Beispiel #1
        public void Update_ShouldFail_GivenDepartmentDoesntExist()
            // Given
            // PositionController over a mock service that would alway throw exceptions on Get & GetAsync
            _branchOfficeService.When(s => s.GetAsync(Arg.Any <Guid>()))
            .Do(v => throw new ItemNotFoundException(v[0].ToString(), "branch office"));

            var branchOfficeController = new BranchOfficeController(
                _branchOfficeService, _timeService, _credentialsService, _tenantIdProvider, _logger);

            var branchOfficeId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var branchOfficeDto = new BranchOfficeDto
                Id         = branchOfficeId.ToString(),
                Name       = "BranchOffice",
                TimeZoneId = "MSK+3"

            // When
            // Put is called on the controller
            async Task action() => await branchOfficeController.Put(branchOfficeId, branchOfficeDto);

            // Then
            // The controller should thrown ItemNotFoundException
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ItemNotFoundException>(action);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task Update_ShouldCheckTimeZoneId()
            // Given
            // PositionController over mock services

            var branchOfficeController = new BranchOfficeController(
                _branchOfficeService, _timeService, _credentialsService, _tenantIdProvider, _logger);

            var branchOfficeId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var branchOfficeDto = new BranchOfficeDto
                Id         = branchOfficeId.ToString(),
                Name       = "BranchOffice",
                TimeZoneId = "XYZ"

            // When
            // Put is called on the controller
            await branchOfficeController.Put(branchOfficeId, branchOfficeDto);

            // Then
            // The controller should thrown ItemNotFoundException
            _timeService.Received().CheckTimeZoneId(Arg.Any <string>());