internal WebEventBuffer(BufferedWebEventProvider provider, string bufferMode, WebEventBufferFlushCallback callback)
            this._provider = provider;
            BufferModeSettings settings = RuntimeConfig.GetAppLKGConfig().HealthMonitoring.BufferModes[bufferMode];

            if (settings == null)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Health_mon_buffer_mode_not_found", new object[] { bufferMode }));
            if (settings.RegularFlushInterval == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                this._regularFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
                    this._regularFlushIntervalMs = (long)settings.RegularFlushInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                catch (OverflowException)
                    this._regularFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
            if (settings.UrgentFlushInterval == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                this._urgentFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
                    this._urgentFlushIntervalMs = (long)settings.UrgentFlushInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                catch (OverflowException)
                    this._urgentFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
            this._urgentFlushThreshold = settings.UrgentFlushThreshold;
            this._maxBufferSize        = settings.MaxBufferSize;
            this._maxFlushSize         = settings.MaxFlushSize;
            this._maxBufferThreads     = settings.MaxBufferThreads;
            this._burstWaitTimeMs      = Math.Min(this._burstWaitTimeMs, this._urgentFlushIntervalMs);
            this._flushCallback        = callback;
            this._buffer = new Queue();
            if (this._regularFlushIntervalMs != Infinite)
                this._startTime            = DateTime.UtcNow;
                this._regularTimeoutUsed   = true;
                this._urgentFlushScheduled = false;
        internal WebEventBuffer(BufferedWebEventProvider provider, string bufferMode,
                                WebEventBufferFlushCallback callback)
            Debug.Assert(callback != null, "callback != null");

            _provider = provider;

            HealthMonitoringSection section = RuntimeConfig.GetAppLKGConfig().HealthMonitoring;

            BufferModesCollection bufferModes = section.BufferModes;

            BufferModeSettings bufferModeInfo = bufferModes[bufferMode];

            if (bufferModeInfo == null)
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Health_mon_buffer_mode_not_found, bufferMode));

            if (bufferModeInfo.RegularFlushInterval == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                _regularFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
                try {
                    _regularFlushIntervalMs = (long)bufferModeInfo.RegularFlushInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                catch (OverflowException) {
                    _regularFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;

            if (bufferModeInfo.UrgentFlushInterval == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                _urgentFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;
                try {
                    _urgentFlushIntervalMs = (long)bufferModeInfo.UrgentFlushInterval.TotalMilliseconds;
                catch (OverflowException) {
                    _urgentFlushIntervalMs = Infinite;

            _urgentFlushThreshold = bufferModeInfo.UrgentFlushThreshold;
            _maxBufferSize        = bufferModeInfo.MaxBufferSize;
            _maxFlushSize         = bufferModeInfo.MaxFlushSize;
            _maxBufferThreads     = bufferModeInfo.MaxBufferThreads;

            _burstWaitTimeMs = Math.Min(_burstWaitTimeMs, _urgentFlushIntervalMs);

            _flushCallback = callback;

            _buffer = new Queue();

            if (_regularFlushIntervalMs != Infinite)
                _startTime            = DateTime.UtcNow;
                _regularTimeoutUsed   = true;
                _urgentFlushScheduled = false;

                        "\n_regularFlushIntervalMs=" + _regularFlushIntervalMs +
                        "\n_urgentFlushThreshold=" + _urgentFlushThreshold +
                        "\n_maxBufferSize=" + _maxBufferSize +
                        "\n_maxFlushSize=" + _maxFlushSize +
                        "\n_urgentFlushIntervalMs=" + _urgentFlushIntervalMs);
        public void UrgentFlushThreshold_validationFailure()
            BufferModeSettings b = new BufferModeSettings("hi", Int32.MaxValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.Zero, Int32.MaxValue);

            b.UrgentFlushThreshold = 0;
        public void RegularFlushInterval_validationFailure()
            BufferModeSettings b = new BufferModeSettings("hi", Int32.MaxValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.Zero, Int32.MaxValue);

            b.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-30);
        public void Name_validationFailure()
            BufferModeSettings b = new BufferModeSettings("hi", Int32.MaxValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.Zero, Int32.MaxValue);

            b.Name = "";
        public void MaxFlushSize_validationFailure()
            BufferModeSettings b = new BufferModeSettings("hi", Int32.MaxValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.Zero, Int32.MaxValue);

            b.MaxFlushSize = 0;
	// Methods
	public void Add(BufferModeSettings bufferModeSettings) {}
        public static void Main()
            // Process the
            // System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
                // Get the Web application configuration.
                System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet");

                // Get the section.
                System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection healthMonitoringSection = (System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection)configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring");
// <Snippet2>

// Get the current Enabled property value.
                Boolean enabledValue = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled;

// Set the Enabled property to false.
                healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = false;

