Beispiel #1
 public async Task AddBookstoreHistory([FromBody] LogParameters parameters)
     var history = new BookHistory {
         UserLogin = User.Identity.Name, Action = parameters.UserAction, BookId = parameters.BookId
     await _service.AddBookstoreHistoryAsync(history);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// When the user edits the pending checkin message, save it away in the book history database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        private void HandleCheckinMessage(ApiRequest request)
            var message = request.GetPostStringOrNull() ?? "";

            BookHistory.SetPendingCheckinMessage(request.CurrentBook, message);
        public void Delete(BookHistory bookHistoryRecord)
            var existed = _context.BookHistoryRecords.Find(bookHistoryRecord.Id);


        public void UploadBook()
            _uploadWorker         = new BackgroundWorker();
            _uploadWorker.DoWork += BackgroundUpload;
            _uploadWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _uploadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted   += (theWorker, completedEvent) =>
                // Return all controls to normal state. (Do this first, just in case we get some further exception somehow.)
                // I believe the event is guaranteed to be raised, even if something in the worker thread throws,
                // so there should be no way to get stuck in the state where the tabs etc. are disabled.
                // Don't call UpdateDisplay, it will wipe out the progress messages.
                if (_progressBox.CancelRequested)
                                                       LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.Cancelled", "Upload was cancelled"));
                    if (completedEvent.Error != null)
                        string errorMessage = GetBasicErrorUploadingMessage();
                        _progressBox.WriteError(errorMessage, _model.Title);
                    else if ((string)completedEvent.Result == "quiet")
                        // no more reporting, sufficient message already given.
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)completedEvent.Result))
                        // Something went wrong, possibly already reported.
                        if (!_model.PdfGenerationSucceeded)
                        var    url             = BloomLibraryUrlPrefix + "/my-books/book/" + _parseId;
                        string congratsMessage = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.UploadCompleteNotice",
                                                                               "Congratulations, \"{0}\" is now available on ({1})",
                                                                               "{0} is the book title; {1} is a clickable url which will display the book on the website");
                        _progressBox.WriteMessageWithColor(Color.Blue, congratsMessage, _model.Title, url);
                        BookHistory.AddEvent(_model.Book, BookHistoryEventType.Uploaded, "Book uploaded to Bloom Library");

                _uploadWorker = null;
            SetStateOfNonUploadControls(false);             // Last thing we do before launching the worker, so we can't get stuck in this state.
Beispiel #5
        public void ReturnABook(BookHistory borrowedbook)
            var bookHistory = _context.BookHistory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookHistoryId == borrowedbook.BookHistoryId);

            bookHistory.DateIn = DateTime.Now;

        public async void GetBookHistory()
            var result = await bookManager.GetBookTransactionHistory(SelectedBook.BookId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var record in result)
Beispiel #7
        public static void Borrow(Book book, Reader reader)
            BookHistory history = new BookHistory();

            history.BorrowedDate = DateTime.Today;
            history.Book         = book;
            history.Reader       = reader;

            DiContainer.Container.Resolve <BookHistoryRepository>().Save(history);
Beispiel #8
        public void CreateLend(Book book, User borrower)
            BookHistory bookHistory = new BookHistory();

            bookHistory.BookId  = book.BookId;
            bookHistory.UserId  = borrower.UserId;
            bookHistory.DateOut = DateTime.Now;

Beispiel #9
        public async Task AddReviewAsync(string bookId)
            var history = new BookHistory
                BookId   = bookId,
                ReadyBy  = _tenantContext.User,
                ReadDate = DateTime.UtcNow

            await _dbRepo.AddAsync(history);
Beispiel #10
    public static List <BookHistoryEvent> GetBookEvents(BookInfo bookInfo)
        var events = BookHistory.GetHistory(bookInfo);

        // add in the title, which isn't in the database (this could done in a way that involves less duplication)
        events.ForEach(e =>
            e.Title         = bookInfo.Title;
            e.ThumbnailPath = Path.Combine(bookInfo.FolderPath, "thumbnail.png").ToLocalhost();
Beispiel #11
        public void Save(BookHistory item)
            if (item.Id == 0)
                _connectDb.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;

