public static Node ParentFinder(Btree B, Node n1, Node n2)
            Node result  = B.head;
            Node current = n1;
            Node moving  = n2;

            if (n1 == B.head || n2 == B.head)

            while (current != moving)
                if (B.head == moving)
                    current = current.getParent();
                    moving  = n2;
                    moving = moving.getParent();

                if (current == moving)
                    result = moving;
Beispiel #2
        public void OpenClose()
            Utility.WrapNativeSyncInvokeInMTA(() =>
                Uri owner = new Uri("fabric://test/btree");
                LogHelper.Log("Begin construct btree");
                Btree <int, int, Int32KeyBitConverter, Int32ValueBitConverter> tree = new Btree <int, int, Int32KeyBitConverter, Int32ValueBitConverter>();
                LogHelper.Log("End construct btree");

                // Key configuration
                LogHelper.Log("Start create key description");
                KeyComparisonDescription keyDescription = new KeyComparisonDescription();
                keyDescription.CultureInfo           = Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                keyDescription.IsFixedLengthKey      = true;
                keyDescription.KeyDataType           = (int)DataType.Int32;
                keyDescription.MaximumKeySizeInBytes = sizeof(int);
                LogHelper.Log("End create key description");

                // Storage configuration
                LogHelper.Log("Start create storage description");
                BtreeStorageConfigurationDescription storageDescription = new BtreeStorageConfigurationDescription();
                storageDescription.IsVolatile           = true;
                storageDescription.MaximumMemoryInMB    = 1024;
                storageDescription.MaximumPageSizeInKB  = 4;
                storageDescription.MaximumStorageInMB   = 0;
                storageDescription.RetriesBeforeTimeout = 100;
                storageDescription.StoreDataInline      = true;
                LogHelper.Log("End create key description");

                // Btree configuration
                LogHelper.Log("Start create btree description");
                BtreeConfigurationDescription btreeConfig = new BtreeConfigurationDescription();
                btreeConfig.KeyComparison        = keyDescription;
                btreeConfig.StorageConfiguration = storageDescription;
                btreeConfig.PartitionId          = Guid.NewGuid();
                btreeConfig.ReplicaId            = 130083631515748206;
                LogHelper.Log("End create btree description");

                // Open the btree
                LogHelper.Log("Begin open btree");
                tree.OpenAsync(btreeConfig, false, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
                LogHelper.Log("End open btree");

                // Close the btree
                LogHelper.Log("Begin close btree");
                tree.CloseAsync(true, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
                LogHelper.Log("End close btree");
Beispiel #3
 public object this[object key]
         object val;
         TryGetValue(key, out val);
         if (index == null)
             int size = values.Count;
             int i    = binarySearch(key);
             if (i >= 0)
                 values[i] = value;
                 if (size == BtreeTreshold)
                     index = Storage.CreateIndex(Btree.mapKeyType(type), true);
                     object[] keys = (object[])this.keys;
                     for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                         index[keys[i]] = values[i];
                     index[key]  = value;
                     this.keys   = null;
                     this.values = null;
                     object[] oldKeys = (object[])keys;
                     i = ~i;
                     if (size >= oldKeys.Length)
                         object[] newKeys = new IComparable[size + 1 > oldKeys.Length * 2 ? size + 1 : oldKeys.Length * 2];
                         Array.Copy(oldKeys, 0, newKeys, 0, i);
                         Array.Copy(oldKeys, i, newKeys, i + 1, size - i);
                         keys       = newKeys;
                         newKeys[i] = key;
                         Array.Copy(oldKeys, i, oldKeys, i + 1, size - i);
                         oldKeys[i] = key;
                     values.Insert(i, value);
             index[key] = value;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a File object to the Set
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <param name="f"> </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IFile Add(IFile f)
            if (this.Btree.File.Server.ReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Object Server is in read only mode.");
            if (f == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("f");

            return(Locker.Invoke(() =>
                if (!Btree.Contains(f.Name))
                    if (f.Server == null)
                        f.Server = this.Btree.File.Server;
                    if (!f.IsOpen)
                    if (f.IsDirty)
                    Btree.Add(f.Name, f);
                    return f;
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("File object with Name '{0}' is already in FileSet", f.Name));
Beispiel #5
        internal void exportMultiFieldIndex(int oid, byte[] data)
            Btree btree = new Btree(data, ObjectHeader.Sizeof);

            storage.assignOid(btree, oid);
            writer.Write(" <Perst.Impl.BtreeMultiFieldIndex id=\"" + oid + "\" unique=\"" + (btree.unique ? '1' : '0')
                         + "\" class=");
            int offs    = exportString(data, Btree.Sizeof);
            int nFields = Bytes.unpack4(data, offs);

            offs += 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++)
                writer.Write(" field" + i + "=");
                offs = exportString(data, offs);
            int nTypes = Bytes.unpack4(data, offs);

            offs            += 4;
            compoundKeyTypes = new ClassDescriptor.FieldType[nTypes];
            for (int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
                compoundKeyTypes[i] = (ClassDescriptor.FieldType)Bytes.unpack4(data, offs);
                offs += 4;
            compoundKeyTypes = null;
            writer.Write(" </Perst.Impl.BtreeMultiFieldIndex>\n");
Beispiel #6
        ** Find and return the schema associated with a BTree.  Create
        ** a new one if necessary.
        static Schema sqlite3SchemaGet(sqlite3 db, Btree pBt)
            Schema p;

