Beispiel #1
 public PrimitiveBuffer(BufferFrequencies frequency, BufferUsages usage, out uint bufferId,
                        out uint indexId, uint bufferCapacity = 0, uint indexCapacity = 0) :
     this(frequency, usage, bufferCapacity, indexCapacity)
     bufferId = this.bufferId;
     indexId  = this.indexId;
Beispiel #2
        public static IVertexBuffer New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
            IVertexBuffer api = null;

            #if WIN32
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9) api = new D3D9.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11) api = new D3D11.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL) api = new OpenGL.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            #if XNA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA) api = new XNA.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            #if VITA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.Vita) api = new Vita.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            if (api == null) Debug.ThrowError("VertexBufferAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType);
            return api;
Beispiel #3
        // Note that buffer capacity is given in bytes while index capacity is given in unsigned shorts.
        public unsafe PrimitiveBuffer(BufferFrequencies frequency, BufferUsages usage, uint bufferCapacity = 0,
                                      uint indexCapacity = 0)
            this.usage = (uint)frequency + (uint)usage;

            GLUtilities.GenerateBuffers(out bufferId, out indexId);

            buffer      = new byte[bufferCapacity];
            indexBuffer = new ushort[indexCapacity];
            maxIndex    = -1;

            if (bufferCapacity > 0)
                allocatedBufferCapacity = bufferCapacity;

                glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferId);
                glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferCapacity, (void *)0, this.usage);

            if (indexCapacity > 0)
                allocatedIndexCapacity = sizeof(ushort) * indexCapacity;

                glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexId);
                glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, allocatedIndexCapacity, (void *)0, this.usage);
Beispiel #4
        internal HostBuffer(
            Device logicalDevice,
            Pool memoryPool,
            BufferUsages usages,
            long size)
            if (logicalDevice == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logicalDevice));
            if (memoryPool == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memoryPool));
            this.size = size;

            //Create the buffer
            buffer = logicalDevice.CreateBuffer(new BufferCreateInfo(
                                                    size: size,
                                                    usages: usages,
                                                    flags: BufferCreateFlags.None,
                                                    sharingMode: SharingMode.Exclusive
            //Allocate memory for this buffer
            memory = memoryPool.AllocateAndBind(buffer, Chunk.Location.Host);
Beispiel #5
        public VKBuffer(
            string name, Graphics graphics, long count, BufferUsages usages, MemoryProperties memoryProperties,
            BufferCreateFlags flags  = BufferCreateFlags.None, SharingMode sharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive,
            int[] queueFamilyIndices = null
            Name     = name;
            Graphics = graphics;
            Count    = count;
            Size     = count * Interop.SizeOf <T>();
            Usages   = usages;
            Buffer   = Graphics.Device.CreateBuffer(new BufferCreateInfo(
                                                        size: Size,
                                                        usages: usages,
                                                        flags: flags,
                                                        sharingMode: sharingMode,
                                                        queueFamilyIndices: queueFamilyIndices
            var reqs = Buffer.GetMemoryRequirements();

            DeviceMemory = Graphics.Device.AllocateMemory(new MemoryAllocateInfo(
                                                              graphics.GetMemoryTypeIndex(reqs.MemoryTypeBits, memoryProperties)
 internal static DeviceBuffer UploadData <T>(
     ReadOnlyMemory <T> data,
     RenderScene scene,
     BufferUsages usages) where T : struct
     return(UploadData <T>(data.Span, scene, usages));
        internal DeviceBuffer(
            Device logicalDevice,
            Pool memoryPool,
            BufferUsages usages,
            long size)
            if (logicalDevice == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logicalDevice));
            if (memoryPool == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memoryPool));

            this.size = size;

            //Create the buffer
            buffer = logicalDevice.CreateBuffer(new BufferCreateInfo(
                                                    size: size,
                                                    //Adding 'TransferDst' otherwise we can never copy data to it
                                                    usages: usages | BufferUsages.TransferDst,
                                                    flags: BufferCreateFlags.None,
                                                    sharingMode: SharingMode.Exclusive
            //Bind memory from our pool to this buffer
            memory = memoryPool.AllocateAndBind(buffer, Chunk.Location.Device);
Beispiel #8
 public Texture2D(DisposableI parent, string fileName, bool generateMipmaps, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
                 #if SILVERLIGHT
     Image.New(fileName, false,
               delegate(object sender, bool succeeded)
         if (succeeded)
             var image = (Image)sender;
             init(parent, null, image, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, SurfaceFormats.Unknown, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
             FailedToLoad = true;
             if (loadedCallback != null)
                 loadedCallback(this, false);
     init(parent, fileName, null, 0, 0, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, SurfaceFormats.Unknown, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #9
        public static ITexture2D New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            ITexture2D api = null;

