public override int Replace(Regex pattern, string replace) { int num3; int num = 0x12; if (Class191.smethod_0(pattern)) { throw new ArgumentException(BookmarkStart.b("欷弹崻䰽⌿⩁摃㕅㱇㡉╋⁍㝏牑㝓㝕㙗㑙㍛⩝䁟aţ䙥൧ݩᱫᩭ९", num)); } int num2 = 0; using (IEnumerator enumerator = this.ChildObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { BodyRegion current = (BodyRegion)enumerator.Current; num2 += current.Replace(pattern, replace); if (base.Document.ReplaceFirst && (num2 > 0)) { goto Label_0064; } } return(num2); Label_0064: num3 = num2; } return(num3); }
protected void method_7(IBody A_0) { int num = A_0.ChildObjects.Count - 1; BodyRegion region = null; for (int i = 0; i <= num; i++) { region = A_0.ChildObjects[i] as BodyRegion; DocumentObjectType documentObjectType = region.DocumentObjectType; switch (documentObjectType) { case DocumentObjectType.Paragraph: { bool flag = (region as Paragraph) == this.paragraph_0; this.method_8(region as IParagraph, flag); break; } case DocumentObjectType.StructureDocumentTag: this.method_7((region as StructureDocumentTag).SDTContent); break; default: if (documentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Table) { this.method_11(region as ITable); } break; } } }
private void method_4(BodyRegion A_0) { ParagraphBase bookmarkStart = this.CurrentBookmark.BookmarkStart; if (bookmarkStart != null) { bool flag = false; int num = bookmarkStart.method_5(); Paragraph ownerParagraph = bookmarkStart.OwnerParagraph; Paragraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph(ownerParagraph.Document); if (bookmarkStart.NextSibling == null) { flag = true; } if ((A_0 is Paragraph) && (bookmarkStart.NextSibling == null)) { paragraph2 = A_0 as Paragraph; flag = false; } num++; TextBodyPart.smethod_0(ownerParagraph, num, paragraph2); int index = paragraph2.method_5(); ownerParagraph.OwnerTextBody.Items.Insert(index, A_0); if (((flag && (paragraph2.Text == "")) && ((bookmarkStart.OwnerBase != null) && (bookmarkStart.OwnerBase.OwnerBase != null))) && (bookmarkStart.OwnerBase.OwnerBase is Body)) { int num3 = (bookmarkStart.OwnerBase.OwnerBase as Body).Paragraphs.IndexOf(paragraph2); (bookmarkStart.OwnerBase.OwnerBase as Body).Paragraphs.RemoveAt(num3); } } }
private void XRayLimb(BodyRegion target) { switch (target) { case BodyRegion.LeftArm: _results.XRays.LeftArm.bones = (Bone[])_patient.Body.Limbs.Arms.LeftArm.Bones.Clone(); _results.XRays.LeftArm.HasIV = _patient.AccessPoints.IVs[IVTargetLocation.ArmLeft].IsInserted; break; case BodyRegion.RightArm: _results.XRays.RightArm.bones = (Bone[])_patient.Body.Limbs.Arms.RightArm.Bones.Clone(); _results.XRays.RightArm.HasIV = _patient.AccessPoints.IVs[IVTargetLocation.ArmRight].IsInserted; break; case BodyRegion.LeftLeg: _results.XRays.LeftLeg.bones = (Bone[])_patient.Body.Limbs.Legs.LeftLeg.Bones.Clone(); _results.XRays.LeftLeg.HasIV = _patient.AccessPoints.IVs[IVTargetLocation.LegLeft].IsInserted; break; case BodyRegion.RightLeg: _results.XRays.RightLeg.bones = (Bone[])_patient.Body.Limbs.Legs.RightLeg.Bones.Clone(); _results.XRays.RightLeg.HasIV = _patient.AccessPoints.IVs[IVTargetLocation.LegRight].IsInserted; break; case BodyRegion.None: case BodyRegion.Head: case BodyRegion.Chest: case BodyRegion.Abdomen: default: return; } }
private bool method_34(BodyRegion A_0) { if (A_0 is Paragraph) { return(this.method_35(A_0 as Paragraph)); } return(this.method_36(A_0 as Table)); }
public void PasteAfter(ParagraphBase paragraphItem) { BodyRegion owner = paragraphItem.Owner as BodyRegion; int itemIndex = owner.method_5(); int num2 = paragraphItem.method_5(); this.PasteAt(owner.OwnerTextBody, itemIndex, num2 + 1); }
public void Copy(BodyRegion bodyItem, bool clone) { if (clone) { bodyItem = (BodyRegion)bodyItem.Clone(); } this.method_4(bodyItem.Document); this.body_0.Items.Add(bodyItem); }
public void ReplaceBookmarkContent(TextBodyPart bodyPart, bool isKeepSourceFirstParaFormat, bool saveFormatting) { bodyPart.bool_3 = isKeepSourceFirstParaFormat; this.method_0(saveFormatting, false); BodyRegion owner = this.bookmark_0.BookmarkStart.Owner as BodyRegion; int num = owner.method_5(); int num2 = this.bookmark_0.BookmarkStart.method_5(); CharacterFormat format = this.method_1(this.bookmark_0.BookmarkStart); bodyPart.method_1(owner.OwnerTextBody, num, num2 + 1, format, saveFormatting); bodyPart.bool_3 = false; }