            if (pBt != null)
                p = sqlite3BtreeSchema(pBt, -1, (dxFreeSchema)sqlite3SchemaClear);//Schema.Length, sqlite3SchemaFree);
                p = new Schema(); // (Schema *)sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, sizeof(Schema));
            if (p == null)
                ////        db.mallocFailed = 1;
            else if (0 == p.file_format)
                p.enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Close the FileSet
 /// </summary>
 public void Close()
     Locker.Invoke(() =>
         if (Btree.IsOpen && Btree.RootNode != null)
             foreach (MruItem o in Btree.MruManager.Values)
                 for (int i = 0; i < ((BTreeNodeOnDisk)o.Value).Count; i++)
                     object f = ((BTreeNodeOnDisk)o.Value).Slots[i].Value.Data;
                     if (f is File)
             for (int i = 0; i < Btree.RootNode.Count; i++)
                 if (Btree.RootNode.Slots[i].Value.Data is File)
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a File object to the Set
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of File Object</param>
 /// <param name="filename"></param>
 /// <param name="profile">Contains configuration data for this File</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IFile Add(string name, string filename = null, Profile profile = null)
     if (this.Btree.File.Server.ReadOnly)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Object Server is in read only mode.");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
         filename = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", this.Btree.File.Server.Path, name,
     return(Locker.Invoke(() =>
         if (Btree.Contains(name))
             throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("File object with Name '{0}' is already in FileSet", name));
         IFile f = null;
         if (Btree.Transaction != null)
             f = ((Transaction.TransactionBase)Btree.Transaction).CreateFile(Btree.File.Server, name, filename);
             f = new File(Btree.File.Server, name, filename);
         ((File)f).Profile = profile == null ? new Profile(Btree.File.Profile) : profile;
         return Add(f);
Beispiel #9
        ** Enter a mutex on the given BTree object.
        ** If the object is not sharable, then no mutex is ever required
        ** and this routine is a no-op.  The underlying mutex is non-recursive.
        ** But we keep a reference count in Btree.wantToLock so the behavior
        ** of this interface is recursive.
        ** To avoid deadlocks, multiple Btrees are locked in the same order
        ** by all database connections.  The p->pNext is a list of other
        ** Btrees belonging to the same database connection as the p Btree
        ** which need to be locked after p.  If we cannot get a lock on
        ** p, then first unlock all of the others on p->pNext, then wait
        ** for the lock to become available on p, then relock all of the
        ** subsequent Btrees that desire a lock.
        void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree *p)
            Btree *pLater;

            /* Some basic sanity checking on the Btree.  The list of Btrees
            ** connected by pNext and pPrev should be in sorted order by
            ** Btree.pBt value. All elements of the list should belong to
            ** the same connection. Only shared Btrees are on the list. */
            assert( p->pNext==0 || p->pNext->pBt>p->pBt );
            assert( p->pPrev==0 || p->pPrev->pBt<p->pBt );
            assert( p->pNext==0 || p->pNext->db==p->db );
            assert( p->pPrev==0 || p->pPrev->db==p->db );
            assert( p->sharable || (p->pNext==0 && p->pPrev==0) );

            /* Check for locking consistency */
            assert( !p->locked || p->wantToLock>0 );
            assert( p->sharable || p->wantToLock==0 );

            /* We should already hold a lock on the database connection */
            assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );

            /* Unless the database is sharable and unlocked, then BtShared.db
            ** should already be set correctly. */
            assert( (p->locked==0 && p->sharable) || p->pBt->db==p->db );

            if( !p->sharable ) return;
            if( p->locked ) return;

            /* In most cases, we should be able to acquire the lock we
            ** want without having to go throught the ascending lock
            ** procedure that follows.  Just be sure not to block.
            if( sqlite3_mutex_try(p->pBt->mutex)==SQLITE_OK ){
            p->pBt->db = p->db;
            p->locked = 1;

            /* To avoid deadlock, first release all locks with a larger
            ** BtShared address.  Then acquire our lock.  Then reacquire
            ** the other BtShared locks that we used to hold in ascending
            ** order.
            for(pLater=p->pNext; pLater; pLater=pLater->pNext){
            assert( pLater->sharable );
            assert( pLater->pNext==0 || pLater->pNext->pBt>pLater->pBt );
            assert( !pLater->locked || pLater->wantToLock>0 );
            if( pLater->locked ){
            for(pLater=p->pNext; pLater; pLater=pLater->pNext){
            if( pLater->wantToLock ){
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialize
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 public void Pack(IInternalPersistent parent, System.IO.BinaryWriter writer)
     if (IsDirty)
     Btree.Pack(parent, writer);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the element with the specified key from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false.  This method also returns false if <paramref name="key"/> was not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the element to remove.
        ///                 </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.
        ///                 </exception><exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/> is read-only.
        ///                 </exception>
        public bool Remove(TKey key)
            var r = Btree.Remove(key);

Beispiel #12
        public bool Search(TKey key, bool goToFirstInstance)
            bool r = Btree.Search(key, goToFirstInstance);

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new object that is a copy of this instance.
        /// </returns>
        /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
        public object Clone()
            var r = Btree.Clone();

** Release the BtShared mutex associated with B-Tree handle p and
** clear the p->locked boolean.
static void unlockBtreeMutex(Btree *p){
assert( p->locked==1 );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex) );
assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
assert( p->db==p->pBt->db );

p->locked = 0;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor de la clase Usuario para asignar valores a sus atributos
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nombre">Nombre del usuario</param>
 /// <param name="apellido">Apellido del usuario</param>
 /// <param name="edad">Edad del ususario</param>
 /// <param name="username">Username del usuario</param>
 /// <param name="password">Password del usuario</param>
 public Usuario(string nombre, string apellido, int edad, string username, string password)
     Nombre    = nombre;
     Apellido  = apellido;
     Edad      = edad;
     Username  = username;
     Password  = password;
     WatchList = new Btree <Producto>(5, comparer.CompareByName);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// MoveLast makes the last entry in the Collection current.
        /// </summary>
        public bool MoveLast()
            var r = this.SortOrder ==
                    SortOrderType.Ascending ? Btree.MoveLast() : MoveFirst();

Beispiel #17
        internal void exportSet(int oid, byte[] data)
            Btree btree = new Btree(data, ObjectHeader.Sizeof);

            storage.assignOid(btree, oid);
            writer.Write(" <Perst.Impl.PersistentSet id=\"" + oid + "\">\n");
            writer.Write(" </Perst.Impl.PersistentSet>\n");
Beispiel #18
        internal void  exportIndex(int oid, byte[] data)
            Btree btree = new Btree(data, ObjectHeader.Sizeof);

            storage.assignOid(btree, oid);
            writer.Write(" <Perst.Impl.Btree id=\"" + oid + "\" unique=\"" + (btree.unique?'1':'0') + "\" type=\"" + btree.type + "\">\n");
            writer.Write(" </Perst.Impl.Btree>\n");
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Save the changes on the File set
 /// </summary>
 public void Flush()
     if (this.Btree.File.Server.ReadOnly)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Object Server is in read only mode.");
     //btree.IsDirty = true;
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// MovePrevious makes the previous entry current.
        /// </summary>
        public bool MovePrevious()
            var r = this.SortOrder ==
                    SortOrderType.Ascending ? Btree.MovePrevious() : Btree.MoveNext();

