public bool IsTetrominoInCollision(BrickType[,] tetrominoGrid, int column, int row)
     // check for collisions between the tetromino and the game board's bricks
     for (int iRow = 0; iRow < tetrominoGrid.GetLength(0); iRow++)
         for (int iCol = 0; iCol < tetrominoGrid.GetLength(1); iCol++)
             if (tetrominoGrid[iRow, iCol] != BrickType.None &&
                 m_gameBoardState[iRow + row, iCol + column] != BrickType.None)
                 return true; // collision
     return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Can move the tetromino to within the horizontal boundaries of the game board (left,right boundaries only). 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tetrominoGrid"></param>
 /// <param name="column">Column in which the left top cell of the descriptive grid is. Top row has index 0.</param>
 /// <param name="row">Row in which the left top cell of the descriptive grid is. Leftmost column has index 0.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns false if the tetromino starts to intersect the bottom.</returns>
 public bool FitTetrominoToGameBoard(BrickType[,] tetrominoGrid, ref int column, ref int row)
     // first move the tetromino within the boundaries:
     for (int iRow = 0; iRow < tetrominoGrid.GetLength(0); iRow++)
         for (int iCol = 0; iCol < tetrominoGrid.GetLength(1); iCol++)
             if (tetrominoGrid[iRow, iCol] != BrickType.None)
                 if (row + iRow < 0)
                     // not a problem, does not happen
                 if (row + iRow >= m_rows)
                     return false; // bottom was intersected
                 if (column + iCol < 0)
                     column = -iCol;
                 if (column + iCol >= m_columns)
                     column = m_columns - iCol - 1;
     return true;