Beispiel #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> OtherRequest(BudgetRequestViewModel model)
                // Admin Request
                model.RequestorName = CurrentUser.DisplayName;
                await _repo.AddBudGetRequest(_mapper.Map <BudgetRequest>(model), CurrentUser.Id);

                if (await _repo.SaveAllAsync())
                    TempData["Success"] = string.Format("BudgetRequest has been successfully Sent");
                    await SetListItemsAsync(model);

                    TempData["Error"] = "Unable to send BudgetRequest due to some internal issues.";
            catch (Exception e)
                TempData["Error"] = e.Message;
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult OtherRequest()
            BudgetRequestViewModel model = new BudgetRequestViewModel {
                ProjectNumber = "ADMIN"

Beispiel #3
        private async Task SetListItemsAsync(BudgetRequestViewModel model)
            ViewBag.Contractors = ViewBag.Contractors ?? await GetContractors(model.ProjectId, model.ItemId);

            ViewBag.Expenses = ViewBag.Expenses ?? await GetExpenses(model.ProjectId, model.ItemId);

            ViewBag.Equipments = ViewBag.Equipments ?? await GetEquipments(model.ProjectId, model.ItemId);

            ViewBag.Labarotories = ViewBag.Labarotories ?? await GetLabarotories(model.ProjectId, model.ItemId);

            ViewBag.Commissions = ViewBag.Commissions ?? await GetCommissions(model.ProjectId, model.ItemId);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <ActionResult> ProjectRequest(int projectId, string projectNo)
            await RunNotifications();

            BudgetRequestViewModel model = new BudgetRequestViewModel {
                ProjectId = projectId, ProjectNumber = projectNo
            var project = await _repo.GetProjectByIdAsync(projectId);

            if (project.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "Insufficient funds";
                return(RedirectToAction("Show", "Project", new { id = model.ProjectId }));
            if (project.IsClosed == true)
                TempData["Error"] = "Project already closed";
                return(RedirectToAction("Show", "Project", new { id = model.ProjectId }));
            await SetListItemsAsync(model);

Beispiel #5
        private async Task <BudgetRequestViewModel> ManageDropDownValuesAndValidition(BudgetRequestViewModel model)
            // Add Category to item list
            if (!model.CategoryDropdown.IsEmpty())
                model.Item.Category = model.CategoryDropdown;
                model.Error = "Please select a Category";
            if (model.Error.IsEmpty())
                // Add Item Name
                string name   = "";
                int    itemId = 0;
                var    items  = model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId)).ToList();
                if (model.CategoryDropdown == "CONTRACTORS/OUTSOURCE")
                    var result = await _repo.GetProposalContractorByIdAsync(model.ItemId1);

                    if (result != null)
                        name   = result.Name;
                        itemId = result.Id;
                        // Ammount Validation base on remaining budget
                        if (model.Item.Amount > result.RemainingBudget)
                            model.Error = "The only allowed budget request for this item is P " + result.RemainingBudget;
                        else if (result.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                            model.Error = "No more allocated fouds for this item";
                        model.Error = "Please select a item";
                else if (model.CategoryDropdown == "OPERATING EXPENSES")
                    var result = await _repo.GetProposalExpenseByIdAsync(model.ItemId2);

                    if (result != null)
                        name   = result.Item;
                        itemId = result.Id;
                        // Ammount Validation base on remaining budget
                        if (model.Item.Amount > result.RemainingBudget)
                            model.Error = "The only allowed budget request for this item is P " + result.RemainingBudget;
                        else if (result.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                            model.Error = "No more allocated fouds for this item";
                        model.Error = "Please select a item";
                else if (model.CategoryDropdown == "EQUIPMENT")
                    var pEquip = await _repo.GetProposalEquipmentByIdAsync(model.ItemId3);

                    var result = await _repo.GetInventoryByIdAsync(pEquip.InventoryId);

                    if (result != null)
                        name   = result.Name;
                        itemId = result.Id;
                        // Ammount Validation base on remaining budget
                        if (model.Item.Amount > pEquip.RemainingBudget)
                            model.Error = "The only allowed budget request for this item is P " + pEquip.RemainingBudget;
                        else if (pEquip.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                            model.Error = "No more allocated fouds for this item";
                        model.Error = "Please select a item";
                else if (model.CategoryDropdown == "LABORATORY ANALYSIS")
                    var result = await _repo.GetProposalLaboratoryByIdAync(model.ItemId4);

