Beispiel #1
        static void DrawPopulationInfo(PanelBrick panel, RectangleF r, string text, double portion, double scale)
            RectangleF barRect = GetBarRect(r, portion, scale);

            r.Height = barRect.Top - r.Top;

            BrickStyle textStyle = new BrickStyle()
                ForeColor = panel.Style.ForeColor,
                BackColor = Color.Transparent,
                Font      = panel.Style.Font

            TextBrick textBrick = new TextBrick(textStyle);

            textBrick.Rect = r;
            textBrick.Text = text;

            BrickStyle barStyle = new BrickStyle()
                Sides       = BorderSide.All,
                BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(173, 148, 116),
                BorderStyle = BrickBorderStyle.Inset,
                BorderWidth = 1,
                BackColor   = Color.FromArgb(232, 216, 195),
            VisualBrick barBrick = new VisualBrick(barStyle);

            barBrick.Rect = barRect;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string        s          = "XtraPrinting Library";
            BrickGraphics brickGraph = printingSystem1.Graph;
            VisualBrick   visBrick   = new VisualBrick();

            // Specify the style
            BrickStyle bStyle = new BrickStyle(BorderSide.Bottom, 2, Color.Gold, Color.Navy,
                                               Color.DodgerBlue, new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic),
                                               new BrickStringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near));

            // Start the report generation.

            // Create bricks.
            brickGraph.Modifier = BrickModifier.Detail;
            visBrick            = brickGraph.DrawString(s, new RectangleF(0, 0, 250, 40));
            visBrick            = brickGraph.DrawString(s, new RectangleF(0, 40, 250, 40));

            // Apply the style to the current brick.
            visBrick.Style = bStyle;

            // Finish the report generation.
Beispiel #3
        private StyleProperty GetStyleProperties(BrickStyle style)
            //Had to use Reflection
            PropertyInfo pi = typeof(BrickStyle).GetProperty("SetProperties", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            return((StyleProperty)pi.GetValue(style, null));
Beispiel #4
 public static void FillHtmlTableCellCore(IHtmlExportProvider exportProvider, BrickStyle style, XRDataCellPosition position)
     using (BrickStyle curStyle = DataCellExportHelper.GetResultingStyle(exportProvider.HtmlExportContext.MainExportMode == HtmlExportMode.SingleFile, style, position))
         DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Export.Web.HtmlBuilderBase.HtmlCellLayout areaLayout = new DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Export.Web.HtmlBuilderBase.HtmlCellLayout(curStyle);
         exportProvider.CurrentCell.Attributes["class"] = RegisterHtmlClassName(exportProvider.HtmlExportContext, curStyle, areaLayout.Borders, areaLayout.Padding);
Beispiel #5
 protected override void DrawObject(IGraphics gr, RectangleF rect)
     using (BrickStyle curStyle = DataCellExportHelper.GetResultingStyle(gr is OnePageImageGraphics, DataCellCheckBrick.Style, DataCellCheckBrick.CellPosition))
         this.BrickPaint.BrickStyle = curStyle;
         base.DrawObject(gr, rect);
Beispiel #6
 protected override void FillXlTableCellInternal(IXlExportProvider exportProvider)
     using (BrickStyle curStyle = DataCellExportHelper.GetResultingStyle(false, DataCellCheckBrick.Style, DataCellCheckBrick.CellPosition))
         curStyle.Sides = BorderSide.All;
         ((BrickViewData)exportProvider.CurrentData).Style = curStyle;
Beispiel #7
        public static string RegisterHtmlClassName(HtmlExportContext context, BrickStyle style, PaddingInfo borders, PaddingInfo padding)
            if (style == null)
            string htmlStyle = PSHtmlStyleRender.GetHtmlStyle(style.Font, style.ForeColor, style.BackColor, style.BorderColor, borders, padding, style.BorderDashStyle, context.RightToLeftLayout);

        protected override BrickStyle CreateBrickStyle(XRDataContainerControl control, VisualBrick parentBrick, VisualBrick valueBrick, XRDataRecord record, int fieldIndex, bool isHeader)
            BrickStyle style = base.CreateBrickStyle(control, parentBrick, valueBrick, record, fieldIndex, isHeader);

            if (!isHeader)
                PrintCellEventArgs printCellArgs = new PrintNodeCellEventArgs((XRTreeListNode)record, (XRTreeListColumn)control.VisibleHeaders[fieldIndex], valueBrick, style);