Beispiel #12
        public static bool ReaderReturnBook(int bookId)
            BookHistory history = DiContainer.Container.Resolve <BookHistoryRepository>().GetLastRecord(bookId);

            if (history == null)

            history.ReturnDate = DateTime.Today;
            DiContainer.Container.Resolve <BookHistoryRepository>().Save(history);

        public void Update(BookHistory bookHistoryRecord)
            var existed = _context

            existed.BookId              = bookHistoryRecord.BookId;
            existed.AltitudeCoordinate  = bookHistoryRecord.AltitudeCoordinate;
            existed.LongtiudeCoordinate = bookHistoryRecord.LongtiudeCoordinate;
            existed.UserId              = bookHistoryRecord.UserId;
            existed.GetBookOn           = bookHistoryRecord.GetBookOn;
            existed.GiveBookOn          = bookHistoryRecord.GiveBookOn;

Beispiel #14
        public IActionResult BooksHistory(Guid Id)
            var book    = _context.Books.First(x => x.Id == Id);
            var history = _context.Histories.Where(x => x.BookId == Id);
            var readers = _context.Readers.Where(x => history.Any(y => y.ReaderId == x.Id));

            BookHistory bookHistory = new BookHistory()
                Book      = book,
                Histories = history.ToList(),
                Readers   = readers.ToList()

Beispiel #15
        public IHttpActionResult bookinghistory(string mail)
                var user = db.User_Master.Where(x => x.email_id == mail).FirstOrDefault();
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                if (user == null)
                    return(BadRequest("User Not Found"));

                var            bh        = db.sp_booked_history(user.userid).ToArray();
                BookHistory [] histarray = new BookHistory[bh.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < bh.Length; i++)
                    var         seatn = db.sp_seatsbooked(bh[i].transaction_id);
                    var         seats = seatn.ToArray();
                    BookHistory b     = new BookHistory();
                    b.flight_number       = bh[i].flight_number;
                    b.transaction_id      = bh[i].transaction_id;
                    b.number_of_seats     = bh[i].number_of_seats;
                    b.travel_date         = bh[i].travel_date;
                    b.arrival_location    = bh[i].arrival_location;
                    b.departure_location  = bh[i].departure_location;
                    b.departure_time      = bh[i].departure_time;
                    b.arrival_time        = bh[i].arrival_time;
                    b.booking_date        = bh[i].booking_date;
                    b.cancellation_status = bh[i].cancellation_status;
                    b.duration            = bh[i].duration;
                    b.amount     = bh[i].amount;
                    b.seat_type  = bh[i].seat_type;
                    b.seats      = seats;
                    histarray[i] = b;

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This is our primary entry point for importing from a spreadsheet. There is also a CLI command,
        /// but we shouldn't need that one much, now that we have this on our book thumb context menus.
        /// </summary>
        public void HandleImportContentFromSpreadsheet(Book.Book book)
            if (!_collectionModel.CollectionSettings.HaveEnterpriseFeatures)
                Enterprise.ShowRequiresEnterpriseNotice(Form.ActiveForm, "Import to Spreadsheet");

            var bookPath = book.GetPathHtmlFile();

                string inputFilepath;
                using (var dlg = new DialogAdapters.OpenFileDialogAdapter())
                    dlg.Filter           = "xlsx|*.xlsx";
                    dlg.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    dlg.InitialDirectory = GetSpreadsheetFolderFor(book, false);
                    if (DialogResult.Cancel == dlg.ShowDialog())
                    inputFilepath = dlg.FileName;
                    var spreadsheetFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFilepath);
                    SetSpreadsheetFolder(book, spreadsheetFolder);

                var importer = new SpreadsheetImporter(_webSocketServer, book, Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFilepath));

