Beispiel #1
 public double Integrate(BoundaryElement <T> elem, T eta, Func <T, T, double> f, bool etaOnElement = false)
     if (etaOnElement && eta is Point2D)
         // TODO : works properly only for f == Ln(|x-y|). Improve for derivates also.
         // TODO : this is harcode. It uses fact that eta = element.Center, and hence eta=(fi1(0), fi2(0)), where fi1, fi2 - interpolation functions.
         var t    = 0;
         var etaY = elem.Yakobian(new Point1D(t));
         var exactIntegralPart = GetExactPart(t);
         return(elem.GetIntegrationPoints(n).Sum(p => f(eta, p.Point) * (p.Jacobian - etaY))
                - etaY * exactIntegralPart);
     return(elem.GetIntegrationPoints(n).Sum(p => p.Weight * p.Jacobian * f(eta, p.Point)));
Beispiel #2
 public double Integrate(BoundaryElement <T> elem1, BoundaryElement <T> elem2, Func <T, T, double> f)
              p1 =>
              elem2.GetIntegrationPoints(n + 2).Sum(
                  p2 => p1.Weight * p2.Weight * p1.Jacobian * p2.Jacobian * f(p1.Point, p2.Point))));
Beispiel #3
 public double Integrate(BoundaryElement <T> elem, T eta, Func <T, double> f, Func <T, T, double> fundamental)
     return(elem.GetIntegrationPoints(n).Sum(p => p.Weight * p.Jacobian * f(p.Point) * fundamental(eta, p.Point)));