public static BresenhamResults CalculateLine(Vector2Int start, Vector2Int end)
        BresenhamResults results = new BresenhamResults();

        results.path     = new List <CustomTile>();
        results.fullPath = new List <CustomTile>();
        bool beenBlocked = false;

        foreach (Vector2Int spot in GetPointsOnLine(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y))
            //It's assumed that something that blocks movement blocks this line.
            //TODO: Make sure this assumption actually makes sense
            CustomTile t = Map.current.GetTile(spot);
            if (!beenBlocked)
            if (t.BlocksMovement())
                beenBlocked = true;
        results.blocked = beenBlocked;
    private void DrawBrensham(Vector2Int point)
        BresenhamResults brensham = LOS.GetLineFrom(origin, point);

        //Skip the first one
        foreach (CustomTile tile in brensham.path)
            int x = tile.location.x;
            int y = tile.location.y;
            MarkArea(x, y, true);