public void Filter_TowAudit_Tests()
            //Set Data
            #region Data
            int    towID        = 1;
            int    mrmUserId    = 25;
            string networkLogin = "******";
            string FY           = "2015";
            string filter       = "";

            DataSourceResult         result            = new DataSourceResult();
            TowAuditTrailExportModel towAuditViewModel = new TowAuditTrailExportModel()
            List <TowAuditTrailExportModel> lstAuditModel = new List <TowAuditTrailExportModel>();

            TowAuditTrailExportModel towAuditViewModelOnAir = new TowAuditTrailExportModel
                BudgetType = "On Air"
            TowAuditTrailExportModel towAuditViewModelOffAir = new TowAuditTrailExportModel
                BudgetType = "Off Air"
            TowAuditTrailExportModel towAuditViewModelPaidMedia = new TowAuditTrailExportModel
                BudgetType = "Paid Media"


            #region  Mock
            //Type of Service Mock
            mocktypeOfWorkRepository.Setup(x => x.GetTowAuditExport(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(lstAuditModel.AsQueryable());

            //Budget Service instance
            var budgetService = new BudgetServiceMock(unitOfWork: null, budget: null, channel: null, userChannel: null,
                                                      loggerService: null, iTypeOfWork: mocktypeOfWorkRepository.Object, iFamilyProductIssueTowDeliverableRepository: null,
                                                      budgetByChannel: null, iBudgetTypeTOWRepository: null, budgetByCategory: null
                                                      , iBudgetByCategoryRollup: null, _ITypeOfWork_DeliverableCategory: null,
                                                      _iForecastBudgetTypeCalendarTOWRepository: null, _iCalendarRepository: null,
                                                      iTypeOfWorkCategoryRepository: null, iWBSFiscalYear_ChannelRepository: null, iBudgetTypeRepository: null);

            //Budget Controller Mock
            var BudgetController = new BudgetController(userService: null, loggerService: null, budgetService: budgetService,
                                                        unitOfWork: null, productService: null, deliverableService: null, deliverableServiceV2: null, propertyService: null);


            #region Assertions
            //Assert BudgetService Method Call
            var towAuditResults = budgetService.GetTowAuditExport(towID);

            Assert.IsNotNull(towAuditResults);//Result is not Null
            Assert.AreEqual(towAuditResults.Count(), 3);

            var filteredModel = towAuditResults.Where(x => x.BudgetType == "On Air");
            Assert.IsNotNull(towAuditResults);//Result is not Null
            Assert.AreEqual(filteredModel.Count(), 1);

            //Assertion of Controller method
            filter = "" + "|" + "Off Air" + "|" + "" + "|" + "false"; //Passing test data to filter for OnAir records
            var offAirResult = BudgetController.GetTowAuditKendo(towID, filter, mrmUserId, networkLogin, "");
            Assert.AreEqual(offAirResult.Total, 1);

            filter = "";
            var noFilterResult = BudgetController.GetTowAuditKendo(towID, filter, mrmUserId, networkLogin, "");
            Assert.AreEqual(noFilterResult.Total, 3);
