Beispiel #1
 public void ReadDataFromBuffer(BufferChunk buffer)
     Time        = buffer.NextUInt64();
     TimeStamp   = buffer.NextUInt32();
     PacketCount = buffer.NextUInt32();
     BytesSent   = buffer.NextUInt32();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a BufferChunk containing AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES, return a filled-in struct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES ReconstituteSampleProperties(BufferChunk bc)
            AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES asp;

            asp.cbData = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.dwTypeSpecificFlags = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.dwSampleFlags       = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.lActual             = NextInt32(bc);
            asp.tStart     = bc.NextUInt64();
            asp.tStop      = bc.NextUInt64();
            asp.dwStreamId = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.pMediaType = (IntPtr)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.pbBuffer   = (IntPtr)NextInt32(bc);
            asp.cbBuffer   = NextInt32(bc);
Beispiel #3
 public void ReadDataFromBuffer(BufferChunk buffer)
     Time = buffer.NextUInt64();
     TimeStamp = buffer.NextUInt32();
     PacketCount = buffer.NextUInt32();
     BytesSent = buffer.NextUInt32();
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill in the video-specific parts of the MediaType from the data in the BufferChunk.
        /// Also return the compression data which is the remaining bytes at the end of the byte[].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <param name="bc"></param>
        /// <param name="compressionData"></param>
        public static void ReconstituteVideoFormat(MediaTypeVideoInfo mt, BufferChunk bc, out byte[] compressionData)
            VIDEOINFOHEADER vi;
            RECT            s;

            s.left    = NextInt32(bc);
       = NextInt32(bc);
            s.right   = NextInt32(bc);
            s.bottom  = NextInt32(bc);
            vi.Source = s;
            RECT t;

            t.left             = NextInt32(bc);
                = NextInt32(bc);
            t.right            = NextInt32(bc);
            t.bottom           = NextInt32(bc);
            vi.Target          = t;
            vi.BitRate         = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            vi.BitErrorRate    = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            vi.AvgTimePerFrame = bc.NextUInt64();
            BITMAPINFOHEADER bih;

            bih.Size          = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            bih.Width         = NextInt32(bc);
            bih.Height        = NextInt32(bc);
            bih.Planes        = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
            bih.BitCount      = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
            bih.Compression   = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            bih.SizeImage     = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            bih.XPelsPerMeter = NextInt32(bc);
            bih.YPelsPerMeter = NextInt32(bc);
            bih.ClrUsed       = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            bih.ClrImportant  = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
            vi.BitmapInfo     = bih;
            mt.VideoInfo      = vi;
            compressionData   = new byte[bc.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < compressionData.Length; i++)
                compressionData[i] = bc.NextByte();