protected void GetBoundArchive()
            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())
                Int32 BoundID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["BoundID"]);

                var Bounds = from b in db.Bounds
                            select b;

                grdBoundArchive.DataSource = Bounds.ToList();

        protected void GetReplayArchive()
            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())
                Int32 ReplayID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ReplayID"]);

                var Replays = from b in db.Replays
                             select b;

                grdReplayArchive.DataSource = Replays.ToList();

        protected void BoundSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())

                // Use the Student model to save the new record
                Bound bound = new Bound();
                Int32 BoundID = 0;

                //check the querystring for an id so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["BoundID"] != null)
                    //get the id from the url
                    BoundID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["BoundID"]);

                    //get the current student from EF
                    bound = (from objB in db.Bounds
                             where objB.bound_id == BoundID
                             select objB).FirstOrDefault();

                // Fill in properties of department
                bound.bound_name = txtBoundName.Text;

                if (DropDownBoundDifficulty.SelectedValue != "-1")
                    bound.bound_difficulty = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownBoundDifficulty.SelectedValue);
                    bound.bound_difficulty = null;

                bound.bound_obstacles = Convert.ToInt32(BoundObstacles.Text);

                //call add only if we have no student ID
                if (BoundID == 0)

                //run the update or insert

                //redirect to the updated students page
        protected void grdBoundArchive_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            //Identify the DepartmentID to be deleted
            Int32 BoundID = Convert.ToInt32(grdBoundArchive.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values["bound_id"]);

            // Connect
            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())
                Bound bnd = (from b in db.Bounds
                                  where b.bound_id == BoundID
                                  select b).FirstOrDefault();

                // Delete

                // Redirect to the departments list page
        protected void GetBound()
            Int32 BoundID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["BoundID"]);

            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())

                Bound bnd = (from b in db.Bounds
                             where b.bound_id == BoundID
                             select b).FirstOrDefault();

                //map the student properties to the form controls if we found a match
                if (bnd != null)
                    txtBoundName.Text = bnd.bound_name;
                    DropDownBoundDifficulty.ClearSelection(); //making sure the previous selection has been cleared
                    DropDownBoundDifficulty.Items.FindByValue(bnd.bound_difficulty.ToString()).Selected = true;
                    BoundObstacles.Text = bnd.bound_obstacles.ToString();
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs @event)
            using (Bounding_SystemEntities db = new Bounding_SystemEntities())

                Profile profile = new Profile();

                profile.online_name = txtBoundName.Text;
                profile.first_name = txtFirstName.Text;
                profile.last_name = txtLastName.Text;
                profile.server = txtServer.Text;
                profile.age = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge.Text);
                profile.password = PasswordHasher.CreateHash(txtPassword.Text);
                profile.gender = "Unknown";