                    if (result != null)
                        // Ammount Validation base on remaining budget
                        name   = result.Name;
                        itemId = result.Id;
                        if (model.Item.Amount > result.RemainingBudget)
                            model.Error = "The only allowed budget request for this item is P " + result.RemainingBudget;
                        else if (result.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                            model.Error = "No more allocated fouds for this item";
                        model.Error = "Please select a item";
                else if (model.CategoryDropdown == "COMMISSIONS/REPRESENTATIONS")
                    var result = await _repo.GetProposalCommissionByIdAsync(model.ItemId5);

                    if (result != null)
                        name   = result.Name;
                        itemId = result.Id;
                        // Ammount Validation base on remaining budget
                        if (model.Item.Amount > result.RemainingBudget)
                            model.Error = "The only allowed budget request for this item is P " + result.RemainingBudget;
                        else if (result.RemainingBudget <= 0)
                            model.Error = "No more allocated fouds for this item";
                        model.Error = "Please select a item";
                if (!name.IsEmpty())
                    model.Item.Item   = name;
                    model.Item.ItemId = itemId;
                if (model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId) && m.Item == name && m.Amount == model.Item.Amount).Any() && model.Error.IsEmpty())
                    model.Error = "Request already exists";
                // Description Validation
                if (model.Item.Description.IsEmpty() && model.Error.IsEmpty())
                    model.Error = "Description is required";

                // Ammount Validtion
                else if (model.Item.Amount <= 0 && model.Error.IsEmpty())
                    model.Error = "Please enter amount";
                model.CategoryDropdown = "";
                model.ItemId           = 0;
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> ProjectRequest(BudgetRequestViewModel model)
                // How this work everytime you add a new item it will store to Items note this list cant be modified to
                // as of deleting you need to add the TempId to ToBeDeleted List this list is for the deleted items you can only store id here
                // like the Items you cant modify this list
                // to get the not deleted list you need to just filer the ToBeDeleted list to Items the get the result and add it to ShowItems
                // note if you refresh the will all temp data will be lost

                // Add item
                await SetListItemsAsync(model);

                if (model.Item != null && model.IsCreate == "addItem")
                    if (model.Items.Count > 0 && model.IsCreate != "delete")
                        // Asign tempId
                        int count = model.Items.Last().TempId;
                        model.Item.TempId = count += 1;
                        // Asign defualt value
                        model.Item.TempId = 1;

                    #region Dropdown

                    // Add item to item list
                    model = await ManageDropDownValuesAndValidition(model);

                    if (!model.Error.IsEmpty())
                        model.ShowItems   = model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId)).ToList();
                        TempData["Error"] = model.Error;
                    model.IsCreate      = null;
                    TempData["Success"] = "New item added";

                    // Get not delete items
                    model.ShowItems = model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId)).ToList();

                // Removed Item
                else if (model.IsCreate != "true" && model.IsCreate != "addItem")
                    // Get item to be removed
                    int toBeDeleted = model.Items.Where(m => m.TempId == model.TobeDeleted).First().TempId;
                    // Add tempid to list of deleted
                    // Get not delete items
                    model.ShowItems     = model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId)).ToList();
                    model.TobeDeleted   = 0;
                    TempData["Success"] = "Item Removed";

                // Save Budget Request
                // Purpose an Date needed validation
                model.ShowItems = model.Items.Where(m => !model.ListOfDeleted.Any(xx => xx == m.TempId)).ToList();
                if (model.Purpose.IsEmpty())
                    model.Error = "Please enter Purpose of request";
                else if (model.DateNeeded == null)
                    model.Error = "Please enter Date Needed";
                else if (model.Items.Count <= 0)
                    model.Error = "Please add request item";
                if (!model.Error.IsEmpty())
                    TempData["Error"] = model.Error;
                model.RequestorName = CurrentUser.DisplayName;
                model.RequestorId   = CurrentUser.Id;
                model.TotalAmount   = model.TotalAmountForView;
                BudgetRequest request = await _repo.AddBudGetRequest(_mapper.Map <BudgetRequest>(model), CurrentUser.Id);

                // Get proper list
                foreach (var item in model.ShowItems)
                    item.BudgetRequestId = request.Id;
                    _repo.AddBudGetRequestItem(_mapper.Map <BudgetRequestItem>(item), CurrentUser.Id);

                if (await _repo.SaveAllAsync())
                    TempData["Success"] = string.Format("BudgetRequest has been successfully Sent");
                    return(RedirectToAction("Show", "Project", new { id = model.ProjectId }));
                    await SetListItemsAsync(model);

                    TempData["Error"] = "Unable to send BudgetRequest due to some internal issues.";
            catch (Exception e)
                TempData["Error"] = e.Message;
                await SetListItemsAsync(model);
