public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new BookStoreAPIContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <BookStoreAPIContext> >()))
                // Look for any book
                if (context.Books.Any())
                    return;   // Data was already seeded

                    new Book
                    Id          = 1,
                    Title       = "C# in Depth",
                    Description = "C# in Depth, Fourth Edition is your key to unlocking the powerful new features added to the language " +
                                  "in C# 5, 6, and 7. Following the expert guidance of C# legend Jon Skeet, you'll master asynchronous functions, " +
                                  "expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, tuples, and much more.",
                    Author     = "Jon Skeet",
                    CoverImage = "CoverImage/CSharp.jpg",
                    Price      = 37.49M
                    new Book
                    Id          = 2,
                    Title       = "JavaScript: The Good Parts",
                    Description = "Considered the JavaScript expert by many people in the development community, author Douglas Crockford " +
                                  "identifies the abundance of good ideas that make JavaScript an outstanding object-oriented programming " +
                                  "language-ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and an expressive object literal notation. " +
                                  "Unfortunately, these good ideas are mixed in with bad and downright awful ideas, like a programming model " +
                                  "based on global variables.",
                    Author     = "Douglas Crockford",
                    CoverImage = "CoverImage/Javascript.jpg",
                    Price      = 21.59M

 public BooksController(BookStoreAPIContext context)
     _context = context;