Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Show action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BuggsForm">The form of user data passed up from the client.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The unique id of the Bugg.</param>
        /// <returns>The view to display a Bugg on the client.</returns>
        public ActionResult Show(FormCollection BuggsForm, int id)
            using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(BuggId=" + id + ")", bCreateNewLog: true))
                // Handle 'CopyToJira' button
                int BuggIDToBeAddedToJira = 0;
                foreach (var Entry in BuggsForm)
                    if (Entry.ToString().Contains(Bugg.JiraSubmitName))
                        int.TryParse(Entry.ToString().Substring(Bugg.JiraSubmitName.Length), out BuggIDToBeAddedToJira);

                BuggRepository Buggs = new BuggRepository();

                // Set the display properties based on the radio buttons
                bool DisplayModuleNames = false;
                if (BuggsForm["DisplayModuleNames"] == "true")
                    DisplayModuleNames = true;

                bool DisplayFunctionNames = false;
                if (BuggsForm["DisplayFunctionNames"] == "true")
                    DisplayFunctionNames = true;

                bool DisplayFileNames = false;
                if (BuggsForm["DisplayFileNames"] == "true")
                    DisplayFileNames = true;

                bool DisplayFilePathNames = false;
                if (BuggsForm["DisplayFilePathNames"] == "true")
                    DisplayFilePathNames = true;
                    DisplayFileNames     = false;

                bool DisplayUnformattedCallStack = false;
                if (BuggsForm["DisplayUnformattedCallStack"] == "true")
                    DisplayUnformattedCallStack = true;

                // Create a new view and populate with crashes
                List <Crash> Crashes = null;

                BuggViewModel Model   = new BuggViewModel();
                Bugg          NewBugg = Buggs.GetBugg(id);
                if (NewBugg == null)

                Crashes = NewBugg.GetCrashes();

                using (FAutoScopedLogTimer GetCrashesTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer("Bugg.PrepareBuggForJira"))
                    if (Crashes.Count > 0)

                        if (BuggIDToBeAddedToJira != 0)

                using (FAutoScopedLogTimer JiraResultsTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer("Bugg.GrabJira"))
                    var  JC         = JiraConnection.Get();
                    bool bValidJira = false;

                    // Verify valid JiraID, this may be still a TTP
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewBugg.Jira))
                        int TTPID = 0;
                        int.TryParse(NewBugg.Jira, out TTPID);

                        if (TTPID == 0)
                            //AddBuggJiraMapping( NewBugg, ref FoundJiras, ref JiraIDtoBugg );
                            bValidJira = true;

                    if (JC.CanBeUsed() && bValidJira)
                        // Grab the data form JIRA.
                        string JiraSearchQuery = "key = " + NewBugg.Jira;

                        var JiraResults = JC.SearchJiraTickets(
                            new string[]
                            "key",                                                  // string
                            "summary",                                              // string
                            "components",                                           // System.Collections.ArrayList, Dictionary<string,object>, name
                            "resolution",                                           // System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object], name
                            "fixVersions",                                          // System.Collections.ArrayList, Dictionary<string,object>, name
                            "customfield_11200"                                     // string

                        // Jira Key, Summary, Components, Resolution, Fix version, Fix changelist
                        foreach (var Jira in JiraResults)
                            string JiraID = Jira.Key;

                            string Summary = (string)Jira.Value["summary"];

                            string ComponentsText = "";
                            System.Collections.ArrayList Components = (System.Collections.ArrayList)Jira.Value["components"];
                            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> Component in Components)
                                ComponentsText += (string)Component["name"];
                                ComponentsText += " ";

                            Dictionary <string, object> ResolutionFields = (Dictionary <string, object>)Jira.Value["resolution"];
                            string Resolution = ResolutionFields != null ? (string)ResolutionFields["name"] : "";

                            string FixVersionsText = "";
                            System.Collections.ArrayList FixVersions = (System.Collections.ArrayList)Jira.Value["fixVersions"];
                            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> FixVersion in FixVersions)
                                FixVersionsText += (string)FixVersion["name"];
                                FixVersionsText += " ";

                            int FixCL = Jira.Value["customfield_11200"] != null ? (int)(decimal)Jira.Value["customfield_11200"] : 0;

                            NewBugg.JiraSummary         = Summary;
                            NewBugg.JiraComponentsText  = ComponentsText;
                            NewBugg.JiraResolution      = Resolution;
                            NewBugg.JiraFixVersionsText = FixVersionsText;
                            if (FixCL != 0)
                                NewBugg.JiraFixCL = FixCL.ToString();


                // Apply any user settings
                if (BuggsForm.Count > 0)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BuggsForm["SetStatus"]))
                        NewBugg.Status = BuggsForm["SetStatus"];
                        Buggs.SetBuggStatus(NewBugg.Status, id);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BuggsForm["SetFixedIn"]))
                        NewBugg.FixedChangeList = BuggsForm["SetFixedIn"];
                        Buggs.SetBuggFixedChangeList(NewBugg.FixedChangeList, id);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BuggsForm["SetTTP"]))
                        NewBugg.Jira = BuggsForm["SetTTP"];
                        Buggs.SetJIRAForBuggAndCrashes(NewBugg.Jira, id);

                    // <STATUS>

                // Set up the view model with the crash data
                Model.Bugg    = NewBugg;
                Model.Crashes = Crashes;

                Crash NewCrash = Model.Crashes.FirstOrDefault();
                if (NewCrash != null)
                    using (FScopedLogTimer LogTimer2 = new FScopedLogTimer("CallstackTrimming"))
                        CallStackContainer CallStack = new CallStackContainer(NewCrash);

                        // Set callstack properties
                        CallStack.bDisplayModuleNames          = DisplayModuleNames;
                        CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames        = DisplayFunctionNames;
                        CallStack.bDisplayFileNames            = DisplayFileNames;
                        CallStack.bDisplayFilePathNames        = DisplayFilePathNames;
                        CallStack.bDisplayUnformattedCallStack = DisplayUnformattedCallStack;

                        Model.CallStack = CallStack;

                        // Shorten very long function names.
                        foreach (CallStackEntry Entry in Model.CallStack.CallStackEntries)
                            Entry.FunctionName = Entry.GetTrimmedFunctionName(128);

                        Model.SourceContext = NewCrash.SourceContext;

                    Model.Bugg.LatestCrashSummary = NewCrash.Summary;

                Model.GenerationTime = LogTimer.GetElapsedSeconds().ToString("F2");
                return(View("Show", Model));