Beispiel #21
		** 2007 August 27
		** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
		** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
		**    May you do good and not evil.
		**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
		**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
		** This file contains code used to implement mutexes on Btree objects.
		** This code really belongs in btree.c.  But btree.c is getting too
		** big and we want to break it down some.  This packaged seemed like
		** a good breakout.
		**  Included in SQLite3 port to C#-SQLite;  2008 Noah B Hart
		**  C#-SQLite is an independent reimplementation of the SQLite software library
		**  SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: 2011-05-19 13:26:54 ed1da510a239ea767a01dc332b667119fa3c908e
		//#include "btreeInt.h"

** Obtain the BtShared mutex associated with B-Tree handle p. Also,
** set BtShared.db to the database handle associated with p and the
** p->locked boolean to true.
static void lockBtreeMutex(Btree *p){
  assert( p->locked==0 );
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_notheld(p->pBt->mutex) );
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );

  p->pBt->db = p->db;
  p->locked = 1;
        public override IBTreeNode GetParent()
            if (_parent != null)

            _parent = Btree.GetPersister().LoadNodeById(_parentOid);
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor de la clase Usuario
 /// </summary>
 public Usuario()
     Nombre        = default(string);
     Apellido      = default(string);
     Edad          = default(int);
     Username      = default(string);
     Password      = default(string);
     Administrador = false;
     WatchList     = new Btree <Producto>(5, comparer.CompareByName);
Beispiel #24
        public static RC AnalysisLoad(Context ctx, int db)
            Debug.Assert(db >= 0 && db < ctx.DBs.length);
            Debug.Assert(ctx.DBs[db].Bt != null);

            // Clear any prior statistics
            Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, db, null));
            for (HashElem i = ctx.DBs[db].Schema.IndexHash.First; i != null; i = i.Next)
                Index idx = (Index)i.Data;
                sqlite3DeleteIndexSamples(ctx, idx);
       = null;

            // Check to make sure the sqlite_stat1 table exists
            AnalysisInfo sInfo = new AnalysisInfo();

            sInfo.Ctx      = ctx;
            sInfo.Database = ctx.DBs[db].Name;
            if (sqlite3FindTable(ctx, "sqlite_stat1", sInfo.Database) == null)

            // Load new statistics out of the sqlite_stat1 table
            string sql = C._mtagprintf(ctx, "SELECT tbl, idx, stat FROM %Q.sqlite_stat1", sInfo.Database);

            if (sql == null)
                rc = RC.NOMEM;
                rc = Vdbe.Exec(ctx, sql, AnalysisLoader, sInfo, 0);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref sql);

            // Load the statistics from the sqlite_stat3 table.
            if (rc == RC_OK)
                bool lookasideEnabled = ctx.Lookaside.Enabled;
                ctx.Lookaside.Enabled = false;
                rc = LoadStat3(ctx, sInfo.Database);
                ctx.Lookaside.Enabled = lookasideEnabled;

            if (rc == RC.NOMEM)
                db.MallocFailed = true;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Open the File Set
 /// </summary>
 public void Open()
     if (Btree is SortedDictionaryOnDisk)
Beispiel #26
        static void OpenStatTable(Parse parse, int db, int statCur, string where_, string whereType)
            int[]  roots      = new int[] { 0, 0 };
            byte[] createTbls = new byte[] { 0, 0 };

            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;
            Vdbe    v   = parse.GetVdbe();

            if (v == null)
            Debug.Assert(v.Ctx == ctx);
            Context.DB dbObj = ctx.DBs[db];

            for (int i = 0; i < _tables.Length; i++)
                string tableName = _tables[i].Name;
                Table  stat;
                if ((stat = Parse.FindTable(ctx, tableName, dbObj.Name)) == null)
                    // The sqlite_stat[12] table does not exist. Create it. Note that a side-effect of the CREATE TABLE statement is to leave the rootpage
                    // of the new table in register pParse.regRoot. This is important because the OpenWrite opcode below will be needing it.
                    parse.NestedParse("CREATE TABLE %Q.%s(%s)", dbObj.Name, tableName, _tables[i].Cols);
                    roots[i]      = parse.RegRoot;
                    createTbls[i] = Vdbe::OPFLAG_P2ISREG;
                    // The table already exists. If zWhere is not NULL, delete all entries associated with the table zWhere. If zWhere is NULL, delete the
                    // entire contents of the table.
                    roots[i] = stat.Id;
                    sqlite3TableLock(parse, db, roots[i], 1, tableName);
                    if (where_ == null)
                        parse.NestedParse("DELETE FROM %Q.%s WHERE %s=%Q", dbObj.Name, tableName, whereType, where_);
                        v.AddOp2(OP.Clear, roots[i], db); // The sqlite_stat[12] table already exists.  Delete all rows.

