public void TestCreateBookWithExistingAuthorSavedToDatabase()
            var options = SqliteInMemory.CreateOptions <EfCoreContext>();

            using var context = new EfCoreContext(options);

            context.Add(new Author {
                Name = "Mr. A"

            var foundAuthor = context.Authors                                     //#A
                              .SingleOrDefault(author => author.Name == "Mr. A"); //#A

            if (foundAuthor == null)                                              //#A
                throw new Exception("Author not found");                          //#A
            var book = new Book                                                   //#B
            {                                                                     //#B
                Title       = "Test Book",                                        //#B
                PublishedOn = DateTime.Today                                      //#B
            };                                                                    //#B

            book.AuthorsLink = new List <BookAuthor>                              //#C
            {                                                                     //#C
                new BookAuthor                                                    //#C
                {                                                                 //#C
                    Book   = book,                                                //#C
                    Author = foundAuthor                                          //#C
                }                                                                 //#C
            };                                                                    //#C

            context.Add(book);                                                    //#D
            context.SaveChanges();                                                //#D

             #A You reads in the author with a check that the author was found
             #B This creates a book in the same way as the previous example
             #C This adds a AuthorBook linking entry, but it uses the Author that is already in the database
             #D This adds the new book to the DbContext Books property and call SaveChanges
             * *********************************************************/

            context.Books.Count().ShouldEqual(1);   //#E
            context.Authors.Count().ShouldEqual(1); //#F
        public void TestCreateBookWithExistingAuthorSavedToDatabase()
            var options = SqliteInMemory.CreateOptions <EfCoreContext>();

            using var context = new EfCoreContext(options);
            var author = new Author {
                Name = "Existing Author"
            };                                                  //#A

            context.Add(author);                                //#A
            context.SaveChanges();                              //#A

            var book = new Book                                 //#B
            {                                                   //#B
                Title       = "Test Book",                      //#B
                PublishedOn = DateTime.Today                    //#B
            };                                                  //#B

            book.AuthorsLink = new List <BookAuthor>            //#C
            {                                                   //#C
                new BookAuthor                                  //#C
                {                                               //#C
                    Book   = book,                              //#C
                    Author = author                             //#C
                }                                               //#C
            };                                                  //#C

            context.Add(book);                                  //#D
            context.SaveChanges();                              //#D

             #A This creates an author and saves it to the database
             #B This creates a book in the same way as the previous example
             #C This adds a AuthorBook linking entry, but it uses the Author that is already in the database
             #D This is the same process: add the new book to the DbContext Books property and call SaveChanges
             * *********************************************************/

            context.Books.Count().ShouldEqual(1);   //#E
            context.Authors.Count().ShouldEqual(1); //#F
Beispiel #3
        public void TestCreateBookWithExistingAuthorSavedToDatabase()
            var inMemDb = new SqliteInMemory();

            using (var context = inMemDb.GetContextWithSetup())
                var oneBook =
                    EfTestData.CreateDummyBookOneAuthor(); //#A
                context.Add(oneBook);                      //#A
                context.SaveChanges();                     //#A

                var book = new Book                        //#B
                {                                          //#B
                    Title       = "Test Book",             //#B
                    PublishedOn = DateTime.Today           //#B
                };                                         //#B
                book.AuthorsLink = new List <BookAuthor>   //#C
                {                                          //#C
                    new BookAuthor                         //#C
                    {                                      //#C
                        Book   = book,                     //#C
                        Author = oneBook.AuthorsLink       //#C
                                 .First().Author           //#C
                    }                                      //#C
                };                                         //#C

                context.Add(book);                //#D
                context.SaveChanges();            //#D

                 #A This method creates dummy books for testing. I create one dummy book with one Author and add it to the empty database
                 #B This creates a book in the same way as the previous example, but sets up its Author
                 #C This adds a AuthorBook linking entry, but it reads in an existing the Author from the first book
                 #D This is the same process: add the new book to the DbContext Books property and call SaveChanges
                 * *********************************************************/

                context.Books.Count().ShouldEqual(2);   //#E
                context.Authors.Count().ShouldEqual(1); //#F