            #if WIN32
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9) api = new D3D9.Texture2D(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);

            #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11) api = new D3D11.Texture2D(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);

            #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL) api = new OpenGL.Texture2D(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);

            #if XNA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA) api = new XNA.Texture2D(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);

            #if VITA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.Vita) api = new Vita.Texture2D(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);

            if (api == null) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2DAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType);
            return api;
Beispiel #10
 protected IVertexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, float[] vertices)
     : base(parent)
     this.usage = usage;
     vertexByteSize = bufferLayoutDesc.ByteSize;
     vertexFloatArraySize = bufferLayoutDesc.FloatCount;
     vertexCount = vertices.Length / vertexFloatArraySize;
Beispiel #11
 protected IVertexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, float[] vertices)
     : base(parent)
     this.usage           = usage;
     vertexByteSize       = bufferLayoutDesc.ByteSize;
     vertexFloatArraySize = bufferLayoutDesc.FloatCount;
     vertexCount          = vertices.Length / vertexFloatArraySize;
Beispiel #12
 protected IIndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     : base(parent)
     this.usage    = usage;
     indexByteSize = sizeof(short);
     indexCount    = indices.Length;
     _32BitIndices = indexCount > short.MaxValue;
     indexByteSize = _32BitIndices ? sizeof(int) : sizeof(short);
Beispiel #13
 protected IIndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     : base(parent)
     this.usage = usage;
     indexByteSize = sizeof(short);
     indexCount = indices.Length;
     _32BitIndices = indexCount > short.MaxValue;
     indexByteSize = _32BitIndices ? sizeof(int) : sizeof(short);
Beispiel #14
        public void CreateBuffer(int sizeInBytes, string name,
                                 BufferUsages usage, SharingMode sm, int [] famIndexes = null)
            BufferCreateInfo bci = new BufferCreateInfo(sizeInBytes,
                                                        usage, BufferCreateFlags.None,
                                                        sm, famIndexes);

            Buffer buf = mLogical.CreateBuffer(bci);

            mBuffers.Add(name, buf);
 internal static DeviceBuffer UploadData <T>(
     ReadOnlySpan <T> data,
     RenderScene scene,
     BufferUsages usages) where T : struct
     return(UploadData <T>(
Beispiel #16
        public unsafe IndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages bufferUsage, int[] indices)
            : base(parent, bufferUsage, indices)
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();

                uint vPtr = 0;
                GL.GenBuffers(1, &vPtr);
                indexBuffer = vPtr;
                if (indexBuffer == 0)
                    Debug.ThrowError("IndexBuffer", "Failed to create IndexBuffer");

                GL.BindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
                if (_32BitIndices)
                    fixed(int *indicesPtr = indices)
                        var bufferSize = new IntPtr(indexByteSize * indexCount);

                        GL.BufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, indicesPtr, GL.STATIC_DRAW);
                    var indices16Bit = new short[indices.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i != indices.Length; ++i)
                        indices16Bit[i] = (short)indices[i];

                    fixed(short *indicesPtr = indices16Bit)
                        var bufferSize = new IntPtr(indexByteSize * indexCount);

                        GL.BufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, indicesPtr, GL.STATIC_DRAW);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BufferCreateInfo"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">The size in bytes of the buffer to be created.</param>
 /// <param name="usages">The bitmask describing the allowed usages of the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Additional parameters of the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="sharingMode">
 /// The sharing mode of the buffer when it will be accessed by multiple queue families.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="queueFamilyIndices">
 /// A list of queue families that will access this buffer (ignored if <see
 /// cref="SharingMode"/> is not <see cref="VulkanCore.SharingMode.Concurrent"/>).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="next">
 /// Is <see cref="IntPtr.Zero"/> or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
 /// </param>
 public BufferCreateInfo(
     long size,
     BufferUsages usages,
     BufferCreateFlags flags  = 0,
     SharingMode sharingMode  = SharingMode.Exclusive,
     int[] queueFamilyIndices = null,
     IntPtr next = default(IntPtr))
     Next               = next;
     Size               = size;
     Usages             = usages;
     Flags              = flags;
     SharingMode        = sharingMode;
     QueueFamilyIndices = queueFamilyIndices;
Beispiel #18
        private void init(DisposableI parent, BufferLayoutDescI bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages bufferUsage, VertexBufferTopologys vertexBufferTopology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
                video    = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
                Topology = vertexBufferTopology;