                // The importer now does BringBookUpToDate() which accomplishes everything this did,
                // plus it may have actually changed the folder (and subsequent 'bookPath')
                // due to a newly imported title. That would cause this call to fail.
                //XmlHtmlConverter.SaveDOMAsHtml5(book.OurHtmlDom.RawDom, bookPath);
                BookHistory.AddEvent(book, TeamCollection.BookHistoryEventType.ImportSpreadsheet);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = LocalizationManager.GetString("Spreadsheet:ImportFailed", "Import failed: ");
                NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.All, PassiveIf.None, msg + ex.Message, exception: ex, showSendReport: false);
Beispiel #17
        private void HandleForceUnlock(ApiRequest request)
            if (!_tcManager.CheckConnection())

                var bookStatus = _tcManager.CurrentCollection.GetStatus(BookFolderName);
                var lockedBy   = bookStatus.lockedByFirstName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lockedBy))
                    lockedBy = bookStatus.lockedBy;
                // Could be a problem if there's no current book or it's not in the collection folder.
                // But in that case, we don't show the UI that leads to this being called.
                BookHistory.AddEvent(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection, BookHistoryEventType.ForcedUnlock, $"Admin force-unlocked while checked out to {lockedBy}.");


                                new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "CollectionId", _settings?.CollectionId },
                    { "CollectionName", _settings?.CollectionName },
                    { "Backend", _tcManager?.CurrentCollection?.GetBackendType() },
                    { "User", CurrentUser },
                    { "BookId", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.ID },
                    { "BookName", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.Title }

            catch (Exception e)
                NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.All, PassiveIf.All, "Could not force unlock", null, e, true);
                request.Failed("could not unlock");
Beispiel #18
    public static IEnumerable <BookHistoryEvent> GetAllEvents(BookCollection collection)
        var all = collection.GetBookInfos().Select(bookInfo =>
            var events = BookHistory.GetHistory(bookInfo);
            // add in the title, which isn't in the database (this could done in a way that involves less duplication)
            events.ForEach(e =>
                e.Title         = bookInfo.Title;
                e.ThumbnailPath = Path.Combine(bookInfo.FolderPath, "thumbnail.png").ToLocalhost();

        // strip out, if there are no events
        var booksWithHistory = from b in all where b.Any() select b;

        return(booksWithHistory.SelectMany(e => e));
Beispiel #19
        public void DuplicateBook(Book.Book book)
            var newBookDir = book.Storage.Duplicate();

            // Get rid of any TC status we copied from the original, so Bloom treats it correctly as a new book.


            var dupInfo = TheOneEditableCollection.GetBookInfos()
                          .FirstOrDefault(info => info.FolderPath == newBookDir);

            if (dupInfo != null)
                var newBook = GetBookFromBookInfo(dupInfo);
                BookHistory.AddEvent(newBook, BookHistoryEventType.Created, $"Duplicated from existing book \"{book.Title}\"");
Beispiel #20
        public void HandleForgetChangesInSelectedBook(ApiRequest request)
                if (!_tcManager.CheckConnection())

                // Enhance: do we need progress here?
                var bookName = Path.GetFileName(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath);
                // Todo before 5.1: forgetting changes might involve undoing a rename.
                // If so, ForgetChanges will return a list of folders affected (up to 3).
                // We need to notify the new collection tab to update its book list
                // and also possibly update the current selection, and in case we undid
                // things in the book, we should update the preview.
                var    modifiedBookFolders = _tcManager.CurrentCollection.ForgetChangesCheckin(bookName);
                string updatedBookFolder   = null;
                var    finalBookName       = bookName;
                if (modifiedBookFolders.Count > 0)
                    updatedBookFolder = modifiedBookFolders[0];
                    finalBookName     = Path.GetFileName(updatedBookFolder);

                if (finalBookName != bookName)

                // We've restored an old meta.json, things might be titles for one.
                // This needs to come AFTER RestoreBookName, which fixes the book's FolderPath
                // so it knows where to load the restored meta.json from. But BEFORE
                // UpdateLabelOfBookInEditableCollection, which wants to use the restored BookInfo
                // to get a name (and fix the one in the Model).
                // We need to do this as early as possible so that as notifications start to
                // go to the UI and it starts to request things from our server the answers are
                // up to date.