// </Snippet2>

// <Snippet3>

// Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
                TimeSpan heartBeatIntervalValue = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval;

// Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
// TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
                healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");

// </Snippet3>

// <Snippet4>

// <Snippet9>
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
                BufferModeSettings bufferModeSetting = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
                                                                              1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2);
// <Snippet15>
                bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification";
// </Snippet15>
// <Snippet16>
                bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128;
// </Snippet16>
// <Snippet17>
                bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1;
// </Snippet17>
// <Snippet18>
                bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24;
// </Snippet18>
// <Snippet19>
                bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
// </Snippet19>
// <Snippet20>
                bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
// </Snippet20>
// <Snippet21>
                bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1;
// </Snippet21>
// </Snippet9>

// <Snippet10>
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
                                                                               1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2));
// </Snippet10>

// <Snippet11>
// Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
                Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:",

// Display all elements.
                for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count; i++)
// <Snippet22>
                    bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes[i];
// </Snippet22>
// <Snippet23>
                    string name = bufferModeSetting.Name;
// </Snippet23>
// <Snippet24>
                    int maxBufferSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize;
// </Snippet24>
// <Snippet25>
                    int maxBufferThreads = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads;
// </Snippet25>
// <Snippet26>
                    int maxFlushSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize;
// </Snippet26>
// <Snippet27>
                    TimeSpan regularFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval;
// </Snippet27>
// <Snippet28>
                    TimeSpan urgentFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval;
// </Snippet28>
// <Snippet29>
                    int urgentFlushThreshold = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold;
// </Snippet29>
                    string item = "Name='" + name + "', MaxBufferSize =  '" + maxBufferSize +
                                  "', MaxBufferThreads =  '" + maxBufferThreads +
                                  "', MaxFlushSize =  '" + maxFlushSize +
                                  "', RegularFlushInterval =  '" + regularFlushInterval +
                                  "', UrgentFlushInterval =  '" + urgentFlushInterval +
                                  "', UrgentFlushThreshold =  '" + urgentFlushThreshold + "'";
                    Console.WriteLine("  Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// </Snippet11>

// <Snippet12>
// Get a named BufferMode
                bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes["Error Log"];
// </Snippet12>

// <Snippet13>
// Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log");
// </Snippet13>

// <Snippet14>
// Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
// </Snippet14>

// </Snippet4>

// <Snippet5>

// <Snippet30>
// Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
                EventMappingSettings eventMappingSetting = new EventMappingSettings(
                    "Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web");
// <Snippet41>
                eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors";
// </Snippet41>
// <Snippet42>
                eventMappingSetting.Type =
                    "System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web";
// </Snippet42>
// <Snippet43>
                eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0;
// </Snippet43>
// <Snippet44>
                eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096;
// </Snippet44>
// </Snippet30>

// <Snippet31>
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
                                                              "Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"));
// </Snippet31>

// <Snippet32>
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
                                                              "Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web",
                                                              512, Int32.MaxValue));
// </Snippet32>

// <Snippet33>
// Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
                                                             new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2));
// </Snippet33>

// <Snippet34>
// Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
                    "EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count);

// Display all elements.
                for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count; i++)
// <Snippet45>
                    eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings[i];
// </Snippet45>
// <Snippet46>
                    string name = eventMappingSetting.Name;
// </Snippet46>
// <Snippet47>
                    string type = eventMappingSetting.Type;
// </Snippet47>
// <Snippet48>
                    int startCd = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode;
// </Snippet48>
// <Snippet49>
                    int endCd = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode;
// </Snippet49>
                    string item = "Name='" + name + "', Type='" + type +
                                  "', StartEventCode =  '" + startCd.ToString() +
                                  "', EndEventCode =  '" + endCd.ToString() + "'";
                    Console.WriteLine("  Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// </Snippet34>

// <Snippet35>
// See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
                Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// </Snippet35>

// <Snippet36>
// Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
                Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// </Snippet36>

// <Snippet37>
// Get a named EventMappings
                eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings["HeartBeats"];
// </Snippet37>

// <Snippet38>
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// </Snippet38>

// <Snippet39>
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// </Snippet39>

// <Snippet40>
// Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// </Snippet40>

// </Snippet5>

// <Snippet6>

// <Snippet50>
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
                ProfileSettings profileSetting = new ProfileSettings("Default");
// <Snippet62>
                profileSetting.Name = "Custom";
// </Snippet62>
// <Snippet63>
                profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
// </Snippet63>
// <Snippet64>
                profileSetting.MinInstances = 1;
// </Snippet64>
// <Snippet65>
                profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
// </Snippet65>
// <Snippet66>
                profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll";
// </Snippet66>
// </Snippet50>

// <Snippet51>
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"));
// </Snippet51>

// <Snippet52>
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical",
                                                                         1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)));
// </Snippet52>

