public ActionResult BoardCommentCreate(BoardAndCommentsViewModel iBoardComment)
            // check if all inputs are valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Increate Mapper object
                BoardCommentMapper lBoardCommentMapper = new BoardCommentMapper();

                // Map Model.BoardComment to BoardCommentDBO
                BoardCommentDBO lBoardCommentDBO = lBoardCommentMapper.MapBoardCommentToBoardCommentDBO(iBoardComment);

                // Instantiate BoardCommentBLL object
                BoardCommentBLL lBoardCommentBLL = new BoardCommentBLL();

                // Insert into Database and get BoardComment ID PK as return value
                int lResult = lBoardCommentBLL.CreateBoardComment(lBoardCommentDBO);

                // If successfully inserted, redirect to the post
                if (lResult > 0)
                    // message on success
                    TempData["msg"] = "<script>alert('Successfully Written!');</script>";
                    return(RedirectToAction("BoardView", "Board", new { id = lBoardCommentDBO.BoardIDFK }));
                    // error message
                    TempData["msg"] = "<script> alert('Error occured while processing your requset. Please try later.') </script>";
                // error message
                TempData["msg"] = "<script> alert('Please all Required Fields.') </script>";

            // redirect to post with error message
            return(RedirectToAction("BoardView", "Board", new { id = iBoardComment.BoardComment.BoardIDFK }));
        public ActionResult BoardCommentUpdate(BoardComment iBoardComment)
            // instantiate objects
            BoardCommentBLL    lBoardCommentBLL    = new BoardCommentBLL();
            BoardCommentMapper lBoardCommentMapper = new BoardCommentMapper();

            // Map Model to DB objects
            BoardCommentDBO lBoardCommentDBO = lBoardCommentMapper.MapBoardCommentToBoardCommentDBO(iBoardComment);

            // Get bool result for updating comment
            bool lResult = lBoardCommentBLL.UpdateBoardCommentByBoardCommentID(lBoardCommentDBO);

            if (lResult)
                TempData["msg"] = "<script> alert('Successfully Updated!') </script>";
                // redirect to the board view
                return(RedirectToAction("BoardView", "Board", new { id = iBoardComment.BoardIDFK }));
                return(Json(new { success = false }));