Beispiel #1
        public async Task PingBucket(BucketType bucketType)
            var cluster = await _fixture.GetCluster().ConfigureAwait(false);

            await cluster.Buckets.CreateBucketAsync(new BucketSettings
                BucketType   = bucketType,
                Name         = "bucketmgr_test",
                RamQuotaMB   = 100,
                FlushEnabled = true

            await Task.Delay(5000).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var bucket = await cluster.BucketAsync("bucketmgr_test").ConfigureAwait(false);

                var pingReport = await bucket.PingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.Contains(pingReport.Services.Keys, x => x == "kv");
                Assert.True(pingReport.Services["kv"].All(x => x.State == Couchbase.Diagnostics.ServiceState.Ok));
                await _fixture.InitializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                cluster = await _fixture.GetCluster().ConfigureAwait(false);

                await cluster.Buckets.DropBucketAsync("bucketmgr_test").ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #2
    public static Bucket Create(BucketType bucketType, Cell cell, Color32 paintColor, string bucketName = null)
        switch (bucketType)
        case BucketType.Horizontal:

            bucket            = new BucketHorizontal(cell, paintColor);
            bucket.bucketName = bucketName;
            bucket.cell       = cell;
            bucket.paintColor = paintColor;


        case BucketType.Vertical:

        case BucketType.Random:


        public void Create_GivenType_ExpectedType(BucketType bucketType, Type expectedType)
            // Arrange

            var bucketFactory = new BucketFactory(
                new ClusterContext(),
                new Mock <IScopeFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <IRetryOrchestrator>().Object,
                new Mock <IVBucketKeyMapperFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <IKetamaKeyMapperFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <ILogger <CouchbaseBucket> >().Object,
                new Mock <ILogger <MemcachedBucket> >().Object,
                new TypedRedactor(RedactionLevel.None),
                new Mock <IBootstrapperFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <IOperationConfigurator>().Object,
                new BestEffortRetryStrategy(),
                new Mock <IHttpClusterMapFactory>().Object);

            // Act

            var result = bucketFactory.Create("bucket_name", bucketType, new BucketConfig());

            // Assert

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(expectedType, result);
            Assert.Equal("bucket_name", result.Name);
Beispiel #4
        public ClusterNode(ClusterContext context, IConnectionPoolFactory connectionPoolFactory, ILogger <ClusterNode> logger,
                           ObjectPool <OperationBuilder> operationBuilderPool, ICircuitBreaker circuitBreaker, ISaslMechanismFactory saslMechanismFactory,
                           IRedactor redactor, IPEndPoint endPoint, BucketType bucketType, NodeAdapter nodeAdapter, IRequestTracer tracer)
            _context              = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            _logger               = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
            _circuitBreaker       = circuitBreaker ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(circuitBreaker));
            _operationBuilderPool =
                operationBuilderPool ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(operationBuilderPool));
            _saslMechanismFactory = saslMechanismFactory ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(saslMechanismFactory));
            _redactor             = redactor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(redactor));
            _tracer    = tracer;
            BucketType = bucketType;
            EndPoint   = endPoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endPoint));

            _cachedToString = $"{EndPoint}-{_id}";

            KeyEndPoints = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection <IPEndPoint>(_keyEndPoints);
            ((INotifyCollectionChanged)_keyEndPoints).CollectionChanged += (_, e) => OnKeyEndPointsChanged(e);

            if (connectionPoolFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionPoolFactory));

            ConnectionPool = connectionPoolFactory.Create(this);

            if (nodeAdapter != null)
                NodesAdapter = nodeAdapter;
Beispiel #5
 public Bucket(Cell _cell, Color32 _paintColor, string _bucketName = null, BucketType _bucketType = BucketType.Random)
     bucketType = _bucketType;
     cell       = _cell;
     paintColor = _paintColor;
     bucketName = _bucketName;
Beispiel #6
        public void Create_GivenType_ExpectedType(BucketType bucketType, Type expectedType)
            // Arrange

            var bucketFactory = new BucketFactory(
                new ClusterContext(),
                new Mock <IScopeFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <IRetryOrchestrator>().Object,
                new Mock <IVBucketKeyMapperFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <IKetamaKeyMapperFactory>().Object,
                new Mock <ILogger <CouchbaseBucket> >().Object,
                new Mock <ILogger <MemcachedBucket> >().Object,
                new Mock <IRedactor>().Object,
                new Mock <IBootstrapperFactory>().Object,

