Beispiel #1
 public BoardMeetingsModel(ApiClient apiClient, IMapper mapper, IAzureSASTokenUrl azureSASTokenUrl,
                           IAzureBlob azureBlob, IFileValidate fileValidate, ILogger <BoardMeetingsModel> logger)
     _apiClient        = apiClient;
     _mapper           = mapper;
     _azureSASTokenUrl = azureSASTokenUrl;
     _azureBlob        = azureBlob;
     _fileValidate     = fileValidate;
     _logger           = logger;
     //need to initialize an empty object because by default the property is null
     //within the view, when you try and access the objects underlying properties, razor will throw an error
     //because the property has not been initialized
     MeetingToCreateEdit = new BoardMeetingManipulationDto();
     FileUploaded        = new RequiredFileDto();
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostEditMeetingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, BoardMeetingManipulationDto MeetingToCreateEdit)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //set the pagemodel property to be the values submitted by the user
                //not doing this will cause all model state errors to be lost
                this.MeetingToCreateEdit = MeetingToCreateEdit;
                return(Partial("_CreateEditBoardMeetingPartial", this));

            var baseAPIUrl = $"api/boardmeetings/{Id}";

                var meetingToUpdate = _mapper.Map <BoardMeetingUpdateDto>(MeetingToCreateEdit);

                //get the response with authorization as the API endpoint requires an authenticated user
                var response = await(await _apiClient.WithAuthorization()).PutAsJsonAsync <BoardMeetingUpdateDto>(baseAPIUrl,
                                                                                                                  meetingToUpdate, cancellationToken);

                //return the same page with an error message if the user is trying to call the API too many times
                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
                    TempData["TooManyRequests"] = "Too many requests. Please slow down with your requests";
                    return(Partial("_CreateEditBoardMeetingPartial", this));

                //ensure success status code else throw an exception
            catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                _logger.LogError($"An error occured accessing the API. Url: {HttpContext.Request.GetDisplayUrl()}" +
                                 $" Error Message: {ex.Message}");

                //either the API is not running or an error occured on the server
                TempData["Error"] = "An error occured while processing your request. Please try again later.";
                return(Partial("_CreateEditBoardMeetingPartial", this));

            return(Partial("_CreateEditBoardMeetingPartial", this));