Beispiel #1
        public async Task BotFlow_BuildSimpleDataStructure_Verify()
            var myBotFlow =
                BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Hello! Do you want milk?", "")
                            BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here's your milk."))
                            BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Well, then what do you want?")
                                        BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here are your cookies"))
                                        BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here are your waffles"))
                                        BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Sorry, I don't have anything else for breakfast!")))
                .FinishWith("You have been served breakfast!");

            (await myBotFlow.GetMessage()).Should().Be("Hello! Do you want milk?");
            myBotFlow.CompletionMessage.Should().Be("You have been served breakfast!");
            (await myBotFlow.Options[0].NextFlow.GetMessage()).Should().Be("Here's your milk.");
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <Message> Post([FromBody] Message message)
            if (message.Type == "Message")
                var wrongAnswerBotFlow = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Wrong answer!")
                                         .Do(() =>
                    /* Report score to the server */
                var finishedBotFlow = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Very nice! You got all questions right!")
                                      .Do(() =>
                    /* Report score to the server */

                var thirdQuestionBotFlow = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Nice answer! Now a tough one: How much is 7 * 7?")
                                           .WithOption("49", finishedBotFlow)
                                           .WithOption("54", wrongAnswerBotFlow)
                                           .WithOption("11", wrongAnswerBotFlow);

                var secondQuestion = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Now a tough one: How much is 10 / 5?")
                                     .WithOption("2", thirdQuestionBotFlow)
                                     .Do(() =>
                    /* Report score to the server */
                                     .WithOption("5", wrongAnswerBotFlow)
                                     .WithOption("1", wrongAnswerBotFlow);

                var firstQuestion = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Let's do this! How much is 2 + 1?")
                                    .WithOption("1", wrongAnswerBotFlow)
                                    .WithOption("3", secondQuestion)
                                    .WithOption("4", wrongAnswerBotFlow);

                var botflow = BotFlow.DisplayMessage("This is a small math quiz - are you ready?")
                              .WithOption("Yes", firstQuestion)
                              .WithOption("No", BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Call me when you're ready!"))
                              .FinishWith("Thanks for playing!");

                return(await Conversation.SendAsync(message, () => botflow.BuildDialogChain()));
        public async Task <Message> Post([FromBody] Message message)
            if (message.Type == "Message")
                BotFlow myBotFlow =
                    BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Hello I am breakfastbot and will do my best to serve you breakfast! Do you want milk?")
                                BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here's your milk.")
                                .Do(() => Ordering.OrderMilk()))
                                BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Well, then what do you want? ;)")
                                            BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here are your cookies")
                                            .Do(() => Ordering.OrderCookies()))
                                            BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Here are your waffles")
                                            .Do(() => Ordering.OrderWaffles()))
                                            BotFlow.CalculateMessage(async() =>
                    // Retrieve breakfast from database
                    string top10Breakfasts = await DatabaseLookup.GetTop10Breakfasts();
                    return("Maybe you want some ideas - here are the top 10 breakfasts according to our database: " + top10Breakfasts +
                           ". Do any of these sound good?");
                                                        BotFlow.DisplayMessage("Great! Click here to browse to our breakfast webpage to find them.")
                                                        .WithOptionLink("Breakfast website", "")
                                                        BotFlow.DisplayMessage("You must be kidding - everybody likes breakfast!")
                    .FinishWith("Have a great day!");

                return(await Conversation.SendAsync(message, () => myBotFlow.BuildDialogChain()));