            // Open the sqlite_stat[12] tables for writing.
            for (int i = 0; i < _tables.Length; i++)
                v.AddOp3(OP.OpenWrite, statCur + i, roots[i], db);
                v.ChangeP4(-1, 3, Vdbe.P4T.INT32);
Beispiel #27
        ** Check schema cookies in all databases.  If any cookie is out
        ** of date set pParse->rc to SQLITE_SCHEMA.  If all schema cookies
        ** make no changes to pParse->rc.
        static void schemaIsValid(Parse pParse)
            sqlite3 db = pParse.db;
            int     iDb;
            int     rc;
            u32     cookie = 0;

            Debug.Assert(pParse.checkSchema != 0);
            for (iDb = 0; iDb < db.nDb; iDb++)
                int   openedTransaction = 0; /* True if a transaction is opened */
                Btree pBt = db.aDb[iDb].pBt; /* Btree database to read cookie from */
                if (pBt == null)

                /* If there is not already a read-only (or read-write) transaction opened
                ** on the b-tree database, open one now. If a transaction is opened, it
                ** will be closed immediately after reading the meta-value. */
                if (!sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(pBt))
                    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pBt, 0);
                    //if ( rc == SQLITE_NOMEM || rc == SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM )
                    //    db.mallocFailed = 1;
                    if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
                    openedTransaction = 1;

                /* Read the schema cookie from the database. If it does not match the
                ** value stored as part of the in-memory schema representation,
                ** set Parse.rc to SQLITE_SCHEMA. */
                sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION, ref cookie);
                Debug.Assert(sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(db, iDb, null));
                if (cookie != db.aDb[iDb].pSchema.schema_cookie)
                    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, iDb);
                    pParse.rc = SQLITE_SCHEMA;

                /* Close the transaction, if one was opened. */
                if (openedTransaction != 0)
Beispiel #28
        static void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3 db)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < db.nDb; i++)
                Btree p = db.aDb[i].pBt;
                if (p != null)
                    p.pBt.db = p.db;
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Save the changes on the File set
 /// </summary>
 public void Flush()
     // if disposed then don't flush...
     if (Btree == null)
     if (this.Btree.File.Server.ReadOnly)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Object Server is in read only mode.");
     Locker.Invoke(() => { Btree.Flush(); });
Beispiel #30
        ** Usage:   btree_open FILENAME NCACHE FLAGS
        ** Open a new database
        static int btree_open(
            object NotUsed,
            Tcl_Interp interp, /* The TCL interpreter that invoked this command */
            int argc,          /* Number of arguments */
            TclObject[] argv   /* Text of each argument */
            Btree  pBt = null;
            int    rc; int nCache = 0; int flags = 0;
            string zBuf = "";

            if (argc != 4)
                TCL.Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0].ToString(),
                                     " FILENAME NCACHE FLAGS\"", "");
            if (TCL.Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2], ref nCache))
            if (TCL.Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[3], ref flags))
            if (nRefSqlite3 == 1)
                sDb.pVfs  = sqlite3_vfs_find(null);
                sDb.mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
            rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(argv[1].ToString(), sDb, ref pBt, flags,
            if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
                TCL.Tcl_AppendResult(interp, errorName(rc), null);
            sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(pBt, nCache);
            sqlite3_snprintf(100, ref zBuf, "->%p", pBt);
            if (TCL.Tcl_CreateCommandPointer(interp, zBuf, pBt))
                TCL.Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zBuf, null);
Beispiel #31
        internal void  exportFieldIndex(int oid, byte[] data)
            Btree btree = new Btree(data, ObjectHeader.Sizeof);

            storage.assignOid(btree, oid);
            writer.Write(" <Perst.Impl.BtreeFieldIndex id=\"" + oid + "\" unique=\"" + (btree.unique?'1':'0') + "\" class=");
            int offs = exportString(data, Btree.Sizeof);

            writer.Write(" field=");
            offs = exportString(data, offs);
            writer.Write(" autoinc=\"" + Bytes.unpack8(data, offs) + "\">\n");
            writer.Write(" </Perst.Impl.BtreeFieldIndex>\n");
Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Open the File Set
 /// </summary>
 public void Open()
     Locker.Invoke(() =>
         if (Btree is SortedDictionaryOnDisk)
Beispiel #33
    static void Main()
        var obj = new Btree();

        var rnd  = new System.Random(1);
        var init = Enumerable.Range(0, 15).OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray();

        foreach (var i in init)
        obj.root = obj.buildtree(obj.root);
Beispiel #34
        private void Mark()
            int bitmapSize = (int) (SupportClass.URShift(header.root[currIndex].size, (dbAllocationQuantumBits + 5))) + 1;
            bool existsNotMarkedObjects;
            long pos;
            int i, j;

            if (listener != null)

            greyBitmap = new int[bitmapSize];
            blackBitmap = new int[bitmapSize];
            int rootOid = header.root[currIndex].rootObject;
            if (rootOid != 0)
                    existsNotMarkedObjects = false;
                    for (i = 0; i < bitmapSize; i++)
                        if (greyBitmap[i] != 0)
                            existsNotMarkedObjects = true;
                            for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                                if ((greyBitmap[i] & (1 << j)) != 0)
                                    pos = (((long) i << 5) + j) << dbAllocationQuantumBits;
                                    greyBitmap[i] &= ~ (1 << j);
                                    blackBitmap[i] |= 1 << j;
                                    int offs = (int) pos & (Page.pageSize - 1);
                                    Page pg = pool.GetPage(pos - offs);
                                    int typeOid = ObjectHeader.GetType(, offs);
                                    if (typeOid != 0)
                                        ClassDescriptor desc = FindClassDescriptor(typeOid);
                                        if (typeof(Btree).IsAssignableFrom(desc.cls))
                                            Btree btree = new Btree(, ObjectHeader.Sizeof + offs);
                                            btree.AssignOid(this, 0, false);
                                        else if (desc.hasReferences)
                                            MarkObject(pool.Get(pos), ObjectHeader.Sizeof, desc);
                while (existsNotMarkedObjects);
 static void btreeIntegrity(Btree p) { }
Beispiel #36
    ** This routine is called to create a connection to a database BTree
    ** driver.  If zFilename is the name of a file, then that file is
    ** opened and used.  If zFilename is the magic name ":memory:" then
    ** the database is stored in memory (and is thus forgotten as soon as
    ** the connection is closed.)  If zFilename is NULL then the database
    ** is a "virtual" database for transient use only and is deleted as
    ** soon as the connection is closed.
    ** A virtual database can be either a disk file (that is automatically
    ** deleted when the file is closed) or it an be held entirely in memory.
    ** The sqlite3TempInMemory() function is used to determine which.
    static int sqlite3BtreeFactory(
    sqlite3 db,           /* Main database when opening aux otherwise 0 */
    string zFilename,     /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
    bool omitJournal,     /* if TRUE then do not journal this file */
    int nCache,           /* How many pages in the page cache */
    int vfsFlags,         /* Flags passed through to vfsOpen */
    ref Btree ppBtree     /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
      int btFlags = 0;
      int rc;