                if (finalBookName != bookName)
                BookHistory.SetPendingCheckinMessage(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection, "");
                UpdateUiForBook(reloadFromDisk: false, renamedTo: updatedBookFolder);
                // We need to do this after updating the rest of the UI, so the button we're
                // looking for has been adjusted.
                _tcManager.CurrentCollection.UpdateBookStatus(finalBookName, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msgId      = "TeamCollection.ErrorForgettingChanges";
                var msgEnglish = "Error forgetting changes for {0}: {1}";
                var log        = _tcManager?.CurrentCollection?.MessageLog;
                // Pushing an error into the log will show the Reload Collection button. It's not obvious this
                // is useful here, since we don't know exactly what went wrong. However, it at least gives the user
                // the option to try it.
                if (log != null)
                    log.WriteMessage(MessageAndMilestoneType.Error, msgId, msgEnglish, _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.FolderPath, ex.Message);
                Logger.WriteError(String.Format(msgEnglish, _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.FolderPath, ex.Message), ex);
                request.Failed("forget changes failed");
Beispiel #21
 public void Delete(BookHistory item)
        public HttpResponseMessage AddBook([FromBody] BookModel incomingBook)
                var userId = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(C => C.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

                var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == int.Parse(userId));

                if (user != null)
                    byte[] ImageData = null;
                    if (incomingBook.photoInBinary != null)
                        ImageData = PictureHelper.ConvertToImage(incomingBook.photoInBinary);

                    Book book = new Book
                        CurrentUserId = user.Id,
                        ContributorId = user.Id,
                        Title         =,
                        Author        =,
                        Price         = Convert.ToDecimal(incomingBook.price),
                        Picture       = ImageData != null ? new Data.Models.Picture()
                            ImageData = ImageData,
                            Name      =
                        } : null,
                        BookTypeId = 1,                     //incomingBook.type,
                        GenreId    = 1,                     //incomingBook.genre
                        IsUsable   = true,
                        CreatedOn  = DateTime.UtcNow


                    BookHistory bookHistory = new BookHistory
                        BookId              = book.Id,
                        GetBookOn           = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        UserId              = user.Id,
                        AltitudeCoordinate  = incomingBook.AltitudeCoordinate,
                        LongtiudeCoordinate = incomingBook.LongitudeCoordinate


                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
 public async Task AddBookstoreHistoryAsync(BookHistory history)
     await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Beispiel #24
 public ReaderHistoryDto(BookHistory book)
     BorrowedDate = book.BorrowedDate;
     ReturnDate   = book.ReturnDate;
     BookTitle    = book.Book.Title;
Beispiel #25
 public async Task AddBookstoreHistoryAsync(BookHistory history)
     await _repository.AddBookstoreHistoryAsync(history);
Beispiel #26
 public BookHistoryDto(BookHistory book)
     BorrowedDate = book.BorrowedDate;
     ReturnDate   = book.ReturnDate;
     ReaderName   = $"{book.Reader.Name} {book.Reader.Surname}";
        public void Insert(BookHistory bookHistoryRecord)

Beispiel #28
        public void HandleCheckInCurrentBook(ApiRequest request)
            Action <float> reportCheckinProgress = (fraction) =>
                dynamic messageBundle = new DynamicJson();
                messageBundle.fraction = fraction;
                _socketServer.SendBundle("checkinProgress", "progress", messageBundle);
                // The status panel is supposed to be showing a progress bar in response to getting the bundle,
                // but since we're doing the checkin on the UI thread, it doesn't get painted without this.

                // Right before calling this API, the status panel makes a change that
                // should make the progress bar visible. But this method is running on
                // the UI thread so without this call it won't appear until later, when
                // we have Application.DoEvents() as part of reporting progress. We do
                // quite a bit on large books before the first file is written to the
                // zip, so one more DoEvents() here lets the bar appear at once.
                if (!_tcManager.CheckConnection())

                var bookName = Path.GetFileName(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath);
                if (_tcManager.CurrentCollection.OkToCheckIn(bookName))
                    _tcManager.CurrentCollection.PutBook(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath, true, false, reportCheckinProgress);
                    reportCheckinProgress(0);                     // cleans up panel for next time
                    // review: not super happy about this being here in the api. Was stymied by
                    // PutBook not knowing about the actual book object, but maybe that could be passed in.
                    BookHistory.AddEvent(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection, BookHistoryEventType.CheckIn);

                    _tcManager.CurrentCollection.PutBook(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath, checkin: true);