static IterativeAlgorithmOutput <ISet <V> > ApplyDescendingPart <V>(List <Region> regions, TransferFunctionStorage <ISet <V> > functions, SetIterativeAlgorithmParameters <V> param, Graph graph) { Dictionary <int, ISet <V> > regionsInputs = new Dictionary <int, ISet <V> >(); IterativeAlgorithmOutput <ISet <V> > result = new IterativeAlgorithmOutput <ISet <V> >(); regionsInputs[regions.Count - 1] = param.FirstValue; Dictionary <Region, Region> parents = new Dictionary <Region, Region>(); for (int i = regions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { BodyRegion body = regions[i] as BodyRegion; if (body != null) { foreach (Region r in body.Regions) { parents[r] = body; } } LoopRegion loop = regions[i] as LoopRegion; if (loop != null) { parents[loop.Body] = loop; } if (parents.ContainsKey(regions[i])) { Region parent = parents[regions[i]]; regionsInputs[i] = functions[parent, RegionDirection.In, regions[i]](regionsInputs[regions.IndexOf(parent)]); } } int numOfBlocks = graph.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfBlocks; ++i) { var curBlock = regions[i].Header; int curBlockId = curBlock.BlockId; result.In[curBlockId] = regionsInputs[i]; result.Out[curBlockId] = param.TransferFunction(regionsInputs[i], curBlock); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This returns the correct parameter name for the animator based on an isolated region. /// </summary> /// <param name="region"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetAnimationIntParmeter(BodyRegion region) { switch (region) { case BodyRegion.None: return("BaseAnimationInt"); case BodyRegion.LeftArm: return("LeftArmAnimationInt"); case BodyRegion.RightArm: return("RightArmAnimationInt"); default: return("BaseAnimationInt"); } }
static TransferFunctionStorage <ISet <V> > ApplyAscendingPart <V>(Graph graph, List <Region> regions, SetIterativeAlgorithmParameters <V> param) { TransferFunctionStorage <ISet <V> > result = new TransferFunctionStorage <ISet <V> >(); foreach (Region r in regions) { LeafRegion leaf = r as LeafRegion; TransferFunctionStorage <ISet <V> > clone = result.Clone(); if (leaf != null) { ////// for (int i = graph.Count(); i < regions.Count; ++i) { result[regions[i], RegionDirection.Out, leaf] = input => param.TransferFunction(input, leaf.Block); } ///// result[leaf, RegionDirection.In, leaf] = Identity; result[leaf, RegionDirection.Out, leaf] = input => param.TransferFunction(input, leaf.Block); } BodyRegion body = r as BodyRegion; if (body != null) { foreach (Region s in body.Regions) { LeafRegion header = s as LeafRegion; if (header != null) { result[body, RegionDirection.In, s] = Identity; } else { result[body, RegionDirection.In, s] = input => GatherFunctionsResults(input, clone, body, s.Header.InputBlocks, graph, param); } CalculateForOutputBlocks(result, body, s, s.OutputBlocks, graph); } } LoopRegion loop = r as LoopRegion; if (loop != null) { result[loop, RegionDirection.In, loop.Body] = input => SetFactory.GetSet <V>(input.Union(GatherFunctionsResults(input, clone, loop.Body, loop.Header.InputBlocks, graph, param))); CalculateForOutputBlocks(result, loop, loop.Body, loop.OutputBlocks, graph); } } return(result); }
private void method_2() { int num = 9; if (this.body_1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(BookmarkStart.b("嬮吰䬲䄴甶嘸强䐼", num)); } if ((this.int_0 < 0) || (this.int_0 > this.body_1.Items.Count)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(BookmarkStart.b("䘮䔰嘲場縶圸强堼䜾", num), BookmarkStart.b("䘮䔰嘲場縶圸强堼䜾慀⩂㙄杆╈⹊㹌㱎煐❒㵔㙖㝘筚浜罞ᅢ䕤f᭨౬᭮ᑰŲ啴Ͷᅸ᩺፼彾", num) + this.body_1.Items.Count); } BodyRegion region = (this.body_1.Items.Count > this.int_0) ? this.body_1.Items[this.int_0] : null; Paragraph paragraph = region as Paragraph; if ((paragraph != null) && ((this.int_1 < 0) || (this.int_1 > paragraph.Items.Count))) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(BookmarkStart.b("弮砰䜲倴娶瀸唺夼娾㥀", num), BookmarkStart.b("弮砰䜲倴娶瀸唺夼娾㥀捂ⱄ㑆楈❊⡌㱎≐獒⅔㽖㡘㕚絜潞䅠ౢᝤ䝦ᥪհᙲݴ坶൸፺ᱼᅾꆀꎂ", num) + paragraph.Items.Count); } }