                var format = new G.VertexFormat[bufferLayoutDesc.Elements.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i != bufferLayoutDesc.Elements.Count; ++i)
                    switch (bufferLayoutDesc.Elements[i].FloatCount)
                    case 1: format[i] = G.VertexFormat.Float; break;

                    case 2: format[i] = G.VertexFormat.Float2; break;

                    case 3: format[i] = G.VertexFormat.Float3; break;

                    case 4: format[i] = G.VertexFormat.Float4; break;

                if (indices != null && indices.Length != 0)
                    vertexBuffer = new G.VertexBuffer(vertexCount, indices.Length, format);

                    indexCount = indices.Length;
                    var indicesShort = new ushort[indexCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i != indexCount; ++i)
                        indicesShort[i] = (ushort)indices[i];
                    vertexBuffer = new G.VertexBuffer(vertexCount, format);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #19
 public IndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     : base(parent, usage, indices)
         var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();
         com = new IndexBufferCom(;
         var bufferUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DYNAMIC : REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DEFAULT;
         var cpuUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG.WRITE : (REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG)0;
         var error = com.Init(indices, indexCount, indexByteSize, bufferUsage, cpuUsage, _32BitIndices);
         if (error == IndexBufferErrors.Buffer) Debug.ThrowError("IndexBuffer", "Failed to create Buffer");
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
Beispiel #20
        public unsafe IndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages bufferUsage, int[] indices)
            : base(parent, bufferUsage, indices)
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();

                uint vPtr = 0;
                GL.GenBuffers(1, &vPtr);
                indexBuffer = vPtr;
                if (indexBuffer == 0) Debug.ThrowError("IndexBuffer", "Failed to create IndexBuffer");

                GL.BindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
                if (_32BitIndices)
                    fixed(int* indicesPtr = indices)
                        var bufferSize = new IntPtr(indexByteSize * indexCount);
                        GL.BufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, indicesPtr, GL.STATIC_DRAW);
                    var indices16Bit = new short[indices.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i != indices.Length; ++i)
                        indices16Bit[i] = (short)indices[i];

                    fixed(short* indicesPtr = indices16Bit)
                        var bufferSize = new IntPtr(indexByteSize * indexCount);
                        GL.BufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize, indicesPtr, GL.STATIC_DRAW);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #21
 public Texture2D(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     Image.New(filename, false,
     delegate (object sender, bool succeeded)
         if (succeeded)
             var image = (Image)sender;
             init(parent, image, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, image.SurfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
             FailedToLoad = true;
             if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
Beispiel #22
 public IndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     : base(parent, usage, indices)
         var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
         com = new IndexBufferCom(;
         var error = com.Init(indices, indexCount, indexByteSize, REIGN_D3DUSAGE.WRITEONLY, _32BitIndices);
         if (error == IndexBufferErrors.IndexBuffer)
             Debug.ThrowError("IndexBuffer", "Failed to create IndexBuffer");
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
Beispiel #23
        public IndexBuffer(DisposableI parent, BufferUsages bufferUsage, int[] indices)
            : base(parent, bufferUsage, indices)
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();

                #if SILVERLIGHT
                X.IndexElementSize elementSize = X.IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
                X.IndexElementSize elementSize = _32BitIndices ? X.IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits : X.IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
                indexBuffer = new X.IndexBuffer(video.Device, elementSize, indices.Length, X.BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
                Update(indices, indexCount);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #24
        public IndexBuffer(DisposableI parent, BufferUsages bufferUsage, int[] indices)
            : base(parent, bufferUsage, indices)
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();

                                #if SILVERLIGHT
                X.IndexElementSize elementSize = X.IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
                X.IndexElementSize elementSize = _32BitIndices ? X.IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits : X.IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
                indexBuffer = new X.IndexBuffer(video.Device, elementSize, indices.Length, X.BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
                Update(indices, indexCount);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #25
 public IndexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     : base(parent, usage, indices)
         var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
         com = new IndexBufferCom(;
         var bufferUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DYNAMIC : REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DEFAULT;
         var cpuUsage    = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG.WRITE : (REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG)0;
         var error       = com.Init(indices, indexCount, indexByteSize, bufferUsage, cpuUsage, _32BitIndices);
         if (error == IndexBufferErrors.Buffer)
             Debug.ThrowError("IndexBuffer", "Failed to create Buffer");
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
Beispiel #26
        private void init(DisposableI parent, BufferLayoutDescI bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages bufferUsage, VertexBufferTopologys vertexBufferTopology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
                video        = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
                Topology     = vertexBufferTopology;
                bufferLayout = new BufferLayout(this, null, bufferLayoutDesc, true);

                vertexBuffer = new X.VertexBuffer(video.Device, bufferLayout.layout, vertexCount, X.BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
                Update(vertices, vertexCount);

                if (indices != null && indices.Length != 0)
                    indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(this, usage, indices);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #27
        protected override bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            initSuccess = base.init(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, true, loadedCallback);
            if (!initSuccess) return false;