            // Act

            var result = bucketFactory.Create("bucket_name", bucketType);

            // Assert

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(expectedType, result);
            Assert.Equal("bucket_name", result.Name);
Beispiel #7
 public static void B2BucketTypeError(this IGuardClause guardClause, BucketType type)
     if (type != BucketType.Public || type != BucketType.Private)
         throw new B2BucketTypeError("A bucket can only be private or public in this context.");
 /// <summary>
 /// 上传文件到OSS
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">文件内存流</param>
 /// <param name="key">Key</param>
 /// <param name="bucketName">存储空间(Bucket)名称</param>
 /// <param name="bucketType">存储空间(Bucket)类型</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <Author>旷丽文</Author>
 public PutObjectResult PutFile(Stream file, string key, string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
     if (file == null)
         throw new Exception("文件为空");
     if (key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         throw new Exception("Key不能为空");
     if (bucketName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         throw new Exception("bucket不能为空");
         key        = key.Trim();
         bucketName = $"{AppSettings["OSSBucketName"]}{bucketType.ToString()}{bucketName}".ToLower();
         var result = this.Client.PutObject(bucketName, key, file);
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #9
 public string S3Bucket;         /// Name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
 public JungleDiskBucket(BucketType type, string s3Bucket, string path, string displayName)
     TypeOfBucket = type;
     S3Bucket     = s3Bucket;
     BucketPath   = path;
     DisplayName  = displayName;
 /// <summary>
 /// 创建一个新的存储空间(Bucket)
 /// 不要平凡的创建存储空间
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bucketName">存储控件的名称,该名称一定要唯一</param>
 /// <param name="bucketType">存储空间类型</param>
 /// <returns>创建成功的话, 返回Bucket对象, 否则返回null</returns>
 public Bucket CreateBucket(string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
     if (bucketName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         throw new Exception("bucket不能为空");
         var exist = this.BucketExist(bucketName, bucketType);
         if (exist == null)
             throw new Exception("创建失败");
         if ((bool)exist)
             throw new Exception("该Bucket已经存在, 请更换名称");
         bucketName = $"{AppSettings["OSSBucketName"]}{bucketType.ToString()}{bucketName}".ToLower();
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #11
 public Bucket(BucketType bucketType, string propertyName, int bucketNumber, bool sepsis)
     BucketType   = bucketType;
     PropertyName = propertyName;
     BucketNumber = bucketNumber;
     IsSepsis     = sepsis;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreateBucketRequest"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account id.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketName">The name to give the new bucket. Bucket names must be a minimum of <see cref="MinimumBucketNameLength"/> and a maximum of <see cref="MaximumBucketNameLength"/> characters long, and must be globally unique.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketType">The bucket secuirty authorization type.</param>
        public CreateBucketRequest(string accountId, string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
            // Validate required arguments
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument can not be null, empty, or consist only of white-space characters.", nameof(accountId));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bucketName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument can not be null, empty, or consist only of white-space characters.", nameof(bucketName));

            if (bucketName.Length < MinimumBucketNameLength || bucketName.Length > MaximumBucketNameLength)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Argument must be a minimum of {MinimumBucketNameLength} and a maximum of {MaximumBucketNameLength} characters long.", nameof(bucketName));

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(bucketName, @"^([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$"))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Argument can consist of only letters, digits, and dashs.", nameof(bucketName));

            if (bucketName.StartsWith("b2-"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument cannot start with 'b2-'. Reserved for internal Backblaze use.", nameof(bucketName));