                                    new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "CollectionId", _settings?.CollectionId },
                        { "CollectionName", _settings?.CollectionName },
                        { "Backend", _tcManager?.CurrentCollection?.GetBackendType() },
                        { "User", CurrentUser },
                        { "BookId", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection.ID },
                        { "BookName", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection.Title }
                    // We can't check in! The system has broken down...perhaps conflicting checkouts while offline.
                    // Save our version in Lost-and-Found
                    _tcManager.CurrentCollection.PutBook(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.FolderPath, false, true, reportCheckinProgress);
                    reportCheckinProgress(0);                     // cleans up panel for next time
                    // overwrite it with the current repo version.
                    _tcManager.CurrentCollection.CopyBookFromRepoToLocal(bookName, dialogOnError: true);
                    // Force a full reload of the book from disk and update the UI to match.
                    _bookSelection.SelectBook(_bookServer.GetBookFromBookInfo(_bookSelection.CurrentSelection.BookInfo, true));
                    var msg = LocalizationManager.GetString("TeamCollection.ConflictingEditOrCheckout",
                                                            "Someone else has edited this book or checked it out even though you were editing it! Your changes have been saved to Lost and Found");
                                    new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "CollectionId", _settings?.CollectionId },
                        { "CollectionName", _settings?.CollectionName },
                        { "Backend", _tcManager?.CurrentCollection?.GetBackendType() },
                        { "User", CurrentUser },
                        { "BookId", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.ID },
                        { "BookName", _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.Title }

            catch (Exception e)
                reportCheckinProgress(0);                 // cleans up panel progress indicator
                var msgId      = "TeamCollection.ErrorCheckingBookIn";
                var msgEnglish = "Error checking in {0}: {1}";
                var log        = _tcManager?.CurrentCollection?.MessageLog;
                // Pushing an error into the log will show the Reload Collection button. It's not obvious this
                // is useful here, since we don't know exactly what went wrong. However, it at least gives the user
                // the option to try it.
                if (log != null)
                    log.WriteMessage(MessageAndMilestoneType.Error, msgId, msgEnglish, _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.FolderPath, e.Message);
                Logger.WriteError(String.Format(msgEnglish, _bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.FolderPath, e.Message), e);
                NonFatalProblem.ReportSentryOnly(e, $"Something went wrong for {request.LocalPath()} ({_bookSelection?.CurrentSelection?.FolderPath})");
                request.Failed("checkin failed");
Beispiel #29
        // Needs to be thread-safe
        private string GetBookStatusJson(string bookFolderName, Book.Book book)
            string   whoHasBookLocked = null;
            DateTime whenLocked       = DateTime.MaxValue;
            bool     problem          = false;
            // bookFolderName may be null when no book is selected, e.g., after deleting one.
            var status = bookFolderName == null ? null :_tcManager.CurrentCollection?.GetStatus(bookFolderName);
            // At this level, we know this is the path to the .bloom file in the repo
            // (though if we implement another backend, we'll have to generalize the notion somehow).
            // For the Javascript, it's just an argument to pass to
            // CommonMessages.GetPleaseClickHereForHelpMessage(). It's only used if hasInvalidRepoData is non-empty.
            string clickHereArg = "";
            var    folderTC     = _tcManager.CurrentCollection as FolderTeamCollection;

            if (folderTC != null && bookFolderName != null)
                clickHereArg = UrlPathString.CreateFromUnencodedString(folderTC.GetPathToBookFileInRepo(bookFolderName))

            string hasInvalidRepoData = (status?.hasInvalidRepoData ?? false) ?
                                : "";

            if (bookFolderName == null)
                    // Keep this in sync with IBookTeamCollectionStatus defined in TeamCollectionApi.tsx
                    who = "",
                    whoFirstName = "",
                    whoSurname = "",
                    when = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),
                    where = "",
                    currentUser = CurrentUser,
                    currentUserName = TeamCollectionManager.CurrentUserFirstName,
                    currentMachine = TeamCollectionManager.CurrentMachine,
                    problem = "",
                    hasInvalidRepoData = false,
                    clickHereArg = "",
                    changedRemotely = false,
                    disconnected = false,
                    newLocalBook = true,
                    checkinMessage = "",
                    isUserAdmin = _tcManager.OkToEditCollectionSettings