Beispiel #9
        protected Size MeasureTextSize(string text, float width, float dpi, BrickStyle style, PrintingSystemBase ps)
            float convertedWidth = GraphicsUnitConverter.Convert(width, dpi, GraphicsDpi.Document);


            ps.Graph.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Document;
            ps.Graph.Font     = style.Font;
            SizeF size = ps.Graph.MeasureString(text, (int)convertedWidth, style.StringFormat.Value);

            size.Height += GraphicsUnitConverter.Convert((float)2f, GraphicsDpi.Pixel, GraphicsDpi.Document);

            return(Size.Ceiling(GraphicsUnitConverter.Convert(style.Padding.Inflate(size, GraphicsDpi.Document), GraphicsDpi.Document, dpi)));
Beispiel #10
        protected override void PrintGroupRow(int rowHandle, int level)
            Rectangle r = Rectangle.Empty;

            r.X      = Indent + level * ViewViewInfo.LevelIndent;
            r.Width  = this.fMaxRowWidth - r.Left;
            r.Y      = Y;
            r.Height = CurrentRowHeight;
            int textWidth;

            ImageBrick ib;
            Bitmap     bmp = new Bitmap(r.Width, r.Height);

            GraphicsCache cache = new GraphicsCache(Graphics.FromImage(bmp));
            RowObjectCustomDrawEventArgs args = View.GetRowObjectCustomDrawEventArgs(cache, rowHandle, r, out textWidth);

            if (args == null)
                base.PrintGroupRow(rowHandle, level);
            ib           = new ImageBrick();
            ib.Rect      = r;
            ib.Image     = bmp;
            ib.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            _graph.DrawBrick(ib, ib.Rect);

            r.Width = textWidth;
            //  if (View.OptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles) SetDefaultBrickStyle(Graph, Bricks["GroupRow"]);
            //  else
                AppearanceObject rowAppearance = View.GetLevelStyle(level, true);
                BrickStyle       tempStyle     = new BrickStyle(Bricks["GroupRow"].Sides, Bricks["GroupRow"].BorderWidth, Color.Transparent /*rowAppearance.BorderColor*/, rowAppearance.BackColor, rowAppearance.ForeColor, rowAppearance.Font, Bricks["GroupRow"].StringFormat);
                tempStyle.TextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Native.TextAlignmentConverter.ToTextAlignment(rowAppearance.TextOptions.HAlignment, rowAppearance.TextOptions.VAlignment);
                SetDefaultBrickStyle(Graph, tempStyle);
            string groupText = View.GetGroupRowDisplayText(rowHandle);

            ITextBrick textBrick = DrawTextBrick(Graph, groupText, r, true);

            textBrick.Text      = textBrick.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
            textBrick.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            textBrick.TextValue = View.GetGroupRowPrintValue(rowHandle);

            Y += r.Height;
Beispiel #11
 public void Reset()
     IsActive     = false;
     WireRed      = false;
     WireGreen    = false;
     WireBlue     = false;
     TileColor    = 0;
     Type         = 0;
     Wall         = 0;
     LiquidType   = 0;
     WallColor    = 0;
     LiquidAmount = 0;
     BrickStyle   = 0;
     Actuator     = false;
     InActive     = false;
Beispiel #12
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Specify the style definitions.
            BrickStyle column_style1 = new BrickStyle(BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Bottom | BorderSide.Top, 2,
                                                      Color.Gold, Color.Navy, Color.DodgerBlue, new Font("Arial", 6, FontStyle.Bold |
                                                                                                         FontStyle.Italic), new BrickStringFormat(StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near));
            BrickStyle column_style2 = new BrickStyle(BorderSide.Top | BorderSide.Bottom, 2,
                                                      Color.Navy, Color.DodgerBlue, Color.Gold, new Font("Arial", 6, FontStyle.Bold |
                                                                                                         FontStyle.Italic), new BrickStringFormat(StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center));
            BrickStyle column_style3 = new BrickStyle(BorderSide.Right | BorderSide.Bottom | BorderSide.Top, 2,
                                                      Color.DodgerBlue, Color.Gold, Color.Navy, new Font("Arial", 6, FontStyle.Bold |
                                                                                                         FontStyle.Italic), new BrickStringFormat(StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Far));

            BrickGraphics gr = printingSystem1.Graph;

            gr.Modifier = BrickModifier.Detail;
            string    s       = "XtraPrinting Library";
            TextBrick t_brick = new TextBrick();

            // Draw the first column and apply the style.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t_brick       = gr.DrawString(s, new RectangleF(0, 20 * i, 100, 20));
                t_brick.Style = column_style1;

            // Draw the second column and apply the style.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t_brick       = gr.DrawString(s, new RectangleF(100, 20 * i, 100, 20));
                t_brick.Style = column_style2;

            // Draw the first column and apply the style.
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t_brick       = gr.DrawString(s, new RectangleF(200, 20 * i, 100, 20));
                t_brick.Style = column_style3;