                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write) Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Only Textures may be writable");

                if (image != null)
                    width = image.Size.Width;
                    height = image.Size.Height;
                    surfaceFormat = image.SurfaceFormat;

                renderTargetCom = new RenderTargetCom();
                var error = renderTargetCom.Init(, width, height, com, 0, video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), usage == BufferUsages.Read);

                switch (error)
                    case RenderTargetError.RenderTargetView: Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Failed to create RenderTargetView"); break;
                    case RenderTargetError.StagingTexture: Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Failed to create Staging Texture"); break;
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            Loaded = true;
            if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #28
        public static IIndexBuffer New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
            IIndexBuffer api = null;

            #if WIN32
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9) api = new D3D9.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

            #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11) api = new D3D11.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

            #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL) api = new OpenGL.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

            #if XNA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA) api = new XNA.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

            if (api == null) Debug.ThrowError("IndexBufferAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType);
            return api;
Beispiel #29
 public Texture2D(DisposableI parent, string fileName, bool generateMipmaps, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     Image.New(fileName, false,
     delegate(object sender, bool succeeded)
         if (succeeded)
             var image = (Image)sender;
             init(parent, null, image, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, SurfaceFormats.Unknown, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
             FailedToLoad = true;
             if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
     init(parent, fileName, null, 0, 0, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, SurfaceFormats.Unknown, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
        internal static DeviceBuffer UploadData <T>(
            ReadOnlySpan <T> data,
            Device logicalDevice,
            Pool memoryPool,
            BufferUsages usages,
            HostBuffer stagingBuffer,
            TransientExecutor executor) where T : struct
            //First write the data to the staging buffer
            int size = stagingBuffer.Write <T>(data, offset: 0);

            //Then create a device buffer with that size
            DeviceBuffer targetBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(logicalDevice, memoryPool, usages, size);

            //Then copy the data from the staging buffer to the devicebuffer
            executor.ExecuteBlocking(commandBuffer =>
                    srcBuffer: stagingBuffer.VulkanBuffer,
                    dstBuffer: targetBuffer.VulkanBuffer,
                    new BufferCopy(size: size, srcOffset: 0, dstOffset: 0));
Beispiel #31
        public static IIndexBuffer New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
            IIndexBuffer api = null;

                        #if WIN32
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9)
                api = new D3D9.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

                        #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11)
                api = new D3D11.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

                        #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL)
                api = new OpenGL.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

                        #if XNA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA)
                api = new XNA.IndexBuffer(parent, usage, indices);

            if (api == null)
                Debug.ThrowError("IndexBufferAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType);
Beispiel #32
 public static Texture2D New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, bool generateMipmaps, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return new Texture2D(parent, fileName, generateMipmaps, usage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #33
 public static IRenderTarget New(IDisposableResource parent, int width, int height, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, DepthStencilFormats depthStencilFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, (Image)null, width, height, false, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, depthStencilFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #34
 public RenderTarget(DisposableI parent, string fileName, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, BufferUsages usage, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent, fileName, false, usage, loadedCallback)
Beispiel #35
        public static IVertexBuffer New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
            IVertexBuffer api = null;

                        #if WIN32
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9)
                api = new D3D9.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

                        #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11)
                api = new D3D11.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

                        #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL)
                api = new OpenGL.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

                        #if XNA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA)
                api = new XNA.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

                        #if VITA
            if (videoType == VideoTypes.Vita)
                api = new Vita.VertexBuffer(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);

            if (api == null)
                Debug.ThrowError("VertexBufferAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType);
Beispiel #36
        protected unsafe virtual bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Read && !isRenderTarget) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Only RenderTargets may be readable");

                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();
                if (isRenderTarget) generateMipmaps = false;

                uint texturesTEMP = 0;
                GL.GenTextures(1, &texturesTEMP);
                Texture = texturesTEMP;
                if (Texture == 0) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to Generate Texture");

                GL.BindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, Texture);
                if (!generateMipmaps) GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);
                GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);

                hasMipmaps = false;
                if (image != null)
                    var imageType = image.GetType();