      Debug.Assert( sqlite3_mutex_held( db.mutex ) );
      //Debug.Assert( ppBtree != null);
      if ( omitJournal )
        btFlags |= BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL;
      if ( ( db.flags & SQLITE_NoReadlock ) != 0 )
        btFlags |= BTREE_NO_READLOCK;
      if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( zFilename ) && sqlite3TempInMemory( db ) )

        zFilename = ":memory:";

      if ( ( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ) != 0 && ( zFilename == null ) )
      {// || *zFilename==0) ){
        vfsFlags = ( vfsFlags & ~SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB ) | SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB;
      rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen( zFilename, db, ref ppBtree, btFlags, vfsFlags );
      /* If the B-Tree was successfully opened, set the pager-cache size to the
      ** default value. Except, if the call to BtreeOpen() returned a handle
      ** open on an existing shared pager-cache, do not change the pager-cache
      ** size.
      if ( rc == SQLITE_OK && null == sqlite3BtreeSchema( ppBtree, 0, null ) )
        sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize( ppBtree, nCache );
      return rc;
Beispiel #37
 //# define sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(X) 1
 static bool sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex( Btree X )
   return true;
Beispiel #38
 //# define sqlite3BtreeSharable(X) 0
 static bool sqlite3BtreeSharable( Btree X )
   return false;
Beispiel #39
    //int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
    //  Btree*,                              /* BTree containing table to open */
    //  int iTable,                          /* Index of root page */
    //  int wrFlag,                          /* 1 for writing.  0 for read-only */
    //  struct KeyInfo*,                     /* First argument to compare function */
    //  BtCursor pCursor                    /* Space to write cursor structure */
    //int sqlite3BtreeCursorSize(void);
    //void sqlite3BtreeCursorZero(BtCursor);

    //int sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(BtCursor);
    //int sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(
    //  BtCursor*,
    //  UnpackedRecord pUnKey,
    //  i64 intKey,
    //  int bias,
    //  int pRes
    //int sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved(BtCursor*, int);
    //int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor);
    //int sqlite3BtreeInsert(BtCursor*, const void pKey, i64 nKey,
    //                                  const void pData, int nData,
    //                                  int nZero, int bias, int seekResult);
    //int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor*, int pRes);
    //int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor*, int pRes);
    //int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor*, int pRes);
    //int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor);
    //int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor*, int pRes);
    //int sqlite3BtreeKeySize(BtCursor*, i64 pSize);
    //int sqlite3BtreeKey(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void);
    //const void *sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(BtCursor*, int pAmt);
    //const void *sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(BtCursor*, int pAmt);
    //int sqlite3BtreeDataSize(BtCursor*, u32 pSize);
    //int sqlite3BtreeData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void);
    //void sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(BtCursor*, sqlite3_int64);
    //sqlite3_int64 sqlite3BtreeGetCachedRowid(BtCursor);

    //char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(Btree*, int *aRoot, int nRoot, int, int);
    //struct Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree);

    //int sqlite3BtreePutData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void);
    //void sqlite3BtreeCacheOverflow(BtCursor );
    //void sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(BtCursor );

    //int sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(Btree *pBt, int iVersion);

    //#if !NDEBUG
    //int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(BtCursor);

    //int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *, i64 );

    //#if SQLITE_TEST
    //int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int);
    //void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree);

//int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree*, int, int *, int );

** If we are not using shared cache, then there is no need to
** use mutexes to access the BtShared structures.  So make the
** Enter and Leave procedures no-ops.
//void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree);
//void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3);
    //# define sqlite3BtreeEnter(X)
    static void sqlite3BtreeEnter( Btree bt )
Beispiel #40
** Exit the recursive mutex on a Btree.
void sqlite3BtreeLeave(Btree *p){
  if( p->sharable ){
assert( p->wantToLock>0 );
if( p->wantToLock==0 ){
Beispiel #41
** Return true if a particular Btree requires a lock.  Return FALSE if
** no lock is ever required since it is not sharable.
int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree *p){
  return p->sharable;
Beispiel #42
 static void sqlite3BtreeEnter( Btree p )
     p.pBt.db = p.db;
Beispiel #43
** Query to see if Btree handle p may obtain a lock of type eLock
** (READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK) on the table with root-page iTab. Return
** SQLITE_OK if the lock may be obtained (by calling
** setSharedCacheTableLock()), or SQLITE_LOCKED if not.
static int querySharedCacheTableLock(Btree p, Pgno iTab, u8 eLock){
BtShared pBt = p.pBt;
BtLock pIter;

Debug.Assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
Debug.Assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
Debug.Assert( p.db!=null );
Debug.Assert( !(p.db.flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted)||eLock==WRITE_LOCK||iTab==1 );

/* If requesting a write-lock, then the Btree must have an open write
** transaction on this file. And, obviously, for this to be so there
** must be an open write transaction on the file itself.
Debug.Assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || (p==pBt.pWriter && p.inTrans==TRANS_WRITE) );
Debug.Assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || pBt.inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );

/* This routine is a no-op if the shared-cache is not enabled */
if( !p.sharable ){
return SQLITE_OK;