Beispiel #13
        protected virtual BrickStyle CreateBrickStyle(XRDataContainerControl control, VisualBrick parentBrick, VisualBrick valueBrick, XRDataRecord record, int fieldIndex, bool isHeader)
            BrickStyle style = GetActualBrickStyle((DataContainerBrick)parentBrick, isHeader);

            if (isHeader)
                PrintCellEventArgs printCellArgs = new PrintCellEventArgs(control.VisibleHeaders[fieldIndex], valueBrick, style);
                ((IDataCellBrick)valueBrick).CellPosition |= XRDataCellPosition.Header;
                PrintRecordCellEventArgs printCellArgs = new PrintRecordCellEventArgs(record, control.VisibleHeaders[fieldIndex], valueBrick, style);

Beispiel #14
        public static BrickStyle GetResultingStyle(bool isSingleFileMode, BrickStyle originalStyle, XRDataCellPosition position)
            BrickStyle style = new BrickStyle(originalStyle);

            style.StringFormat = BrickStringFormat.Create(style.TextAlignment, style.StringFormat.WordWrap);

            BorderSide sides = originalStyle.Sides;

            if (sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Right) && !position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.RightMost))
                style.Sides &= ~BorderSide.Right;

            if (sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Bottom) && sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Top) && !position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.Header))
                style.Sides &= ~BorderSide.Top;

            if (position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.HigherLevel) && sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Top))
                style.Sides |= BorderSide.Top;
            if (position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.LowerLevel) && sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Bottom) && sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Top))
                style.Sides &= ~BorderSide.Bottom;

            if (!isSingleFileMode)
                if (position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.FirstOnPage))
                    style.Sides &= ~BorderSide.Top;
                if (position.HasFlag(XRDataCellPosition.LastOnPage) && sides.HasFlag(BorderSide.Bottom))
                    style.Sides |= BorderSide.Bottom;

        void ApplyAppearanceToBrickStyleCore(IVisualBrick brick, IPivotPrintAppearance appearance)
            BrickStyle brickStyle = brick.Style != null ?
                                    (BrickStyle)brick.Style.Clone() :

            if (appearance.Options.UseBackColor)
                brickStyle.BackColor = appearance.BackColor;
            if (appearance.Options.UseBorderColor)
                brickStyle.BorderColor = appearance.BorderColor;
            if (appearance.Options.UseBorderWidth)
                brickStyle.BorderWidth = appearance.BorderWidth;
            if (appearance.Options.UseBorderStyle)
                brickStyle.BorderStyle = appearance.BorderStyle;
            if (appearance.Options.UseFont)
                brickStyle.Font = appearance.Font;
            if (appearance.Options.UseForeColor)
                brickStyle.ForeColor = appearance.ForeColor;
            if (appearance.Options.UseTextOptions)
                brickStyle.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentConverter.ToTextAlignment(appearance.TextHorizontalAlignment, appearance.TextVerticalAlignment);
                brickStyle.StringFormat  = new BrickStringFormat(appearance.StringFormat);
            brickStyle.StringFormat.PrototypeKind = BrickStringFormatPrototypeKind.GenericTypographic;
            brick.Style = brickStyle;
        private void SetPixelAutomatic(Tile curTile,
            int? tile = null,
            int? wall = null,
            byte? liquid = null,
            LiquidType? liquidType = null,
            bool? wire = null,
            short? u = null,
            short? v = null,
            bool? wire2 = null,
            bool? wire3 = null,
            BrickStyle? brickStyle = null,
            bool? actuator = null, bool? actuatorInActive = null,
            int? tileColor = null,
            int? wallColor = null)
            // Set Tile Data
            if (u != null)
                curTile.U = (short)u;
            if (v != null)
                curTile.V = (short)v;

            if (tile != null)
                if (tile == -1)
                    curTile.Type = 0;
                    curTile.IsActive = false;
                    curTile.Type = (ushort)tile;
                    curTile.IsActive = true;

            if (actuator != null && curTile.IsActive)
                curTile.Actuator = (bool)actuator;

            if (actuatorInActive != null && curTile.IsActive)
                curTile.InActive = (bool)actuatorInActive;

            if (brickStyle != null && TilePicker.BrickStyleActive)
                curTile.BrickStyle = (BrickStyle)brickStyle;

            if (wall != null)
                curTile.Wall = (byte)wall;

            if (liquid != null)
                curTile.LiquidAmount = (byte)liquid;

            if (liquidType != null)
                curTile.LiquidType = (LiquidType)liquidType;

            if (wire != null)
                curTile.WireRed = (bool)wire;

            if (wire2 != null)
                curTile.WireGreen = (bool)wire2;

            if (wire3 != null)
                curTile.WireBlue = (bool)wire3;