                    #if NaCl
                    if (imageType == typeof(ImageBMPC))
                    if (imageType == typeof(ImagePNG) || imageType == typeof(ImageJPG) || imageType == typeof(ImageBMP) || imageType == typeof(ImageBMPC))
                        uint pixelOrder, byteSizes;
                        int format = Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat, out pixelOrder, out byteSizes);
                        var mipmap = image.Mipmaps[0];
                        fixed (byte* data = mipmap.Data)
                            GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, mipmap.Size.Width, mipmap.Size.Height, 0, pixelOrder, byteSizes, data);
                            if (generateMipmaps)
                                hasMipmaps = true;
                    else if (imageType == typeof(ImageDDS) || imageType == typeof(ImagePVR))
                        if (image.Mipmaps.Length != Image.Mipmap.CalculateMipmapLvls(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height))
                            Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Compressed Textures require full mipmap chain");
                        GL.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
                        hasMipmaps = true;

                        bool compressed = false;
                        uint format = 0;
                        string errorType = null;
                        if (imageType == typeof(ImageDDS))
                            var imageDDS = (ImageDDS)image;
                            compressed = imageDDS.Compressed;
                            format = imageDDS.FormatGL;
                            errorType = "DDS";
                        else if (imageType == typeof(ImagePVR))
                            var imagePVR = (ImagePVR)image;
                            compressed = imagePVR.Compressed;
                            format = imagePVR.FormatGL;
                            errorType = "PVR";

                        if (compressed)
                            for (int i = 0; i < image.Mipmaps.Length; ++i)
                                var mipmap = image.Mipmaps[i];
                                fixed (byte* data = mipmap.Data)
                                    // look up:: for linux with mesa
                                    GL.CompressedTexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, i, format, mipmap.Size.Width, mipmap.Size.Height, 0, mipmap.Data.Length, data);
                            Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Loading uncompresed " + errorType + " textures not supported");

                    Size = image.Size;
                    PixelByteSize = image.CalculatePixelByteSize();
                    //GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, IntPtr.Zero.ToPointer());
                    uint pixelOrder, byteSizes;
                    int format = Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat, out pixelOrder, out byteSizes);
                    GL.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, width, height, 0, pixelOrder, byteSizes, IntPtr.Zero.ToPointer());
                    if (generateMipmaps)
                        hasMipmaps = true;
                    Size = new Size2(width, height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize((surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormats.Defualt ? Video.DefaultSurfaceFormat() : surfaceFormat), width, height);

                SizeF = Size.ToVector2();

                uint error;
                string errorName;
                if (Video.checkForError(out error, out errorName))
                    Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", string.Format("{0} {1}: Failed to load/create texture", error, errorName));
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            if (!isRenderTarget)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #37
        protected virtual bool init(DisposableI parent, string fileName, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Read && !isRenderTarget) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Only RenderTargets may be readable");

                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();

                if (!isRenderTarget)
                    if (fileName != null || image != null)
                        #if SILVERLIGHT
                        texture = new X.Texture2D(video.Device, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, image.Mipmaps.Length != 0, Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat));
                        for (int i = 0; i != image.Mipmaps.Length; ++i)
                            var mipmap = image.Mipmaps[i];
                            texture.SetData<byte>(i, null, mipmap.Data, 0, mipmap.Data.Length);
                        texture = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<RootDisposable>().Content.Load<X.Texture2D>(Streams.StripFileExt(fileName));
                        loadedFromContentManager = true;
                        texture = new X.Texture2D(video.Device, width, height, generateMipmaps, Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat));

                    Size = new Size2(texture.Width, texture.Height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize(surfaceFormat, texture.Width, texture.Height);
                    Size = new Size2(width, height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize(surfaceFormat, width, height);

                TexelOffset = (1 / Size.ToVector2()) * .5f;
                SizeF = Size.ToVector2();
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            if (!isRenderTarget)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #38
 public static ITexture2D New(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #39
 public static ITexture2D New(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, bool generateMipmaps, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, filename, 0, 0, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, SurfaceFormats.Defualt, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #40
        protected virtual bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, bool lockable, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            byte[][] mipmaps     = null;
            int[]    mipmapSizes = null, mipmapPitches = null;
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();
                if (isRenderTarget)
                    generateMipmaps = false;

                // load image data
                if (image != null)
                    mipmaps       = new byte[image.Mipmaps.Length][];
                    mipmapSizes   = new int[image.Mipmaps.Length];
                    mipmapPitches = new int[image.Mipmaps.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i != mipmaps.Length; ++i)
                        var imageMipmap = image.Mipmaps[i];
                        mipmaps[i]       = image.Compressed ? imageMipmap.Data : imageMipmap.SwapRBColorChannels();
                        mipmapSizes[i]   = imageMipmap.Data.Length;
                        mipmapPitches[i] = imageMipmap.Pitch;