internal Table method_28(float A_0) { Table table = new Table(base.Document); table.ResetCells(1, 1); TableCell cell = table.Rows[0].Cells[0]; cell.Width = A_0; table.TableFormat.Paddings.All = 0f; table.TableFormat.Borders.BorderType = BorderStyle.None; table.Rows[0].RowFormat.Borders.BorderType = BorderStyle.None; cell.CellFormat.Borders.BorderType = BorderStyle.None; table.TableFormat.LayoutType = LayoutType.Fixed; table.IsSDTTable = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.SDTContent.Items.Count; i++) { BodyRegion region = this.SDTContent.Items[i]; cell.Items.Add(region.Clone()); } table.method_0(base.Owner); return(table); }
public ExamineSkeleton(BodyRegion target) { _target = target; }
public void PasteAfter(BodyRegion bodyItem) { int num = bodyItem.method_5(); this.PasteAt(bodyItem.OwnerTextBody, num + 1); }
public List <Region> CreateSequence(Graph g) { if (!CheckRetreatingIsReverse.CheckRetreatingIsReverse.CheckReverseEdges(g)) { Console.WriteLine("there are some retreating edges which aren't reverse"); Environment.Exit(0); } var basicBlockLastRegion = new Dictionary <BasicBlock, Region>(); foreach (var v in g.GetVertices()) { var newReg = new LeafRegion(v); regionList.Add(newReg); basicBlockLastRegion[v] = newReg; } var loops = SearchNaturalLoops.FindAllNaturalLoops(g); var regionMade = new Dictionary <Edge <BasicBlock>, bool>(); foreach (var loop in loops) { regionMade[loop.Key] = false; } while (regionMade.ContainsValue(false)) { foreach (var loop in loops) { bool anyInsideLoops = false; foreach (var loopOther in loops) { anyInsideLoops = anyInsideLoops || checkLoopInclusion(loop, loopOther, regionMade[loopOther.Key]); } if (!anyInsideLoops) { continue; } regionMade[loop.Key] = true; var header = loop.Key.Target; var curRegions = new List <Region>(); var outputBlocks = new List <int>(); foreach (var blockId in loop.Value) { var block = g.getBlockById(blockId); if (!curRegions.Contains(basicBlockLastRegion[block])) { curRegions.Add(basicBlockLastRegion[block]); } foreach (var outputBlock in block.OutputBlocks) { if (!loop.Value.Contains(outputBlock)) { outputBlocks.Add(block.BlockId); break; } } } var bodyReg = new BodyRegion(header, outputBlocks, curRegions); regionList.Add(bodyReg); var loopReg = new LoopRegion(bodyReg); regionList.Add(loopReg); foreach (var blockId in loop.Value) { var block = g.getBlockById(blockId); basicBlockLastRegion[block] = loopReg; } } } // check if program has become one region foreach (var block in basicBlockLastRegion) { // if there are leaves not included in loops if (block.Value.GetType() == typeof(LeafRegion)) { var header = g.getRoot(); var outputBlocks = new List <int>(); var curRegions = new List <Region>(); foreach (var curblock in basicBlockLastRegion) { if (!curRegions.Contains(curblock.Value)) { curRegions.Add(curblock.Value); } } var newReg = new BodyRegion(header, outputBlocks, curRegions); regionList.Add(newReg); break; } } foreach (var reg in regionList) { if (reg.GetType() == typeof(LoopRegion)) { (reg as LoopRegion).Body.RegionParent = reg; } if (reg.GetType() == typeof(BodyRegion)) { foreach (var children in (reg as BodyRegion).Regions) { children.RegionParent = reg; } } } return(regionList); }
public void Copy(TextBodySelection textSel) { this.method_4(textSel.TextBody.Document); int itemStartIndex = textSel.ItemStartIndex; int itemEndIndex = textSel.ItemEndIndex; for (int i = itemStartIndex; i <= itemEndIndex; i++) { BodyRegion entity = (BodyRegion)textSel.TextBody.Items[i].Clone(); if ((i == itemStartIndex) || (i == itemEndIndex)) { if (entity.