Beispiel #1
    // Return the location of the first object of the given food type within
    // the given distance of the location. If none is found, return (-1, -1)
    public Vector2 getCloseFood(BoardManager.Food type, int distance,
                                Vector2 currentCell, BoardManager.Food[, ] foodArray)
        for (int xOffset = -distance; xOffset < distance + 1; xOffset++)
            for (int yOffset = -distance; yOffset < distance + 1; yOffset++)
                int curX = (int)currentCell.x + xOffset;
                int curY = (int)currentCell.y + yOffset;
                if (curX >= 0 && curX < SIZE && curY >= 0 && curY < SIZE)
                    if (foodArray[curX, curY] == type)
                        return(new Vector2(curX, curY));

        return(new Vector2(-1, -1));
Beispiel #2
    // ACTION METHOD: Returns the main steering vector to accomplish this action,
    // allong with setting this.action to null and updating insistances when the
    // action is finished
    public Vector2 seekFood(BoardManager.Food foodType, SmellType smellType)
        Vector2 goalSteering = new Vector2(-1, -1);

        // If we've seen the food and stored its location, just arrive at the location
        // (If we don't have a target to arrive at the vector is (-1, -1))
        if ( >= 0 && >= 0)
            goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2( * CELL_SIZE, * CELL_SIZE));

            // If we have arrived at the location, apply the current goal to the insistances
            if ( == this.currentCell.x && == this.currentCell.y)
                this.goal   = null;
       = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            // If we haven't seen any food yet, check if we see one
            // Check if within 3 blocks of food type (represents the agent seeing the food)
            Vector2 closeBush = getCloseFood(foodType, 3, currentCell, GameManager.instance.getFoodArray());
            if (closeBush.x >= 0 && closeBush.y >= 0)
        = closeBush;
                goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2(closeBush.x * CELL_SIZE, closeBush.y * CELL_SIZE));
                // If we still can't see a bush, just follow the smell
                goalSteering = this.directionOfSmell(currentCell,
                                                     GameManager.instance.getSmellArray(), smellType) * MAX_ACCEL;