            // Initialize and set required properties
            AccountId  = accountId;
            BucketName = bucketName;
            BucketType = bucketType;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing bucket.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketId">The buckete id to update.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketType">The bucket secuirty authorization type.</param>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown when authentication fails.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ApiException">Thrown when an error occurs during client operation.</exception>
        async Task <IApiResults <UpdateBucketResponse> > IStorageBuckets.UpdateAsync
            (string bucketId, BucketType bucketType)
            var request = new UpdateBucketRequest(AccountId, bucketId, bucketType);

            return(await _client.UpdateBucketAsync(request, _cancellationToken));
Beispiel #14
        public async Task FlushBuckets(BucketType bucketType)
            var cluster = await _fixture.GetCluster().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var bucketName = nameof(BucketManagerTests) + "_" + nameof(FlushBuckets);

            await cluster.Buckets.CreateBucketAsync(new BucketSettings
                BucketType   = bucketType,
                Name         = bucketName,
                RamQuotaMB   = 100,
                FlushEnabled = true

            await Task.Delay(5000).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await cluster.Buckets.FlushBucketAsync(bucketName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await cluster.Buckets.DropBucketAsync(bucketName).ConfigureAwait(false);
 public string S3Bucket;         /// Name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
 public JungleDiskBucket(BucketType type, string s3Bucket, string path, string displayName)
     TypeOfBucket = type;
     S3Bucket = s3Bucket;
     BucketPath = path;
     DisplayName = displayName;
Beispiel #16
 public Bucket(BucketType bucketType,
   long epoch,
   string rootNamespace = "")
   BucketType = bucketType;
   Epoch = epoch;
   RootNamespace = rootNamespace;
Beispiel #17
 public Bucket(BucketType bucketType,
               long epoch,
               string rootNamespace = "")
     BucketType    = bucketType;
     Epoch         = epoch;
     RootNamespace = rootNamespace;
Beispiel #18
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(AccountID?.GetHashCode() ?? 0 ^
            BucketID?.GetHashCode() ?? 0 ^
            BucketName?.GetHashCode() ?? 0 ^
            BucketType?.GetHashCode() ?? 0 ^
 public B2Bucket(string AccountId, string BucketId, string BucketName, BucketType BucketType,
                 List <B2LifecycleRule> LifecycleRules, ulong Revision)
     this.AccountId      = AccountId;
     this.BucketId       = BucketId;
     this.BucketName     = BucketName;
     this.BucketType     = BucketType;
     this.LifecycleRules = LifecycleRules;
     this.Revision       = Revision;
Beispiel #20
        protected S3BaseKey(string folderPath, BucketType bucketType)
            if (bucketType == BucketType.None)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Value must not equal '{bucketType}'", nameof(bucketType));