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.StructureDocumentTag) { if (i == itemStartIndex) { StructureDocumentTag tag = entity as StructureDocumentTag; for (int j = textSel.ItemStartIndexInSDT - 1; j >= 0; j--) { tag.ChildObjects.InnerList.RemoveAt(j); } DocumentObject firstItem = tag.ChildObjects.FirstItem; if (firstItem is Paragraph) { Paragraph paragraph3 = firstItem as Paragraph; for (int k = textSel.ParagraphItemStartIndex - 1; k >= 0; k--) { paragraph3.Items.InnerList.RemoveAt(k); } } } if (i == itemEndIndex) { StructureDocumentTag tag2 = entity as StructureDocumentTag; int index = textSel.ItemEndIndexInSDT + 1; while (index < tag2.ChildObjects.Count) { tag2.ChildObjects.InnerList.RemoveAt(index); } DocumentObject lastItem = tag2.ChildObjects.LastItem; if (lastItem is Paragraph) { Paragraph paragraph = lastItem as Paragraph; int num5 = textSel.ParagraphItemEndIndex + 1; while (num5 < paragraph.Items.Count) { paragraph.Items.InnerList.RemoveAt(num5); } } } } else if (entity.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Paragraph) { Paragraph paragraph2 = entity as Paragraph; if (i == itemEndIndex) { int num4 = textSel.ParagraphItemEndIndex + 1; while (num4 < paragraph2.Items.Count) { paragraph2.Items.InnerList.RemoveAt(num4); } } if (i == itemStartIndex) { for (int m = textSel.ParagraphItemStartIndex - 1; m >= 0; m--) { paragraph2.Items.InnerList.RemoveAt(m); } } } } this.body_0.Items.Add(entity); } }
internal Table method_78(Interface30 A_0) { int num = 7; bool flag = this.table_0 is Class7; bool flag2 = base.method_1() != null; if (!flag || flag2) { this.table_0 = new Class7(this); this.table_0.ResetCells(1, 1); } this.table_0.method_0(base.Owner); TableRow row = this.table_0.Rows[0]; TableCell cell = row.Cells[0]; float left = 0f; float top = 0f; float bottom = 0f; float right = 0f; float width = 0f; float height = 0f; float num2 = 0f; float clientHeight = 0f; bool flag4 = true; if (base.Owner != null) { for (IDocumentObject obj2 = base.Owner; !(obj2 is Section); obj2 = obj2.Owner) { if (((obj2 is Table) && this.Format.IsAllowInCell) && !(obj2 as Table).IsSDTTable) { this.table_0.IsTextBoxInTable = true; break; } if (obj2.Owner == null) { break; } } if (A_0.imethod_0().method_28().method_30() != null) { Section section = A_0.imethod_0().method_28().method_30() as Section; left = section.PageSetup.Margins.Left; top = section.PageSetup.Margins.Top; bottom = section.PageSetup.Margins.Bottom; right = section.PageSetup.Margins.Right; float footerDistance = section.PageSetup.FooterDistance; float headerDistance = section.PageSetup.HeaderDistance; height = section.PageSetup.PageSize.Height; width = section.PageSetup.PageSize.Width; num2 = (A_0.imethod_0().method_135() || (section.Columns.Count <= 0)) ? section.PageSetup.ClientWidth : section.Columns[A_0.imethod_3().Interface30.imethod_4()].Width; clientHeight = section.PageSetup.ClientHeight; if (section.Columns.Count > 1) { flag4 = false; } } } if (this.Format.WidthPercent > 0f) { float num9 = 0f; switch (this.Format.RelationWidth) { case HorizontalOrigin.Margin: num9 = (num2 * this.Format.WidthPercent) / 100f; break; case HorizontalOrigin.Page: num9 = (width * this.Format.WidthPercent) / 100f; break; } if (((num9 != 0f) && (this.Format.Width != num9)) && (((this.Format.LayoutFlowAlt == TextDirection.TopToBottom) || (this.Format.LayoutFlowAlt == TextDirection.TopToBottomRotated)) || !base.ShapePr.HasKey(0x1023))) { this.Format.Width = num9; } } if (this.Format.HeightPercent > 0f) { float num5 = 0f; switch (this.Format.RelationHeight) { case VerticalOrigin.Margin: num5 = (clientHeight * this.Format.HeightPercent) / 100f; break; case VerticalOrigin.Page: num5 = (height * this.Format.HeightPercent) / 100f; break; } if ((num5 != 0f) && (this.Format.Width != num5)) { this.Format.Height = num5; } } Color fillColor = new Color(); if (this.Format.Opacity > 0f) { fillColor = this.Format.FillColor; } row.Height = this.Format.Height; cell.CellFormat.TextDirection = this.Format.LayoutFlowAlt; if (!this.Format.NoLine && (base.ShapeType == ShapeType.TextBox)) { cell.CellFormat.Borders.LineWidth = this.Format.LineWidth; cell.CellFormat.Borders.Color = this.Format.LineColor; cell.CellFormat.Borders.BorderType = this.method_81(this.Format.LineStyle); } else { cell.CellFormat.Borders.BorderType = BorderStyle.None; } if (this.Format.TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.Inline) { goto Label_1240; } switch (this.Format.VerticalOrigin) { case VerticalOrigin.Margin: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertRelationTo = VerticalRelation.Margin; switch (this.Format.VerticalAlignment) { case ShapeVerticalAlignment.None: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = clientHeight * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } else if (this.Format.VerticalPosition != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionAbs = VerticalPosition.None; } goto Label_0995; case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Top: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = top * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } else if (this.Format.VerticalPosition != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionAbs = VerticalPosition.Top; } goto Label_0995; case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Center: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = (clientHeight / 2f) * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } else if (this.Format.VerticalPosition != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = (clientHeight - this.Format.Height) / 2f; } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionAbs = VerticalPosition.Center; } goto Label_0995; case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Bottom: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = ((clientHeight - this.Format.InternalMargin.Bottom) - bottom) * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } else if (this.Format.VerticalPosition != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = clientHeight - this.Format.Height; } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionAbs = VerticalPosition.Bottom; } goto Label_0995; } break; case VerticalOrigin.Page: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertRelationTo = VerticalRelation.Page; switch (this.Format.VerticalAlignment) { case ShapeVerticalAlignment.None: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = height * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; } goto Label_0995; case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Top: { RowFormat.TablePositioning positioning = this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning; positioning.VertPositionEx -= this.Format.InternalMargin.Top; goto Label_0995; } case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Center: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = (height - this.Format.Height) / 2f; goto Label_0995; case ShapeVerticalAlignment.Bottom: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = (height - this.Format.Height) - this.Format.InternalMargin.Bottom; goto Label_0995; } break; case VerticalOrigin.Paragraph: case VerticalOrigin.Line: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertRelationTo = VerticalRelation.Paragraph; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; break; case VerticalOrigin.TopMarginArea: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertRelationTo = VerticalRelation.Page; if (this.Format.VerticalAlignment == ShapeVerticalAlignment.None) { if (Math.Abs(this.Format.TopPercent) == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; break; } this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = height * (this.Format.TopPercent / 100f); } break; default: if (this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; } break; } Label_0995: switch (this.Format.HorizontalOrigin) { case HorizontalOrigin.Margin: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Margin; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionAbs = HorizontalPosition.Left; switch (this.Format.HorizontalAlignment) { case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.None: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = num2 * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.Format.HorizontalPosition; } break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Left: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (left - this.Format.InternalMargin.Left) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.table_0.TableFormat.LeftIndent - this.Format.InternalMargin.Left; } break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 / 2f) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 - this.Format.Width) / 2f; } break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Right: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 - this.Format.InternalMargin.Right) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 - this.Format.Width) - this.Format.InternalMargin.Right; } break; } goto Label_11AF; case HorizontalOrigin.Page: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Page; switch (this.Format.HorizontalAlignment) { case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.None: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) != 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = width * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); } else { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.Format.HorizontalPosition; } break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Left: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = 0f; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (width - this.Format.Width) / 2f; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Right: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = width - this.Format.Width; break; } goto Label_11AF; case HorizontalOrigin.Column: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Column; switch (this.Format.HorizontalAlignment) { case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.None: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.Format.HorizontalPosition; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Left: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.table_0.TableFormat.LeftIndent - this.Format.InternalMargin.Left; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 - this.Format.Width) / 2f; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Right: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 - this.Format.Width) - this.Format.InternalMargin.Right; break; } goto Label_11AF; case HorizontalOrigin.LeftMarginArea: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Margin; switch (this.Format.HorizontalAlignment) { case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.None: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Page; if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = this.Format.HorizontalPosition; break; } this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = width * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Left: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(left - this.Format.InternalMargin.Left); break; } this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(left - this.Format.InternalMargin.Left) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(left - this.Format.Width) / 2f; break; } this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(left / 2f) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Right: if (Math.Abs(this.Format.LeftPercent) == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(this.Format.Width + this.Format.InternalMargin.Right); break; } this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = -(left - this.Format.InternalMargin.Right) * (this.Format.LeftPercent / 100f); break; } goto Label_11AF; case HorizontalOrigin.RightMarginArea: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Margin; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionAbs = HorizontalPosition.Left; switch (this.Format.HorizontalAlignment) { case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.None: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = num2 + this.Format.HorizontalPosition; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Left: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = num2; break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = num2 + ((right - this.Format.Width) / 2f); break; case ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Right: this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizPositionEx = (num2 + right) - this.Format.Width; break; } goto Label_11AF; } if (this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx == 0f) { this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.VertPositionEx = this.Format.VerticalPosition; } Label_11AF: this.table_0.TableFormat.method_53(true); this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.DistanceFromBottom = this.Format.WrapDistanceBottom; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.DistanceFromLeft = this.Format.WrapDistanceLeft; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.DistanceFromRight = this.Format.WrapDistanceRight; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.DistanceFromTop = this.Format.WrapDistanceTop; Label_1240: if ((this.Format.IsInGroupShape || this.Format.IsInShape) && (this.ShapeInfo != null)) { this.table_0.TableFormat.method_53(true); } if (((this.Format.HorizontalOrigin == HorizontalOrigin.Column) && flag4) && !this.table_0.IsTextBoxInTable) { RowFormat.TablePositioning positioning2 = this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning; positioning2.HorizPositionEx += left; this.table_0.TableFormat.Positioning.HorizRelationTo = HorizontalRelation.Page; } if (!this.Format.IsInShape) { cell.CellFormat.BackColor = fillColor; } if (base.ShapeType == ShapeType.TextBox) { if (this.Format.FillEfects.Type == BackgroundType.NoBackground) { if (this.Format.TextWrappingStyle == TextWrappingStyle.InFrontOfText) { fillColor = this.Format.FillColor; } else { fillColor = Color.Transparent; } } else if (this.Format.FillEfects.Type == BackgroundType.Gradient) { fillColor = this.Format.FillEfects.Gradient.Color2; cell.CellFormat.TextureStyle = TextureStyle.Texture30Percent; } if (!this.Format.IsInShape) { this.table_0.TableFormat.BackColor = fillColor; cell.CellFormat.BackColor = fillColor; } } this.table_0.TableFormat.LayoutType = LayoutType.Fixed; this.table_0.TableFormat.Paddings.Left = this.Format.InternalMargin.Left; this.table_0.TableFormat.Paddings.Right = this.Format.InternalMargin.Right; this.table_0.TableFormat.Paddings.Top = this.Format.InternalMargin.Top; this.table_0.TableFormat.Paddings.Bottom = this.Format.InternalMargin.Bottom; if (!this.Format.IsFitShapeToText || (this.Format.TextBoxWrapMode != TextBoxWrapMode.None)) { cell.Width = this.Format.Width; goto Label_150E; } cell.CellWidthType = CellWidthType.Auto; bool flag3 = true; using (IEnumerator enumerator = this.ChildObjects.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DocumentObject current = (DocumentObject)enumerator.Current; if ((current is Paragraph) && (current as Paragraph).Text.Contains(BookmarkStart.b("", num))) { goto Label_14AE; } } goto Label_14C8; Label_14AE: flag3 = false; } Label_14C8: if (flag3) { cell.Width = 0f; this.table_0.TableFormat.LayoutType = LayoutType.AutoFit; this.table_0.PreferredTableWidth.method_52(FtsWidth.Auto); } Label_150E: cell.CellFormat.VerticalAlignment = this.method_80(this.Format.TextAnchor); if (this.Format.IsFitShapeToText) { this.table_0.Rows[0].HeightType = TableRowHeightType.AtLeast; } else { this.table_0.Rows[0].HeightType = TableRowHeightType.Exactly; } if (!flag || flag2) { int num4 = 0; int count = this.Body.Items.Count; while (num4 < count) { BodyRegion region = this.Body.Items[num4]; if ((region.DocumentObjectType == Spire.Doc.Documents.DocumentObjectType.Paragraph) && (region as Paragraph).HasSDTInlineItem) { Paragraph entity = region.Clone() as Paragraph; entity.Items.Clear(); int num10 = 0; int num11 = (region as Paragraph).Items.Count; while (num10 < num11) { DocumentObject obj3 = (region as Paragraph).Items[num10]; if (obj3 is StructureDocumentTagInline) { foreach (DocumentObject obj4 in (obj3 as StructureDocumentTagInline).SDTContent.Items) { entity.Items.Add(obj4.Clone()); } entity.bool_6 = false; } else { entity.Items.Add(obj3.Clone()); } num10++; } cell.Items.Add(entity); } else { cell.Items.Add(region.Clone()); } num4++; } } if (this.Format.IsInShape && (this.ShapeInfo != null)) { this.Format.StartPoint = this.ShapeInfo.StartPoint; } return(this.table_0); }