            bool newLocalBook = false;

                whoHasBookLocked =
                // It's debatable whether to use CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected everywhere. For now, I've only changed
                // it for the two bits of information actually needed by the status panel when disconnected.
                whenLocked = _tcManager.CurrentCollection?.WhenWasBookLocked(bookFolderName) ??
                if (whoHasBookLocked == TeamCollection.FakeUserIndicatingNewBook)
                    // This situation comes about from two different scenarios:
                    // 1) The user is creating a new book and TeamCollection status doesn't matter
                    // 2) The user is trying to check out an existing book and TeamCollectionManager
                    //    discovers [through CheckConnection()] that it is suddenly in a disconnected
                    //    state.
                    // In both cases, the current selected book is in view. The only way to tell
                    // these two situations apart is that in (1) book.IsSaveable is true
                    // and in (2) it is not.
                    // Or, book may be null because we're just getting a status to show in the list
                    // of all books. In that case, book is null, but it's fairly safe to assume it's a new local book.
                    if (book?.IsSaveable ?? true)
                        whoHasBookLocked = CurrentUser;
                        newLocalBook     = true;
                        whoHasBookLocked = null;
                problem = _tcManager.CurrentCollection?.HasLocalChangesThatMustBeClobbered(bookFolderName) ?? false;
            catch (Exception e) when(e is ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException || e is IOException)
                hasInvalidRepoData = (_tcManager.CurrentCollection as FolderTeamCollection)?.GetCouldNotOpenCorruptZipMessage();

            // If the request asked for the book by name, we don't have an actual Book object.
            // However, it happens that those requests don't need the checkinMessage.
            var checkinMessage = book == null ? "" : BookHistory.GetPendingCheckinMessage(book);

                // Keep this in sync with IBookTeamCollectionStatus defined in TeamCollectionApi.tsx
                who = whoHasBookLocked,
                whoFirstName = _tcManager.CurrentCollection?.WhoHasBookLockedFirstName(bookFolderName),
                whoSurname = _tcManager.CurrentCollection?.WhoHasBookLockedSurname(bookFolderName),
                when = whenLocked.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString(),
                where = _tcManager.CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected?.WhatComputerHasBookLocked(bookFolderName),
                currentUser = CurrentUser,
                currentUserName = TeamCollectionManager.CurrentUserFirstName,
                currentMachine = TeamCollectionManager.CurrentMachine,
                changedRemotely = _tcManager.CurrentCollection?.HasBeenChangedRemotely(bookFolderName),
                disconnected = _tcManager.CurrentCollectionEvenIfDisconnected?.IsDisconnected,
                isUserAdmin = _tcManager.OkToEditCollectionSettings
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Aproves Book recieved by requester who received the book from previous owner.Could be called by requster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookRecieved"></param>
        /// <returns>HttpResponseMessage OK/BadRequest</returns>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> BookRecieved([FromBody] BookReceivedModel bookRecieved)
            if (bookRecieved == null)
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

                var userId = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(C => C.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

                var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == int.Parse(userId));

                if (user == null)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));

                Deal deal = await _context.Deals.Where(d => d.Id == bookRecieved.DealId).Include(d => d.Book).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                deal.DealStatusId = (int?)DealHelper.Status.RECIEVED;
                deal.ModifiedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                deal.ExpiredOn    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(_context.DealStatuses.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == (int?)DealHelper.Status.RECIEVED).ExpirationTime);

                if (deal.Book == null)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

                deal.Book.CurrentUserId = user.Id;

                var bookHistoryPrevous = await _context.BookHistoryRecords
                                         .Where(bh => bh.BookId == deal.BookId)
                                         .OrderByDescending(bh => bh.GetBookOn)

                if (bookHistoryPrevous == null)
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

                bookHistoryPrevous.GiveBookOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

                BookHistory bookHistoryNew = new BookHistory
                    BookId              = deal.BookId,
                    UserId              = deal.AcceptorId,
                    GetBookOn           = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    LongtiudeCoordinate = bookRecieved.LongtiudeCoordinate,
                    AltitudeCoordinate  = bookRecieved.AltitudeCoordinate



                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));