            BucketType = bucketType;
            FolderPath = folderPath ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(folderPath));
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得OSS里面文件的网络地址
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">Key</param>
 /// <param name="bucketName">存储空间(Bucket)名称</param>
 /// <param name="bucketType">存储空间(Bucket)类型</param>
 /// <returns>返回网络地址</returns>
 /// <Author>旷丽文</Author>
 public string GetOssFileUrl(string key, string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
     if (key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         throw new Exception("Key不能为空");
     key        = key.Trim();
     bucketName = $"{AppSettings["OSSBucketName"]}{bucketType.ToString()}{bucketName}".ToLower();
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creawte a new request object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accountId">The account ID.</param>
 /// <param name="bucketName">The bucket name.</param>
 /// <param name="bucketType">The bucket type.</param>
 public CreateBucketV1Request(string accountId, string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
     : base(UrlParams.Empty,
            new BodyParams(
                RequiredParam.Of("accountId", accountId),
                RequiredParam.Of("bucketName", bucketName),
                RequiredParam.Of("bucketType", bucketType)
 private void BucketActivated(BucketType type)
     if (type == BucketType.LevelPart)
         IsLevelPartBucketActive = true;
     else if (type == BucketType.LevelEnd)
         IsLevelEndBucketActive = true;
Beispiel #24
 //one of the many ways to describe a sale
 public void PrintSale()
     if (BucketType != BucketTypes.Single)
         Console.WriteLine(date.ToString() + " : Bucket : " + BucketType.ToString() + " cost : " + cost.ToString());
         Console.WriteLine(date.ToString() + " : Flower : " + FlowerType.ToString() + " cost : " + cost.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置存储空间的访问权限
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buckteName">存储空间的名称</param>
 /// <param name="bucketType">存储空间(Bucket)类型</param>
 public void SetBucketAcl(string buckteName, BucketType bucketType)
         buckteName = $"{AppSettings["OSSBucketName"]}{bucketType.ToString()}{buckteName}".ToLower();
         // 指定Bucket ACL为公共读
         this.Client.SetBucketAcl(buckteName, CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead);
     catch (Exception ex)
 public bool DeepEquals(DestinyEquipmentSlotDefinition other)
     return(other != null &&
            ApplyCustomArtDyes == other.ApplyCustomArtDyes &&
            DisplayProperties.DeepEquals(other.DisplayProperties) &&
            ArtDyeChannels.DeepEqualsReadOnlyCollections(other.ArtDyeChannels) &&
            BucketType.DeepEquals(other.BucketType) &&
            EquipmentCategoryHash == other.EquipmentCategoryHash &&
            Blacklisted == other.Blacklisted &&
            Hash == other.Hash &&
            Index == other.Index &&
            Redacted == other.Redacted);
Beispiel #27
 public Bucket(string BucketName,
               string BucketId,
               BucketType BucketType,
               string AccountId,
               Dictionary <string, string> BucketInfo,
               List <Dictionary <string, string> > LifecycleRules,
               long Revision)
     this.BucketName     = BucketName;
     this.BucketId       = BucketId;
     this.BucketType     = BucketType;
     this.AccountId      = AccountId;
     this.BucketInfo     = BucketInfo;
     this.LifecycleRules = LifecycleRules;
     this.Revision       = Revision;
Beispiel #28
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hash = 17;
         hash = hash * 23 + VBucketServerMap.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + BucketType.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + Name.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + AuthType.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + NodeLocator.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + SaslPassword.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + Uuid.GetHashCode();
         hash = hash * 23 + Nodes.GetCombinedHashcode();
 public bool DeepEquals(InventoryItemInventoryBlock other)
     return(other != null &&
            StackUniqueLabel == other.StackUniqueLabel &&
            BucketType.DeepEquals(other.BucketType) &&
            ExpirationTooltip == other.ExpirationTooltip &&
            ExpiredInActivityMessage == other.ExpiredInActivityMessage &&
            ExpiredInOrbitMessage == other.ExpiredInOrbitMessage &&
            IsInstanceItem == other.IsInstanceItem &&
            MaxStackSize == other.MaxStackSize &&
            NonTransferrableOriginal == other.NonTransferrableOriginal &&
            RecoveryBucketType.DeepEquals(other.RecoveryBucketType) &&
            SuppressExpirationWhenObjectivesComplete == other.SuppressExpirationWhenObjectivesComplete &&
            TierTypeEnumValue == other.TierTypeEnumValue &&
            TierType.DeepEquals(other.TierType) &&
            TierTypeName == other.TierTypeName);
 /// <summary>
 /// 判断存储空间(Bucket)是否存在
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bucketName"></param>
 /// <param name="bucketType"></param>
 /// <returns>是否存在的bool, 调用失败返回null</returns>
 /// <Author>旷丽文</Author>
 public bool?BucketExist(string bucketName, BucketType bucketType)
     if (bucketName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
         throw new Exception("bucket不能为空");
         bucketName = $"{AppSettings["OSSBucketName"]}{bucketType.ToString()}{bucketName}".ToLower();
     catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UpdateBucketRequest"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account id that the bucket is in.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketId">The buckete id to update.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketType">The bucket secuirty authorization type.</param>
        public UpdateBucketRequest(string accountId, string bucketId, BucketType bucketType)
            // Validate required arguments
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument can not be null, empty, or consist only of white-space characters.", nameof(accountId));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bucketId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument can not be null, empty, or consist only of white-space characters.", nameof(bucketId));

            // Initialize and set required properties
            AccountId  = accountId;
            BucketId   = bucketId;
            BucketType = bucketType;
        public S3FileKey(
            string folderPath,
            string fileName,
            BucketType bucketType,
            string versionId = null) : base(folderPath, bucketType)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(fileName));
            if (versionId != null && versionId.Trim() == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be empty or whitespace.", nameof(versionId));

            FileName  = fileName;
            VersionId = versionId;