protected override RgbSpectrumInfo Evaluate(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localLightDir, ref Vector localEyeDir, out BsdfEvent _event, out float directPdfW, out float reversePdfW)
     _event = this.Type.TypeToEvent();
     directPdfW = 0f;
     reversePdfW = 0f;
     return RgbSpectrumInfo.Black;
Beispiel #2
 protected override RgbSpectrumInfo Evaluate(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localLightDir, ref Vector localEyeDir, out BsdfEvent _event, out float directPdfW, out float reversePdfW)
     _event = BsdfEvent.Diffuse | BsdfEvent.Reflect;
     directPdfW = Math.Abs((HitPoint.FromLight ? localEyeDir.z : localLightDir.z) * MathLab.INVPI);
     reversePdfW = Math.Abs((HitPoint.FromLight ? localLightDir.z : localEyeDir.z) * MathLab.INVPI);
     var kd = TexData.Diffuse;
     return (kd * MathLab.INVPI);
Beispiel #3
        public override void Sample_f(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, out Vector vector, out float radiancePdf,
            out float pdf1, out BsdfEvent @event)

            float c = 1f - Vector.Dot(ref pt.IncomingDirection, ref pt.ShadingNormal);

            float Re = R0 + (1f - R0) * c * c * c * c * c;
            float P = .25f + .5f * Re;

            if ((u2 < P && reflectionSpecularBounce))
            {//onlySpecular || 
                vector = MetalBrdf.GlossyReflection(ref pt.IncomingDirection, exponent, ref pt.ShadingNormal, u0, u1);
                pdf1 = P / Re;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Specular;
                radiancePdf = Re;
                Vector dir = MC.CosineSampleHemisphere(u0, u1);
                pdf1 = dir.z * MathLab.INVPI;

                Vector v1, v2;
                dir =
                Vector.CoordinateSystem(ref shadeN, out v1, out v2);

                dir = new Vector(
                    v1.x * dir.x + v2.x * dir.y + shadeN.x * dir.z,
                    v1.y * dir.x + v2.y * dir.y + shadeN.y * dir.z,
                    v1.z * dir.x + v2.z * dir.y + shadeN.z * dir.z);*/
                ONB fm = new ONB(ref pt.ShadingNormal);

                var wi = fm.ToWorld(ref dir);//pt.Frame

                float dp = Vector.Dot(ref pt.ShadingNormal, ref wi);
                // Using 0.0001 instead of 0.0 to cut down fireflies
                if (dp <= 0.0001f)
                    pdf1 = 0f;
                pdf1 /= dp;

                float iRe = 1f - Re;
                pdf1 *= (1f - P) / iRe;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Glossy | BsdfEvent.Diffuse;
                vector = wi;
                radiancePdf = iRe;

        protected override RgbSpectrum Sample(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localFixedDir, out Vector localSampledDir, float u0, float u1, out float pdfW, out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event)
            _event = this.Type.TypeToEvent();

            localSampledDir = new Vector(-localFixedDir.x, -localFixedDir.y, localFixedDir.z);
            pdfW = 1f;

            absCosDir = Math.Abs(localSampledDir.z);
            var kr = (RgbSpectrum)TexData.Specular;

            // The absCosSampledDir is used to compensate the other one used inside the integrator
            return kr / absCosDir;
Beispiel #5
 public override void Sample_f(ShadePointInfo point, float u0, float u1, float u2, out Vector wi, out float radiance, out float pdf, out BsdfEvent bsdfEvent)
     Vector dir = MC.CosineSampleHemisphere(u0, u1);
     pdf = dir.z * MathLab.INVPI;
     bsdfEvent = BsdfEvent.Diffuse;
     wi = point.Frame.ToWorld(ref dir);
     float dp = (Normal.Dot(ref point.GeoNormal, ref wi));
     if (dp <= 0.01f)
         pdf = 0f;
         bsdfEvent = BsdfEvent.Absorb;
         radiance = 0f;
         pdf /= dp;
         radiance = MathLab.INVPI;
Beispiel #6
        protected override RgbSpectrum Sample(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localFixedDir, out Vector localSampledDir, float u0, float u1, out float pdfW, out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event)
            absCosDir = 0f;
            _event = BsdfEvent.Diffuse | BsdfEvent.Reflect;
            pdfW = 0f;
            localSampledDir = new Vector();
            if (Math.Abs(localFixedDir.z) < MathLab.COS_EPSILON_STATIC)
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            localSampledDir = Sgn(localFixedDir.z) * MC.CosineSampleHemisphere(u0, u1, out pdfW);

