => i.IsAssembly != true && i.IsActive == true).ToList();

            foreach (var item in tempList)
                itemList.Add(new ItemWithCounts()
                    id           = item.InventoryItemID,
                    name         = item.Name,
                    looseQty     = item.TotalLooseQty,
                    requiredQty  = 0,
                    assembledQty = 0,
                    ratio        = 0

            CountAssemblyComponents(drillID, 1); // this is counting the items required for the drill per its recipe

            foreach (var item in buildAssemblyVM.InventoryItems)
                // skip the drill -- we don't want to factor it into the item counts
                if (item.IsAssembly && item.InventoryItemID != drillID)
                    CountChildItems(item.InventoryItemID, item.TotalLooseQty); // counting each assembly and item

            // remove items not needed for the drill
            List <int> itemsToRemove = new List <int>();

            foreach (var item in itemList)
                if (item.requiredQty <= 0)

            for (int i = itemsToRemove.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)

            // calculate ratio for drill
            foreach (var item in itemList)
                if (item.requiredQty > 0)
                    item.ratio = (item.looseQty + item.assembledQty) / item.requiredQty; // this will still give negatives if the total count is negative

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(itemList);
