public async void Task_Add_Category_Return_OkResult()
            var controller = new BookCategoryController(context);
            var bk         = new BookCategory()
                BookCategoryName        = "English",
                BookCategoryDescription = "English Desc",
                BookCategoryImage       = "img333"


            var data = await controller.Post(bk);

            Assert.IsType <CreatedAtActionResult>(data);
        public async void Task_Add_BookCategory_Return_BadRequest()
            var controller   = new BookCategoryController(context);
            var bookCategory = new BookCategory()
                BookCategoryName        = "AutoBiography",
                BookCategoryDescription = "An account of a person's life written by that person.",
                BookCategoryImage       = ""


            var data = await controller.Post(bookCategory);

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(data);
        public async void Task_Add_Category_Return_BadRequest()
            var controller = new BookCategoryController(context);
            var bk         = new BookCategory()
                BookCategoryName        = "MathsMathsMathsMathsMathsMaths",
                BookCategoryDescription = "Maths Desc",
                BookCategoryImage       = "pic123"


            var data = await controller.Post(bk);

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(data);
        public async void Task_Add_BookCategory_Return_OkResult()
            var controller   = new BookCategoryController(context);
            var bookCategory = new BookCategory()
                //BookCategoryName = "Mystery",
                //BookCategoryDescription = "Mystery fiction is a genre of fiction usually involving a mysterious death or a crime to be solved. Often with a closed circle of suspects, each suspect is usually provided with a credible motive and a reasonable opportunity for committing the crime.",
                //BookCategoryImage = "123"

                BookCategoryName        = "Autobiography",
                BookCategoryDescription = "An account of a person's life written by that person.",
                BookCategoryImage       = ""


            var data = await controller.Post(bookCategory);

            Assert.IsType <CreatedAtActionResult>(data);