            absCosDir = Math.Abs(localSampledDir.z);
            if (absCosDir < MathLab.COS_EPSILON_STATIC)
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            var kd = (RgbSpectrum)(TexData.Diffuse);
            return (kd);
Beispiel #7
 public override void InitPath(IPathProcessor buffer)
     this.scene = pathIntegrator.Scene;
     this.Radiance = new RgbSpectrum(0f);
     this.Throughput = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
     this.PathState = PathTracerPathState.EyeVertex;
     if (this.secRays == null)
         this.secRays = new ShadowRayInfo[scene.ShadowRaysPerSample+10];
         continueRays = new ShadowRayInfo[scene.ShadowRaysPerSample+10];
     contCount = 0;
     this.Sample = pathIntegrator.Sampler.GetSample(this.Sample);
     pathIntegrator.Scene.Camera.GetRay(Sample.imageX, Sample.imageY, out this.PathRay);
     this.RayIndex = -1;
     this.tracedShadowRayCount = 0;
     this.depth = 0;
     this.bsdfEvent = BsdfEvent.Specular;
     this.prevEvent = BsdfEvent.None;
     shadowRayEvent = BsdfEvent.None;
Beispiel #8
        protected override RgbSpectrum Sample(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localFixedDir, out Vector localSampledDir, float u0, float u1, out float pdfW, out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event)
            _event = this.Type.TypeToEvent();

            localSampledDir = new Vector(-localFixedDir.x, -localFixedDir.y, localFixedDir.z);
            pdfW = 1f;

            absCosDir = Math.Abs(localSampledDir.z);
            var kr = (RgbSpectrum)TexData.Specular;
            float e = 1f / (Math.Max(TexData.Exponent, 0f) + 1f);
            localSampledDir = GlossyReflection(ref localFixedDir, e, u0, u1);

            if (localSampledDir.z * localFixedDir.z > 0f)
                _event = BsdfEvent.Specular | BsdfEvent.Reflect;
                pdfW = 1f;
                absCosDir = Math.Abs(localSampledDir.z);
                // The absCosSampledDir is used to compensate the other one used inside the integrator
                return kr / (absCosDir);
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();
Beispiel #9
 public RgbSpectrum Sample_f(ref Vector wo, out Vector wi, ref Normal N, ref Normal shadeN, ref RgbSpectrum in_fs, float u0, float u1, float u2, ref SurfaceTextureData surfaceData, out float pdf, out BsdfEvent bsdfEvent)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #10
        public RgbSpectrum Sample(out Vector dir, float u0, float u1, float u2, out float pdfW,
            out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event)
            Vector localFixedDir = Frame.ToLocal(ref HitPoint.FromDirection);
            Vector localSampledDir;
            dir = new Vector();
            var result = this.Sample(ref HitPoint,
                ref localFixedDir, out localSampledDir, u0, u1,
                out pdfW, out absCosDir, out _event);
            if (result.IsBlack())
                return result;

            dir = Frame.ToWorld(ref localSampledDir);
            // Adjoint BSDF
            if (HitPoint.FromLight)
                float absDotFixedDirNS = Math.Abs(localFixedDir.z);
                float absDotSampledDirNS = Math.Abs(localSampledDir.z);
                float absDotFixedDirNG = Vector.AbsDot(ref HitPoint.FromDirection, ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
                float absDotSampledDirNG = Vector.AbsDot(ref dir, ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);

                return result * ((absDotFixedDirNS * absDotSampledDirNG) / (absDotSampledDirNS * absDotFixedDirNG));
                return result;

        public override void InitPath(IPathProcessor buffer)
            this.scene = pathIntegrator.Scene;

            if (Vertices == null)
                Vertices = new PathVertex[scene.MaxPathDepth * 3];
                Xvertices = new PathVertex[scene.MaxPathDepth * 3];
            this.pathDensity = 1.0f;
            this.Radiance = new RgbSpectrum(0f);
            this.Throughput = new RgbSpectrum(1f);
            this.PathState = PathTracerPathState.EyeVertex;
            if (!mutate)
                this.Sample = pathIntegrator.Sampler.GetSample(this.Sample);
                pathIntegrator.Scene.Camera.GetRay(Sample.imageX, Sample.imageY, out this.PathRay);
                pathStart = PathRay.Org;
                XRadiance = new RgbSpectrum();
                xPathDensity = 1.0f;
                PathRay.Org = pathStart;
                PathRay.Dir = -Vertices[0].Wo;
                if (mutationCount > MaxMutations)
                    this.mutate = false;
                    this.mutationCount = 0;
            this.RayIndex = -1;
            this.depth = 0;
            this.bsdfEvent = BsdfEvent.Specular;
            this.prevEvent = BsdfEvent.None;
            shadowRayEvent = BsdfEvent.None;
Beispiel #12
        public override void Sample_f(ShadePointInfo pt, float u0, float u1, float u2, 
                                      out Vector Wi, out float radiancePdf, out float pdf, out BsdfEvent @event)
            Vector rayDir = -pt.IncomingDirection;
            var N = pt.GeoNormal;
            var shadeN = pt.ShadingNormal;
            var wi = new Vector();

            var N1 = N.ToVec();
            var reflDir = rayDir - (2f * (Normal.Dot(ref N, ref rayDir))) * N1;