                    Size          = image.Size;
                    surfaceFormat = image.SurfaceFormat;
                    PixelByteSize = image.CalculatePixelByteSize();
                    if (width == 0 || height == 0)
                        Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Width or Height cannot be 0");
                    Size          = new Size2(width, height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize((surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormats.Defualt ? Video.DefaultSurfaceFormat() : surfaceFormat), width, height);
                TexelOffset = (1 / Size.ToVector2()) * .5f;
                SizeF       = Size.ToVector2();

                // init texture
                REIGN_D3DUSAGE nativeUsage = isRenderTarget ? REIGN_D3DUSAGE.RENDERTARGET : REIGN_D3DUSAGE.NONE;
                REIGN_D3DPOOL  nativePool  = (mipmaps != null && !video.Caps.ExDevice) ? REIGN_D3DPOOL.MANAGED : REIGN_D3DPOOL.DEFAULT;
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Read)
                    if (!isRenderTarget)
                        Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Only RenderTargets may be readable");
                    // NOTE: Staging texture and states will be created in the RenderTarget
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write)
                    if (mipmaps != null)
                        if (video.Caps.ExDevice)
                            nativeUsage |= REIGN_D3DUSAGE.DYNAMIC;
                        nativeUsage |= REIGN_D3DUSAGE.DYNAMIC;
                com = new Texture2DCom();
                var error = com.Init(, Size.Width, Size.Height, generateMipmaps, mipmaps, mipmapSizes, mipmapPitches, 0, nativePool, nativeUsage, video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), isRenderTarget);

                switch (error)
                case TextureError.Texture: Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to create Texture2D"); break;

                case TextureError.SystemTexture: Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to create System Texture2D"); break;

                if (!video.Caps.ExDevice && nativePool != REIGN_D3DPOOL.MANAGED)
                    LostDevice_image             = image;
                    LostDevice_width             = width;
                    LostDevice_height            = height;
                    LostDevice_generateMipmaps   = generateMipmaps;
                    LostDevice_multiSampleType   = multiSampleType;
                    LostDevice_surfaceFormat     = surfaceFormat;
                    LostDevice_renderTargetUsage = renderTargetUsage;
                    LostDevice_usage             = usage;
                    LostDevice_isRenderTarget    = isRenderTarget;
                    LostDevice_lockable          = lockable;
                    LostDevice_pool = nativePool;

                if (nativePool == REIGN_D3DPOOL.DEFAULT && !video.Caps.ExDevice && !video.deviceReseting)
                    video.DeviceLost  += deviceLost;
                    video.DeviceReset += deviceReset;
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, false);

            if (!isRenderTarget)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, true);
Beispiel #41
 public Texture2D(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     init(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, false, false, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #42
 public Texture2D(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     Image.New(filename, false,
               delegate(object sender, bool succeeded)
         if (succeeded)
             var image = (Image)sender;
             init(parent, image, image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height, generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes.None, image.SurfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, false, loadedCallback);
             FailedToLoad = true;
             if (loadedCallback != null)
                 loadedCallback(this, false);
Beispiel #43
 public static IIndexBuffer New(IDisposableResource parent, BufferUsages usage, int[] indices)
     return(New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, usage, indices));
Beispiel #44
 public Texture2D(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     init(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, false, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #45
        protected override bool init(DisposableI parent, string fileName, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            if (!base.init(parent, fileName, width, height, false, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, true, loadedCallback)) return false;

                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write) Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Only Textures may be writable");

                frameBuffer = new G.FrameBuffer();
                frameBuffer.SetColorTarget(texture, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            Loaded = true;
            if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #46
 public VertexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
     : base(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, vertices)
     init(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);
Beispiel #47
 public static Texture2D New(DisposableI parent, int width, int height, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return new Texture2D(parent, width, height, surfaceFormat, usage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #48
 public static RenderTarget New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, BufferUsages usage, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return new RenderTarget(parent, fileName, multiSampleType, usage, renderTargetUsage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #49
        private void init(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
                var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();

                this.topology = topology;
                switch (topology)
                    case VertexBufferTopologys.Triangle: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLELIST; break;
                    case VertexBufferTopologys.Line: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.LINELIST; break;
                    case VertexBufferTopologys.Point: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.POINTLIST; break;

                com = new VertexBufferCom(, topologyType);
                var bufferUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DYNAMIC : REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DEFAULT;
                var cpuUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG.WRITE : (REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG)0;
                var error = com.Init(vertices, vertexCount, vertexByteSize, bufferUsage, cpuUsage);
                if (error == VertexBufferErrors.Buffer) Debug.ThrowError("VertexBuffer", "Failed to create Buffer");

                if (indices != null && indices.Length != 0) indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(this, usage, indices);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #50
        protected virtual bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, bool lockable, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            byte[][] mipmaps = null;
            int[] mipmapSizes = null, mipmapPitches = null;
                video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>();
                if (isRenderTarget) generateMipmaps = false;

