/// <summary>
        /// Mapper method to convert new savings record from core savings model to database savings entity
        /// Does not map savings id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coreModel"></param>
        /// <returns>Database savings entity object</returns>
        public static DbSavingsEntity CoreToDbEntityNew(CoreSavingsModel coreModel)
            DbSavingsEntity dbEntity = new DbSavingsEntity()
                UserId        = coreModel.UserId,
                SavingsAmount = coreModel.SavingsAmount,
                SavingsType   = coreModel.SavingsType

        /// <summary>
        /// Mapper method to convert core savings model object to db savings entity object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbEntity"></param>
        /// <returns>Core Savings Model object </returns>
        public static CoreSavingsModel DbToCoreModel(DbSavingsEntity dbEntity)
            CoreSavingsModel coreModel = new CoreSavingsModel()
                Id            = dbEntity.Id,
                UserId        = dbEntity.UserId,
                SavingsAmount = dbEntity.SavingsAmount,
                SavingsType   = dbEntity.SavingsType