/* If some other connection is holding an exclusive lock, the
** requested lock may not be obtained.
if( pBt.pWriter!=p && pBt.isExclusive ){
sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p.db, pBt.pWriter.db);

for(pIter=pBt.pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter.pNext){
/* The condition (pIter.eLock!=eLock) in the following if(...)
** statement is a simplification of:
**   (eLock==WRITE_LOCK || pIter.eLock==WRITE_LOCK)
** since we know that if eLock==WRITE_LOCK, then no other connection
** may hold a WRITE_LOCK on any table in this file (since there can
** only be a single writer).
Debug.Assert( pIter.eLock==READ_LOCK || pIter.eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
Debug.Assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || pIter.pBtree==p || pIter.eLock==READ_LOCK);
if( pIter.pBtree!=p && pIter.iTable==iTab && pIter.eLock!=eLock ){
sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p.db, pIter.pBtree.db);
if( eLock==WRITE_LOCK ){
Debug.Assert( p==pBt.pWriter );
pBt.isPending = 1;
return SQLITE_OK;
Beispiel #44
 ** Add a new Btree pointer to a BtreeMutexArray.
 ** if the pointer can possibly be shared with
 ** another database connection.
 ** The pointers are kept in sorted order by pBtree->pBt.  That
 ** way when we go to enter all the mutexes, we can enter them
 ** in order without every having to backup and retry and without
 ** worrying about deadlock.
 ** The number of shared btrees will always be small (usually 0 or 1)
 ** so an insertion sort is an adequate algorithm here.
 void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(BtreeMutexArray *pArray, Btree *pBtree)
     int i, j;
     BtShared *pBt;
     if( pBtree==0 || pBtree->sharable==0 ) return;
     #if !NDEBUG
     for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){
     assert( pArray->aBtree[i]!=pBtree );
     assert( pArray->nMutex>=0 );
     assert( pArray->nMutex<ArraySize(pArray->aBtree)-1 );
     pBt = pBtree->pBt;
     for(i=0; i<pArray->nMutex; i++){
     assert( pArray->aBtree[i]!=pBtree );
     if( pArray->aBtree[i]->pBt>pBt ){
     for(j=pArray->nMutex; j>i; j--){
     pArray->aBtree[j] = pArray->aBtree[j-1];
     pArray->aBtree[i] = pBtree;
     pArray->aBtree[pArray->nMutex++] = pBtree;
Beispiel #45
** Add a lock on the table with root-page iTable to the shared-btree used
** by Btree handle p. Parameter eLock must be either READ_LOCK or 
** This function assumes the following:
**   (a) The specified Btree object p is connected to a sharable
**       database (one with the BtShared.sharable flag set), and
**   (b) No other Btree objects hold a lock that conflicts
**       with the requested lock (i.e. querySharedCacheTableLock() has
**       already been called and returned SQLITE_OK).
** SQLITE_OK is returned if the lock is added successfully. SQLITE_NOMEM 
** is returned if a malloc attempt fails.
static int setSharedCacheTableLock(Btree p, Pgno iTable, u8 eLock){
BtShared pBt = p.pBt;
BtLock pLock = 0;
BtLock pIter;

Debug.Assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
Debug.Assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
Debug.Assert( p.db!=null );

/* A connection with the read-uncommitted flag set will never try to
** obtain a read-lock using this function. The only read-lock obtained
** by a connection in read-uncommitted mode is on the sqlite_master
** table, and that lock is obtained in BtreeBeginTrans().  */
Debug.Assert( 0==(p.db.flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted) || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );

/* This function should only be called on a sharable b-tree after it
** has been determined that no other b-tree holds a conflicting lock.  */
Debug.Assert( p.sharable );
Debug.Assert( SQLITE_OK==querySharedCacheTableLock(p, iTable, eLock) );

/* First search the list for an existing lock on this table. */
for(pIter=pBt.pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter.pNext){
if( pIter.iTable==iTable && pIter.pBtree==p ){
pLock = pIter;

/* If the above search did not find a BtLock struct associating Btree p
** with table iTable, allocate one and link it into the list.
if( !pLock ){
pLock = (BtLock *)sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(BtLock));
if( !pLock ){
pLock.iTable = iTable;
pLock.pBtree = p;
pLock.pNext = pBt.pLock;
pBt.pLock = pLock;

/* Set the BtLock.eLock variable to the maximum of the current lock
** and the requested lock. This means if a write-lock was already held
** and a read-lock requested, we don't incorrectly downgrade the lock.
if( eLock>pLock.eLock ){
pLock.eLock = eLock;

return SQLITE_OK;
Beispiel #46
** Release all the table locks (locks obtained via calls to
** the setSharedCacheTableLock() procedure) held by Btree object p.
** This function assumes that Btree p has an open read or write 
** transaction. If it does not, then the BtShared.isPending variable
** may be incorrectly cleared.
static void clearAllSharedCacheTableLocks(Btree p){
BtShared pBt = p.pBt;
BtLock **ppIter = &pBt.pLock;

Debug.Assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
Debug.Assert( p.sharable || 0==*ppIter );
Debug.Assert( p.inTrans>0 );

while( ppIter ){
BtLock pLock = ppIter;
Debug.Assert( pBt.isExclusive==null || pBt.pWriter==pLock.pBtree );
Debug.Assert( pLock.pBtree.inTrans>=pLock.eLock );
if( pLock.pBtree==p ){
ppIter = pLock.pNext;
//Debug.Assert( pLock.iTable!=1 || pLock==&p.lock );
if( pLock.iTable!=1 ){
pLock=null;//sqlite3_free(ref pLock);
ppIter = &pLock.pNext;

Debug.Assert( pBt.isPending==null || pBt.pWriter );
if( pBt.pWriter==p ){
pBt.pWriter = 0;
pBt.isExclusive = 0;
pBt.isPending = 0;
}else if( pBt.nTransaction==2 ){
/* This function is called when Btree p is concluding its 
** transaction. If there currently exists a writer, and p is not
** that writer, then the number of locks held by connections other
** than the writer must be about to drop to zero. In this case
** set the isPending flag to 0.
** If there is not currently a writer, then BtShared.isPending must
** be zero already. So this next line is harmless in that case.
pBt.isPending = 0;
Beispiel #47
** This function changes all write-locks held by Btree p into read-locks.
static void downgradeAllSharedCacheTableLocks(Btree p){
BtShared pBt = p.pBt;
if( pBt.pWriter==p ){
BtLock pLock;
pBt.pWriter = 0;
pBt.isExclusive = 0;
pBt.isPending = 0;
for(pLock=pBt.pLock; pLock; pLock=pLock.pNext){
Debug.Assert( pLock.eLock==READ_LOCK || pLock.pBtree==p );
pLock.eLock = READ_LOCK;
Beispiel #48
** This function is called before modifying the contents of a table
** to invalidate any incrblob cursors that are open on the
** row or one of the rows being modified.
** If argument isClearTable is true, then the entire contents of the
** table is about to be deleted. In this case invalidate all incrblob
** cursors open on any row within the table with root-page pgnoRoot.
** Otherwise, if argument isClearTable is false, then the row with
** rowid iRow is being replaced or deleted. In this case invalidate
** only those incrblob cursors open on that specific row.
static void invalidateIncrblobCursors(
Btree pBtree,          /* The database file to check */
i64 iRow,               /* The rowid that might be changing */
int isClearTable        /* True if all rows are being deleted */
BtCursor p;
BtShared pBt = pBtree.pBt;
Debug.Assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pBtree) );
for(p=pBt.pCursor; p!=null; p=p.pNext){
if( p.isIncrblobHandle && (isClearTable || ){
Beispiel #49
** Return true if the BtShared mutex is held on the btree, or if the
** B-Tree is not marked as sharable.
** This routine is used only from within assert() statements.
int sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(Btree *p){
  assert( p->sharable==0 || p->locked==0 || p->wantToLock>0 );
  assert( p->sharable==0 || p->locked==0 || p->db==p->pBt->db );
  assert( p->sharable==0 || p->locked==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex) );
  assert( p->sharable==0 || p->locked==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );

  return (p->sharable==0 || p->locked);
Beispiel #50
        private int Sweep()
            int nDeallocated = 0;
            long pos;
            gcDone = true;
            for (int i = dbFirstUserId, j = committedIndexSize; i < j; i++)
                pos = GetGCPos(i);
                if (pos != 0 && ((int) pos & (dbPageObjectFlag | dbFreeHandleFlag)) == 0)
                    int bit = (int) (SupportClass.URShift(pos, dbAllocationQuantumBits));
                    if ((blackBitmap[SupportClass.URShift(bit, 5)] & (1 << (bit & 31))) == 0)
                        // object is not accessible
                        if (GetPos(i) != pos)
                            throw new StorageError(StorageError.INVALID_OID);
                        int offs = (int) pos & (Page.pageSize - 1);
                        Page pg = pool.GetPage(pos - offs);
                        int typeOid = ObjectHeader.GetType(, offs);
                        if (typeOid != 0)
                            ClassDescriptor desc = FindClassDescriptor(typeOid);
                            nDeallocated += 1;
                            if (typeof(Btree).IsAssignableFrom(desc.cls))
                                Btree btree = new Btree(, ObjectHeader.Sizeof + offs);
                                btree.AssignOid(this, i, false);
                                int size = ObjectHeader.GetSize(, offs);
                                CloneBitmap(pos, size);
                            if (listener != null)
                                listener.DeallocateObject(desc.cls, i);

            greyBitmap = null;
            blackBitmap = null;
            allocatedDelta = 0;
            gcActive = false;

            if (listener != null)

            return nDeallocated;
Beispiel #51
** The following are special cases for mutex enter routines for use
** in single threaded applications that use shared cache.  Except for
** these two routines, all mutex operations are no-ops in that case and
** are null #defines in btree.h.
** If shared cache is disabled, then all btree mutex routines, including
** the ones below, are no-ops and are null #defines in btree.h.

void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree *p){
  p->pBt->db = p->db;
Beispiel #52
 public virtual Index CreateIndex(Type keyType, bool unique)
     lock (this)
         if (!opened)
             throw new StorageError(StorageError.STORAGE_NOT_OPENED);
         Index index;
         if (alternativeBtree)
             index = new AltBtree(keyType, unique);
             index = new Btree(keyType, unique);
         index.AssignOid(this, 0, false);
         return index;
Beispiel #53
 //# define sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert(X,Y)
 static void sqlite3BtreeMutexArrayInsert( BtreeMutexArray X, Btree Y ) { }
Beispiel #54
        //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'java.util.HashMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.Hashtable' which has a different behavior.
        public virtual Hashtable GetMemoryDump()
            lock (this)
                lock (objectCache)
                    if (!opened)
                        throw new StorageError(StorageError.STORAGE_NOT_OPENED);
                    int bitmapSize = (int) (SupportClass.URShift(header.root[currIndex].size, (dbAllocationQuantumBits + 5))) + 1;
                    bool existsNotMarkedObjects;
                    long pos;
                    int i, j;

                    // mark
                    greyBitmap = new int[bitmapSize];
                    blackBitmap = new int[bitmapSize];
                    int rootOid = header.root[currIndex].rootObject;
                    //UPGRADE_TODO: Class 'java.util.HashMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.Hashtable' which has a different behavior.
                    Hashtable map = new Hashtable();

                    if (rootOid != 0)
                        MemoryUsage indexUsage = new MemoryUsage(typeof(Index));
                        MemoryUsage fieldIndexUsage = new MemoryUsage(typeof(FieldIndex));
                        MemoryUsage classUsage = new MemoryUsage(typeof(Type));

                            existsNotMarkedObjects = false;
                            for (i = 0; i < bitmapSize; i++)
                                if (greyBitmap[i] != 0)
                                    existsNotMarkedObjects = true;
                                    for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                                        if ((greyBitmap[i] & (1 << j)) != 0)
                                            pos = (((long) i << 5) + j) << dbAllocationQuantumBits;
                                            greyBitmap[i] &= ~ (1 << j);
                                            blackBitmap[i] |= 1 << j;
                                            int offs = (int) pos & (Page.pageSize - 1);
                                            Page pg = pool.GetPage(pos - offs);
                                            int typeOid = ObjectHeader.GetType(, offs);
                                            int objSize = ObjectHeader.GetSize(, offs);
                                            int alignedSize = (objSize + dbAllocationQuantum - 1) & ~ (dbAllocationQuantum - 1);
                                            if (typeOid != 0)
                                                ClassDescriptor desc = FindClassDescriptor(typeOid);
                                                if (typeof(Btree).IsAssignableFrom(desc.cls))
                                                    Btree btree = new Btree(, ObjectHeader.Sizeof + offs);
                                                    btree.AssignOid(this, 0, false);
                                                    int nPages = btree.MarkTree();
                                                    if (typeof(FieldIndex).IsAssignableFrom(desc.cls))
                                                        fieldIndexUsage.nInstances += 1;
                                                        fieldIndexUsage.totalSize += (long) nPages * Page.pageSize + objSize;
                                                        fieldIndexUsage.allocatedSize += (long) nPages * Page.pageSize + alignedSize;
                                                        indexUsage.nInstances += 1;
                                                        indexUsage.totalSize += (long) nPages * Page.pageSize + objSize;
                                                        indexUsage.allocatedSize += (long) nPages * Page.pageSize + alignedSize;
                                                    //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.HashMap.get' was converted to 'System.Collections.Hashtable.Item' which has a different behavior.
                                                    MemoryUsage usage = (MemoryUsage) map[desc.cls];
                                                    if (usage == null)
                                                        usage = new MemoryUsage(desc.cls);
                                                        map[desc.cls] = usage;
                                                    usage.nInstances += 1;
                                                    usage.totalSize += objSize;
                                                    usage.allocatedSize += alignedSize;