                // load image data
                if (image != null)
                    mipmaps = new byte[image.Mipmaps.Length][];
                    mipmapSizes = new int[image.Mipmaps.Length];
                    mipmapPitches = new int[image.Mipmaps.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i != mipmaps.Length; ++i)
                        var imageMipmap = image.Mipmaps[i];
                        mipmaps[i] = image.Compressed ? imageMipmap.Data : imageMipmap.SwapRBColorChannels();
                        mipmapSizes[i] = imageMipmap.Data.Length;
                        mipmapPitches[i] = imageMipmap.Pitch;

                    Size = image.Size;
                    surfaceFormat = image.SurfaceFormat;
                    PixelByteSize = image.CalculatePixelByteSize();
                    if (width == 0 || height == 0) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Width or Height cannot be 0");
                    Size = new Size2(width, height);
                    PixelByteSize = Image.CalculatePixelByteSize((surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormats.Defualt ? Video.DefaultSurfaceFormat() : surfaceFormat), width, height);
                TexelOffset = (1 / Size.ToVector2()) * .5f;
                SizeF = Size.ToVector2();

                // init texture
                REIGN_D3DUSAGE nativeUsage = isRenderTarget ? REIGN_D3DUSAGE.RENDERTARGET : REIGN_D3DUSAGE.NONE;
                REIGN_D3DPOOL nativePool = (mipmaps != null && !video.Caps.ExDevice) ? REIGN_D3DPOOL.MANAGED : REIGN_D3DPOOL.DEFAULT;
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Read)
                    if (!isRenderTarget) Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Only RenderTargets may be readable");
                    // NOTE: Staging texture and states will be created in the RenderTarget
                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write)
                    if (mipmaps != null)
                        if (video.Caps.ExDevice) nativeUsage |= REIGN_D3DUSAGE.DYNAMIC;
                        nativeUsage |= REIGN_D3DUSAGE.DYNAMIC;
                com = new Texture2DCom();
                var error = com.Init(, Size.Width, Size.Height, generateMipmaps, mipmaps, mipmapSizes, mipmapPitches, 0, nativePool, nativeUsage, video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), isRenderTarget);

                switch (error)
                    case TextureError.Texture: Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to create Texture2D"); break;
                    case TextureError.SystemTexture: Debug.ThrowError("Texture2D", "Failed to create System Texture2D"); break;

                if (!video.Caps.ExDevice && nativePool != REIGN_D3DPOOL.MANAGED)
                    LostDevice_image = image;
                    LostDevice_width = width;
                    LostDevice_height = height;
                    LostDevice_generateMipmaps = generateMipmaps;
                    LostDevice_multiSampleType = multiSampleType;
                    LostDevice_surfaceFormat = surfaceFormat;
                    LostDevice_renderTargetUsage = renderTargetUsage;
                    LostDevice_usage = usage;
                    LostDevice_isRenderTarget = isRenderTarget;
                    LostDevice_lockable = lockable;
                    LostDevice_pool = nativePool;

                if (nativePool == REIGN_D3DPOOL.DEFAULT && !video.Caps.ExDevice && !video.deviceReseting)
                    video.DeviceLost += deviceLost;
                    video.DeviceReset += deviceReset;
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            if (!isRenderTarget)
                Loaded = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #51
 public RenderTarget(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, DepthStencilFormats depthStencilFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback)
     if (initSuccess) initDepthStencil(width, height, depthStencilFormat);
Beispiel #52
 public VertexBuffer(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
     : base(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, vertices)
     init(parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, indices);
Beispiel #53
 public RenderTarget(DisposableI parent, int width, int height, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, DepthStencilFormats depthStencilFormat, BufferUsages usage, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent, width, height, surfaceFormat, usage, loadedCallback)
     initDepthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat;
Beispiel #54
        private void init(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices, int[] indices)
                var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>();

                this.topology = topology;
                switch (topology)
                case VertexBufferTopologys.Triangle: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.TRIANGLELIST; break;

                case VertexBufferTopologys.Line: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.LINELIST; break;

