Beispiel #1
        public void AppHostShowsErrorWhenGivenSubcommandWasNotFoundInProjectJson(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeHomeDir   = TestUtils.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);
            var projectStructure = @"{
  'project.json': '{ }'

            using (runtimeHomeDir)
                using (var projectPath = TestUtils.CreateTempDir())

                    string stdOut, stdErr;
                    var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                        arguments: $"{projectPath} invalid",
                        stdOut: out stdOut,
                        stdErr: out stdErr,
                        environment: new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { EnvironmentNames.AppBase, projectPath }

                    Assert.NotEqual(0, exitCode);
                    Assert.Contains("Unable to load application or execute command 'invalid'.", stdErr);
Beispiel #2
        public void AppHostReturnsZeroExitCodeWhenHelpOptionWasGiven(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeHomeDir = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            string stdOut, stdErr;
            var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                arguments: "--help",
                stdOut: out stdOut,
                stdErr: out stdErr);

            Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);
Beispiel #3
        public void AppHostReturnsNonZeroExitCodeWhenNoSubCommandWasGiven(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeHomeDir = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            string stdOut, stdErr;
            var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                arguments: string.Empty,
                stdOut: out stdOut,
                stdErr: out stdErr);

            Assert.NotEqual(0, exitCode);
Beispiel #4
        public void AppHostShowsVersionAndReturnsZeroExitCodeWhenVersionOptionWasGiven(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeHomeDir = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            string stdOut, stdErr;
            var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                arguments: "--version",
                stdOut: out stdOut,
                stdErr: out stdErr);

            Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);
            Assert.Contains(TestUtils.GetRuntimeVersion(), stdOut);
Beispiel #5
        public void AppHostShowsErrorWhenNoProjectJsonWasFound(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            using (var runtimeHomeDir = TestUtils.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture))
                using (var emptyFolder = TestUtils.CreateTempDir())
                    string stdOut, stdErr;
                    var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                        arguments: $"{emptyFolder} run",
                        stdOut: out stdOut,
                        stdErr: out stdErr);

                    Assert.NotEqual(0, exitCode);
                    Assert.Contains("Unable to resolve project", stdErr);
Beispiel #6
        public void AppHostShowsErrorWhenCurrentTargetFrameworkWasNotFoundInProjectJson(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeTargetFrameworkString    = flavor == "coreclr" ? FrameworkNames.LongNames.DnxCore50 : FrameworkNames.LongNames.Dnx451;
            var runtimeTargetFramework          = new FrameworkName(runtimeTargetFrameworkString);
            var runtimeTargetFrameworkShortName = VersionUtility.GetShortFrameworkName(runtimeTargetFramework);
            var runtimeType = flavor == "coreclr" ? "CoreCLR" : "CLR";

            runtimeType = RuntimeEnvironmentHelper.IsMono ? "Mono" : runtimeType;
            var runtimeHomeDir      = TestUtils.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);
            var projectJsonContents = @"{
  ""frameworks"": {
    ""FRAMEWORK_NAME"": { }
}".Replace("FRAMEWORK_NAME", flavor == "coreclr" ? "dnx451" : "dnxcore50");

            using (runtimeHomeDir)
                using (var projectPath = new DisposableDir())
                    var projectName     = new DirectoryInfo(projectPath).Name;
                    var projectJsonPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, Project.ProjectFileName);
                    File.WriteAllText(projectJsonPath, projectJsonContents);

                    string stdOut, stdErr;
                    var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                        arguments: $"{projectPath} run",
                        stdOut: out stdOut,
                        stdErr: out stdErr);

                    var expectedErrorMsg = $@"The current runtime target framework is not compatible with '{projectName}'.

Current runtime Target Framework: '{runtimeTargetFramework} ({runtimeTargetFrameworkShortName})'
  Type: {runtimeType}
  Architecture: {architecture ?? TestUtils.CurrentRuntimeEnvironment.RuntimeArchitecture}
  Version: {TestUtils.GetRuntimeVersion()}

Please make sure the runtime matches a framework specified in {Project.ProjectFileName}";

                    Assert.NotEqual(0, exitCode);
                    Assert.Contains(expectedErrorMsg, stdErr);
Beispiel #7
        public void AppHostShowsErrorWhenCurrentTargetFrameworkWasNotFoundInProjectJson(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var runtimeTargetFrameworkString    = flavor == "coreclr" ? FrameworkNames.LongNames.DnxCore50 : FrameworkNames.LongNames.Dnx451;
            var runtimeTargetFramework          = new FrameworkName(runtimeTargetFrameworkString);
            var runtimeTargetFrameworkShortName = VersionUtility.GetShortFrameworkName(runtimeTargetFramework);
            var runtimeType = flavor == "coreclr" ? "CoreCLR" : "CLR";

            runtimeType = RuntimeEnvironmentHelper.IsMono ? "Mono" : runtimeType;
            var runtimeHomeDir      = TestUtils.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);
            var projectJsonContents = @"{
  ""frameworks"": {
    ""FRAMEWORK_NAME"": { }
}".Replace("FRAMEWORK_NAME", flavor == "coreclr" ? "dnx451" : "dnxcore50");

            using (runtimeHomeDir)
                using (var projectPath = new DisposableDir())
                    var projectName     = new DirectoryInfo(projectPath).Name;
                    var projectJsonPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, Project.ProjectFileName);
                    File.WriteAllText(projectJsonPath, projectJsonContents);

                    string stdOut, stdErr;
                    var    exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                        arguments: $"run",
                        stdOut: out stdOut,
                        stdErr: out stdErr,
                        workingDir: projectPath);

                    // TODO: add complete error message check when OS version information is consistent on CoreCLR and CLR
                    var expectedErrorMsg = $@"The current runtime target framework is not compatible with '{projectName}'.";

                    Assert.NotEqual(0, exitCode);
                    Assert.Contains(expectedErrorMsg, stdErr);
Beispiel #8
        public void AppHost_ExecutesCommands(
            string flavor,
            string os,
            string architecture,
            string command,
            string expectedOutput)
            var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "DNX_TRACE", "0" },

            var projectName      = "Project Name";
            var projectStructure =
  '.': ['Program.cs', '{ Project.ProjectFileName }']
            var programContents =
                @"using System;

namespace Project_Name
    public class Program
        public void Main(string[] arguments)
            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                var argument = arguments[i];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument))
                    Console.WriteLine($""{ i }: '{ argument }'"");
            var projectJsonContents =
  ""commands"": {{
    ""one"": ""\""{ projectName }\"" one two"",
    ""two"": ""\""{ projectName }\"" ^>three &&>>^\"""",
    ""three"": ""\""{ projectName }\"" four \""argument five\""""
  ""frameworks"" : {{
    ""dnx451"": {{ }}

            using (var applicationRoot = TestUtils.CreateTempDir())
                var projectPath = Path.Combine(applicationRoot, projectName);
                .WithFileContents("Program.cs", programContents)
                .WithFileContents(Project.ProjectFileName, projectJsonContents)
                var runtimeHomePath = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

                var exitCode = DnuTestUtils.ExecDnu(
                    subcommand: "restore",
                    arguments: null,
                    environment: environment,
                    workingDir: projectPath);
                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode); // Guard

                string output;
                string error;
                exitCode = BootstrapperTestUtils.ExecBootstrapper(
                    arguments: $@" { command } extra",
                    stdOut: out output,
                    stdErr: out error,
                    environment: environment,
                    workingDir: projectPath);

                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);
                Assert.Equal(expectedOutput, output);