            // Ray from outside going in ?
            bool into = ((Normal.Dot(ref N, ref shadeN)) > 0);

            float nc = n0;
            float nt = n1;
            float nnt = into ? (nc / nt) : (nt / nc);
            float ddn = (rayDir & shadeN.ToVec());
            float cos2t = 1f - nnt * nnt * (1f - ddn * ddn);
            radiancePdf = 0f;
            // Total internal reflection
            if (cos2t < 0f)
                wi = reflDir;
                pdf = 1f;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Reflect | BsdfEvent.Specular;
                radiancePdf = 1f;
                Wi = wi;

            float kk = (into ? 1f : -1f) * (ddn * nnt + MathLab.Sqrt((cos2t)));
            Vector nkk = kk * N1;
            Vector transDir = (nnt * rayDir - nkk).Normalize();

            float c = 1f - (into ? -ddn : (transDir & N1));

            float Re = R0 + (1f - R0) * c * c * c * c * c;
            float Tr = 1f - Re;
            float P = .25f + .5f * Re;

            if (Tr.NearEqual(0f))
                if (Re.NearEqual(0f))
                    pdf = 0f;
                    @event = BsdfEvent.Absorb;
                    (wi) = reflDir;
                    pdf = 1f;
                    radiancePdf = 1f;
                    @event = BsdfEvent.Reflect | BsdfEvent.Specular;
                    Wi = wi;
            else if (Re.NearEqual(0f))
                (wi) = transDir;
                pdf = 1f;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Transmit | BsdfEvent.Specular;
                radiancePdf = 1.0f;                
            else if (u0 < P)

                (wi) = reflDir;
                pdf = P / Re;
                radiancePdf = 1f;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Reflect | BsdfEvent.Specular;

                (wi) = transDir;
                pdf = (1f - P) / Tr;
                @event = BsdfEvent.Transmit | BsdfEvent.Specular;
                radiancePdf = 1.0f;
            Wi = wi;
Beispiel #13
        protected override RgbSpectrum Sample(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localFixedDir, out Vector localSampledDir, float u0, float u1, out float pdfW, out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event)
            var kr = (RgbSpectrum)TexData.Gloss + 0.5f;
            var kt = (RgbSpectrum)(TexData.Transmittance??TexData.Diffuse) + 0.5f;
            bool isKtBlack = kt.IsBlack();
            bool isKrBlack = kr.IsBlack();
            _event = BsdfEvent.None;
            pdfW = 0f;
            absCosDir = 0f;
            localSampledDir = new Vector();
            if (isKtBlack && isKrBlack)
                return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

            bool entering = (CosTheta(ref localFixedDir) > 0f);
            float nc = TexData.PreviousMedium.IoR;
            float nt = TexData.Medium.IoR;
            float ntc = nt / nc;
            float eta = entering ? (nc / nt) : ntc;
            float costheta = CosTheta(ref localFixedDir);

            // Decide to transmit or reflect
            float threshold = isKrBlack ? 1f : (isKtBlack ? 0f : .5f);
            RgbSpectrum result;
            if (TexData.Event < threshold)
                // Transmit

                // Compute transmitted ray direction
                float sini2 = SinTheta2(ref localFixedDir);
                float eta2 = eta * eta;
                float sint2 = eta2 * sini2;

                // Handle total internal reflection for transmission
                if (sint2 >= 1f)
                    return RgbSpectrum.ZeroSpectrum();

                float cost = MathLab.Sqrt(Math.Max(0f, 1f - sint2)) * (entering ? -1f : 1f);
                localSampledDir = new Vector(-eta * localFixedDir.x, -eta * localFixedDir.y, cost);
                absCosDir = Math.Abs(CosTheta(ref localSampledDir));

                _event = BsdfEvent.Specular | BsdfEvent.Transmit;
                pdfW = threshold;

                if (!HitPoint.FromLight)
                    result = (RgbSpectrum.UnitSpectrum() - FresnelCauchy_Evaluate(ntc, cost)) * eta2;
                    result = (RgbSpectrum.UnitSpectrum() - FresnelCauchy_Evaluate(ntc, costheta));

                result *= kt;
                // Reflect
                localSampledDir = new Vector(-localFixedDir.x, -localFixedDir.y, localFixedDir.z);
                absCosDir = Math.Abs(CosTheta(ref localSampledDir));

