Beispiel #1
        public static void ConstructSubgridSpatialAndPositionalMask(ILeafSubGrid SubGridAsLeaf,
                                                                    ISiteModel SiteModel,
                                                                    ICombinedFilter Filter,
                                                                    bool AHasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction,
                                                                    BoundingIntegerExtent2D AOverrideSpatialCellRestriction,
                                                                    SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits PDMask,
                                                                    SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits FilterMask)
            if (Filter == null || !Filter.SpatialFilter.HasSpatialOrPositionalFilters)

            var originX = SubGridAsLeaf.OriginX;
            var originY = SubGridAsLeaf.OriginY;

            var cellSize = SiteModel.CellSize;

            // Get the world location of the origin position
            SiteModel.Grid.GetCellCenterPosition(originX, originY, out var OX, out var OY);

            var SpatialFilter = Filter.SpatialFilter;

            // Attempt to satisfy the calculation below on the basis of the sub grid wholly residing in the override and filter spatial restrictions
            if (SpatialFilter.Fence.IncludesExtent(new BoundingWorldExtent3D(OX, OY,
                                                                             OX + cellSize * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension,
                                                                             OY + cellSize * SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension)))
                // The extent of the sub grid is wholly contained in the filter, therefore there is no need to iterate though all the cells
                // individually...


                // ... unless there is an override spatial cell restriction that does not enclose the extent of the sub grid
                if (AHasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction &&
                    !AOverrideSpatialCellRestriction.Encloses(new BoundingIntegerExtent2D((int)originX, (int)originY,
                                                                                          (int)originX + SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension,
                                                                                          (int)originY + SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension)))
                    for (byte I = 0; I < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; I++)
                        for (byte J = 0; J < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; J++)
                            if (!AOverrideSpatialCellRestriction.Includes(originX + I, originY + J))
                                FilterMask.ClearBit(I, J);
                // Perform the calculation the long hand way
                // ... Idea: Invert row and column order of calculation below to get and set bits based on an entire column of bits


                // Construct the filter mask based on the spatial and location (square/circle/polygonal) filtering
                double CX = OX;

                for (byte I = 0; I < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; I++)
                    int    OriginXPlusI = originX + I;
                    double CY           = OY; // Set to the first row in the column about to be processed

                    for (byte J = 0; J < SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension; J++)
                        if (AHasOverrideSpatialCellRestriction && !AOverrideSpatialCellRestriction.Includes((int)OriginXPlusI, (int)(originY + J)))
                            // Do nothing
                            // SiteModel.Grid.GetCellCenterPosition(OriginXPlusI, originY + J, out CX, out CY);
                            if (SpatialFilter.IsCellInSelection(CX, CY))
                                FilterMask.SetBit(I, J);

                        CY += cellSize; // Move to next row

                    CX += cellSize; // Move to next column
Beispiel #2
        public void Encloses(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY, bool result)
            var bound = new BoundingIntegerExtent2D(1, 1, 100, 100);

            bound.Encloses(new BoundingIntegerExtent2D(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)).Should().Be(result);