Beispiel #1
        private void DrawSquare(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e, Graphics surface,
                                BoardLocation boardLocation, int x, int y)
            //draw bounding black square
            surface.DrawRectangle(PenBorder, x, y, 64, 64);

            //draw light or dark square background
                boardLocation.Color() == BoardLocationColor.Light ? LightSquareBrush: DarkSquareBrush,
                x + 1,
                y + 1,
                63, 63);

            //draw square as a valid move square
            if (MovingPiece != ChessPiece.None)
                if (IsValidMove(boardLocation))
                    surface.FillRectangle(LegalMoveBrush, x + 1, y + 1, 63, 63);

            //Draw the legend for squares (a-h and 1-8)
            if (boardLocation.Column() == 0)
                surface.DrawString(Convert.ToString((boardLocation.Row() + 1)), Font,
                                   BlackBoardTextbrush, x + 3, y + 25);
            if (boardLocation.Row() == 0)
            {//ascii A=65
                surface.DrawString(Convert.ToChar(65 + boardLocation.Column()).ToString(), Font,
                                   BlackBoardTextbrush, x + 27, y + 48);

            //dont draw piece if its being moved...
            if ((MovingPiece != ChessPiece.None) &&
                (boardLocation == MovingPieceBoardLocation))

            //draw the icon on the board..
            if (Game.Board[boardLocation] != ChessPiece.None)
                    x + 16, y + 16, 32, 32);