Beispiel #1
        public void AddRating_GivenOutOfRangeRating_ThrowsError(int inputRating)
            // Arrange
            var bookLibrary = new BookLibrary();

            bookLibrary.Add("A Tale of Two Cities");
            bookLibrary.Add("Fellowship of the Ring");
            bookLibrary.Add("Pride and Prejudice and Zombies");

            // Act
            var exception = Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                                                                        bookLibrary.AddRating(1, inputRating));

            exception.Message.Should().Contain("Rating needs to be a number from 1 and 10");
Beispiel #2
        public void AddRating_GivenValidBookIdAndRating_AddsRatingToBook()
            // Arrange
            var expectedRating = 5;
            var bookLibrary    = new BookLibrary();

            bookLibrary.Add("A Tale of Two Cities");
            bookLibrary.Add("Fellowship of the Ring");
            bookLibrary.Add("Pride and Prejudice and Zombies");

            // Act
            bookLibrary.AddRating(1, expectedRating);

            // Assert
            var actual = bookLibrary.Get(1);