                                                    if (desc.hasReferences)
                                                        MarkObject(pool.Get(pos), ObjectHeader.Sizeof, desc);
                                                classUsage.nInstances += 1;
                                                classUsage.totalSize += objSize;
                                                classUsage.allocatedSize += alignedSize;
                        while (existsNotMarkedObjects);

                        if (indexUsage.nInstances != 0)
                            map[typeof(Index)] = indexUsage;

                        if (fieldIndexUsage.nInstances != 0)
                            map[typeof(FieldIndex)] = fieldIndexUsage;

                        if (classUsage.nInstances != 0)
                            map[typeof(Type)] = classUsage;

                        MemoryUsage system = new MemoryUsage(typeof(Storage));
                        system.totalSize += header.root[0].indexSize * 8L;
                        system.totalSize += header.root[1].indexSize * 8L;
                        system.totalSize += (long) (header.root[currIndex].bitmapEnd - dbBitmapId) * Page.pageSize;
                        system.totalSize += Page.pageSize; // root page

                        if (header.root[currIndex].bitmapExtent != 0)
                            system.allocatedSize = GetBitmapUsedSpace(dbBitmapId, dbBitmapId + dbBitmapPages) + GetBitmapUsedSpace(header.root[currIndex].bitmapExtent, header.root[currIndex].bitmapExtent + header.root[currIndex].bitmapEnd - dbBitmapId);
                            system.allocatedSize = GetBitmapUsedSpace(dbBitmapId, header.root[currIndex].bitmapEnd);

                        system.nInstances = header.root[currIndex].indexSize;
                        map[typeof(Storage)] = system;
                    return map;
Beispiel #55
//int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree);
//void sqlite3BtreeLeave(Btree);
//void sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(BtCursor);
//void sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(BtCursor);
//void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3);
/* These routines are used inside Debug.Assert() statements only. */
int sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(Btree);
Beispiel #56
 ** Find and return the schema associated with a BTree.  Create
 ** a new one if necessary.
 static Schema sqlite3SchemaGet( sqlite3 db, Btree pBt )
   Schema p;
   if ( pBt != null )
     p = sqlite3BtreeSchema( pBt, -1, (dxFreeSchema)sqlite3SchemaClear );//Schema.Length, sqlite3SchemaFree);
     p = new Schema(); // (Schema *)sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, sizeof(Schema));
   if ( p == null )
     ////        db.mallocFailed = 1;
   else if ( 0 == p.file_format )
     sqlite3HashInit( p.tblHash );
     sqlite3HashInit( p.idxHash );
     sqlite3HashInit( p.trigHash );
     sqlite3HashInit( p.fkeyHash );
     p.enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
   return p;
Beispiel #57
 //# define sqlite3BtreeLeave(X)
 static void sqlite3BtreeLeave( Btree X )
    /* A bunch of Debug.Assert() statements to check the transaction state variables
    ** of handle p (type Btree*) are internally consistent.
    //#define btreeIntegrity(p) \
    //  Debug.Assert( p.pBt.inTransaction!=TRANS_NONE || p.pBt.nTransaction==0 ); \
    //  Debug.Assert( p.pBt.inTransaction>=p.inTrans );
    static void btreeIntegrity( Btree p )
      Debug.Assert( p.pBt.inTransaction != TRANS_NONE || p.pBt.nTransaction == 0 );
      Debug.Assert( p.pBt.inTransaction >= p.inTrans );
Beispiel #59
** Copy the complete content of pBtFrom into pBtTo.  A transaction
** must be active for both files.
** The size of file pTo may be reduced by this operation. If anything
** goes wrong, the transaction on pTo is rolled back. If successful, the
** transaction is committed before returning.
    static int sqlite3BtreeCopyFile( Btree pTo, Btree pFrom )
      int rc;
      sqlite3_backup b;
      sqlite3BtreeEnter( pTo );
      sqlite3BtreeEnter( pFrom );

      /* Set up an sqlite3_backup object. sqlite3_backup.pDestDb must be set
      ** to 0. This is used by the implementations of sqlite3_backup_step()
      ** and sqlite3_backup_finish() to detect that they are being called
      ** from this function, not directly by the user.
      b = new sqlite3_backup();// memset( &b, 0, sizeof( b ) );
      b.pSrcDb = pFrom.db;
      b.pSrc = pFrom;
      b.pDest = pTo;
      b.iNext = 1;

      /* 0x7FFFFFFF is the hard limit for the number of pages in a database
      ** file. By passing this as the number of pages to copy to
      ** sqlite3_backup_step(), we can guarantee that the copy finishes
      ** within a single call (unless an error occurs). The Debug.Assert() statement
      ** checks this assumption - (p.rc) should be set to either SQLITE_DONE
      ** or an error code.
      sqlite3_backup_step( b, 0x7FFFFFFF );
      Debug.Assert( b.rc != SQLITE_OK );
      rc = sqlite3_backup_finish( b );
      if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
        pTo.pBt.pageSizeFixed = false;

      sqlite3BtreeLeave( pFrom );
      sqlite3BtreeLeave( pTo );
      return rc;
Beispiel #60
//#define invalidateIncrblobCursors(x,y,z)
static void invalidateIncrblobCursors( Btree x, i64 y, int z )