/// <summary>
        /// Try the number of times given to make the ePUB before letting an ApplicationException be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The ExportEpubTests (including ExportEpubWithVideoTests and EpubValidAndAccessible) fail rather
        /// consistently (but not always) on Linux even though they always succeed on Windows.  The failure
        /// mode is always having an ApplicationException thrown from inside PublishHelper.IsDisplayed
        /// while making the ePUB with the message "Failure to completely load visibility document in
        /// RemoveUnwantedContent".  Converting all three subclasses to single class removed this failure
        /// mode on Linux, but introduced a failure mode on Windows where every test run reported two
        /// failures in this set of tests.  Various attempts with lock on Mutex on the MakeEpub method
        /// had little to no effect.  Implementing this retry method is the only solution that I've come
        /// up with that appears to work on both platforms.  A test run of 20 times through all the export
        /// ePUB tests showed that no more than two tries were ever needed to succeed, but two tries were
        /// needed at least once per run on average.
        /// </remarks>
        protected ZipFile MakeEpubWithRetries(int maxRetry, string mainFileName, string folderName, Bloom.Book.Book book,
                                              BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions howToPublishImageDescriptions = BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions.None,
                                              string branding = "Default", Action <EpubMaker> extraInit = null)
            ZipFile zipFile = null;

            for (int i = 1; i <= maxRetry; ++i)
                    zipFile = MakeEpub(mainFileName, folderName, book, howToPublishImageDescriptions, branding, extraInit);
                    if (i > 1)
                        Console.WriteLine($"MakeEpub(\"{mainFileName}\",\"{folderName}\",...) succeeded on try number {i} to load the visibility document.");
                catch (ApplicationException e)
                    if (e.Message == "Failure to completely load visibility document in RemoveUnwantedContent")
                        if (i < maxRetry)
                        Console.WriteLine($"MakeEpub(\"{mainFileName}\",\"{folderName}\",...) failed {maxRetry} times to complete loading the visibility document.");
Beispiel #2
        private void HandleImageDescriptions(HtmlDom htmlDom, BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions howTo = BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions.None)
            var obj = new PrivateObject(new Bloom.Publish.Epub.EpubMaker(null, null));

            obj.SetFieldOrProperty("PublishImageDescriptions", howTo);
            obj.Invoke("HandleImageDescriptions", htmlDom);
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an ePUB out of the specified book. Sets up several instance variables with commonly useful parts of the results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual ZipFile MakeEpub(string mainFileName, string folderName, Bloom.Book.Book book,
                                           BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions howToPublishImageDescriptions = BookInfo.HowToPublishImageDescriptions.None,
                                           string branding = "Default", Action <EpubMaker> extraInit = null)
            book.CollectionSettings.BrandingProjectKey = branding;

            // BringBookUpToDate is done on entering the Publish tab, outside the scope of these tests.
            // But note that it must be done AFTER setting the branding (which in Bloom will happen well before
            // entering the Publish tab).
            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            var epubFolder = new TemporaryFolder(folderName);
            var epubName   = mainFileName + ".epub";
            var epubPath   = Path.Combine(epubFolder.FolderPath, epubName);

            using (var maker = CreateEpubMaker(book))
                maker.Unpaginated = true;                 // Currently we always make unpaginated epubs.
                maker.PublishImageDescriptions = howToPublishImageDescriptions;
                maker.SaveEpub(epubPath, new NullWebSocketProgress());
            _epub               = new ZipFile(epubPath);
            _manifestFile       = ExportEpubTestsBaseClass.GetManifestFile(_epub);
            _manifestContent    = StripXmlHeader(GetZipContent(_epub, _manifestFile));
            _manifestDoc        = XDocument.Parse(_manifestContent);
            _defaultSourceValue = $"created from Bloom book on {DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd} with page size A5 Portrait";