                _event = BsdfEvent.Specular | BsdfEvent.Reflect;
                pdfW = 1f - threshold;

                result = kr * FresnelCauchy_Evaluate(ntc, costheta);

            // The absCosSampledDir is used to compensate the other one used inside the integrator
            return result / (absCosDir);

Beispiel #14
 public abstract void Sample_f(ShadePointInfo point, float u0, float u1, float u2, out Vector vector, 
                               out float radiancePdf, out float pdf1, out BsdfEvent @event);
Beispiel #15
 public static bool Has(this BsdfEvent val, BsdfEvent f)
     //return val.HasFlag(f);
     return ((byte)val & (byte)f).Equals((byte)f);
 public override bool Match(bool isLight, bool isVolume, BsdfEvent hitEvent)
     return isLight;
Beispiel #17
        //luxrays::Spectrum GetEmittedRadiance(float *directPdfA = NULL, float *emissionPdfW = NULL) const ;

        public RgbSpectrumInfo Evaluate(ref Vector generatedDir, out BsdfEvent _event, out float directPdfW,
            out float reversePdfW)
            _event = this.Type.TypeToEvent();
            directPdfW = 0f;
            reversePdfW = 0f;
            Vector eyeDir = HitPoint.FromLight ? generatedDir : HitPoint.FromDirection;
            Vector lightDir = HitPoint.FromLight ? HitPoint.FromDirection : generatedDir;

            float dotLightDirNG = Vector.Dot(ref lightDir, ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
            float absDotLightDirNG = Math.Abs(dotLightDirNG);
            float dotEyeDirNG = Vector.Dot(ref eyeDir, ref HitPoint.GeoNormal);
            float absDotEyeDirNG = Math.Abs(dotEyeDirNG);

            if ((absDotLightDirNG < MathLab.COS_EPSILON_STATIC) ||
                (absDotEyeDirNG < MathLab.COS_EPSILON_STATIC))
                return RgbSpectrumInfo.Black;

            float sideTest = dotEyeDirNG * dotLightDirNG;
            if (((sideTest > 0f) && !(this.Type.Has(BrdfType.Reflection))) ||(((sideTest < 0f) && !(this.Type.Has(BrdfType.Refractive))))) return RgbSpectrumInfo.Black;

            Vector localLightDir = Frame.ToLocal(ref lightDir);
            Vector localEyeDir = Frame.ToLocal(ref eyeDir);
            RgbSpectrumInfo result = this.Evaluate(ref HitPoint, ref localLightDir, ref localEyeDir, out _event, out directPdfW, out reversePdfW);


            // Adjoint BSDF
            if (HitPoint.FromLight)
                float absDotLightDirNS = Vector.AbsDot(ref lightDir, ref HitPoint.ShadingNormal);
                float absDotEyeDirNS = Vector.AbsDot(ref eyeDir, ref HitPoint.ShadingNormal);
                return result * ((absDotLightDirNS * absDotEyeDirNG) / (absDotEyeDirNS * absDotLightDirNG));
                return result;
 public virtual bool Match(bool isLight, bool isVolume, BsdfEvent hitEvent)
     return false;
Beispiel #19
 protected abstract RgbSpectrum Sample(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localFixedDir,
     out Vector localSampledDir, float u0, float u1, out float pdfW, out float absCosDir, out BsdfEvent _event);
        public RgbSpectrum Sample_f(ref Vector lwo, out Vector wi, ref Normal N, ref Normal shadeN, ref RgbSpectrum in_fs, float u0, float u1, float u2, ref SurfaceTextureData surfaceData, out float pdf, out BsdfEvent bsdfEvent)
            this.CreateFrame(ref N);
            var wo = this.WorldToLocal(ref lwo);
            var res = new RgbSpectrum();
            pdf = 0f;
            bsdfEvent = BsdfEvent.None;
            wi = new Vector();
            ElementaryBrdf brdf;
            if (this.brdfs.Length == 1)
                brdf = this.brdfs[0];
                brdf = Sample(u2);

            if (brdf != null)
                BsdfSampleData result;
                brdf.Sample_f(ref wo, ref N, ref shadeN, ref surfaceData, u0, u1, u2, out result);
                res = result.F;
                pdf = result.Pdf ; //*(1f / brdfs.Length);
                wi = LocalToWorld(ref result.Wi);
                bsdfEvent = brdf.Type.TypeToEvent();

            return res;
Beispiel #21
 protected abstract RgbSpectrumInfo Evaluate(ref HitPointInfo HitPoint, ref Vector localLightDir,
     ref Vector localEyeDir, out BsdfEvent _event, out float directPdfW, out float reversePdfW);