                case VertexBufferTopologys.Point: topologyType = REIGN_D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY.POINTLIST; break;

                com = new VertexBufferCom(, topologyType);
                var bufferUsage = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DYNAMIC : REIGN_D3D11_USAGE.DEFAULT;
                var cpuUsage    = (usage == BufferUsages.Write) ? REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG.WRITE : (REIGN_D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG)0;
                var error       = com.Init(vertices, vertexCount, vertexByteSize, bufferUsage, cpuUsage);
                if (error == VertexBufferErrors.Buffer)
                    Debug.ThrowError("VertexBuffer", "Failed to create Buffer");

                if (indices != null && indices.Length != 0)
                    indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(this, usage, indices);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Beispiel #55
 public static RenderTarget New(DisposableI parent, int width, int height, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, DepthStencilFormats depthStencilFormat, BufferUsages usage, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     return new RenderTarget(parent, width, height, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, depthStencilFormat, usage, renderTargetUsage, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #56
 public Texture2D(DisposableI parent, int width, int height, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent)
     init(parent, null, null, width, height, false, MultiSampleTypes.None, surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault, usage, false, loadedCallback);
Beispiel #57
        protected override bool init(DisposableI parent, string fileName, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            if (!base.init(parent, fileName, image, width, height, false, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, true, loadedCallback)) return false;

                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write) Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Only Textures may be writable");

                if (fileName == null)
                    // TODO: handle multiSampleType types
                    #if SILVERLIGHT
                    var xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents;
                    var xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.PlatformContents;
                    switch (renderTargetUsage)
                        case RenderTargetUsage.PlatformDefault:
                            #if SILVERLIGHT
                            xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents;
                            xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.PlatformContents;

                        case RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents: xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents; break;
                        case RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents: xUsage = X.RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents; break;

                    X.DepthFormat format = X.DepthFormat.None;
                    if (initDepthStencilFormat != DepthStencilFormats.None)
                        switch (initDepthStencilFormat)
                            case DepthStencilFormats.Defualt: format = X.DepthFormat.Depth24; break;
                            case DepthStencilFormats.Depth24Stencil8: format = X.DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8; break;
                            case DepthStencilFormats.Depth16: format = X.DepthFormat.Depth16; break;
                            case DepthStencilFormats.Depth24: format = X.DepthFormat.Depth24; break;

                                Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Unsuported DepthStencilFormat type");

                    renderTarget = new X.RenderTarget2D(video.Device, width, height, false, Video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), format, 0, xUsage);
                    Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "(Load image data into RenderTarget Texture) -- Not implemented yet...");

                texture = renderTarget;
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false);
                return false;

            Loaded = true;
            if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true);
            return true;
Beispiel #58
 public RenderTarget(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, DepthStencilFormats depthStencilFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
     : base(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, loadedCallback)
     if (initSuccess)
         initDepthStencil(width, height, depthStencilFormat);
Beispiel #59
 public static IVertexBuffer New(IDisposableResource parent, IBufferLayoutDesc bufferLayoutDesc, BufferUsages usage, VertexBufferTopologys topology, float[] vertices)
     return(New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, bufferLayoutDesc, usage, topology, vertices, null));
Beispiel #60
        protected override bool init(IDisposableResource parent, Image image, int width, int height, bool generateMipmaps, MultiSampleTypes multiSampleType, SurfaceFormats surfaceFormat, RenderTargetUsage renderTargetUsage, BufferUsages usage, bool isRenderTarget, bool lockable, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
            initSuccess = base.init(parent, image, width, height, generateMipmaps, multiSampleType, surfaceFormat, renderTargetUsage, usage, true, lockable, loadedCallback);
            if (!initSuccess)

                if (usage == BufferUsages.Write)
                    Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Only Textures may be writable");

                if (image != null)
                    width         = image.Size.Width;
                    height        = image.Size.Height;
                    surfaceFormat = image.SurfaceFormat;

                renderTargetCom = new RenderTargetCom();
                var error = renderTargetCom.Init(, com, width, height, 0, video.surfaceFormat(surfaceFormat), usage == BufferUsages.Read, lockable);

                switch (error)
                case RenderTargetError.RenderTarget: Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Failed to create RenderTarget"); break;

                case RenderTargetError.StagingTexture: Debug.ThrowError("RenderTarget", "Failed to create Staging Texture"); break;
            catch (Exception e)
                FailedToLoad = true;
                if (loadedCallback != null)
                    loadedCallback(this, false);

            Loaded = true;
            if (loadedCallback != null)
                loadedCallback(this, true);