// <Snippet53>
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted",
                                                                         1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10),
                                                                         "MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"));
// </Snippet53>

// <Snippet54>
// Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"));
// </Snippet54>

// <Snippet55>
// Display contents of the Profiles collection property
                    "Profiles Collection contains {0} values:",

// Display all elements.
                for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count; i++)
// <Snippet67>
                    profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles[i];
// </Snippet67>
// <Snippet68>
                    string name = profileSetting.Name;
// </Snippet68>
// <Snippet69>
                    int minInstances = profileSetting.MinInstances;
// </Snippet69>
// <Snippet70>
                    int maxLimit = profileSetting.MaxLimit;
// </Snippet70>
// <Snippet71>
                    TimeSpan minInterval = profileSetting.MinInterval;
// </Snippet71>
// <Snippet72>
                    string custom = profileSetting.Custom;
// </Snippet72>
                    string item = "Name='" + name +
                                  "', MinInstances =  '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit =  '" + maxLimit +
                                  "', MinInterval =  '" + minInterval + "', Custom =  '" + custom + "'";
                    Console.WriteLine("  Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// </Snippet55>

// <Snippet56>
// See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
                Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.",
// </Snippet56>

// <Snippet57>
// Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
                Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.",
// </Snippet57>

// <Snippet58>
// Get a named ProfileSettings
                profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles["Default"];
// </Snippet58>

// <Snippet59>
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// </Snippet59>

// <Snippet60>
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// </Snippet60>

// <Snippet61>
// Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// </Snippet61>

// </Snippet6>

// <Snippet7>

// Display contents of the Providers collection property
                Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:",

// Display all elements.
                for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count; i++)
                    System.Configuration.ProviderSettings provider =
                    Console.WriteLine("  Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i,
                                      provider.Name, provider.Type);

// </Snippet7>

// <Snippet8>

// <Snippet73>
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
                RuleSettings ruleSetting = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
                                                            "All Errors", "EventLogProvider");
// <Snippet85>
                ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom";
// </Snippet85>
// <Snippet86>
                ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors";
// </Snippet86>
// <Snippet87>
                ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider";
// </Snippet87>
// <Snippet88>
                ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom";
// </Snippet88>
// <Snippet89>
                ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
// </Snippet89>
// <Snippet90>
                ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1;
// </Snippet90>
// <Snippet91>
                ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30");
// </Snippet91>
// <Snippet92>
                ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll";
// </Snippet92>
// </Snippet73>

// <Snippet74>
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
                                                                   "All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// </Snippet74>

// <Snippet75>
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default",
                                                                   "Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
                                                                   new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)));
// </Snippet75>

// <Snippet76>
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom",
                                                                   "Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
                                                                   new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"));
// </Snippet76>

// <Snippet77>
// Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
                                                     new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2",
                                                                      "All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// </Snippet77>

// <Snippet78>
// Display contents of the Rules collection property
                    "Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count);

// Display all elements.
                for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count; i++)
// <Snippet93>
                    ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules[i];
// </Snippet93>
// <Snippet94>
                    string name = ruleSetting.Name;
// </Snippet94>
// <Snippet95>
                    string eventName = ruleSetting.EventName;
// </Snippet95>
// <Snippet96>
                    string provider = ruleSetting.Provider;
// </Snippet96>
// <Snippet97>
                    string profile = ruleSetting.Profile;
// </Snippet97>
// <Snippet98>
                    int minInstances = ruleSetting.MinInstances;
// </Snippet98>
// <Snippet99>
                    int maxLimit = ruleSetting.MaxLimit;
// </Snippet99>
// <Snippet100>
                    TimeSpan minInterval = ruleSetting.MinInterval;
// </Snippet100>
// <Snippet101>
                    string custom = ruleSetting.Custom;
// </Snippet101>
                    string item = "Name='" + name + "', EventName='" + eventName +
                                  "', Provider =  '" + provider + "', Profile =  '" + profile +
                                  "', MinInstances =  '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit =  '" + maxLimit +
                                  "', MinInterval =  '" + minInterval + "', Custom =  '" + custom + "'";
                    Console.WriteLine("  Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// </Snippet78>

// <Snippet79>
// See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
                Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
                                  healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"));
// </Snippet79>

// <Snippet80>
// Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
                Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
                                  healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"));
// </Snippet80>

// <Snippet81>
// Get a named RuleSettings
                ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules["All Errors Default"];
// </Snippet81>

// <Snippet82>
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
                healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default");
// </Snippet82>

// <Snippet83>
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// </Snippet83>

// <Snippet84>
// Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// </Snippet84>

// </Snippet8>

                // Update if not locked.
                if (!healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked)
                    Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.");
                    Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                // Unknown error.
                    "A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.");
                Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.");
 // Methods
 public void Add(BufferModeSettings bufferModeSettings)