            if (tileColor != null)
                if (curTile.IsActive)
                    curTile.TileColor = (byte)tileColor;
                    curTile.TileColor = (byte)0;

            if (wallColor != null)
                if (curTile.Wall != 0)
                    curTile.WallColor = (byte)wallColor;
                    curTile.WallColor = (byte)0;

            if (curTile.IsActive)
                if (World.TileProperties[curTile.Type].IsSolid)
                    curTile.LiquidAmount = 0;
Beispiel #17
        public override void PrintHeader(IBrickGraphics graph)
            vert = new BrickStyle(Bricks["HeaderPanel"]);
            vert.StringFormat = vert.StringFormat.ChangeFormatFlags(StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical | StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft);
            if (!View.OptionsPrint.PrintHeader)
            Point     indent         = new Point(Indent, HeaderY);
            Rectangle r              = Rectangle.Empty;
            bool      usePrintStyles = View.OptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles;

            SetDefaultBrickStyle(graph, Bricks["HeaderPanel"]);

            int HeaderHeight = (this.View as CustomBandedGridView).HeaderHeightOnExport;

            Dictionary <PrintColumnInfo, ITextBrick> columnBricks = new Dictionary <PrintColumnInfo, ITextBrick>();

            foreach (PrintColumnInfo col in Columns)
                if (!usePrintStyles)
                    AppearanceObject temp = new AppearanceObject();
                    AppearanceHelper.Combine(temp, new AppearanceObject[] { col.Column.AppearanceHeader, View.Appearance.HeaderPanel, AppearancePrint.HeaderPanel });
                    SetDefaultBrickStyle(graph, Bricks.Create(temp, BorderSide.All, temp.BorderColor, 1));
                r = col.Bounds;
                r = new Rectangle(r.Location, new Size(r.Width, HeaderHeight));
                MethodInfo mi      = typeof(GridColumn).GetMethod("GetTextCaptionForPrinting", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                string     caption = (string)mi.Invoke(col.Column, new object[] { });//col.Column.GetTextCaptionForPrinting();
                if (!col.Column.OptionsColumn.ShowCaption)
                    caption = string.Empty;
                ITextBrick itb = DrawTextBrick(graph, caption, r);
                if ((col.Column is CustomBandedColumn) && ((col.Column as CustomBandedColumn).CaptionVerticalOnExport))
                    itb.Style = vert;
                    SetDefaultBrickStyle(graph, Bricks["HeaderPanel"]);
                if (caption.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
                    itb.Style.StringFormat = BrickStringFormat.Create(itb.Style.TextAlignment, true);

                if (AppearancePrint.HeaderPanel.TextOptions.WordWrap == WordWrap.NoWrap && View.OptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles)
                    using (Graphics g = this.View.GridControl.CreateGraphics()) {
                        SizeF s = g.MeasureString(itb.Text, itb.Font, 1000, itb.StringFormat.Value);
                        if (s.Width + 5 >= r.Width)
                            itb.Text      = "";
                            itb.TextValue = "";
                columnBricks.Add(col, itb);
                using (Graphics g = this.View.GridControl.CreateGraphics()) {
                    SizeF s = g.MeasureString(itb.Text, itb.Font, 1000, itb.StringFormat.Value);
                    if (s.Height + 5 >= r.Height)
                        itb.Text      = "";
                        itb.TextValue = "";
Beispiel #18
 protected override void SetDefaultBrickStyle(IBrickGraphics graph, BrickStyle style)
     base.SetDefaultBrickStyle(graph, style);
Beispiel #19
 protected string RegisterHtmlClassName(HtmlExportContext context, BrickStyle style, PaddingInfo borders, PaddingInfo padding)
     return(DataCellExportHelper.RegisterHtmlClassName(context, style, borders, padding));
 public PrintRecordCellEventArgs(XRDataRecord currentRecord, XRFieldHeader header, VisualBrick brick, BrickStyle style)
     : base(header, brick, style)
     this.record = currentRecord;
 public PrintNodeCellEventArgs(XRTreeListNode currentNode, XRTreeListColumn column, VisualBrick brick, BrickStyle style) : base(column, brick, style)
     this.node = currentNode;
 public void Reset()
     IsActive = false;
     WireRed = false;
     WireGreen = false;
     WireBlue = false;
     TileColor = 0;
     Type = 0;
     Wall = 0;
     LiquidType = 0;
     WallColor = 0;
     LiquidAmount = 0;
     BrickStyle = 0;
     Actuator = false;
     InActive = false;
 public PrintCellEventArgs(XRFieldHeader header, VisualBrick brick, BrickStyle style)
     this.header = header;
     this.brick  = brick;  = style;