Beispiel #1
        private static int[] GetOrdinateOrder(BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation bbaoi, int[] ordinateOrder)
            switch (bbaoi)
            case BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation.Natural:
                return(new[] { 0, 1 });

            case BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation.Geographic:
                return(new[] { 1, 0 });

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to parse WMTS tile sources from a stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source stream</param>
        /// <param name="bbaoi">The way how axis order should be interpreted for &lt;ows:BoundingBox&gt;es</param>
        /// <returns>An enumeration of tile sources</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <ITileSource> Parse(Stream source,
                                                      BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation bbaoi = BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation.Natural)
            var          ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Capabilities));
            Capabilities capabilties;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(source))
                capabilties = (Capabilities)ser.Deserialize(reader);

            var tileSchemas = GetTileMatrixSets(capabilties.Contents.TileMatrixSet, bbaoi);
            var tileSources = GetLayers(capabilties, tileSchemas);

Beispiel #3
        private static List <ITileSchema> GetTileMatrixSets(IEnumerable <TileMatrixSet> tileMatrixSets,
                                                            BoundingBoxAxisOrderInterpretation bbaoi)
            // Get a set of well known scale sets. For these we don't need to have
            var wkss = new WellKnownScaleSets();

            // Axis order registry
            var crsAxisOrder = new CrsAxisOrderRegistry();
            // Unit of measure registry
            var crsUnitOfMeasure = new CrsUnitOfMeasureRegistry();

            var tileSchemas = new List <ITileSchema>();

            foreach (var tileMatrixSet in tileMatrixSets)
                // Check if a Well-Known scale set is used, either by Identifier or WellKnownScaleSet property
                var ss = wkss[tileMatrixSet.Identifier.Value];
                if (ss == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tileMatrixSet.WellKnownScaleSet))
                    ss = wkss[tileMatrixSet.WellKnownScaleSet.Split(':').Last()];

                // Try to parse the Crs
                var supportedCrs = tileMatrixSet.SupportedCRS;

                // Hack to fix broken crs spec
                supportedCrs = supportedCrs.Replace("6.18:3", "6.18.3");

                CrsIdentifier crs;
                if (!CrsIdentifier.TryParse(supportedCrs, out crs))
                    // If we cannot parse the crs, we cannot compute tile schema, thus ignore.
                    // ToDo: Log this

                // Get the ordinate order for the crs (x, y) or (y, x) aka (lat, long)
                var ordinateOrder = crsAxisOrder[crs];
                // Get the unit of measure for the crs
                var unitOfMeasure = crsUnitOfMeasure[crs];

                // Create a new WMTS tile schema
                var tileSchema = new WmtsTileSchema();

                // Add the resolutions
                foreach (var tileMatrix in tileMatrixSet.TileMatrix)
                    tileSchema.Resolutions.Add(ToResolution(tileMatrix, ordinateOrder, unitOfMeasure.ToMeter, ss));

                tileSchema.Extent = ToExtent(tileMatrixSet, tileSchema, GetOrdinateOrder(bbaoi, ordinateOrder));

                // Fill in the remaining properties
                tileSchema.Name         = tileMatrixSet.Identifier.Value;
                tileSchema.YAxis        = YAxis.OSM;
                tileSchema.Srs          = supportedCrs;
                tileSchema.SupportedSRS = crs;

                // record the tile schema